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    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2011
    Silent Hill, Shattered Memories was a mindfuck. I don't even know anymore. I don't even.

    I started playing Prototype last night. It's really fun, though I've barely done anything for the main storyline. I just like to kill a whole bunch of people and get money for destroying the tanks.
    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2011
    bq. It's really fun, though I've barely done anything for the main storyline. I just like to kill a whole bunch of people and get money for destroying the tanks.

    Sounds exactly like what I've been doing in _Just Cause 2_.
    • CommentTimeFeb 7th 2011
    This thread needs more Starcraft.

    Cannot get over the game. Since Beta, SC2 hasn't been working on my computer, but that hasn't stopped from watching the GSL tournaments in Korea into the wee hours of the morning. (First prize was $87,000). Between that and Day9, I can keep up with the SC2 scene.

    But I'm back to playing Brood War on iCCup. How a game 12 years old can be so fun and competitive, I don't know. It's so hard to win games against people that have been playing for years, but there are a bunch of us newbies and I've finally got 6 wins!

    I've played a lot of RTS's- Age of Empires II was probably my favourite growing up. But I have yet to find a game so mechanically demanding, but fun. Micro, macro, perfect unit positioning, build orders and scouting, harass and expand- the game is unparalleled. And BW still manages to have televised leagues in Korea.

    And it works on pretty much everyone's computer, making LAN parties that much easier.
    • CommentTimeFeb 8th 2011

    I don’t think I could go back to BW. I’ve been spoiled by rallying workers to minerals and smart-cast spells, and multi-unit select.

    But yeah, why does SC2 have such high system requirements? I think one of the reasons SC1 was so successful was because it really did run on anything; I could play it on our school’s outdated 1995 Pentium II machine (don’t even know if that’s valid). They should’ve introduced a super-low graphics option, instead of extreme imo.

    Day9 > all other commentators. Man’s made of awesome. Although some of Husky’s videos were pretty entertaining (lol, have you seen his banelings music video?).

    I haven’t been on SC1 in ages. I actually didn’t think people would still be on, but yeah.

    and I’ve finally got 6 wins!


    • CommentTimeFeb 9th 2011

    Oh, I love the Banelings video! That was the first time I ever heard of Husky, actually…

    • CommentTimeFeb 11th 2011
    That Banelings video was very awesome- I don't usually watch Husky, but my cousin pointed it out to me. There's been a few clever parodies recently- Dan (Stan Parody) on Team Liquid, but Banelings definitely had the highest production quality and using Kurt Hugo was a good idea.

    Yeah actually, there's been several SC2 players that have been checking out BW for the first time, which is rather fun.

    Actually, although SC2 requirements are high, the laptop I bought turned out to be crap. Terrible processor and it's always overheating, even just streaming a video.
    • CommentTimeFeb 13th 2011

    Just picked up ICO and Shadow of the Colossus in a marketplace for about £18 each. Good condition, too! I’m looking forward to playing them.


    YES another Team ICO fan. *lonely, desperate Playstation nerd* :D
    I can't wait for The Last Guardian. <3
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2011 edited

    I want to play Ico/ SotC, if only because the team is largely the same as the team that made Okami. Unfortunately, I don’t have a PS2 ;(

    However, when I Googled Ico/SotC just now (double-checking if it was PS2) I discovered that they’re being re-released for the PS3 this spring. Yes!

    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2011

    I can’t wait for The Last Guardian. <3

    I know! I’m fortunate to have found someone with a PS3 I can borrow.

    Youtube informs me that the SotC music is very good.

    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2011

    Portal 2 is now on Steam for pre-order!

    Also, Batman: Arkham Asylum is only $7.50. If you don’t have it already, there is NO excuse not to get it now!


    Portal 2 is now on Steam for pre-order!


    But I probably won’t pre-order. I probably won’t have time to play until summer anyway.


    Yes, the SotC soundtrack is amazing. Kow Otani has a pretty distinct style so you can generally tell when he’s been involved in composing the music for anything.

    Even though I already have [legitimate, tangible] copies of both games, I’ll probably buy the collection along with the new game because it’s supposedly being enhanced [HD graphics, trophies] and I just want to support the team. <3

    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2011

    Marvel vs. Capcom 3. The second my Psych test is done with, I’m buying that game and spamming a Amaterasu/ Dante/ Wolverine team.

