First, I would like to apologize for the delay. I was having computer trouble, but that’s fixed now, so I can give you the next part of the spork of War and Democide Never Again. Stuff is actually going to happen now. I am not exaggerating this time, but don’t celebrate just yet. You know all the drama that happened in the last two chapters? Yeah. It will only get worse from here.

This chapter starts off with yet another newspaper clipping from our world. Rummel must really like doing this. As an academic, he should know the proper way to cite a work, but I do not see that in this book. Now, this particular excerpt just gives a barebones summary of the events leading up to the Mexican Revolution of 1910. Rummel probably could have worked that into the actual narrative, because it’s intrusive where it currently is. But I am counting my blessings— the article’s tone is politically neutral.

Right before our protagonists set out to do something, John is, in his own words, “scared shitless.”1 Not that I can blame him. If I were in his shoes, I’d feel the same way. He has to walk on eggshells when around Joy, after all.

So far, I haven’t really had that many bad things to say about this chapter, have I? While I would like to say that this chapter is better than the preceding ones, that is not the case. Off-page, John tells us that his relationship with Joy is back on an even keel. Trust me, it isn’t. An even keel implies that both parties give and take, but Joy is all take, and no give. John does not stand up to her nearly as much as he should. There is some cryptic foreshadowing about their relationship never being the same again, but sadly there is no evidence for this.

Before they commence their illegal venture, they go shopping. Yes, really. Naturally, Joy buys a bunch of Mexican jewelry that she will never wear. So much for sympathizing with all the poor exploited indigenous people who had to work in the mines to produce that jewelry, eh? Then they hang out with Sal and Alicia, even though those two do not actually do anything of note for this entire subplot. Rummel has got to work on his pacing.

Surprisingly enough, John and Joy actually put off having sex. I guess that not even Rummel is willing to have his characters do that just before murdering people.

Before heading out, they change into their civilian clothes, albeit with their weapons concealed underneath. Joy’s disguise includes a mariachi-style sombrero. Not only would it be highly unusual for a woman to wear such a thing, but I don’t think that dressing as a mariachi is what they want to do if they wish to speak with politicians. That would mark them as among the common folk, after all. According to Wikipedia2, it was not until the 1920s that mariachi became the type of music played at important political events in Mexico. I just think that Rummel does not know how people dress themselves in other countries.

Rummel then describes his characters’ breakfast. John is too nervous to eat much, but Joy does not have that problem. Yes, we know that Joy has no reservations about what she is going to do. This does not make us like her. After that, they leave the hotel in a carriage.

There is some bullshit about Joy trying to share her “warrior’s strength” with John as if by sympathetic magic, and John sees that Joy is eager to carry out their mission. I have to wonder just what were the circumstances that made him reconcile with her. She doesn’t appear to have changed one bit.

There is a line break, after Joy gives John the same look that she wore when first kidnapping him inviting him to Tor’s groupies. Is this supposed to mean that she anticipated getting in John’s pants just as much as she relishes the thought of killing people? Because ew.

They arrive at the “Riojais Building”. I looked this up, and found out that Rummel had misspelled the name of the location. There is no “Riojais” Building in Mexico City, but there is a Hotel Rioja. Rummel claims that it is one block away from the Palace of the Inquisition, apparently unaware that the Spanish Inquisition had operated in Mexico, so it stopped there at the same time it stopped in Spain, about a century before the novel’s time. At that time (and today) the building had been converted to a school of medicine, in a fit of irony. In any case, the two buildings are nowhere near each other, at least according to Google Maps.3 Strangely enough, after Rummel calls the building the Palace of the Inquisition, he adds a sentence that says it had been built in the eighteenth century and had belonged to the Inquisition.


Did a second-grader start writing this part? I don’t believe it.

Joy evidently ditched her mariachi outfit to dress up as a proper lady, though I am sure that proper ladies, then as now, did not wear belts. Somehow this is supposed to make her quicker on the draw, but I don’t really see it. Furthermore, her shoes poke out from under her dress. Either she is wearing clown-size shoes, or her dress does not reach the ground, which, in those days, would mark her as a whore.

Oh, and swenson, Joy is not wearing a corset, even though John suggested it in order to provide a place to hide her knife.

John’s outfit is comparatively normal, except for the tight pants. Even if there are fangirls reading the book, which is unlikely in this case, the author is not supposed to give them ammunition! Even more so since John is the author’s Self-Insert.

