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    I hear and read about them all the time, but is there is a list, or an encyclopedia of them somewhere? It’d be pretty cool to look at.

    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2009 edited

    TVTropes, essentially. Buest online compilation of them I’ve been able to find.

    I won’t link, because too many people complain about the time vortex and the soul-eating.

    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2009 edited

    Of course, tropes are not bad necessarily, but it’s definitely a good place to start.

    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2009

    Be careful of that site. It does to time what a black hole does to pretty much everything else…


    I know about TVTropes, but they say tropes are not clichés. (Yes, I just linked to the same thing swenson did.)

    I meant something about only clichés.

    • CommentAuthorDanielle
    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2009

    Well, it’s kind of like TVTropes said: a trope is not a cliche. And that’s essentially the same for any trope; used well, it’s simply a familiar plot device; used poorly, it’s a cliche. Just look at Harry Potter. You have the orphaned hero, the wicked villain, the wise old mentor and the prophecy regarding the two. But Rowling is such a good writer and such an excellent plotter that those devices don’t seem cliched. Paolini, on the other hand, uses many of the same devices Rowling did. But his writing is poor in quality and his plotting is even worse, so in his hands, they become cliches.

    Make sense?