    • CommentTimeFeb 19th 2011

    If you like time travel or RTSs, Achron has just gone into beta. Its rather remarkable in its own right, plus I’m contributing art to it! Yay!

    For me, it's been mostly Plants VS Zombies... and classic games in the Wii, specially Smash Bros and Mario Kart, games better known as Chaos Games, since they make gamers to no longer recognize family and dearest friends when striving for victory.

    But it sure feels great being a legend in Mario Kart among my peers, renown for being resisting as many beatings as I can (green and red shells, invincible stars, fake item boxes, and of course, blue shells)... and still finishing on 1st place. =D

    However, 'snaking' it sure does help.

    Late for this, but I have to pop up to agree about how awesome AoE2 is. IRL that leads to a rant on how AoE3 sucks, but I’m too lazy to type that out here. Rating with AoE2 is Mount & Blade, sandbox semi-RPG fun, and Warzone 2100 (12 years old and still going), which I have to advertize since it’s good and open source.

    • CommentTimeFeb 24th 2011

    Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is very, very fun. It’s even good for people that don’t know how to play games, with the simple mode and all.

    and classic games in the Wii, specially Smash Bros and Mario Kart, games better known as Chaos Games, since they make gamers to no longer recognize family and dearest friends when striving for victory.

    Pshhh. Who needs friends or family when you have sweet victory? Nothing better than getting hit by a blue shell/ final smash and still winning a match.

    • CommentTimeFeb 27th 2011

    I’ve been playing Half-Life 2: Deathmatch lately. That game is fun! I’m kinda late to the party, I know, but it’s an incredibly fun way to pass a few hours if you can find a good server.

    • CommentTimeFeb 28th 2011

    I finally finished the Origins campaign for Dragon Age: Origins. Killing that Archdemon felt soooo good.


    Yesterday, I pre-ordered an aqua 3DS. I would normally have waited for the price to come down, but I’m pretty sure these are going to be really hard to get, and I didn’t want to have to wait too long to get one.


    I now have The Sims Medieval.

    • CommentTimeMar 25th 2011

    As I investigate the death of a supposed vampire with a dead body of a beggar in the basement and discover that a local merchant’s supplier has skulls, mud-encrusted boots, and shovels littering his basement, I slowly come to the realization that Oblivion is a seriously freaky game at times. Like half the quests I’ve done so far involve dead bodies somehow! And not ones that I killed, either! Cyrodiil seriously needs to step up their anti-murder-and-creepy-grave-robbing efforts.

    • CommentTimeApr 8th 2011

    Competitive gaming is so addictive. :/

    • CommentTimeApr 8th 2011 edited

    I have recently discovered the truth of the following comic:

    I am now officially addicted. That is all.

    • CommentTimeApr 8th 2011 edited

    What’s your steam Id swenson? Let’s be frands so I can learn you to watch your back.

    • CommentTimeApr 8th 2011

    I should point out I’m still pretty awful, because I’ve only been playing for under a month. (so in that sense, I’m really not living up to my name!) I like playing pyro, but I die like every ten seconds…


    I dunno, it says it can’t find you when I try to add you as a friend. My Steam ID is just sansafro187 if you feel like adding me, though.

    But I will go out of my way to stab you in the back and/or whack you with me Caber.

    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011

    Hrm, weird. Maybe you have to look me up under my normal username, which is:

    ? I dunno. And yes, I’m paranoid about my usernames!

    Well, in that case, I’ll just have to BURN THE FLESH FROM YOUR BONES in retribution or somesuch. ;)

    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2011

    Okay, so two things. First of all, you can start preloading Portal 2 now! I am so excited!!!!

    Second, I discovered today that I apparently have extra copies of Half Life 2, HL2: Episode 1, and Portal. If anybody wants any of them, you can have them; just send me your Steam name and which games you want.

    • CommentTimeApr 15th 2011

    I’m trying to get back into gaming after along dry period… last year I bought Amnesia: The Dark Descent, which was great, but since finishing that I haven’t played anything. I have Mass Effect downloading on Steam right now, and I’m looking forward to some late-night gaming sessions. I haven’t played an RPG in over a year. Oh, the nostalgia :D

    And swenson, if you don’t mind, I’d love a copy of Half Life 2. I’ve never played it XD My Steam ID is ladytonberry; anyone can feel free to add me.

