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    one thing I really like about Community is how all the characters are important and how together they make the show so great.

    Indeed. You could do an episode pairing any two of the seven and they’d all be unique. It’s just great craftsmanship.

    I do wonder if that’s part of the reason Community has such poor ratings(you know, besides being on NBC and airing at the same time as the Nerd-Blackface Theory). You can’t just watch a random episode and “get” the characters off the bat, because they’re not flat, easily-digested archetypes.


    Rarity is Gotenks?!?

    I’m so shocked, I almost puked a ghost… but puking ghosts are so last season.

    Re: How I Met Your Mother – It’s not the first time that I heard about this show apparently circling the drain. What happened? One interwebz-theory has it that they started to focus too much on Barney, leaving Ted and his “quest” in the position of a subplot…. but I find no evidence of this anywhere else and can’t say for myself, since I’ve only seen up to season 4/5 (can’t remember).


    Re: How I Met Your Mother- I think it’s inevitable that the show starts to drag, especially given the frame. The plot should probably have been concluded in 3 seasons, maybe, but when it was greenlit for so many more (I think we’re on season 8 now) there’s only so far you can stretch the story.

    I do like Barney, Marshall, and Lily (I kind of have a crush on Alyson Hannigan/Willow) so I watch the show mostly for them. But yeah, that show has no forward momentum. Ted’s probably going to end up with some obscure girl that nobody cares about in a haphazard way when the series is finally canceled.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeOct 30th 2011

    @ SWQ

    It’s been guaranteed to have another season after this one, so it should, hopefully, meander it’s way to a proper conclusion. Supposedly, Ted will meet her in this season’s finale, so yay! And it isn’t circling the drain, it’s got some ups and downs, but it isn’t that bad yet.


    @SWQ – makes sense. And yeah, I like them too. The Eriksons are an example of how you don’t need to make your couples on and off for them to be entertaining and funny. And Alyson Hannigan is, of course, awesome and hot. :-)

    @Willow – oh okay. But the down moments must’ve sucked a lot, because HIMYM seems to have become the butt of a lot of “comedy ain’t as funny/good as it used to be”-jokes, even from usually reasonable critics.


    The Rough Patch was an abomination. Awful episode. I think most fans hated it for breaking up Robin and Barney. NOOOO. YOU CANNOT INTERFERE! Heehee, the fans call it the BROTP. Because Robin is a bro. Sorta. Aaaaaanyway, season 5 was up/down, with that as the worst bit, season 6 was decent, but people got aggravated at how long Zooey stuck around (though Kyle MacLachlan was so, so worth it). And so far season 7 is okay, but there were a couple of creaky episodes.

    So…yeah, there you go :)


    “I’m going to eat spaceman paninis with Black Hitler and there’s nothing you can do about it!”


    @Willow – yeah, I myself hate it when writers decide to make status quo God unnecessarily.


    AMAZING episode of HIMYM tonight! When it’s good, it is good.

    Also, spoiler:

    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2011


    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2011

    Started watching Grimm on NBC. They’re only two episodes in, but I like what I’ve seen. Part of it might be because it’s like a cross between Supernatural and the Fables comics.

    • CommentTimeNov 9th 2011

    Castle has become so predictable it isn’t even funny.


    Beavis & Butthead is back and beautiful.


    @ Puppet: now I’m scared to watch through the third series. What the hell, spoil it for me.

    • CommentTimeNov 11th 2011

    Meh, Castle has been predictable forever, hasn’t it? An early suspect who supposedly didn’t do it is always the murderer. They hardly even tried to conceal it in the soap opera episode, what with that character that has no point…

    I keep watching for the banter and the serious episodes, which are surprisingly interesting and good.

    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2011

    But now it seems like it’s always following the same format. The “bad guy” is always the first guy they bring in or catch, but then rule out. Always. I’ll admit it, it was never really that great of a show to begin with, but now it’s just complete garbage.

    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2011

    I thought it was more or less like that already, and that I just never realized it. Shrugs

    I still say the serious, non-throwaway episodes are good. But the others are pretty lazy.

    On a new subject, does anyone else watch Revenge? I hope nobody gave up on it before the fourth episode, because that’s where they ditched the “revenge someone every episode” formula. Now it’s really cool, if kind of silly.

    Also: what’s everyone’s favorite TV show, on-air or off-air? Mine’s Pushing Daisies.