I still don’t know why it is important to the story for the readers to know exactly what the main characters are wearing. At least it wasn’t in purple prose.

Whether or not Joy should go in armed is a matter of fierce debate between her and John. Surprisingly enough, it is Joy who argues that she should be unarmed and John who says that she should bring a weapon. And to think that I was actually starting to like John before this point. What is he thinking, letting somebody as deranged as Joy carry even a pointy stick? (I’m not even getting into how out-of-character it is for Joy to pass up the chance to hold something that can kill, or seriously maim, a person.) John’s reasoning is that they could be attacked in there, but all the evidence suggests that their mission requires them to start the fight.

Now, who is in the Hotel Rioja that requires John and Joy to visit them? Why, none other than Francisco Indalecio Madero himself. No, this is not what you think. It’s even stupider.

Of course, John and Joy have to walk through security, and John’s guns are actually discovered. Yet despite this, they’re actually allowed through to meet Madero after their weapons are confiscated. They aren’t detained for even five minutes.


The two are ushered into Madero’s office, and he is described as being middle-aged. In 1908, Madero was thirty-five years old. That isn’t middle-aged by modern standards, which John would be accustomed to using.

Now, I know that in real life Madero was a high-profile figure and got away with his vocal opposition to Porfirio Díaz, but for some reason I doubt that Díaz would have allowed him to have his own headquarters in a public place. Mexico wasn’t a democracy back then, which is the whole reason that John and Joy are there. If anybody here is more knowledgeable about the situation, please correct me if I’m wrong.

Of course, John complains about the lack of air conditioning. It turns out that a primitive electrical air conditioner had already been invented by Willis Carrier in 1902, but was not yet common. Well, John is rich, why doesn’t he try to introduce it to the places he goes? Who knows, maybe the people would be so grateful for cooler air that they’d give him more leeway.4

Madero’s bodyguard whispers something in his ear, and the soon-to-be President of Mexico pulls a pistol on John and Joy. I guess the guards weren’t totally incompetent after all. (Though they still shouldn’t have let them in the room to begin with.) Did Rummel confuse Mexico with the Old West or something? This is something that should have been left to his frickin’ bodyguards.

Madero’s face is described as “teardrop-shaped”, which I think is a bizarre way to describe anybody’s face, and forces our alleged heroes to sit down.

John asks if they can speak English. When someone is pointing a gun at your head, it’s best not to quibble about language. Since Madero can conveniently speak English at a time before it became the language of diplomacy, he complies. (Interestingly, he tries to speak to Joy in Nahuatl, before Joy tells him that she is East Asian.)

Madero has the upper hand (or so he thinks— these are Mary Sues we’re talking about) and speaks to them coolly and collectedly. He’s the second truly likeable character in the book, after Sal. Considering how late he appears, that does not bode well for the quality of the writing. He calmly ignores the fact that the two people before him walked into the room armed, and asks them what they want. John says that they are present to deliver a possibly dangerous message to him. It’s blackmail time!

“Not a problem,” he responded gruffly, almost smiling. “One is my son-in-law, the other my cousin. My secretary is my granddaughter.” (page 220)

There is simply no way that Madero could have a married child, much less a granddaughter old enough to work for him, by the time he is 35 years old. Rummel clearly Did Not Do The Research. I don’t even know what they’re talking about here. Were a few lines accidentally deleted from the book?

In any case, John tells Madero that he wants him to bribe Díaz into resignation whilst declaring Madero as his successor.

What the [Bleep]?

Democracy does not work that way.

I thought they were trying to promote democracy. What they are doing eliminates any precedent for democracy and will just make it harder for Mexico to accept the idea. And in the real world, Madero won the election, so this is pointless. Even worse, the revolution gave way to anarchy when a reactionary cabal assassinated Madero and overthrew the government. If he is President earlier, then he would probably be assassinated earlier. What John and Joy are doing will just make things worse. What were they thinking?!

Naturally, Madero isn’t having any of this. He asks John and Joy just who the hell they think they are.5 Joy reaches for her knife and John almost has a heart attack. (Because just saying “my heart skipped a beat” is not cool enough for Rummel, so we get a description of what would be a serious medical condition.)