    • CommentTimeApr 16th 2011

    Rented Nier. I’m not much of a JRPG guy, and it got mixed reviews, but the premise sounded interesting.

    • CommentTimeApr 16th 2011

    Sorry, Miel, but someone got to it first… :\

    • CommentTimeApr 17th 2011

    Battlefield 3.




    • CommentTimeApr 17th 2011 edited

    Oblivion + an actual backstory/childhood + aliens + guns = Fallout 3.

    I sorta squeed at the introductory chapters.

    • CommentTimeApr 17th 2011 edited

    swenson, I want the record to show that I’d have totally dominated you if my mouse wasn’t spiraling its way into a slow death.

    • CommentTimeApr 18th 2011 edited

    :D Suuuure you would have. You still managed to backstab me a few times anyway.

    ALSO ALSO ALSO PORTAL 2. I have a history exam Wednesday morning, but there is no way I’m going to take up my precious Portal-playing time by studying for it, so I’m trying desperately to finish studying today instead. Luckily I’ve got a lot of extra credit in that class, so even if I do poorly on the test, I’ll still do well in the class.


    With Fire and Sword is going to be awesome. Just Sayin’

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeApr 21st 2011
    So far as I can tell, specs and info behind Nintendo's Project Cafe have legitimately been "REVEALED":
    • CommentTimeApr 22nd 2011

    I’ve found I just don’t care about Nintendo’s latest works anymore. Hell, I don’t even care about Skyward Sword, and I was the biggest LoZ fanboy I knew when I was a wee lad. I feel like soon after the Wii came out Nintendo kinda disappeared. I don’t feel much from playing their games anymore; it’s like all the excitement and adventure they used to add to their works evaporated.

    Maybe it was just a shift in my game preferences, or maybe I didn’t play the right games. Maybe Wii 2’ll have that same pull the other consoles did.

    • CommentTimeApr 22nd 2011

    Mortal Kombat 9. T~T

    Hidden for spoilers

    • CommentTimeApr 22nd 2011 edited

    @Cadaver: Glad to see someone else played MK9 ;D

    MK9 Spoilers


    Too many games out I want to play right now. Portal 2 obviously has to be first priority, but I also wish I could afford Radiant Historia or Pokemon Black. If only I could learn to teleport, I could buy either of those games instead of a mostly full tank of gas.

    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2011

    I haven’t been able to play Portal 2 because of computer issues that I simply cannot figure out. I’m going crazy.

    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2011 edited


    It was soooo good though.

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2011
    _Portal 2_ was excellent from start to finish.


    Well well well, apparently working DS emulators exist. I picked Smugleaf as my starter because the Water option looked stupid.

    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2011

    Not really the Portal 2 spoiler, but I’ll hide it anyway. The meaning of Caroline:

    • CommentTimeApr 24th 2011

    Aww, Caroline.

    About the rest of the game, though, it was fantastic. I really, really loved it. Hilarious the whole way through, and so many unexpected twists and turns!

    • CommentTimeMay 3rd 2011
    Portal 2 was... amazing. A little short, but still awesome.

    • CommentTimeMay 3rd 2011

    So Dragon Age Origins was on sale on Steam yesterday, and… even though I was trying to cut back on the number of games I’m buying this year… I bought it anyway, on the advice of my friend and my brother-in-law. I’m pretty sure it was worth 20 bucks, though, as so far it’s pretty awesome. As someone who genuinely liked Kaidan, I must admit Alistair is better so far. And Morrigan is all kinds of win.

    • CommentTimeMay 4th 2011

    Wait until you meet Oghren. Drunk dwarves are always fun.


    ^Gimli approves that. XP

    • CommentTimeMay 13th 2011 edited

    Oghren is pretty awesome. But you know what else is awesome?

    PORTAL 2 CO-OP. It is AMAZING. I’m playing through with my brother-in-law, and we’re having a blast! Shockingly, we haven’t killed each other yet… but we’ve threatened to more than once!

    EDIT: In the game, I mean. Not in real life. :eyeroll:

    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2011

    If Valve does not have expansion packs for Portal 2 co-op, I will… I will… gah! I don’t know, but I’ll be really, really sad!


    I beat Portal 2!!!!

    OMG Wheatley. He’s SO CUTE. squee
    Seriously I wish he were human.


    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2011

    My brothers got Portal 2. I think I might play it…it seemed interesting.

