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    • CommentTimeOct 2nd 2009

    Please answer me this, why is the Perv Patch back? Mary Sue I can stand, as long as it doesn’t insult the authors as people… but seriously. Why the Perv Patch?


    Because I didn’t want to hurt the eyes of the innocents on the Absolutely Random Thread.

    And bringing old threads back isn’t so bad. Some threads are really good.


    I swear, not my fault! I created the monster, but I did not reanimate it!

    Points accusingly at SAQT


    Hey, I was this close to posting it on the ART, but then I thought, “Do I really want to link this to people who don’t know what an uke or seme is?”


    Well, I didn’t know either- never heard that term before. But I guessed correctly before clicking the link :)


    Thanks for warning me off, SMARTA. Sometimes I innocently click on the Perv Patch by mistake, but now I will definitely stay away.

    • CommentTimeOct 3rd 2009

    Why the Perv Patch?

    Because there are a lot of horny teenagers here. You can join them in a few years. :D


    Thanks for warning me off, SMARTA. Sometimes I innocently click on the Perv Patch by mistake, but now I will definitely stay away.

    It’s not bad, just… expect a lot of innuendo.

    • CommentTimeOct 3rd 2009 edited

    Retroactive edited-in reply to below:


    • CommentTimeOct 3rd 2009

    I’m offended how low ImpishIdea has sunk. Messing with characters and authors is not what we do, we Constructively Critique the writing.



    I’m not quite sure to what you are referring, Puppet, hence my confusion. Explain?

    And I’ve submitted two things for concrit in the past few days, so I’ve been behaving! And I concritted Diamonte’s thing.

    • CommentTimeOct 3rd 2009

    Pops out another demon spawn, only this one has wings


    I don’t hate you as a person, but that post just really annoyed me. I’ve just been annoyed how badly we handle books, the Gloatia Pics thread and Impish Idea has been Overthrown really irked me. I’m mostly just bitching right now, but this site is disappointing. I helped bring it down, but I want to bring it back up.

    Again, I’m don’t hate any of you as a person, and I’m sorry if you find this insulting. This is just my humble opinion.


    Ok, I will agree the Gloatia thing was completely horrendous. I had nothing to do with it, and it was banned rather promptly. How have we been handling books badly?

    I think something neat to do would be… wait, I’m going to go make a thread. I had a good, sound, solid idea.


    I respect Puppet’s view here, and I also support it. The Overthrown thread really annoyed me. Mocking authors themselves—like in a couple of the threads where some people were mocking Smeyer’s appearance—that’s just wrong, it has nothing to do with her writing, and she’s not that bad-looking anyway. It’s like they were just looking for something more to mock.That was a while ago, though.

    At the same time, Impish Idea has snark in its ethos, and so messing around with characters, etc, is to be expected. What’s gone on with the Mary Sue Roleplaying Thread—I don’t think it’s really disrespectful. It’s more like a giant badfic that only uses characters with certain qualifications. We’re having fun and we don’t mean anything terrible by it. Then again, I sometimes wonder how the authors would feel if they discovered what we were doing. I don’t know where I stand on this.

    Snark that extends to sporks, though, I’m not really comfortable with, and never have been, on this site at least. Do we really have nothing better to do than sit around and mock writing we already know is bad? We’re an ‘improve your writing’ site, right? Maybe we should quit mocking bad writing, and start looking at how good writing works. After all, you should learn from the masters rather than the amateurs.

    Might the snark need to be channeled more constructively? Any thoughts?

    But I’ve also noticed a lot more writing threads since this particular thread went up.

    Another aspect I’m wondering about is, how much fun and how much talking about us (irrelevant stuff) do we have, as opposed to how much writing stuff we have? Like, for example, the Awesome Cars thread is a ‘fun’ thread, the Let’s Whine About School Thread is an ‘us’ thread, etc. Should we have a list of the threads that aren’t constructive and should be deleted before they contribute more to our downfall? Which ones do we pick? Do we really need the Serious Discussion threads?

    Using the loosest possible interpretation of a writing/words/critique/books thread, we have 13 out of 36 threads at the top of the latest-posted page in that category. The further down you look, the more of these threads are languishing at the bottom.

    I helped bring it down, but I want to bring it back up.

    My sentiments exactly. Just thought I’d say it in so many words, to be absolutely clear.

    Wow, this is long. But whatever. Please don’t do a tl;dr on me.