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    • CommentTimeJun 4th 2009
    Gnarly hands! Yes!
    • CommentAuthorAri
    • CommentTimeJun 4th 2009

    So she finally got over the angst?

    ....okay, so who else read MS off of her website?

    • CommentTimeJun 4th 2009

    I did. I actually had both Midnight Sun and Twilight up in Foxit Reader (which has tabs, so it’s easy to switch back and forth) and compared them. Most of it was exactly the same… and when I say “most of it”, I mean almost every piece of description, all of the dialogue, and a lot of thoughts, too (or they were slightly reworded. Same thing.). I actually forgot it was Edward narrating at a few points, because it was more or less the same as Bella.

    I mean, I realize it was an early draft, but… I can’t believe she let other people read a draft that early!

    • CommentTimeJun 4th 2009
    Some Twilight fan emailed it to me. She's too limited to know how much she disappointed her god/idol, SM.
    • CommentTimeJun 4th 2009
    I read the Midnight Sun draft, and liked it more than I should have. :(

    I actually laughed at the werewolf CGI in the trailer, I hope it doesn't look so ridiculous throughout the rest of the movie.
    • CommentAuthorAri
    • CommentTimeJun 5th 2009

    I had expected better for such a “big movie”. Personally, I think they did it better in Blood and Chocolate. At least the werewolves there were actually…..hardcore. Or something. But it’s a good movie.

    I am sorry to say I hated the ending of Blood and Chocolate. Other than that, it was not too shabby. And I have to admit, the werewolves finally looked good there, the transition effects were neat and they used actual canines instead of ugly CGI creatures like the one in the trailer which is plain laughable. Honestly.
    I saw the book at B&N, but never read it. It looked really cheesy. Is it any good?

    What’s Blood and Chocolate about?


    Werewolves. And Angst :P

    Oh come on, there's gotta be more than that!

    (Bye the bye- any *koff* graphic scenes or swearing, issues, etc that I should be aware of before I get too interested?)
    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeJun 5th 2009

    Oh, I confused Blood and Chocolate with The Chocolate War for a moment. The Chocolate War has nothing to do with werewolves, but is great nonetheless.


    Somebody tell me authors at least!
    EDIT: Please.

    • CommentTimeJun 5th 2009

    Blood and Chocolate is by Annette Curtis Klause. The Chocolate War is by Robert Cormier.



    • CommentAuthorAri
    • CommentTimeJun 6th 2009

    Blood and Chocolate is about sexy werewolves. It’s very….seductive, for a “children’s fiction” book.

    Thats a "Childrens Fiction" ?! I only saw the movie but - what?!
    Am I the only female here who is not, in any way, attracted to Robert Pattinson? I'm trying to make a distinction between pale Edward and "normal" Robert but I see nothing handsome in either version. Acghkkphhhttt. Bleh.

    You’re not alone; jeez, I mean he’s so hairy!

    Do you mean on his head? Or are you referencing chest/facial hair? I have no problem with hair. I guess, at my age, it's nice to see that not every man wants to look like toy boy Zac Efron.

    I looked at the DVD case, and still, the only thing I can think of when I see him in the ‘Edward’ form, is;
    “Holy crap! I bet you could grate cheese on his face!”


    • CommentTimeJun 7th 2009

    I showed this to my friend. He said, “It looks like crap. Even more than Twilight. But The wolf is adorable.”

    I just looked up the DVD case and, omg, his lips are freakishly red. He reminds me of the kids I used to babysit who would run around with cherry suckers in their mouths, licking their lips and showing off their red tongues.
    @Juniper - now thats an interesting comparison. And a mental image:P

    And you are so not the only one not attracted to him. He is too boyish for my tastes and besides, his edward creeps the bajeezus out of me. The DVD case gave me nightmares. And even though he may seem okay-ish as a person, I find him to be too meh. He isnt really all that hot:P
    THANK YOU. I was beginning to think I was broken. ;)

    He's plain, at his best, and ugly bugly as Edward.