    I think I can guess sansafro’s…


    The one with that guy who wear the bowtie and flies around in his blue box in the sky.

    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2011

    You mean Inception? I thought that was a movie… :P I never got in to Doctor Who myself; I tried watching the reboot, starting with Rose and her doctor, but I just didn’t care for it. I do, however, like Torchwood—I’m about halfway through Miracle day now so NO SPOILERS PLEASE.

    (...I feel like I’m going on too much. <_>)


    I think I can guess sansafro’s…

    I think you just might.

    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2011

    So I’m watching The Walking Dead. It’s really slow-moving but it’s still pretty good, even though the main characters aren’t very interesting for the most part. It’s the supporting characters I’m interested in. :D

    And the zombies, of course. There’s always the zombies.


    I think I can guess sansafro’s…

    It’s Glee, right? (He’s a teacher, the show takes place in a school—and all that Lady Gaga! I totally called it.)

    The one with that guy who wear the bowtie and flies around in his blue box in the sky.

    WIN. This is probably my favourite currently-running show, too, if only because I don’t watch many others. I’m only a casual fan, though.

    As for Castle—huh. I never noticed that ‘first guy is the bad guy’ formula. By season 2 episode 1, it often ran too fast for me to keep up. feels dumb and not entertained. Also, Molly Quinn’s character was one-note but awesome, until she got a boyfriend. After that, it was like her whole life revolved around him and she was always whining about not being able to figure him out. Why couldn’t we have had laser tag again?

    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2011

    Well (spoilers):


    Saw the first episode of Metal Evolution! It’s made by my favorite metal anthropologist, who is so dorky that it warms the very cockles of my heart.


    It’s Glee, right? (He’s a teacher, the show takes place in a school—and all that Lady Gaga! I totally caled it.)

    Don’t even joke like that.


    Yeah, we all know your favorite show is Secret Life of the American Teenager anyways.


    Damn, I forgot about Secret Life. facepalms I feel like such an idiot now.

    I feel like making a list of my favourite TV shows, so here we go. We can compare notes!

    Doctor Who
    The Big Bang Theory
    Dead Like Me
    The IT Crowd
    Executive Stress
    Phineas and Ferb
    Black Books


    Doctor Who
    The Wire
    Six Feet Under
    Babylon 5
    Top Gear
    Batman The Animated Series
    Fullmetal Alchemist


    Also: what’s everyone’s favorite TV show, on-air or off-air? Mine’s Pushing Daisies.

    Dead Like Me
    Star Trek: Voyager
    American Dreams
    Being Human
    Doctor Who
    Being Erica
    Breaking Bad
    The 4400

    And Bryan Fuller created Pushing Daisies, which I’ve been meaning to watch. He also created Dead Like Me, so you should watch it. Wonderfalls is good to, but I need to see the last few episodes.


    It’s Glee, right? (He’s a teacher, the show takes place in a school—and all that Lady Gaga! I totally called it.)

    Ooh! Nice shot!

    Mmm, let’s see…

    The Cape
    Shadow Raiders
    Being Human
    Lie to Me

    and the latest addition, of course:


    And Legend of Galactic Heroes. Definitely can’t forget that.

    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2011 edited

    Doctor Who
    My Little Pony
    Batman: The Animated Series
    Um, Battlestar Galactica, I guess.

    I don’t really watch much TV. Hour-long episodes always seem too long for me, which is why the shows I watch consistently tend to be kids’ shows!

    EDIT: Along with BTAS, I should throw in Justice League. That was a pretty sweet show too.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2011

    Doctor Who
    How I Met Your Mother
    Yuyu Hakusho (no idea how to spell it, it’s an anime about a spirit detective. It’s awesome. The grim reaper is a hyper girl with blue hair)

    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2011 edited

    Yuyu Hakusho

    Yu Yu Hakusho. It is bizarre that you watch this.

    Well, this shouldn’t be particularly revelatory, but what the hell.


    Breaking Bad
    Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
    Rurouni Kenshin
    Mad Men
    Friday Night Lights

    I’m probably missing a few, but meh.


    Bizarre? YYH was awesome. Best shonen without question.


    No, no. I like YYH. I just think it’s bizarre that Willow watches it and also enjoys it enough to put it in this list.

