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    • CommentTimeNov 18th 2011

    The reason I dislike Glee is because all the characters are just based off stereotypes.


    You’re allowed to like Glee.

    I don’t. Everybody I know thinks I should because it’s musical and so am I. But nuhp.

    The other one looks like a bad crossover between Little Red Riding Hood and Game of Thrones [I mean, all those black birds flying around? I don’t know if they were ravens, or what, but I immediately thought of GOT.]

    To be fair, Little Red Riding Hood was fairly bad to begin with.

    • CommentTimeNov 18th 2011

    I don’t like Glee because the characters and story just don’t keep my attention. Oh boy, another stereotypical high school, expcet this time there’s a choir made up of hilariously mismatched archetypes singing other people’s songs! It’s like The Breakfast (Radio) Club for the modern age!


    There again, I don’t watch much TV, so it might be better than most of what’s on? I wouldn’t know. If it is, that’s sad.

    • CommentTimeNov 18th 2011

    My issue with Glee is that I wouldn’t be surprised if the glee club was getting somewhere around 90% of the school’s budgit for the creative arts programs. I’d like to see the band and the theater struggling to get any money for equipment they need, which they don’t have because the glee culb had to get new costumes for their fifth performance this semester. Ugh.

    Sorry, I was in band and theater in high school, so I have some idea how much money goes into those progarams, and even then we still could have used more money.


    I don’t like their voices. I’m a singer and I used to be in choir, so I know a bit about this stuff, and they all tend to have a very manufactured kind of sound, especially Rachel.

    Then again, I’m ridiculously picky about that kind of thing. I didn’t like the voices of 90% of people in choir, and they got solos, while I didn’t. Yes, I’m slightly bitter about choir, why do you ask?


    @ SWQ: I’ve heard a couple of the songs from Glee. I’m beginning to think that a good argument for disliking it is because I’m musical.

    Also, the one episode I saw of it, this girl was basing her choice between two guys off of how good their performance of Justin Beiber was. And there are so many things wrong with that sentence I don’t know where to begin. Also in the same episode was a coach who I swear had the pettiness of a spoiled four year old, by trying to ruin friendships between girls who must have been half her age. I didn’t get it.

    No offence, BlueMask. I guess it’s one of those guilty pleasure things that you’re allowed to admit because it’s the internet.

    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2011 edited

    It’s my one and only guilty pleasure. Like watching the one million and fourteen variations of the nyahnyah cat on YouTube. And then watching Kids React to NyahNyah cat. And then watching Kids React until three in the morning.
    Steph: I’m shocked. Really. Really. Shocked. You liked Red Riding Hood? Reasons, now, so I can start a debate, please.


    Batman The Brave and The Bold’s last episode is so ridiculously meta, that I think my fourth wall has been in need of repairs.


    Steph: I’m shocked. Really. Really. Shocked. You liked Red Riding Hood? Reasons, now, so I can start a debate, please.

    Ignoring the whole ‘well you like Glee so nyah!’ argument, here are my reasons:

    1. Fairytale. I am a HUGE fan of fairytale retellings.
    2. Romance. I can pretend it was realistic. This is something my suspension of belief will hold if I go into it with my eyes open. Believe me, I read a tonne of bad reviews before I went and saw it.
    3. Hot guys. Who were hot. And there were moments where you could imagine they were more fleshed-out as characters than they actually were in-movie. For a movie you’re not expecting too much of, that’s kind of enough.
    4. Funny OTT soap opera-y cheesiness and stereotypical characters, some of whom I cared about nonetheless. Also, I liked the main character Valerie.
    5. Yelling ‘this doesn’t make sense!’ at the screen and criticising the heck out of it was fun.
    7. Atmosphere/music/visuals were good. This was actually a big one for me. If movies get these things right, I will forgive a lot.
    8. A bit of suspense, which I like, but I wasn’t too emotionally invested in the movie as a whole, so I wasn’t too uptight the whole time, which I like too.
    9. Some good acting here and there.
    10. I like Catherine Hardwicke, and I like her direction style.
    11. Amanda Seyfried is always good.
    12. It’s all played so straight it crosses the line from painful to hilarious.

    In conclusion: It’s one of those lame movies that I liked in part because it was lame.

    Like I said, it’s a twinkie.

