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    He chaired the American Cancer Society despite never having cancer, unlike so many people who don’t give a damn about various afflictions and their respective societies until they themselves have one.



    He sounds majorly awesome then. He has earned 100 respect points for that alone. Is he still alive? I’m too lazy to look it up.

    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2009

    I actually thought Congo was a good movie before I watched the Nostalgia Critic’s review of it.


    He died in 2003.


    He died in 2003.


    I actually thought Congo was a good movie before I watched the Nostalgia Critic’s review of it.

    Though, to be fair, I was just innerly whining about how they butchered the book the whole time I was watching it.


    No, Gregory Peck himself is pretty awesome and the acting on the whole is pretty good.

    I just hated the pacing of TKAMB.

    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2009

    I’m about a month late for this, but I would like to note for the record that I really really really dislike the Harry Potter movies.


    I really really really dislike the Harry Potter movies.

    Same here. Mostly because of the actors, but the adaptations were annoying as well.


    THR3E is a horrible adaptation. I don’t think they even tried.

    • CommentTimeNov 21st 2009

    I liked some parts of that movie, although yes, the book was substantially better.


    I didn’t really like it at all. They did do a pretty good job on the aunt and uncle’s trailer though. It wasn’t cast very well, and the acting/writing was pretty aweful.



    Neurotic, your post expresses my views perfectly. ;)

    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2009

    Have any of you read the series The Princess Diaries?
    The movie adaptation was absolutely horrible, they changed practically everything.
    Although the movie by itself was okay.
    I love that series. :)

    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2009

    Yeah, the movie was OK, but it wasn’t much of an adaption… more like a spin-off with the same premise.


    I never read the books, but I liked the first movie by itself. The second was overkill.


    I never read the books, but I liked the first movie by itself. The second was overkill.


    I can’t wait for The Time Traveler’s Wife to come to DVD. I want to watch it and whine dissect whether or not it is a good adaptation.


    Disney just doesn’t know when to quit.

    Yeah, NP, they did change everything, but the cool part was that Meg Cabot referenced it in the books, like how they got everything wrong, etc.


    How about Ender’s Game, written by Orson Scott Card? I think it would become a fantastic film, considering the amount of relative ease that it could be made with.
    Take a look at the Battle Room: green screen a dark blue room, have the actors in different colored flash suits and only have the stars for Live Action shots.


    The reason I say this is because they are attempting to make the film, but we can collaborate and chat about different methods, shots, etc.


    Then again, some books would make awesome films, and already I’m having sinking feelings about these adaptations.

    (Seriously, makers of The Lightning Thief movie? You couldn’t find a 12 year old to play Annabeth, so you cast a 23 year old model instead? SERIOUSLY?!)

    • CommentTimeDec 5th 2009

    It’s still going to be tons of fun. D:

    • CommentTimeDec 5th 2009

    I’ve had my fingers crossed for good adaptations of Elfstones and Wishsong of Shannara, but as of a week ago Mr. Brooks didn’t sound like they’ll be coming any time soon. Boo-urns!

    • CommentTimeDec 5th 2009

    I’m still hoping for good adaptations of the Harry Potter movies, but I remain disappointed. :P
    Are they redoing The Hobbit?

    • CommentTimeDec 5th 2009
    • CommentTimeDec 5th 2009

    Ooo. It sound exciting! I’ll be watching for information.
    And I can’t wait for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2009

    Ender’s Game sounds interesting. I heard that Orson Scott Card was heavily involved in it, so maybe that’ll make it good… hopefully. I’ve been keeping up with the graphic novel version of it, but it’s not all that great, just the original story + pictures. I wouldn’t mind if they change things for the movie, after all, so long as they remain true to the spirit of the original.

    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2009 edited

    They’re already making The Hobbit?
    They’re already making Ender’s Game?

    They better not mess this up. A lot of my childhood memories (and consequently, my sanity) rides on this.

    I wouldn’t mind if they change things for the movie, after all, so long as they remain true to the spirit of the original.

    So long as they don’t change Bean and Beorn, I’m okay with it, too. *glares suspiciously *


    Eh. I don’t really care about The Hobbit.

    don’t kill me


    Too late, Steph. Mind bullets are en route to Australia as I type this.

    • CommentTimeDec 16th 2009

    From everywhere.

    • CommentTimeDec 16th 2009

    Rubber internet bullets from me.


    According to Wikipedia, The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle is FINALLY being made into a movie. I am so. Freaking. Excited. I’ve just been waiting for this since, what, sixth grade? And with Morgan Freeman, how can it fail!?

    I’m very, very much hoping this thing actually happens. Unlike that rumored film of Wicked…


    Morgan Freeman…as Zachariah?! I could not be happier with that casting choice.


    Once I write my autobiography and they adapt it into an award-winning film, I hope they cast Morgan Freeman as me.


    ^^Lol. Who would play the younger you then?


    ...Morgan Freeman.


    Okay then.