    • CommentAuthorNo One
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2011

    Rurouni Kenshin

    Wow, I didn’t know you watch Rurouni Kenshin. I was just reading chapter 64 of Rurouni Kenshin.

    Favourite shows: every crime shows that comes along as well as:

    Doctor Who
    Masterchef (both Junior and Australia)

    I’m pretty sure there’s more, but that’s— Oh yeah,


    and probably more that I’ve forgotten at the moment.


    Wow, I didn’t know you watch Rurouni Kenshin. I was just reading chapter 64 of Rurouni Kenshin.

    As with most things, the manga’s better. I completely fell in love with the show in high school, though. Good old Toonami.


    Yeah, props to the Battousai. Hope that new OVA series will be just as good.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2011 edited

    Yu Yu Hakusho. It is bizarre that you watch this.

    Oh, just started watching it today with my boyfriend. Eight episodes in a row, lovely little marathon. I really, really like it though. And as a kid I loved Digimon.

    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2011 edited

    In no particular order…

    Detective Conan
    The Wire
    Doctor Who
    Avatar: The Last Airbender
    Mobile Fighter G Gundam
    Gundam 00
    Code Geass
    Batman: The Animated Series
    Top Gear

    I’ll probably think of more later.


    I really, really like it though.

    You’ll love it when Chapter Black rolls around.


    I can’t believe I forgot Coupling, MLP, Being Human (UK) and Dead Like Me.


    can’t believe I forgot MLP

    Me neither.

    Being Human (UK)

    I should’ve specified – this is the BH I meant.


    ^^Me too. I forgot about the remake. I like the UK version.


    Crap, I forgot about Friendship is Magic.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2011 edited
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2011 edited

    Enjoyable for the most part. Read your review – very nice.

    I really liked the call back of Ted and Marshal “eating a sandwitch”. Maybe it’s because I know this is Future!Ted telling his kids, but I kinda wonder how stupid he thinks his kids are. I kinda figured the nacho plot had a really obvious solution, but I was thinking it would be something like creepy guitar guy is running the nacho cart. I do prefer the real reveal, though.

    I still don’t like the Barney/Robin relationship, for a few reasons. First, it feels like a fanfic thing of setting up the main characters with each other, and, since we know Ted doesn’t hook up with Robin, the only other option is Barney, unless she has an affair/three-way with Marshal/Lily (you know Lily’d totally go for it ;P). Also, as you mentioned, they’re both pretty messed up, especially with the commitment issues. To me, them being in a serious relationship seems contradictory with said issues. I think they’d have to have almost uncharacteristic changes to both of them to get Barney/Robin to work.

    Edit: To be fair, I can se Barney/Robin working on a casual, friends-with-benifits basis, just not as a serious, committed relationship.

    Can’t argue with your points about Nora/Kevin, though.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2011

    See, for me, I saw Barney/Robin way back in Zip, Zip, Zip. They spend a lot of sub plots together in seasons one and two, and you know what? They work. The comedic timing, the rapport, the taking the mickey out of each other. It’s very dynamic. And Barney’s sweet side seems particularly prone to Robin. When she was dating Ted and he was convincing them to not move in together, he told Ted she’d look terrible in the morning with no makeup. When she revealed she wasn’t currently wearing makeup?

    “My god, you’re beautiful!”

    And so on. And then Barney caught feelings, and I thought that was very well written. Poor guy has tried to be cold and not-vulnerable for so long. And the playboy thing gets old. Their first episode or two of dating was okay. The Rough Patch was fail. The writers just… gah.

    And then we had the lingering glances, Barney’s guilt for not being better to her post-breakup, the way Robin jumped into Don so quickly. Almost as if both of them… you know, still weren’t quite over each other. And then Barney’s imaginary convo with his dad “you were never happier than when you were with Robin!”

    The Nora thing… was weird. I’m chalking it up to Barney wanting gooey stuff, but being scared to try Robin again. And then Robin is still pining for him, and the chemistry? WOWZA. That dance they did… yikes.

    Timing seems to hate them, though. WHY U NO BE HAPPY?

    Tonight, I was hoping for them to come clean, admit they did something very bad, and then get together. But noooooooooooooo. Robin is terrified of getting burned, so she clings to Kevin. And Barney looks even worse than after Shannon.