    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2011

    mumbles agreement under breath
    Okay, the music and cinematography was really good. I guess I just didn’t like the two main guys- not my type, as it were.
    And I think that Catherine Hardwicke was too good for Twilight. Not that that’s saying much, but I haven’t seen any of her other movies. Her sense of humor is good.
    Wait, an armadillo? When was that?
    My biggest problem was Gary Oldman, who I was expecting to be a good character, [like, the ‘goodie’] but when he put the boy in the elephant, I was too shocked to pay attention to much else. It kind of threw my perspective on the whole thing.
    Anyway, change of subject. Downton Abbey. I missed three episodes when I was in Aussie recently, so I’m going to have to wait until it all comes out on DVD. [Or watch it on the internet, illegally, which is illegal, so I’ll say I won’t.]


    Also, the one episode I saw of it, this girl was basing her choice between two guys off of how good their performance of Justin Beiber was. And there are so many things wrong with that sentence I don’t know where to begin.

    I have no words.

    I am a HUGE fan of fairytale retellings.

    Me too, but they’re horribly easy to screw up.

    It’s all played so straight it crosses the line from painful to hilarious

    I could see that just by watching the trailer.
    I also suddenly had a flashback to a (former) neighbour walking up to my flat late at night after seeing it, just so she could complain about how it was “too much like Twilight”.
    Poor girl.
    I almost patted her head.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeNov 21st 2011





    So, How I Met Your Mother had a funny, great episode tonight. AND THEN.

    Click that link to see my review, btw.

    • CommentTimeNov 21st 2011

    So Once Upon a Time is auto recording on our dvr, despite the fact that when we first saw the first few minutes we had to change the channel from sheer badness, but inertia meant that the first 4 episodes recorded.

    And for the record, I agree with all of Apep’s comments.

    But in addition, I found it hideously misogynistic (even more so than the usual tv show levels) and has an extremely skewed look at adoption. 1) If you are adopting kids, you are evil 2) if you gave your kid up for adoption, you just didn’t know better [ possibly 3) if you disciple your kid, you’re evil]. I’m not adopted myself, nor do I have any personal experience, but one of my friends has several adopted siblings and after learning all that they’ve had to go through, including how much they do to make sure the kids knew how much they were loved and part of the family—including celebrating their ‘adoption day’, I can’t help but see this as anything but harmful.

    Also, you can, not justify, but understand the ‘danger’ of the step-mother, or even birth mother in the original fairy tales, in fact there’s quite a lot of interesting scholarship on the subject. But even they had more subtleties than the evil mayor in the show. Who is EVIL, btw. It did seem in the first episode that there would be some complexity to the character, given the dialogue, especially since the curse supposedly wiped everyone’s memory. But it didn’t to her, and she’s effectively the big bad of the quest story line, and nothing else. She’s ‘damaged’ and has ‘excuses’ but they really don’t work. If the show just reveled in her evilness, it might be little better…but I’m thinking of a spoiler.

    Rumpelstiltskin, though, is a fun villain, who also commits proper villainy.

    And I may have to blog about it, given how wordy I want to be.

    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2011

    Is How I Met Your Mother actually decent again? I haven’t watched the last couple of episodes, the show had gone too far downhill for my tastes.


    Watching the pilot for The Shield. Seems fairly interesting so far, and it’s got a bunch of familiar actors. Also, this exchange:

    “What, is it your turn to play Bad Cop?”

    “Nah. Good Cop and Bad Cop left for the day.”

    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2011

    @ Thea: Thank you! Nice to have some confirmation that it’s not just me.

    I swear, all of the dialogue of the mayor/step-mother might as well be, “Evil. I’m Evil. Not ‘little-e’ evil, but ‘big-E’ evil. I’m totally evil. Did I mention I’m Evil? Because I totally am.” And so on.

    And I think half the reason Rumpelstiltskin is such a good villain is because the actor spends every minute of his screen time chewing the scenery like a starving beaver. If you’re gonna play a bad guy, you should at least have fun with it.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2011

    @ Puppet

    The last few episodes have been very good, IMO. Bit of an emotional rollercoaster, too.



    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2011

    Why is Revenge so ridiculously good? I mean, why? It started out so eh, and now it’s just amazing (well, amazing in context of what it is).

    And how come Happy Endings makes me laugh even though half of the time I don’t even know why I’m laughing?

    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2011


    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2011

    Mythbusters was better before they were popular.

    /puts on hipster glasses

    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2011

    Mythbusters is insanity, sometimes awesome. My mileage tends to vary by episode—sometimes it’s wonderful, othertimes unbearable.

