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    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2011

    ^Ah. Well, no biggie either way. :D

    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2011

    you’re poking around the beat-up, run-down, 1997-2007 ghetto side of the Internet, odds are good that A) you are going to accidentally fill your computer with viruses or B) you are accidentally going to end up with goatse

    Having lived through it, I will attest to this. Especially the goatse.

    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2011

    I will stick to II, then. Classy, intelligent, highbrow, sarcasm
    Nah, just kidding.
    Seriously, puppet, you can’t be that young, I mean, how long have you been on here?

    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2011 edited

    What’s the joke?

    Classy, intelligent, highbrow sarcasm? Sounds like me to a T.

    I’m pretty sure you, Bloo, are [redacted], and I think Puppet’s between 15 and 17. And he’s not aware of that. Or conversely he might be, and he’s younger than I suspect.

    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2011

    I saw a picture of him in the picture thread- or at least, someone he claimed was him, and he looked about eight. Flying a kite, also.
    Hmm….no comment.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2011

    BlueMask, that photo is a few years old. I think he’s 14/15 now.

    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2011 edited

    Yeah, I know.
    I think that there are younger people, though.

    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2011

    No, that’s cool.

    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2011

    No, actually I’m 81 years old. Get off my lawn.


    But this can’t be a lawn, for there is no grass. There are only letters, and avatars of video game characters, Amelie, paintings, cats, and Lust. You must be a very senile old man to believe that this can be your lawn. Thank you anyway.


    i am not a video game character


    Yes you are. 2nd Super Robot Wars Z said so.


    well played sir

    and thread appropriate

    • CommentTimeDec 3rd 2011

    Went to a restaurant last night. When my dad and I walkled through the doors, these two women came down the stais talking to one another, and appeared to leave. When we finished and were about to go ourselves, the same two women came down the stairs again even though I hadn’t seen them go back up. My first thought was simply ‘deja vu.’ And then I thought, ‘the matrix—they’ve changed something.’


    haha Nice ^^ I’ve had that thought too.


    I make other people think that by walking past the same thing twice in a matter of minutes.
    You can smell the confusion from afar.

    • CommentTimeDec 6th 2011 edited

    I have to post this as possibly the greatest achievement in RL trolling I’ve ever seen.

    • CommentAuthorNo One
    • CommentTimeDec 6th 2011

    ^^That is so cool.

    My friend and I were sitting in our Chinese class and a classmate came over to ask if she could borrow one of our pencil sharpeners. I lent her mine and while she was attemping to sharpen her pencil, she complained that her pencil lead kept breaking or doesn’t sharpen because the lead inside was all broken.

    Because she was struggling to sharpen her pencil, I sharpened the classmate’s pencil for her while my friend explained that if she keeps dropping the pencil on the ground, the lead would break all the time. We both got into a conversation about lead breakage, lead bondage in pencils, what brands of pencil are better in the no-broken-lead department and which brand is better for artistic work (we were both art students). We also debated pencil vs. mechanical pencil in terms of sharpening, lead breakage, quality in art and general usage.

    The classmate gave us a weird look. Heheheh.

    I’m not sure whether that counts as nerdy or not.



    That’s great.

    I’m not sure whether that counts as nerdy or not.

    I would say it is. Just more artsy nerdy. I like mechanical pencils because I don’t like sharpening pencils. I imagine that regular pencils would be better for art, though.

    • CommentAuthorNo One
    • CommentTimeDec 6th 2011

    ^^Ahahaha, okay. Yeah, we agreed that regular pencils would be better for art, but we also agreed that in some cases, it’s better to use mechanical pencils and in other cases, a combination of both would work much better than just mechanical or regular by itself. :)


    @Inkblot – that guy is a true hero. Well done to him, and to you.

    @No One – Of course! Your being a pencil nerd makes me feel better about being a sort-of fishnet nerd nowadays.

    • CommentTimeDec 7th 2011

    Klutor- hang on, if you’re talking about fishnet stockings that makes you sound like a bit of a creep, you realize? Even if you do use that extensive knowledge in your quest to entertain us.

    bq. Klutor- hang on, if you’re talking about fishnet stockings that makes you sound like a bit of a creep, you realize?

    Oh, come on, fishnet stockings are _hot_.

    ^Uh, yeah. Pretty much what he said.

    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2011 edited
    bq. ^Uh, yeah. Pretty much what he said.

