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    Breaking Bad was badass.

    I still say Community was mostly ruined with season 2 with some good episodes and moments, but I remain hopeful that season 3 can fix it.

    • CommentTimeSep 21st 2011


    Except not really. The series I was watching was the latest live-action version of it, which is mostly eye candy and emotionally charged gazes. And maybe some fight scenes. Not much of the nerdy to see there.


    Watching Downton Abbey. HIlarious to see Professor McGonagall and Harriet Jones fight with each other.


    Watching Downton Abbey

    That show is amazing. I basically used it as bait to get lookingforme to come home more often last year. ;)



    • CommentTimeSep 23rd 2011

    The Office

    ...Who are all these new people disguised as old characters?


    Happy 18th, BMW.


    MR. FEENY!


    Just watched a couple of episodes of Pushing Daisies, which is odd and insanely adorable. Too bad there isn’t much of it….


    Archer season 2, finally. Love this show.

    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2011

    Just finished watching House season 7 on DVD. When I first got it I was like, “Damn, this is gonna take me a month to finish, that sucks” and then when I got to the last episode I was all, “One more month! On more!” TT_TT

    Now I just need to get around to finishing the Big Bang Theory and Last Airbender episodes my science teacher gave me.


    So far, Terr Nova is not impressing me. The premise is interesting, but the characters are just the stock family and supporting characters:

    the obnoxious and rebellious teenage son
    the smart “loser” teenage daughter who is also pretty for whenever she starts dating and becomes popular
    the bratty kid who is supposed to be cute but instead just does stupid/dangerous things and never gets in trouble for it
    the smart wife who is on the kids’ side
    the dad who bickers with the rebellious son who doesn’t respect him
    the obvious love interest for said teenage son
    the military man who is in charge but is not as “good” as he seems

    Also, the dinosaurs on Jurassic Park look better than these (probably for budget reasons or something).

    So much wasted potential.


    The stock family can vary because some of that doesn’t sound THAT common at least to me. I know barely anything about Terra Nova but the fact that what you said implies it has highschool crap in it makes me not want to watch it. I didn’t expect it to have that kind of stuff… And when someone first told me about the show the first thing I said is “how can a TV show have enough budget for well-done dinosaurs” so it looks like I was right.

    I am watching all the new seasons of the shows I’ve kept up with. A lot are sitcoms I don’t even find that funny because of my high standards for humor but I follow for the stories and characters for some reason. Breaking Bad is awesome. Supernatural seems like it’ll be interesting. Waiting for Chuck and some others. But I dont know if I’ll bother with any new shows. Usually I only watch them after a season or 2 when I know they’re going to be worth getting into. Last time I watched a new show it was Flashforward which wasn’t good. So I dunno if I care about things like that stopping murders before they happen thing.


    Breaking Bad is awesome.

    Yes, yes it is. The last episode was great.


    The last episode was so great that I don’t even know how to describe it in words. The only appropriate response is Walt-esque hysterical laughter.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2011

    I finally caught How I Met Your Mother on TV, rather than online. It made me happy. The episode was pretty good, only a couple little moments that made me go eh.

    On the other hand, I caught 2 Broke Girls , which was on afterwards. I saw some of the good reviews, and figured why not? But unfortunately, the ten minutes I saw were painfully unfunny. Max, our snarky heroine, was less snarky and more mean. Caroline, our rich girl, was both stupid and sensible by turns, and annoying either way. I was rather disappointed. Lots of standard sitcom stuff (the sleazy, stupid ex, the asian stereotype, the horse poo jokes).


    You left out the two main reasons to watch that show.

    (Disclaimer: I have not actually watched it)

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2011

    ...what are the two main reasons? Because both girls were not very pretty by tv standards, and had unattractive personalities to boot.


    Kat Dennings is well-equipped is what I meant.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2011

    Ohhh. Way to keep it classy, Sansa :)


    That’s what I’m here for. However, I won’t watch a show with a laugh track, even for Kat Dennings.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2011

    ...I don’t know if How I Met Your Mother has a laugh track. But it has Neil Patrick Harris. Check it out.


    HIMYM does have a laugh track. Oddly, I don’t mind all that much.

    Anyway, watching my brother (aka DinoDork) watch Terra Nova is hilarious.


    Because HIMYM zips around time so much they film the whole thing without an audience, then they play the finished video to an audience and record the laughter then, I’m pretty sure. It is one of the better sitcoms with a laugh track but I share sansa’s disdain for laugh tracked sitcoms.


    I like laugh-tracked sitcoms. Generally the acting is heightened when it’s performed in front of an audience, and I like that style. It also gives an edge to the comic timing.