    • CommentTimeMay 25th 2011

    Loving L.A. Noire. I suck so hard, though. T~T I never know when to doubt them.

    • CommentTimeMay 27th 2011

    I’ve been playing Mount & Blade: Warband pretty much nonstop. Awesome game and I haven’t even added any mods to it yet.

    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2011

    The Sims 3 expansion pack Generations is out, which I want, but it means that Late Night is on sale and I want that too. Conundrum.

    (At least until I decide to get them both :P)


    ^^Get both!!!!!

    Night Life has vampires.

    Generations has imaginary friends, which look like creepy ragdolls, but are quite amusing.

    I like generations because it’s different. Night Life is like S1 Hot and Superstar mixed with S2 Late Night. Still fun.

    Pets comes out in the fall, and you’re supposed to be able to play from the pets’ perspectives.


    ...I now need to buy a 3DS.

    • CommentTimeJun 10th 2011

    Portal 2 spoilers:

    • CommentTimeJun 10th 2011

    I’ve gone back to Minecraft recently and have played SO MUCH of it. I decided to build a pixel art statue in honor of Fluttershy (from My Little Pony, shut up), but I didn’t have enough pink dye (because you need white dye to make pink dye, and you can only get white dye from skeletons, and who wants to wander around all night tracking them down?) so I then had to build a gigantic mob farm. I… have had too much time on my hands lately. On the plus side, soon I’ll be able to get back to work on my Fluttershy statue! Why didn’t I discover the joy of building stupidly huge things earlier?!

    • CommentTimeJun 11th 2011 edited

    Also, I played Hunted: the Demon’s Forge with a friend (co-op) and I’m very disappointed with this game. I mean, it looks nice and all that but it’s so buggy and not to mention how stupid the characters are. Their dialogue is shit, the cut scenes are boring and it’s just. Ugh.

    Like, there were these explosives and E’lara saw them and she says: “Are these the explosives the townsmen was talking about?”

    What the fuck? How many explosives do you think these poor towns people have? Are you this stupid? You are two times as old as Caddoc, (which means you’re probably nearing your hundredth birthday) and yet you state the fucking obvious? D:

    EDIT: Also, could they have put a little more clothes on the chick? I mean, come one. A loincloth, bra, and thongs, and high heels? Yeah, that’s the clothes I put on when I’m off to fight demons. Oh yeah. Definitely. At least give her more than a thong underneath the loincloth thingy. (Well, it’s either that or she’s just not wearing underwear.) I mean, I’m not saying they have to make her wear clothes that an actual warrior would wear, just a little more clothes. Just a little. :c

    • CommentTimeJun 11th 2011

    Is it me, or is Crackdown 2 exactly the same as Crackdown 1 but with different graphics and a bunch of Mutants direct from Prototype? There are a few other minor changes, but it even has the same sound effects as the first.


    I like your hat, swenson.

    • CommentTimeJun 12th 2011

    My pyro hat? It’s because I have Plants and Zombies. I just love it because it’s a traffic cone stuck to my head.

    My goal in life, however, is to get the Sight for Sore Eyes (the pyro googly eyes). Someday, I will craft it and then I will never, ever use any other miscellaneous item ever again.


    Oh, I didn’t realize it was a promo thing. It did make you easy to pick out among our other 500 pyros.

    You still got nothing on my Abe Lincoln setup though.

    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2011

    Yeah, I am kinda jealous. It looks most dashing, of course. :D

    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2011 edited

    Getting back into Neverwinter Nights 2.

    Gotta say, I’m having ore fun playing with the console commands than actually going through the opening fights again. Polymorph# is a lot of fun, but I can’t find a list of creature-numbers anywhere. Just have to put a number in and see what comes up.

    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2011

    I never played NWN 2, only NWN 1. It was one of those RPGs that doesn’t have a lot of re-playability, in my opinion.

    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2011

    I’m addicted to Plants vs. Zombies. O_O

    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2011

    I just noticed the new expansion for Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Justine! Supposedly it’s scarier than the main story was. I haven’t played much of anything since I finished Amnesia, but as excited as I am, I really shouldn’t start it at midnight when I was supposed to be in bed three hours ago… but I want to try it out so badly…

    Eep nevermind! Got freaked out and quit when I saw the first monster >.< I desperately need to sleep tonight, so that’s it for Justine. Until tomorrow :3

    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2011

    A little comic for you, Miel:

    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2011

    Swenson, when you finish DAO, don’t play DA2… that game ended up being a huge disappointment that I didn’t finish playing. :|

    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2011

    That’s the sort of stuff I keep hearing. I think for now, I’m just going to work through the DAO DLC, and if DA2 ends up ridiculously on sale (like, ten bucks or something), I might consider picking it up.