    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2011

    ‘Mythbusters was better before they were popular.’

    You hipster, you.
    I haven’t watched it in forever. All I can remember is them doing an experiment with tight jeans, and me having a nightmare that night.


    I was watching a cool one about paper armor vs. steel armor. But yeah, it kind of determines on the experiments.

    • CommentTimeNov 26th 2011

    What won?


    Well, it was comparing armor from ancient China, and on nearly all fronts, paper was comparable to steel. Of course, steel was more durable, but its weight was a killer.

    • CommentTimeNov 26th 2011

    I see.
    {hidden in case of rocks being thrown at me}


    i will throw roks anywy


    But what did Roks Any’wy do to you to deserve being thrown?

    And rewatching Justice League. Actually like War World a bit.

    • CommentTimeNov 26th 2011

    If it weren’t for your delicate mental condition, I would throw rocks back.

    • CommentTimeNov 26th 2011

    Er, that’s to sansa, that is. Marquis, lol.




    shield season 2 was good


    I’ve been watching Fullmetal Alchemist and Hetalia why trying to finish he fifth series of Doctor Who and the first season of Pushing Daisies.

    It’s a weird combination.


    So you’re having dreams of the Doctor in automail having to stop pretty-boy manifestations of each country who bring people back to life?


    That would be one hell of an awesome crossover fic.


    fma or fmab? theres a differene


    FMA. I’m going to watch Brotherhood after I’m done with this one (and read the manga, when I get around to it). Which is better?


    hard to say. plotting tighter in fmab, but i feel fma has strongest individual senes

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2011

    Yu Yu Hakusho. The Dark Tournament. HOLY CRAP ON A CRACKER!!!!!!!


    Which part of the arc are you at?


    i model my life on big toguro

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2011

    Yusuke just defeated Chu. Chuu?. Drunk Australian guy? WHATEVER, I CAN’T SPELL IT.


    I model my life on Sensui.


    Drunk Australian guy

    So, pretty much, an Australian guy?


    • CommentTimeNov 29th 2011


    Everything’s changed. :D


    oh god dont tell me you didnt see that twist coming either spanman

    it took all my will not to yell at people for not seeing it by episode 2

    • CommentTimeNov 29th 2011

    Yeah, I’m incredibly bad at predicting twists. It caught me completely by surprise. D:

    But at least I’m enjoying myself, right? RIGHT?


    on the avclub(where we hate dexter) we have been hoping that the twist would be that

    • CommentTimeNov 29th 2011


    it just makes every preceding scene with him stupid

    every scene in the show is stupid

    i hate dexter


    IGN made me really realise that twist in Dexter so I have no idea if I would’ve figured it out on my own or not. I haven’t even watched the episode that it was finally “revealed” yet but I know.


    i just assumed everybody knew pretty much from the start

    anyway in news of shows i dont hate SHIELD SEASON 4 GO GO GO

    • CommentTimeNov 30th 2011

    i hate dexter

    Oh, okay then. Maybe you shouldn’t be watching it…?


    i hate dexter

    I seem to recall that you used to like it…. But it has gotten fairly predictable lately and isn’t as exciting because no one important ever seems to be in real danger. And Dexter does things that seems really reckless lately and never gets caught. But I didn’t see this particular twist coming either, so….

    I think that seasons 1-4 were really good, and it started going downhill a bit last season, but that’s just me. I think they need to end it soon before it becomes really stupid. It’s not right now (in my opinion), but it seems to be heading that way. That said, I still really enjoy it.

    • CommentTimeNov 30th 2011

    I’ve only seen a very little bit of Dexter—the beginning of the first maybe? But I didn’t realize how long it’s been on, either. Sometimes, I think you just need to let shows end. Not that I don’t love to have my favorite characters just keep coming back, but though I have a great deal of tolerance for crime dramas (not the CSIs, though) it does make me sad that by definition, the characters will never progress.

    So when you have super long-running shows, it can get weird. Also, some premises can’t support it. I’ve not seen any of Revenge, but the when they first started airing commercials I couldn’t figure out how long that could be a show—as soon as she’d had her revenge, the name wouldn’t mean anything anymore. Like The Good Wife (which I’ve never watched either, but it also seems to have outgrown its premise, and therefore its name).

    Sorry, I seem to have gotten rather philosophical. It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while. Back on topic, I’m sad there don’t seem to be any new episodes this week.