The following exchange occurs:

“It is a crime to bribe officials,” he snapped.
“Of course,” I agreed. “Did I say bribe? I said influence, and there are many legal ways to do that.”
“The things you say are all lies. Who is telling you this?”
“My government has very good contacts,” I responded, trying to act nonchalant about it, as James Bond would have done in one of the 007 spy movies. My confidence was growing as I went along. “And there is no point in denying what both of us know to be the truth. How much?” (page 221)

No John, what you describe is not “influencing”. It is bribing, plain and simple. That’s another crime.

Madero says nothing for several minutes. This in itself is interesting, since he doesn’t order them out of the room as soon as he hears of what they intend.

After an unspecified amount of time, he tells them that he will ingratiate himself with Díaz if they give him twenty million dollars. Rummel doesn’t realize it, but this line shows that he is just as cynical about politics as anybody else. This doesn’t bode well for the democratic peace theory.

At this, John almost jumps for joy. He doesn’t, but he thinks it. He doesn’t seem to understand that even if Madero will take a bribe from them, that doesn’t mean that they’re off scot-free. If it is discovered that they bribed him, they’d get in big trouble, and it would also make the U.S. government involved since John implied that he was working for them. This could escalate into an international incident, and he’s just sitting there without a care in the world.

John deduces that Madero offered him an absurdly high figure as a test, so what does he do? He asks him for his bank account number. All I can do is this.

Madero thinks this is all some sort of practical joke. John tells him that he will get the money, and when he asks for proof, all John says is that Madero will know of their sincerity when he gets the money. Doesn’t this sound like the classic scam? He’d have to be an idiot to believe that.

Madero asks him what government he works for, so John says that he and Joy are secret agents. I understand everything now. This whole series is Rummel trying to write a spy movie and failing.

Madero stupidly gives them his bank account number. Won’t he be surprised when they steal his identity…

Now, you may wonder why they needed to bring weapons to the office. After all, they didn’t kill Madero, just bribed him. Well, just before they leave, Joy takes out her knife (which she was trying to get hold of during that whole conversation) and sticks it into Madero’s presumably expensive antique desk. What the hell?!

It turns out that if Madero tries to do anything with the money other than finance his campaign or bribe the incumbent, Joy will give him the death of a thousand cuts, or possibly crucify him on a cactus.

Again, what the hell?!

They already know that he won’t use the money for personal gain because in real history, he ran for President without such assistance. The only point to the threat was so that Joy can be a sociopath again. If I were Madero during this scene, I would call the cops on them. They have shown themselves to be a danger to civilized society. Madero, however, does nothing, and lets them exit the building without any fuss. Something tells me that the real-life Madero would not have tolerated something like that.

…Wait a minute, did they just blackmail him? Their criminal activities know no bounds.

John is overjoyed that that actually worked6 and decides to take another bath with Joy. But first, there’s a line break.

As an interesting aside, Madero was a believer in Spiritism, and was convinced that he was in contact with the spirit of Benito Juárez. It would have been funny if this had been mentioned, but it wasn’t.

In the afternoon, John and Joy hire a detective agency to locate the whereabouts of Pancho Villa, whose real name, as John oh-so helpfully reminds us, was Doroteo Arango. Is it legal to just search for someone like that? It seems like a major violation of privacy, though admittedly early-20th-century Mexico wouldn’t care much about that.

John exposits to Joy about Pancho Villa having been a cattle rustler turned bandit who initially fought for Madero following the Plan of San Luis de Potosí. Now, unlike some of the other Mexicans of this time period, Villa is pretty infamous. He’s the one who led a horde of bandits to attack the U.S. Cavalry during the Revolution, based on what appears to be a personal grudge against President Woodrow Wilson. I can fully understand why John and Joy would want to get rid of him. He was a bad dude.

Joy interrupts John’s exposition to tell him that she knows this already. She was a student in his class, after all.7 John gets her sufficiently enraged by informing her that Villa hated the Chinese and would murder any Chinese person he came across.

In order to distract Joy from this enough to dissuade her from compromising their mission by tracking Villa down and tearing him limb from limb,8 John reminds her that Villa launched a terrorist attack in New Mexico. Oddly, John claims that this is the reason that Villa became viewed as a hero by many Mexicans— again with his thinking that the Mexicans are out to get us!

(Now, Villa is considered a hero in Mexico for some impenetrable reason, but it probably isn’t because of his actions against the United States.)