    Exactly! What do chicks expect us to do? Put on a blindfold every time they walk by in a skirt? Or a pair of a fishnets?

    Or both?
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2011

    ...yeah, so I totally read that last part as an alternative to “blindfold” at first, and I was like “What good would tying a pair of fishnets over your eyes do, anyway?!”

    bq. ...yeah, so I totally read that last part as an alternative to “blindfold” at first, and I was like “What good would tying a pair of fishnets over your eyes do, anyway?!”

    *Snort* Ahahahahahahaha.

    I love you Swenson (platonically, platonically!) don't ever change.
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2011

    Exactly! What do chicks expect us to do? Put on a blindfold every time they walk by in a skirt? Or a pair of a fishnets?

    We expect you to be inspired to give us everything we want in exchange for the privilege of drooling over us, of course. ;P

    • CommentTimeDec 9th 2011

    What she said^

    • CommentTimeDec 9th 2011

    Rule 1. Be Attractive
    Rule 2. Don’t be unattractive


    Also, I like reading up on the history of stuff that interest me.
    Interesting as in arousing, but also the other types of interesting.
    so yeah.

    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2011

    You will never believe what I found. The complete animated series of Dungeons and Dragons. For five bucks.

    Of course I snagged it. And watching it will be the perfect de-stresser this holiday season. Starting now.

    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2011



    Spork/review absolutely REQUIRED. Right now.

    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2011

    Maybe over break. XD


    i bought a copy of berry gordys the last dragon today and became a true black nerd


    Spork/review absolutely REQUIRED. Right now.


    I've gone through the archives and read every Order of the Stick strip. . . more than once.

    Order of the Stick

    Ah, but have you played the game? (It actually wasn’t that much fun, since I haven’t read the comic strip, but still :P)

    bq. Ah, but have you played the game? (It actually wasn’t that much fun, since I haven’t read the comic strip, but still :P)

    Game? There's a game?
    • CommentTimeDec 16th 2011

    You know, I thought for a second you meant Irregular Webcomic. In which case I would be thoroughly impressed. (I’ve read most, but not all, of Irregular Webcomic!)

    Anyway, my moment of supreme nerdiness today doubles as a small victory—first, I finally got the breakthrough I needed on the program I’ve been having severe issues with for a couple of weeks now. Second, after that, I realized I could dispense with a lengthy, annoying piece of code in my program (that would need to be repeated multiple times with only minimal changes, too >.<) with just a few very elegant lines. Sometimes, programming drives me crazy. A lot of times, C++ specifically drives me crazy. But then you find that breakthrough and you’re just so happy because everything works! I literally squeed when I checked the output and it was right!


    C++ is fun!
    I don’t like Visual Basic.
    LabView is #Y$&#NVVJS#!!!!!!!!!! I hate it
    Haven’t done any others, yet. Doing assembly language next semester. o.o

    • CommentTimeDec 16th 2011

    Visual Basic is… not my favorite, yeah. It’s not that it’s difficult (because it’s not!), it’s more that I understand fully why it’s not used all that often in the real world.

    • CommentTimeDec 16th 2011

    Our accounting/MIS program at work looks and operates like it was designed in Visual Basic. By a high school accounting/business management student.

    • CommentTimeDec 16th 2011

    That’s… charming. I’m sure it works really really well and has no bugs whatsoever.

    • CommentTimeDec 16th 2011 edited

    As management has confirmed, it is “a robust system with absolutely nothing wrong with it”.

    Also, it was designed specifically with intransparency in mind, meaning we on-site staff have to really hunt to find things like sales figures, budget, inwards goods records or anything at all that we actually need to successfully run the business. On the other hand, it’s brilliant for head office, because they can fudge the numbers on our monthly P/L statements and we can’t figure out iof they have or not.

    ... Except that they don’t know that I found the Outstanding Invoices report, so I’ve been double-checking their numbers. With good cause, of course.

    Moment of (debatable) nerdery: I followed a link from Dominic Deegan and fell in love. That voice… It’s like if Jeremy Irons and James Earl Jones had a child who grew up to be the lead singer in an a capella heavy metal band.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2011

    @ Kyllorac

    I watched that when I was little! I don’t remember much, except that seven year old me loved it.

    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2011 edited

    Game? There’s a game?

    Yep! Look: (Sorry, I really can’t figure out how to do the linky thing :P)