    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2011 edited

    I get that they have a special relationship, but I don’t quite think its a romatic relationship, per se. Yes, there are romatic elements, but having them as an official couple just feels out of character to me.

    I deffinately see them having unresolved feelings for each other, which isn’t helped by them constantly spending time together. But the same could potentially go for Robin and Ted, for the same reason, though that’s not as bad as it could be. But that doesn’t mean that they work as a couple.

    As for Robin not breaking up with Kevin, I see that a bit differently. She does care for him, and breaking up with him right after he told her he loves her would be pretty devestating, and she doesn’t want to do that to him. While Robin being honest with him would be good, it’s not worth hurting him that much.

    Edit: Sorry to break this off right now, but it’s getting kinda late here, so I’m going to bed. Maybe we can pick this up tomorrow.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2011

    Ehhhhhh. I’d have been happier if they were doing it whenever one of them had a dry spell, and they fell into a relationship without noticing. No marriage, no huge declarations.

    Nah, Robin/Ted? They haven’t had “moments” since season 2. But Barney and Robin… yowza.

    I understand that, but letting him keep loving her, and just breaking his heart worse later on? I don’t see that as an improvement. Also, his “therapist” advice? It was pretty terrible. She doesn’t love him, she’s just trying to find something safe, and, therefore, is using him. He knew from the therapy that she has unresolved feelings for Barney. She should have come clean. He admitted he was stupid to walk into the snake pit. Robin did something bad. Continuing to do something bad is worse.


    I hope, that if Community does get to come back but know they’re going to get cancelled anyway, that they just say FUCK IT and spend whatever episodes remain on the Evil Study Group from the Earth-Troy timeline trying to take over Greendale-Prime.

    Also, I hope whatever show NBC slots in to compete with Idol and The Nerd Blackface Theory gets stomped(and it will).


    The How I Met Your Mother episode was alright. When the cops were in a conga line and the guy said “it’s a sign” it was obvious what was really going on. Kevin and Nora still kinda suck. Since around the start of the series the writers have always shown how similar Barney and Robin are and Ted and Robin were never a very good match. But that doesn’t mean Barney and Robin would work together. Doesn’t this episode kind of make it obvious that Robin will be his wife though? Well they could always throw us a curveball.

    That’s an interesting scenario for Community. The show should end after 4 seasons when Jeff becomes a lawyer again.


    The Nerd Blackface Theory

    That’s a new one.


    The show should end after 4 seasons when Jeff becomes a lawyer again.

    I agree. I’m a proponent of shows finishing strong instead of turning into a bunch of pointless wheel-spinning to milk a few more seasons out of a given concept, and 4 seasons would be more than enough time for them to finish it all out(besides making the most sense within the framework of a college).

    Right now, though, I just hope they get to finish this season, especially the way they’re building larger stories episode by episode. I want to see the goddamn payoff.

    That’s a new one.

    Can you tell that I’m bitter?


    Can you tell that I’m bitter?

    No, not at all.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2011

    Yeah, I’ve wanted to punch that show in the nuts since they brought on Amy. She is never funny. Not to mention Leonard is whiny(er), Sheldon seems to have lost any and all ability to interact with other people… grrrrrrr.


    ^Are we on Big Bang Theory now?


    If we are, I like it! It came out on DVD in Australia recently, and once my sister finishes her exams, we’re going to have a marathon of the entire series 4. Never mind that she doesn’t get my love for Penny/Sheldon and I can’t squee with her over that, it’s still a funny show.

    ...before you guys say anything, yes I know how this ends. I just… I have to watch the trainwreck.



    Take them shipping goggles off, Steph.
    Sheldon is asexual and Penny is straight-but-not-interested.


    I know, but THE RUBBER DUCK EPISODE! Mate, fandom has an entire alternate continuity from that episode. Not that I’m not scared to delve into more than the shallows of it, but I’m happy to know it exists.


    Haven’t seen it yet.
    I do, however, know that Sheldon is currently one of TV’s most shameless examples of flanderisation.

    Also, he’s asexual.
    This Word is from God.


    Also, he’s asexual.
    This Word is from God.

    I have four words to say to you: The. Hero. Always. Peeks.
    Also, the word was technically from Leonard, who had an assumption.

    I do, however, know that Sheldon is currently one of TV’s most shameless examples of flanderisation.