John then says that when Tor’s groupies first mentioned Villa to him, he agreed that they had to neutralize the threat he posed to societal stability, but didn’t think that they should kill him. Is John actually suggesting that they spare the life of somebody who would be considered a terrorist had he been alive today? What happened to his sworn revenge against terrorists after the 9/11 attacks? Consistency, what’s that?

This also raises another question. John says that he has no interest in killing “ordinary” criminals, even serial killers. (And there were serial killers back then, such as Carl Panzram.) If they are going to kill dictators, then the same rationale for killing dictators applies equally well to murderers who thankfully never got into a position of power. Who are they to say that a serial killer is “less” evil than a dictator just because of happenstance? This is a bizarre inconsistency than really undermines the whole book, since the main characters aren’t as committed to saving as many lives as possible as they claim to be.

In a fit of stupidity, John suggests that they bribe Villa just like they bribed Madero. I don’t think that would work. One of the reasons that Villa attacked the U.S. was because it supported his rivals, so there would be nothing preventing him from reneging on the terms of John and Joy’s bribe once he gets the money. A bandit wouldn’t fear the death of a thousand cuts; they’d have to catch him first.

Predictably, Joy is offended by the very suggestion of showing clemency to anybody, and actually brings up some of the very points I made. I am ashamed to be actually agreeing with her for once. It will not happen again; Rummel just made John an idiot so that he could be shown up by Joy. Of course, Joy being Joy, she wants to torture Villa before killing him. Even if one accepts that some people must be executed (a dubious assumption in itself) why don’t you just shoot him? It’s the more humane way to do it. Joy’s messed up in the head. A lot like Pancho Villa, in fact.

Strangely enough, when trying to counter Joy’s claims, John points out that many countries (including the U.S. for a few years in the 1970s— And Knowing Is Half The Battle) have laws against capital punishment. So John is against the death penalty. He is against the death penalty, yet he agreed to a mission in which he will kill people. I just love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning.9

John tries to ignore Joy by picking at a scab that he just randomly got. He knows that you shouldn’t do that, right? Especially in an era with inferior sanitation?

After some more pestering from his dominatrix, John agrees to assassinate Villa. He says that though he agreed to this when he accepted the mission, actually killing a real human being is another matter. He’s saying this to Joy, who has no hesitation about killing anybody, even when she hadn’t done it before. John has become wishy-washy again. It would have been interesting if he actually stood up for his ideals and conflicted with Joy.

But Joy is not content with just one assassination. Oh heavens no. She also wants to kill Emiliano Zapata. Now, this man is considered a national hero of Mexico. What he advocated was better conditions for the indigenous Mexicans who made up the lowest ranks of society. Rummel seems to think he was a communist. This is strange, considering that Zapata has a much better reputation in the U.S. than the dangerously violent Villa. He was no terrorist. In fact, the Hollywood movie Viva Zapata! (starring Elia Kazan, who was no leftist) gives him a straight Historical Hero Upgrade. But according to Rummel, wanting to help the poor should get you killed, apparently.

Now, Zapata did fight in the Revolution, but if that’s enough to get him assassinated, then the country of the United States has some serious legitimacy issues. Does Rummel realize that he is implying that the U.S. should have never declared independence from Great Britain? Of course he doesn’t. This is the second time that Joy shows her hatred of America.

In any case, John agrees to the assassination because he is worried that Zapata might (not “will”, “might”) oppose their version of democracy. Because people aren’t allowed to have different political and economic views, or something. I knew that Joy’s clinical paranoia was rubbing off on him. Even if Zapata had been a card-carrying member of the Communist Party (he wasn’t), this sort of behavior is not healthy. That history book that John read on the train must have been written by somebody more right-wing than Rick Santorum, since he claims that there was no difference between Zapata and Villa. He also condemns Zapata for allegedly doing the very same things that Joy advocates. Because torture is OK when your side does it.

I threw up my hands and admitted unhappily, “If we do in Villa, it makes no sense to let Zapata live.” I was almost shocked at that sentence. We were acting like gods. (page 226)

I agree with that last sentence. Joy for sure has a god complex. This is why changing the course of history should not be entrusted to an organization as small as Tor’s groupies.

Apparently the detective agency they hired already delievered their reports on Villa and Zapata days before John and Joy had this conversation. When did this happen? Did several days go by without any indication of such? It turns out that Villa is in Durango and Zapata is in Morelos.10 There is a good distance between these states, and between them and Mexico City. If they set out to kill them, as Joy suggests, the travel time alone could mean that their targets will have left by the time they get there.