    EDIT: I ought to make it clear I mean none of these observations to sound like complaints about him as a person. His character is unknown to me, though he seems decent enough in interviews.

    And Edward IS strange - looking. Not at all "the hottest thing in the existence of...existence" SM descirbes him as.
    • CommentTimeJun 7th 2009

    Smeyer missed out on casting me as Edward

    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeJun 7th 2009

    Smeyer missed out on casting me as Edward

    You might be gorgeous, spectacular, granite abed, asstastic, but you are definitely not angelic. :-/

    • CommentTimeJun 7th 2009

    I wouldn’t call him glorious or smouldering either.

    • CommentTimeJun 7th 2009

    Okay maybe not angelic, but certainly glorious and smouldering. Or as we say in countries that matter, smoldering.

    • CommentTimeJun 7th 2009
    Oh, sorry. I forgot American spelling was awesome. Habit, habit. Forgive me, Edward (the glorious, the smoldering, the gorgeous, the spectacular, et cetera).
    • CommentTimeJun 7th 2009

    Also if his name was Reginald, he’d be way hotter.

    • CommentTimeJun 7th 2009
    If his name were Reginald, he would be described as kingly and royal too.

    I always had a thing for Archibald. Archibald. There's a certain ring to it.
    I always liked the name Benjamin. But it sounds too everyday for an Adonis of marble.
    • CommentTimeJun 7th 2009

    “His crown was akin to the rest of his being, glittering, cold, and hard…”

    • CommentTimeJun 7th 2009

    I’m female, and I have never thought Robert Pattinson is hot. Like, he’s not completely hideous, I just don’t find him attractive at all.

    Taylor Lautner, on the other hand… now there is some serious hawtness.

    • CommentTimeJun 7th 2009
    I haven't found either Lautner nor Pattinson hot much. I mean, I can see where people are coming from- the glisteningness, the overt eyes. But Pattinson looks too pointy-chined and Taylor is too lipped.
    Epic Fursplode. I love how little bits of human!Jacob fly away. You'd think that he'd just keep getting smaller if bits of him keep falling off after each Animorph moment.
    Darn waste of a grand piano, though.
    • CommentTimeJun 8th 2009

    I think those are his clothes…


    I always had a thing for Archibald. Archibald. There’s a certain ring to it.

    I never fully appreciated that name until I watched the Horatio Hornblower series and realized its full potential. :D

    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeJun 8th 2009

    I think those are his clothes…

    Those are most definitely his clothes. And since he wasn’t wearing a shirt, those were his pants and underwear. So I guess New Moon won’t be doing the Incredible Hulk thing.

    • CommentTimeJun 8th 2009

    No, he was wearing a shirt in that scene. The shirtless one must have been from a different scene in the movie. He had a sort of greenish shirt on. Trust me, I would have noticed if he hadn’t had a shirt on…

    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeJun 8th 2009

    Oh, gotcha. The way the trailer cut those scenes I thought they were from a single scene. I wasn’t really paying much attention to the trailer. <_<


    Well, I hate to disagree with the rest of the gals, but I think RPattz is SMOKIN’!

    No, seriously, I do. I just wouldn’t put it quite like that. For the sake of everybody’s mental health.


    Kristen Stewart isn’t bad looking either.
    (though as Bill Corbet said: “She blinks at the same rate a hummingbird flaps its wings.”)

    • CommentTimeJun 10th 2009

    Robert Pattinson is a little bit too gaunt and pale for my taste.


    He has a very square face.

    • CommentTimeAug 24th 2009 edited


    Edit: Whoops, somehow the link didn't work right. Just click on the New Moon video next to the Star Wars one....
    • CommentTimeAug 24th 2009 edited
    Strange as it may seem, I'm now rather more excited for New Moon to come out. Mostly because Jacob is squeetastic.

    NOOOO! You werewolf-lover! Edward and I will be forever separated from you now.