    I seem to recall that you used to like it….

    i did

    it got worse

    • CommentTimeNov 30th 2011

    On the topic of long running shows, I just watched a few clips from The Office. Specifically, “Date Mike” and “Prison Mike.” I really miss Steve Carrel.


    it got worse

    When did you stop liking it… out of curiosity?

    I really miss Steve Carrel.

    I didn’t even watch it regularly, but I think they should have canceled it after he left the show.


    When did you stop liking it… out of curiosity?

    s5 which was a terrible mess

    of course it was the first season i watched post-wire/mad men/breaking bad(“good” shows) so i had gotten better at watching tv

    i am afraid of rewatching earlier seasons for that reason

    The Walking Dead makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011

    Only the parts with Glenn. The rest of the show is painfully, horribly uneventful.

    Except for the parts where kids get shot. Then it’s just painful and horrible.

    Why am I still watching it?!



    walking dead characters have names now?

    i thought they were a motley crew of random cardboard cutouts and also a crossbow

    lol vatos and old people

    sometimes i think that rather than having an eye for quality, amc just won the lottery twice in a row


    Hey! They have names! T-dog!! Yeah thats the only one I remember because it’s so ridiculous. Why is it so damn hard to remember their names? I remember names in most other shows. It’s a pity that the first zombie tv show based on a supposedly very good comic is kinda bad. Also a shame about Terra Nova. But I will continue watching The Walking Dead for the sake of it.

    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011


    Is it bad that I can’t remember who that is?


    Isn’t T-dog the black guy? I can’t remember which one Glenn in, though.

    bq. Only the parts with Glenn. The rest of the show is painfully, horribly uneventful.

    So, getting chased under a Tank and then leaving said Tank, making a run for it and then going back to Atlanta, rescuing a friend and then fighting off another attack, then escaping the CDC building before it blows is uneventful?

    bq. i thought they were a motley crew of random cardboard cutouts and also a crossbow

    How were they cut-outs? Keep in mind that's the only zombie show I've ever watched. So. . .
    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011

    Well yeah, the first season was pretty good, but what about the second? Episodes later, and nothing of real note has happened (besides baby drama, and really, who cares?).

    I can’t remember which one Glenn in, though.

    He’s the Korean guy.

    bq. Well yeah, the first season was pretty good, but what about the second? Episodes later, and nothing of real note has happened (besides baby drama, and really, who cares?).

    Oh, okay, thanks for the heads-up : ). I've only gotten to the end of the first season (I don't have TV so I have to buy my stuff on DVD. On the plus side, no commercials)
    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011

    Oh oops. :P I’m glad I didn’t give too many real spoilers then!

    Don’t let me discourage you from watching the second season, but don’t expect it to be on par with the first. It has its good moments though. Most of them are moments with Glenn and Darryl, everyone else is kind of stupid. XP

    Darryl is great :D

    Before I wouldn't have thought you could take a racist redneck and make him into a sympathetic character and then make you root for him : D
    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011 edited
    I know I'm going back a couple weeks, but here's a list of a couple tv shows I've enjoyed. Almost without exception, I stream them as I don't watch tv and it's much shorter without ads.

    Daily Show with Jon Stewart- I absolutely love political satire. His dick jokes not so much.
    Mercer Report/ This Hour Has 22 Minutes (sporadically)
    Firefly- sci-fi and western. I never thought that combo would work, but does it ever.
    Geeks and Freaks- I've never been interested in tv shows about high schools, but it really feels genuine without trying too hard to be 'edgy' and provocative.
    Sharpe's Rifles- historical fiction at it's best
    Hornblower- same as above. I loved the books and finding the tv series was such a find.
    Beverly Hillbillies- dang that's a good show. The fish out of water, comedy of misunderstandings, word play, and slapstick humour has aged really well in my opinion.
    Flight of the Conchords- first season was really funny.
    Lost- well, maybe first couple seasons and the final to some extent. Anything that felt like the game Myst/ Riven. The continuing story/ mystery and discovering was enjoyable. Flash forward and backwards was unnecessary.
    Battlestar Galactica (modern one)- kinda lost me with almost every main character turning into a cylon. But what I most liked was the continuing storyline vs the heavily episodic nature of most tv shows.
    Vampire Diaries (guilty pleasure) I'm not even sure why I like this one.