John is skeptical of going so far out of their way to personally kill them, to which Joy responds that she thought that was what they were all about. John asks to think about it, and dunks his head in cold water. When he comes back, he sees Joy crying. If these aren’t fake tears, then that means that she is honestly upset that she might not get to kill somebody. John tells her that killing them is too dangerous, and Joy says the following:

She snapped, “What? You don’t trust me? Are you afraid I’ll kill some little children as well? You’re not going to tell me what I can and cannot do.” (page 227)

John may not be worried about that, but I am. Don’t think I’ve forgotten that she killed those teenagers, even though it wasn’t necessary. Joy is vile. There, I said it. It is the worst insult I can possibly give.

John tries to give Joy a Death Glare but fails, because Joy is a bigger Sue than he is and thus is immune to the effects of lesser Sues. Mostly he persuades her not to go because her targets are protected by whole gangs of criminals, even though before the revolution took place both of them were private citizens who didn’t have a bunch of bodyguards waiting on them. He suggests hiring the services of a criminal syndicate to do their dirty work for them. Joy allows this.

I’ve lost count of the protagonists’ crimes by this point.

John says “I love you”, and he and Joy kiss, in an attempt to make the readers forget that the two of them are shortly going to put a hit on two people, even though one of their targets really does deserve it.

And then, there’s a line break.

They go to the detective’s office later that afternoon. It’s a stinky and humid place because of the lack of air conditioning. The detective’s name is Labastida, which is actually a town in the Basque Country. I don’t know if it is used as a family name; I think Rummel just found it on a map and thought it sounded cool. John tells him that he wants Villa and Zapata to disappear permanently. I always thought that detectives were generally not hitmen.

Labastida questions John about his story, and brings up some good points, such as how come, if John’s country wants the two disposed of, the government doesn’t send a spy to kill them itself. John brushes it off and invents a transparent story that Labastida accepts without further questioning.

Even though a woman would have no business speaking to a man in these matters in the year 1908, Joy personally threatens Labastida with a knife, and says that she will tie him over an ant colony if he cheats them. Disproportionate Retribution, much? Their operations are illegal as-is.

I really hate Joy.

John leaves the detective with some made-up stories about the people he wants them to kill. I still don’t know how a mere detective would have the power to do this. Has Rummel forgotten that detectives work for the police? John and Joy are lucky that they weren’t arrested for conspiracy to commit murder.

After another line break, they take another bath, where all of John’s concerns about the assassinations fade away. He still understands that Joy is bloodthirsty, but doesn’t care. That means that he is just as guilty of her crimes as she is.

John goes to sleep for the night, and invites Joy to come with him. Joy says that she’ll come later, but she has too many things to work on with her laptop. You know, the laptop with no Internet connection or battery power?

And with John having no idea that Joy is lying to him, the chapter ends.

Now, I may have gotten several things wrong in my analysis. If you disagree with me on certain points, feel free to yell at me in the comments, though I tried to get all my information from neutral sources.


1 page 217


3 Rummel gets the address of the Palace of the Inquisition correct, but it would take a creative interpretation of the word “block” for the Hotel Rioja to be a single block away from it.

4 It should be obvious here that I am being sarcastic.

5 Now that I think about it, Madero is reminding me of Bruce Ironstaunch. I wonder what that says about our so-called heroes.

6 Except that if you apply logic to the situation, it really didn’t.

7 Though we don’t see much of his class. He may not have covered that time period.

8 Joy has issues.

9 Although at the time I type this, it’s late in the evening.

10 Does Rummel expect me to believe that there is only a single person in the world at that time named “Doroteo Arango” or “Emiliano Zapata”? What if they located somebody with the same name, but who had nothing to do with the Mexican Revolution?

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  1. Master Chief on 27 February 2013, 02:42 said:

    facepalm facepalm Facepalm Facepalm FACEPALM FACEPALM FACEPALM!!!!!

    That is all

  2. Air Conditioning Courses on 27 February 2013, 06:24 said:

    I just came onto your post and found it quite interesting. I am also associated with Air conditioner, air con training, air conditioning training and love to enjoy the stuff on the same as its rarely found on internet. Thanks again for writing such a good post.