    I KNOW! I know that no way he would actually get together with Penny, because that would in itself require some character derailment… to an extent… and I can still appreciate that Sheldon’s getting the short end of the stick. I mean, for example, his fears over the burglary? Totally brushed off. Nver mind that they were valid.




    I KNOW!

    Glad you agree.
    And what bothers me here is that Jim Parsons is scooping up the one award after the other for essentially playing a two-note cartoon character.
    But I suppose it’s to be expected from the world we live in.

    At least there are quality things out there.
    I think I hear my next MLP rewatch calling.



    Here’s hoping your tabs are working now…


    And what bothers me here is that Jim Parsons is scooping up the one award after the other for essentially playing a two-note cartoon character.
    But I suppose it’s to be expected from the world we live in.

    But have you seen what he does with said character? It’s a toughie.


    That first one?
    I didn’t see him peeking.
    I might have been slightly distracted, though.


    Okay, seriously – they’re just pandering to the shippers here.

    It’s a toughie.

    I suppose.


    Okay, seriously – they’re just pandering to the shippers here.

    grins It was… nice. And pander as they will, THEY MADE IT CANON. IT’S CANON, BABY! WHOO!


    hangs head



    does a little dance in circles around a broken and defeated Klutor






    gets up, clutching head
    eyes glaze over

    manic grin
    flicks out extra-sharp spork

    I think I smell a crack pairing fic nearby.

    clenches spork between teeth as he takes off with a wild leap


    What have I dooooooooooooone?

    pulls cleverly and conveniently placed tripwire and trips Klutor up, thus preventing him from hunting.


    Well, now, what was that doing there?



    I’ll just burrow into the ground then.
    Hurt/Comfort badfics are subterranean… you knew that, right?


    You can burrow. Oh, you can try.

    thinking of the concrete wall three feet below the surface of the ground, she whistles again

    Have you even noticed where we are, anyway?


    The spork is very sharp.
    And my hunger is very… hungry.


    We happen to be in a cage. Well, you do, anyway.

    waves from the wire netting

    Good luck hunting those sporks. Or… anything, really.


    Wire netting…. underneath concrete…. underneath three feet of soil?

    Well, I didn’t want to do this, but…

    adjusts spork’s automatic function to 11.5
    starts drilling

    ....I can still get out.
    Through the floor.
    I don’t want to damage the wire netting on the sides – I have plans for this cage.

    drills deeper


    Oooh, plans. I’d like to see them.

    triangulates your exact location
    waits in position at the end of the concrete

    I can’t let my star performer get away.

    • CommentTimeNov 16th 2011 edited


    You just described the show in one word. Good job.

    But have you seen what he does with said character? It’s a toughie.

    Three-quarters of the cast of Community destroy him on a weekly basis.


    Anyway, I just walked past the living room TV and this show Suburgatory is on(at least, that’s what my brother thinks it is), and it had Randy from The Wire. It’s good to see any Wire actor getting work, but I’m glad he in specific is, since he’s got such a winning, likeable presence.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeNov 16th 2011

    Steph, here.

    The Paladin Protocol

    Best Sheldon/Penny I’ve ever seen. No, I do not normally read Big Bang Theory fanfic. I happened across it because the author also does Firefly and Harry Potter fanfic.

    • CommentTimeNov 16th 2011 edited

    @ Klutor and Steph: Kids, don’t make me get out the elephant tranquilzers. We’re down to the last box.

    Anyway, watched the frist two episodes of Once Upon a Time. I’m really not impressed.

    Looking at the wikipedia page, and one of the writers that the show is “about characters and characters first.” Which is kinda depressing, as the characters are so flat. Example: the ‘Evil Queen’ character is just evil, in the ‘for the evuls’ sense. And it’s done with all the subtelty of a sledgehammer to the head. Oh, they try to give her a sympathetic backstory (Snow White ‘stole’ someone’s love from her), but they haven’t given any real details on who this person was, so I can’t care. I get that she’s the villain, but come on! Using her authority as mayor to make life as difficult as possible for the main character? Really guys? Really?

    As for just about every other character, they’re just as bland. They’re supposed to be fairy tale characters, but they’re Disney fariy tale characters, which apparently translates to “flater than a pancake” as far as characterization goes.

    Honestly, the only character who I actually liked was Rumpelstilskin, because he’s manipulating everyone, including the Big Bad.

