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    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2009 edited

    How many of you have tried to get your stories/poetry published, and if you have, do you know of any good magazines (or other venues) to make this happen? Have you actually succeeded in getting someone to buy your stuff?

    For a little backstory, this topic is on my mind because today I got my first rejection letter. It was from the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and, for those curious, the story was called Damien’s Familiar (I have one of the later drafts posted in the critique wanted section). I’m asking because I plan to sent the story off again (after some revision), but I’m not sure where it should go. Not to mention, it seems like a good thing to discuss if anyone in our community has work they want published.

    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2009

    After working through the editing club we started I will definitely consider sending some of that off. I’m excited to get my first rejection letter.. its like a step towards success.


    The publishing process scares me ;_;

    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2009

    it’s like a step towards success.

    I initially read this as “it’s like a slap towards success,” and thought it was hilarious till I looked again.


    Publishing? Hahaha. Oh, you were serious.

    No, I am definitely not ready to publish my work. Heck, I can’t even let my parents see what I write!


    Heck, I can’t even let my parents see what I write!

    Same here. I’ve gone to great lengths to hide the fact that I’m writing from my mom and my brother even though I’d be more productive if I was open about it.


    And then they try to catch me in the act, and I scream really loud, and it’s generally chaos.

    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2009

    I don’t let anyone (save you guys) read my work, because I need writers to critique it. After that I don’t mind agents or publishers seeing it.. as long as I know its the best I can make it.


    Yes, exactly.

    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2009

    Well, it’s what we’re here for :)


    Publishing? No no no! Believe me, it’s not good enough. Not even close.

    • CommentTimeAug 16th 2009 edited

    No, critiquing and generally supporting each other. Probably should have made that a little clearer


    Actually, I was referring to your first comment… I probably should’ve made that clearer too. ;)