  3. LoneWolf on 27 February 2013, 07:00 said:

    Lol, one mention of air conditioning was enough to bring the spammers here.
    And yeah, Joy’s getting really, really psycho at that point. Does Rummel have an extremely, unreasonably violent woman fetish?

  4. Tim on 27 February 2013, 07:57 said:

    I just came onto your post and found it quite interesting.

    This is the most unhygienic spambot I’ve ever seen.

  5. swenson on 27 February 2013, 11:39 said:

    Interestingly, he tries to speak to Joy in Nahuatl


    Hey look, pictures of indigenous Mexican peoples. An attentive viewer will notice that THEY DO NOT LOOK EAST ASIAN.

    This is made even worse by the fact that Madero is evidently the good guy (he can speak Nahuatl, they want him to succeed Diaz, etc.), and therefore we’d hope he could tell the difference.

    And… yeah, what is the point of this if he won IRL?

    Re: Joy: I have to be honest, sometimes I’m not against the sociopathic female murder-everything character. Tex from Red vs. Blue is one of my favorite characters ever, after all. But she at least is relatively friendly toward her allies, and she’s honest about wanting to kill people. And nobody else treats it like it’s normal or okay, they just try to direct her toward the people they’re fighting (instead of themselves).

    But Joy? She’s just nuts. And it keeps getting treated like John is strange for not going along with her. He consistently has to change his point of view about her actions, but she never once admits wrongdoing, not really. She gets upset because he disagrees, not because he’s right.

    …and I am almost inclined to just leave that spambot because it’s kind of hilarious. What is air conditioning training, anyway?! Do you have to take a college course to use a thermostat?

  6. Finn on 27 February 2013, 18:09 said:

    I just came onto your post and found it quite interesting. I am also associated with Air conditioner, air con training, air conditioning training and love to enjoy the stuff on the same as its rarely found on internet. Thanks again for writing such a good post.

    I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard at a spambot before

  7. Fireshark on 27 February 2013, 19:44 said:

  8. lilyWhite on 27 February 2013, 20:07 said:

    What, did you think air whips itself into shape? No, you’ve got to set it on the courses, condition it for perfect coolness.

  9. Brendan Rizzo on 27 February 2013, 20:14 said:

    …No one is actually commenting on my post; all your attention is on that spambot.

  10. Asahel on 27 February 2013, 20:31 said:

    …No one is actually commenting on my post; all your attention is on that spambot.

    Don’t feel bad. I’ve got you covered. Let’s see:

    At this, John almost jumps for joy.

    First thing I’ll do is NOT make the obvious, tacky joke here.

    Second, John is against the death penalty? And he signs up to kill dictators? Does not compute.

    Hmm, guess I’ll conclude with this thought:

    I just came onto your post and found it quite interesting. I am also associated with Time travel, time trav training, time travel training and love to enjoy the stuff on the same as its rarely found on internet. Thanks again for writing such a good post.

  11. swenson on 27 February 2013, 22:33 said:

    all your attention is on that spambot.

    Be honored that such a glorious ‘bot paid attention to your post.

    But seriously, I am still not over the indigenous Mexican = East Asian thing.

    Or the corset thing, but whatever. Seeing as she thought there might be a chance she’d have to fight (I guess?), I can almost forgive her for that. I do wonder how her figure looked without a corset though…

    Also, wait a minute, they wouldn’t search a woman all that closely (and probably wouldn’t believe her to have weapons anyway). So why couldn’t she have taken guns?! Trust me, there is plenty of room under a full, floor-length skirt to hide handguns.

  12. Brendan Rizzo on 28 February 2013, 11:12 said:

    I just came onto your post and found it quite interesting. I am also associated with Time travel, time trav training, time travel training and love to enjoy the stuff on the same as its rarely found on internet. Thanks again for writing such a good post.

    Be honored that such a glorious ‘bot paid attention to your post.

    Thanks for that.

  13. Epke on 10 March 2013, 09:14 said:

    and decides to take another bath with Joy.

    they take another bath

    I noticed this from earlier chapters as well, but how bloody often do they bathe?

  14. Maxie on 11 June 2013, 23:15 said:

    Bad books often focus on the dull quotidian aspects of their characters lives. Page after page is wasted on interminable phone calls, baths, tooth brushing, light housework; the slightly less mediocre authors decide to use this time for introspection and exposition. The worse authors just assume that the reader derives inherent pleasure from reading about someone brushing their teeth.

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