    Which is sad, because I very much enjoyed DAO! It may not have been the most original thing in the world, but it approached the subject matter (dwarves and elves and dragons and whatnot) in an interesting manner, and I like the combat style (although not the camera. I hate the camera in that game with the white-hot passion of a thousand burning suns.). And it made me get attached to people and and sniffle at certain parts, so I think it succeeded pretty well.

    I always say the measure of a good book is that it makes you think, it makes you laugh, and it makes you cry, and I guess it’s the same for games!

    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2011

    I didn’t think DA2 was that bad. It could have been better, sure, but it did pull off some things better than DAO, namely a sense of moral ambiguity. The only part of DAO that I felt there was any real ambiguity was with the dwarven succession crisis in Orzammar. Everywhere else was more like “oh, this issue is more complicated than I thought, but there’s a pretty obvious ‘best’ solution, so I’ll go with that.”

    But with DA2, I got the feeling that both sides in every conflict actually had a legitimate grievance.

    It’s stuff like that that really saved the game for me.


    Somebody on this board dominated somebody else on this board in TF2 this afternoon. I’ll leave the names out to spare the losing party the eternal shame of defeat.

    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2011 edited

    You left out the bit where it happened twice, after somebody else finally got revenge on somebody at one point.


    Yeah, that’s the only thing about the Dead Ringer that I don’t love. If I had a Cloak and Dagger I would’ve had a much better shot at breaking that deathgrip y’all had atop the stairs.

    But instead somebody was shamed to the point of taking up the Half-Zatoichi and becoming a ronin. Only blood can cleanse dishonor!

    Also my laptop apparently has a built-in mic. I hope you’re ready to be trash-talked at(assuming all talk is on and we are on opposite teams).

    • CommentTimeJun 22nd 2011

    Heh. That’s the biggest problem with Dead Ringer, isn’t it? It’s just so much louder. In my usual class, of course, Dead Ringer spies are even more fun to kill, because you get to light them on fire TWICE! And my least favorite thing in life is demos with swords. Good ones, anyway. My strategy for them is pretty much anti-pyro strategy—just don’t get within reach!

    I haven’t got a mic, unfortunately. Not sure if I’d use it even if I had one, though.


    If you’re able to keep steady with a black Scottish cyclops in your face, pyros at least don’t have much to worry about 1 on 1. Puff range is longer than sword range, so even with the Targe’s fire resistance, the demo gets worn down first.

    As an erstwhile maniac Demoknight, I love the new Demo gear coming out in the next update. Unfortunately, it’s all Arab-themed stuff, and I don’t know how to taunt people in Arabic.

    I haven’t got a mic, unfortunately. Not sure if I’d use it even if I had one, though.

    Yeah, knowing nerds, hearing a girl on voice chat almost always draws a reaction, and a lot of those reactions aren’t always so pleasant.

    • CommentTimeJun 23rd 2011


    But on the other hand I’ve also run into those girls who act like this:

    “Yeah, I play videogames and I’m also hot. Aren’t I soooooo special? Are you even paying attention to me? You just got killed by a girl, isn’t that soooooo embarrassing like omg. Btw have I mentioned how hot I am and how special I am and how you should be devoting every ounce of attention to me and how I won’t shut up and blahblahblahblahblah…


    When I was still trying to be a film student, the senior documentary I was planning was going to be on geek culture, and gender dynamics was the elephant in the room. You see that sort of girl in any classically male-dominated hobby, I think.

    • CommentTimeJun 23rd 2011

    Anyway, time for something completly unrelated…

    I love the Mass Effect 2 soundtracks. Bioware game soundtracks in general, really.

    • CommentTimeJun 24th 2011


    Does that really happen? The worst I’ve ever gotten was “Eh yo gurl, lemme squirtle on dem jigglypuffs”.

    • CommentTimeJun 24th 2011 edited

    “Eh yo gurl, lemme squirtle on dem jigglypuffs”.

    This is the best thing I’ve ever read in my entire life.