    John Freeman > Morgan Freeman


    John Freeman

    I’m not sure who that is.

    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2010

    I’m not sure who that is.

    The brother of Gordon Freeman, of course.




    I’m not sure who that is.

    Educate yourself.


    He’s the saver of humens.


    I watched all of those today. They are awesome.

    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2010

    why does that screencap remind me so strongly of a “herp derp” face? Is it the crossed eyes? The goofy grin? Or the crooked teeth? Maybe a combination of the three.

    In any case: “herp derp!”


    Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2010

    G.I. JOE!


    Morgan Freeman as Zachariah would be SO awesome.

    Pierce Brosnan as Captain Jaggery? Meh…


    So I’m pretty psyched for this.


    Hugo Weaving! I love his voice!


    Oh, I remember the Guardians of Ga’hoole! I loved those in sixth grade, but I got annoyed at their shortness and stopped reading after the… eighth book, was it? Ayway, this movie looks good. Don’t know why it’s called “Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole” when it’s “The Guardians of Ga’Hoole: Obviously It’s About Owls, You Idiots.”


    loved those in sixth grade, but I got annoyed at their shortness and stopped reading after the… eighth book, was it?

    I think that is where I stopped, too.


    I think that is where I stopped, too.

    Yeah, around there she started getting sequelitis and sort of lost the flow of the story.

    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2010

    I think I ended up reading most of them… they were pretty good, but there were just SO MANY, and by the time I hit high school, I really didn’t care any more.


    but there were just SO MANY

    Which is why I never finished the Redwall books. I got to maybe the fifth book and got fed up. Now I make a point not to read a series more than five books unless they’re REALLY GOOD. ASOIAF is probably going to end up being an exception, though…

    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2010

    If it gets finished.

    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2010
    Aww, the Redwall books. Those are better because they're all self-contained stories, though. (speaking of which! I found a copy of The Bellmaker in perfectly OK condition at my library's ongoing booksale of old books! So I bought it for just fifty cents! I still can't believe they were selling it... the cover is a little rumpled with some torn corners, but the spine isn't even broken! much, anyway...)

    Back on topic: what about stuff like Blade Runner, where the movie is almost nothing like the book but awesome anyway?

    • CommentTimeJun 20th 2010

    I’m usually willing to let stuff like that go. Unless the movie takes a complete crap on the source material (e.g. Starship Troopers).

    • CommentTimeJun 20th 2010 edited

    Or Fight Club, didn’t even the author say he thought the movie was better than the book?




    Fight Club

    That wasn’t really so different from the book, was it?

    • CommentTimeJun 20th 2010

    I’m not sure, I haven’t read the book.


    Schindler’s List is a bajillion times better than the book. It’s one of the few movies that I can say that about.



    Or Fight Club, didn’t even the author say he thought the movie was better than the book?

    Yes, and Philip K. Dick preferred Blade Runner to Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?.

    • CommentAuthorDeborah
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2010
    Rant time!
    I've heard stuff about how they changed Voyage of the Dawn Treader, but I will refrain from judgement until I actually see it.
    The Lightning Thief was awful. I didn't even watch it, and from reading spoilers i just want to grab a bullhorn and yell HADES IS NOT THE DEVIL.
    Oh and have you heard they've cast Martin Freeman as Bilbo in The Hobbit? I've seen pictures, and he looks about right.
    LOTR adaptations were okay, except for weepy Frodo, messed-up Faramir, Generic Jerk Denethor, and all the male elves with long hair. Also, the reluctant Aragorn plotline really irked me. And Goofy Gimli.
    Of the Narnia film adaptations, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe was mostly faithful to the book. Prince Caspian was really bad. His accent was terrible, the attack on the castle made no sense, the romance was just dumb, and Peter was turned into a jerk. Oh and Caspian was way too old, and was supposed to be blond. And I hated how the Witch showed up.
    The other really crappy adaptation was Ella Enchanted. Oh where do I begin? I watched it before I read the book, but I still knew what was supposed to happen. Retelling of CInderella, right? No, in the movie adaptation you have to have her be some kind of activist for oppressed non-humans! You have to have her get arrested! You have to have an evil uncle! You have to make Mandy pretty! You have to have Mandy's boyfriend jump out of the magic book and start doing kung-fu! (or something that looks like it) You have to have red ninjas rappeling down from the ceiling! (I am NOT making this up) Oh, and Ella's hair was the wrong color, Lucinda was black and went around in this skimpy outfit, and--this is the dumbest thing--the evil uncle was ordering her to kill Char, and she told herself not to, and THAT was how she broke the curse! I mean, REALLY. (I could have done without Char's Obligatory Shirtless Scene, or the evil uncle having killed his dad. Or the dumb scene where the evil uncle crowns himself with the poisoned crown he meant for Char, and falls over dead.)