    This show’s advertized as “from the writers of Lost“. Apparently, thee were the writers who wrote the end of the series.


    Looking at the wikipedia page, and one of the writers that the show is “about characters and characters first.” Which is kinda depressing, as the characters are so flat. Example: the ‘Evil Queen’ character is just evil, in the ‘for the evuls’ sense. And it’s done with all the subtelty of a sledgehammer to the head. Oh, they try to give her a sympathetic backstory (Snow White ‘stole’ someone’s love from her), but they haven’t given any real details on who this person was, so I can’t care. I get that she’s the villain, but come on! Using her authority as mayor to make life as difficult as possible for the main character? Really guys? Really?

    Out of curiosity, I saw the trailer for one of the forthcoming Snow White movies (not the one with our favorite actress, Kristen Stewart) and the Queen (Julia Roberts) actually seemed entertaining. She was bitchy, but in a sarcastic, hammy kind of way, which was a twist. Anyway, the movie as a whole seems kind of stupid (WHY DOES SNOW WHITE NEVER HAVE ANY INTERESTING QUALITIES?), but it’s nice to see that Julia Roberts can not be nice.



    But she wears armor and shit in that one with Kristen Stewart! That’s interesting, isn’t it? ISN’T IT?!


    IT SO IS! It’s just as interesting when the OTHER Snow White movie has a sword-fighting Snow White TOO! (Although a warrior in armor is different than a bandit leader…).

    Whichever movie has Sean Bean as the father automatically wins in my book.


    • CommentTimeNov 17th 2011

    Sean Bean always dies. There are YouTube video’s about it, therefore, it’s gospel. sarcasm But he does seem to die in a lot of movies.
    I don’t watch TV- I prefer to get entire series out on DVD. BUt my brother is devoted to Man Vs Wild [he’s a junior Bear Grylls] and I LOVE Downton Abbey. You have to watch it. Just- wow.
    I also like Glee. Except most of it seems too- embarrassing. The situations that they get into- I sometimes cringe. But the music’s nice.


    Willow, I’ve already read that one :)

    • CommentTimeNov 17th 2011

    Sean Bean always dies.

    Only when he’s a good guy. Otherwise, he’s a villain. Or Richard Sharpe.


    @BlueMask: I really want to see Downton Abbey.


    “Some flies are too awesome for the wall.”

    Oh, Abed. You are the truth.

    I also like Glee



    “We always watched what SHE wanted to watch. I hate glee. I don’t understand the appeal at all!” made so funny by the way Jeff said it while sobbing. Made funnier when I found out it was because Glee aired at the same time as Community. Not the exact quote because I removed the Pierce bit.

    • CommentTimeNov 17th 2011 edited

    @ sansafro. Is that, like, a giant social misstep here?

    @ happycrab. Now that is funny.


    Is that, like, a giant social misstep here?

    Uh, slightly. :)

    • CommentTimeNov 17th 2011

    Oh god. I’m a misfit among misfits.
    is depressed
    Admires poster of giant ukulele and feels better
    Well, at least I stand up for my beliefs.


    is depressed

    No, don’t be depressed! As a habitually snarky site, we have certain snark-targets, that’s all.

    • CommentTimeNov 18th 2011

    Gosh, I am enjoying the bold textile feature.
    Thanks, anyway. I suppose it’s karma, and all that. I’ve done a fair amount of snarking in my time…not to mention sporking and sarcking [that’s being sarcastic] and stalking and other stuff.


    Only when he’s a good guy

    He didn’t die in Percy Jackson.
    Then again, that movie wasn’t worth having him in it.

    Uh, slightly. :)

    I don’t get the Glee hate.
    I’ve heard three or for covers, and they’re pretty okay. Nothing mindblowing, but still okay.
    And apparently the plot is… more realistic, or something? i don’t know, never had the chance to watch it.



    @Steph & Apep – I must spork. I must. I MUST!

    • CommentTimeNov 18th 2011

    Yeah, the thing I like about Glee is that it has some sort of good lines, and I also love what they do with the songs they cover. There are some really good singers as well.
    I suppose if that isn’t your thing then it would be terrible. shrugs
    I think the one with Julia Roberts is going to be more interesting. The other one looks like a bad crossover between Little Red Riding Hood and Game of Thrones [I mean, all those black birds flying around? I don’t know if they were ravens, or what, but I immediately thought of GOT.]