    Those are ones I personally sat down to watch on my own. There's some that I watched in a larger group setting and enjoyed, but not really enough to watch them on my own: Arrested Development, first season of the Office, Numb3rs, The District, first season of Big Bang Theory.
    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011

    For some reason I have the first 4 seasons of Numb3rs and I don’t really like it all that much. For example, there are a number of shows I like much better that I don’t have the dvds for. I must have been in a more profligate* time in my life, then. :(



    Yeah Walking Dead first season was pretty good despite a few things then 2 has gotten a little boring with them being on the farm this long. But the latest episode seemed to fix things.

    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011

    Part of that might have to do with their budget being cut. Can’t do many outdoor shots without paying to use them.

    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011

    Well admittedly, I did like Numb3rs towards the beginning. The use of math seemed pretty novel. But over time, I grew rather weary of the episodic nature of a lot these sorts of shows. But my parents own all of them, so when I came home for the summer, I saw a lot. Granted, we also had the Waltons and some Hawaii cop show that I skipped in favour of something else.
    bq. Part of that might have to do with their budget being cut.

    AMC cut their budget?

    bq. Yeah Walking Dead first season was pretty good despite a few things.

    One thing I wondered was the Army didn't just point those tanks in the direction of the zombies and then floor it.
    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011

    My problem with the very few Numb3rs episodes I’ve seen is that sometimes they have a tendency to over-generalize or misapply math and science, and it bugs me. In most shows, I could just ignore it, but in one with such a huge emphasis on math, it annoys me.

    One in particular was a very entertaining episode… except the bad guys’ plan became completely nonsensical if you know anything much about programming. It was something about how this guy had gotten some programmer to write a program that was supposedly for… voting machines or something, but ended up taking the program and using it for some malicious purpose without the programmer knowing about it. The problem was that you can’t just take a program written for one thing and magically make it do something else. Even if the basic algorithm or logic is similar, you still have to make some changes for the new application. So the whole basic premise was just silly, unless the bad guy was secretly a programmer too, in which case he should’ve written the program himself in the first place.

    But it’s still sort of entertaining, if I can overlook those sorts of things. I imagine people in the medical profession get similarly annoyed by stuff like House. (on that note, I’ve got a friend who is a microbiologist and “her” microorganism (the one her thesis is on) was mentioned on House once… but they slaughtered the pronunciation, which made her sad :( )

    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011 edited

    wait you mean to say computers DONT have giant flashing buttons and cartoon looking guis

    i need to reevaluate some things

    also obligatory plug about how the wire is widely beloved by both law enforcement officials and drug dealers

    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011

    i need to reevaluate some things

    It’s OK, I know it’s a difficult thing to come to terms with. Also, hacking doesn’t look anything at all like flying through a magical holographic landscape, although you better believe if it did I would be all over that stuff.


    Yeah I hate it when they do that kind of thing with computers, phones and videogames. As bad as Dexter has become, to top it all off there’s a guy making a videogame of the Miami forensics department and it’s so bad.

    As for medical things I think Scrubs is usually pretty accurate but take the singing episode for example I imagine in real life someone will only hear people saying what they’re saying with different tones while Scrubs made it an actual musical. And there was one episode where Turk healed someone’s paralyzed back with extreme cold or something which apparently worked in real life but I think they did it immediately while in Scrubs he did it well after the injury. Yeah…

    sansafro with your apparent keen eye and high standards for quality in storytelling, I dunno if I can trust your opinion of The Wire when you like Fairy Tail. Oh god it’s so bad.


    Everybody has a guilty pleasure. Just trust him on it.

    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011

    Ahh fine…. It’s still hard to get into with a lot of episodes. But it’s holidays now so maybe I’ll try.

    lol that’s so silly awesome


    I dunno if I can trust your opinion of The Wire when you like Fairy Tail

    its fun to read because its all the stuff i like about shonen fighting as a genre and none of the stuff i dislike, bloat and bad pacing and such

    i wont call it great fiction but its lean and tight and doesnt take itself too seriously which i think is important for braincandy

    anyway, yes, watch the wire, it is great and you will get the hang of it if you dont give up pointlessly early

    anyway, i am not gonna worry if tonights episode of community will be the last episode they ever have. greendale is a special place and we should just enjoy the time we have there for as long as we have it

    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011 edited

    But it does have plenty of bad stuff from the genre. It’s annoying when Natsu doesn’t actually grow stronger and just wins from getting given a temporary power up. And there’s people winning through the power of love and friendship. There’s plenty of fan service which is always cheap. And I dunno about it not having bad pacing… I haven’t liked it since the arc with the walking city going to destroy a guild. Yet I’m continuing it for the sake of it and I want the dragons explained already.