    • CommentTimeJun 24th 2011

    “Eh yo gurl, lemme squirtle on dem jigglypuffs”.

    I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.


    I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

    Laugh. I about fell out of my chair.



    • CommentTimeJun 24th 2011 edited

    You act as if you’ve never heard that before. :P

    In other news:


    I have no shame.

    • CommentTimeJun 24th 2011



    I would, if I had a working computer. The brofists and pwnage would be epic.

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeJun 24th 2011
    bq. Oh, and TF2 IS NOW FREE FOREVER




    My super-secret Steam ID is… sansafro187. FRAND ME, FRAND. I CAN TAUNT YOU IN MOONSPEAK

    I would, if I had a working computer. The brofists and pwnage would be epic.

    Perhaps it’s for the good. Otherwise we’d beat the game with our combined skillz.

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeJun 26th 2011
    _Star Wars Galaxies_ is finally being pulled from official SOE support. What a pathetic end to such a profound downward spiral for what was once an exceptional game.

    I am the worst gamer ever not just in skill but in actually playing and finishing games. I tend to stick to my little Nintendo and almost never bought games for my xbox. So my first step towards playing more “hardcore” realistic modern games is Mass Effect and then 2. Its story is pretty awesome and while I probably would prefer to play certain other kinds of games because I think good and bad choice games can be silly, it is very interesting.

    My one major gripe – it’s been glitching on me and shit! First a decryption menu wouldnt go away when I walked away from the thing to decrypt. Then I got blasted by a blue chick and Shepherd wouldn’t get back up. Then I drove the car into a seemingly safe spot and it somehow counted as me being in lava and sent me halfway back down the map! Grrr. And I dont think I can download any updates/patches.

    I’ve also wanted to find a cheap PS2 and borrow/buy all the classic brilliant games I never actually played. Just spend days on end going through all the great ones. FF, MGS, GoW, PoP, GTA, Shadow of Colossus, maybe the good Tomb Raiders, maybe Jax and Daxter but certainly not Ratchet and Clank god I find those games boring, maybe Sly Raccoon. What else am I forgetting?

    • CommentTimeJun 27th 2011

    My super-secret Steam ID is earlier in this thread, I think, but if you didn’t see it there, it’s alynnidalar. I am so excited about it being free, too! I already have it, of course, but getting moar people to play it is awesome! For what it’s worth, I looked over the differences between “free” and “premium” accounts, and it’s not significant. The only big downside is you have less backpack space and can’t trade (but then again, I don’t trade much anyway). Possibly having limited crafting capabilities could be annoying if you like that, but I don’t know how much it’s been limited. And if this all annoys you, remember that a “premium” account only takes one purchase at the Mann Co. Store, so you can get the full game (which, again, isn’t much extra) for only a few bucks.

    @Rocky – Steam ID? If we get enough Imps on there, we could set up a Steam group.

    @Puppet a loooong time ago – I also love the Mass Effect soundtrack. I actually have CDs of the soundtrack of both games that I listen to in my car on the way to class all the time.

    @happycrab – you on Therum when that happened with the lava? Yeah, that apparently happens to a lot of people. Watch out for people getting thrown through walls with biotics in the first game, btw. If you have Liara along (or you’re a biotic) you can sometimes get them out (or just kill them) with singularity. And with this comment I have proven that I have played that game far, far too much!

    And for game advice, I have to plug Portal just because it’s my favorite game ever. If you like puzzle games and are good with FPSes, I literally cannot think of a single reason why you might dislike this game. Unless you hate the color white or get motion sickness easily or something.


    What else am I forgetting?



    If therum is the place where you rescure Liara then yeah. The newest glitch to happen is I exited an underground place on a explorable planet and the framerate went to like 1fps even when I was in the menu so I sluggishly saved then reset.

    I spent waaaay too long yesterday searching every planet and trying to do everything on them. It wasn’t even very entertaining. Driving the car over the bumps/mountains is annoying and I hate that the element deposits arent marked on the map meaning I’ve probably missed a lot and have to go back and search. I am a little bit of a collectionist when it comes to certain games but I can see myself giving up. I should finally go back to the story so the game will hopefully become very good again.

    I played Portal 1 and 2 and loved them. I remember sansafro going on about Disgaea at one point and I will add it to the list. The list being ‘Classic great PS2 era games I want to play but probably wont ever get around to playing them all’