    LOTR adaptations were okay

    I tend to get a little crazy about this, but after watching the ‘making-of’ featurettes, it’s amazing how much work everyone involved in the films put into interpreting Tolkien’s vision as faithfully as the medium allowed. For this reason, I am willing to overlook most details and enjoy all that the movie’s given that the book never could have: ex. kickass soundtrack, gorgeous costumes, insanely detailed sets, hearing Elvish spoken, etc. etc. In any case, I do agree with the majority of your quibbles, but for me they balance out to make the movies unadulterated awesome all the same. When comparing to other fantasy adaptations like Harry Potter, Narnia, or The Golden Compass there’s simply no comparison. (Am I rehashing my points again? If so, sorry. I never get tired of defending the LotR films to the death)

    But I agree Ella Enchanted was a big miss.

    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2010 edited

    Oh, the costumes! I am not really a girly girl (although dresses and heels are fun on occasion), but those costumes! They’re so amazing, they almost make me want to give up computer science and go into fashion! And I don’t mean just the dresses (all of which are absolutely gorgeous), but everything else. I’ve watched those making-of featurettes so many times… all of them, not just the costumes ones, but the costumes ones in particular fascinate me. And the ones on weapons and armor—I was so impressed when I found out it’s all real mail and armor! (or, rather, more or less real, as the mail isn’t made out of metal. But it was still very difficult and took forever to do.)

    EDIT: ...yeah, I’m going to just rewatch all that stuff tonight, now that you got me thinking about it!! Time to dig out the DVDs… :D


    I want an LotR wedding dress. :D

    • CommentAuthorDeborah
    • CommentTimeOct 29th 2010
    I think they were better done than most movie adaptations, and I can really appreciate the work that went into the details. Its not like some films "coughERAGONcough* where it seems like no one really cared.
    For one thing, I thought the settings were very good, especially the Shire, the Misty Mountains, and Rohan.

    I’m abstaining from watching them until I read the books. Although, several years ago, I tried to watch the first one and fell asleep. That lady was still telling the story of the ring, and I think it was late. Please don’t hit me. I plan to try again as soon as I read the books.

    • CommentTimeOct 29th 2010 edited

    Just as a warning, the books are actually very good, but Fellowship of the Ring starts slow. Now that I’ve read the whole thing multiple times, I love the beginning, but when you’re reading it for the first time it can be hard to get through. Don’t give up, though, like my friend did—it really does pick up later on!


    Fellowship of the Ring starts slow.

    So I’ve heard. I can probably get through by anticipating the awesomeness to come. Isn’t The Hobbit a prequel? Would you say to read that one last or first? Prequels always confuse me with what order to read a series.


    I don’t think it really matters…I read LotR first. But if you read The Hobbit first, Bilbo really changes between the books, so that’s bit of a shock.


    I’ll probably just read LotR first. Sounds like the more traditional route.

    • CommentTimeOct 30th 2010

    I loved The Hobbit in 4th grade, but only got halfway through The Two Towers when I tried in high school. Maybe I should try again.

    And I just watched Legacy of the Guardians – even though I haven’t read the books, I think the movie suffered from trying to cover too many of them. There was simply no real character development other than, “well this is what so-and-so needs to think so we can get on to the next plot point.”


    I’m still halfway through part 2 of the Fellowship of the Ring. It’s starting to pick up.

    As for Guardians of Ga’Hoole, I love that series. I stopped reading at number 11, though, because I want to get all the books and then read from the beginning of the series again. I still have books 13-15 to go.

    As for Ella Enchanted, it was really hokey. I didn’t mind it, but it made me cringe once every five minutes. Also, the way she broke the curse was a total paradox, a paradox, a paradox…

    /Pirates of Penzance.

    • CommentTimeOct 30th 2010

    The Hobbit is like LotR lite. It’s much lighter.


    I used to love Ella Enchanted when I was in middle school.

    So, Film Adaptations…I finally saw the Percy Jackson movie. And it was HORRIBLE. It wasn’t even ‘So Bad It’s Good’. It’s ‘So Bad It’s Almost Horrible but not really, but more just like Really Bad’. XP


    SWQ, You have my sympathy.

    I haven’t even read the book and I thought that movie was so bad that it took Phantom Menace’s title of “Our Special Effects Are Awesome, So We Don’t Have To Worry About The Stupid Dialogue And Wooden Characters,”.

    • CommentAuthorMorvius
    • CommentTimeOct 31st 2010
    Let's extend this to TV adaptations shall we (It was mentioned earlier)? Only because I would like to show off awesome AGOT information! A new trailer:

    I am really fascinated by what goes on behind the scenes. Funny stuff happens.
    Lord of the Rings had one:
    What SWQ said about the "making of" featurette of LOTR... well I am feeling the same for A Game of Thrones!

    I actually found Percy Jackson rather decent? I did not read the books though.

    God, I hope my parents will let me watch AGoT. Does HBO have their shows online or am I going to have to watch in crappy YouTube quality?


    They might have some online. I need to read those books, so I can watch the show.

    • CommentAuthorDeborah
    • CommentTimeJan 4th 2011

    I watched The Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie.