    One Piece has been pretty interesting lately. The author tied in the current arc with an arc ages ago so he’s been setting this up forever and it’s all about racism and how damaging it is to children being brought up with it and such. And yet many people have bitched about the arc because they believe the pacing is bad, which is mostly only because they’re reading it weekly and are more interested in the second half of the grand line.


    the whole finding ways for natsu to win aside from unlocking hidden power is one of the things that i like about it its just that too often it ends up being natsu eating some kind of special fire or whatever now

    also they need to invent something beyond marriage so i can do that with alison brie


    Mm fairy nuff.

    Become intertwined with her. Read Uzumaki and you’ll get what I mean.

    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011

    Oh man, that NCIS example is so hilarious, it parodies itself.


    “rerouting the encryptions through the mainframe” is what me and my cousin call doing routine troubleshooting to confuse/make fun of our computer illiterate relatives who think we are doing complicated things when we fix their stuff

    Become intertwined with her. Read Uzumaki and you’ll get what I mean.

    i know this is a horror manga so its probably not pleasant but i am willing to try blind since it is alison brie

    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2011 edited

    I don’t think she’ll be too happy about it. lololol that episode of Community was amazing. I don’t understand why I find some episodes really funny and others not. My sense of humor is so out of whack. Because I laughed a lot at that episode. You are right Alison Brie (and Annie) is awesome.
    I really enjoyed seeing Jeff and Shirley being good friends again because I loved their friendship in the episode where they gossiped and joked about the tiny nipple dude. And Shirley hasn’t been well treated lately. Their history was a little too convenient but whatever it worked.
    You’re right every episode is so full of character development. And the show isn’t afraid to not use some characters in episodes.

    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2011 edited

    yeah at first i thought it was a little contrived but really, jeff and shirley are close in age and both are apparently greendale natives and it doesnt seem like its that big of a city

    and yeah it was just a very funny episode in general

    abed as batman is still absurdly hilarious

    “the night beckons. its black fingers curl and uncurl going like hey come here”

    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2011

    I actually watched Community last night (I don’t normally). For a show that is supposedly pretty subversive of cliches, that episode was a cliche-fest. The stories themselves… felt kind of bland and typical, but some of the gags were pretty good. Annie’s glare at Troy towards beginning was amazing.

    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2011

    Hah. Anyone else catch the thefoodreviewer reference?

    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2011 edited

    the point is to play with the cliches and use them to illustrate things about the characters

    the annie/troy/abed plot wasnt just about annie breaking the dvd and having to escalate her lies, at least not once it got rolling. it was really more about abed feeling betrayed and being unable to confront that so he dresses up like batman to work through it

    the main purpose of the jeff/shirley plot was also to tell you more things about the characters. weve seen jeffs loneliness and shirleys inner darkness before but weve never really gone that far back and seen jeff completely powerless or seen shirley behave with outright cruelty

    but yeah i suppose it didnt have the obvious ambition of the season 2 genre episodes

    Hah. Anyone else catch the thefoodreviewer reference?

    oh i didnt realize this was a reference to anything but goddamn if the gangsta rap blaring at the end of leonards clip wasnt the biggest laugh of the night for me

    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2011

    It’s not to my credit, but I can watch most of these primetime dramas without letting the ridiculousness of what they make technical ‘stuff’ of any kind do. For the most part: I still can’t watch CSI anything.

    But, for example, I like NCIS. Have you seen what they do with any kind of computer-themed episode (including programming, gaming, etc)? It’s just brutal. E.g.:Two people typing at once on the same keyboard.

    • CommentTimeDec 3rd 2011

    Detective Conan 305-306. This show just gets better and better.

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeDec 3rd 2011

    Watched the pilot for two shows. Switched at Birth looks great. I hope it doesn’t disappoint. American Horror Story is just plain confusing. I understand wanting to bait viewers, but this was ridiculous. Watching bits and pieces thrown together is not fun. I think I’ll give episode two a try and if they still don’t get around to some explaining, then that will be it. I’m not bothering. This reminds me of how The Event started out. I still don’t know what the event was. There was too much mystery, then people got bored trying to stay with it.


    Oh lordy. HIMYM tonight… yikes.

    And as usual, here’s my review


    Adventure Time became really dark.