    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2011

    Steph, have you ever seen that Rowan Atkinson skit, Canned Laughter? It’s brilliant. Makes fun of other unfunny shows that try to make something seem funny by adding a laugh track.

    Pre-Bean, but just as hilarious

    “what… what do you do at nights?”


    Well, I did mean the acting in the ones with a live audience that laughs, but yeah.

    Rowan Atkinson is awesome :) Thanks for pointing me to that one, Taku.

    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2011

    Does anyone watch Castle? I’m a little annoyed.

    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2011

    Does anyone watch Castle?

    Tell him he’s dreaming.


    I watch Castle, but I haven’t seen the newest episode because I always watch it with my friend/roommate, and she’s too busy tonight to make time for it :( I will look out for it though (it sounds like it would be hard to miss, hehehehe…)

    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2011

    So I finished Torchwood: Miracle Day finally, and all I have to say is, are Rex and Jack going to be a Super Awesome Fantastic Bisexual Lovers Team Through Time now? Because that’s pretty much the only outcome I’ll accept at the moment.


    It also gives an edge to the comic timing.

    I can’t really agree. Most sitcoms with laugh tracks(from a real studio audience or not) generally stick to a pretty common rhythm in terms of pausing for audience laughter and joke delivery and such. You can’t do rapid, complex joke strings(ILU Community) because you have to leave laughter space.

    What I really hate about it, ultimately, is being told I’m supposed to laugh even if a joke isn’t funny. It’s just jarring if one misses. If a joke misses the mark in a single-camera comedy, the show just keeps rolling on.

    Unrelated to comedy: Starting Sons of Anarchy.


    I can’t really agree. Most sitcoms with laugh tracks(from a real studio audience or not) generally stick to a pretty common rhythm in terms of pausing for audience laughter and joke delivery and such. You can’t do rapid, complex joke strings(ILU Community) because you have to leave laughter space.

    Yes, there is the pause factor, but the performance of the actor still has some immediacy to it. Like, their performance has got to work, or because there’s an audience there, the actor will immediately know it’s flat. There’s always tension in performing for an audience (even when you’re in your stride), especially comedy. My experience has been slightly different, because when I’ve done it, I’ve just been in front of a normal audience and haven’t been able to do re-takes, but even with being able to do re-takes, you can still can play to the audience, and take cues from the audience , which is always helpful and interesting. Even if the stage lights are in your eyes or you’re not wearing your glasses, you still get feedback as you go.

    And I’ve been in comedy sketches where none of the audience got it and we just had to keep rolling on anyway. That’s what I like about live-action sitcoms, I guess. They’re closer to stage. And also, when they’re done well, they also have heart to them. There’s something about a group of people laughing together at something genuinely funny that brings them all together—and when the actors laugh at themselves as well and have fun with it, a sense of community develops.

    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2011

    Starting Sons of Anarchy.

    It good.

    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2011

    The pausing thing does lead to awkward moments where everyone just sort of hangs in place and waits for the laughter to die down, though. I was watching some comedy sketches the other day and I kept noticing it, and now I can’t stop unnoticing it! (Went with the Wind with Carol Burnett, if you’re curious. If you know anything about Gone with the Wind at all, watch this. (and I do mean anything, like so long as you know it exists, you’ll find this funny) But at the really hilarious parts, they have to wait before going on because otherwise the laughter would drown them out. So it’s kind of weird for a nonlive audience.

    But in general, yeah, live performances can be a lot more fun because of the audience participation. It just is something that comes with its own way of doing things, if that makes sense.

    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2011

    So I finished Torchwood: Miracle Day finally,

    I haven’t watched the last three episodes. I should do that at some point.

    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2011

    The end is sort of WTF?! all around, so yeah.


    It good.



    For some reason, I’ve been under the impression that sansa’s been watching Sons of Anarchy for a long time. Maybe because it seemed like such a sansa-ish show? But then if he liked the show, he’d be talking about it a lot, so that doesn’t really make sense. Hmmm…I make really weird assumptions about people sometimes.


    But then if he liked the show, he’d be talking about it a lot, so that doesn’t really make sense

    That’s probably true. I do love to shill for shows I like. That said, I don’t do it for every show. I don’t plug Mad Men very often, and I enjoy it a lot. It just seems less accessible than something like The Wire or Breaking Bad.

    It’s funny, though. SoA has the guy who played Gary in Remember The Titans (which, as a high school football player in the early 2000s, I watched at least 7 million times) as one of the titular Sons, and The Wire has Julius as a drug kingpin. Neither are roles I’d expected them to end up in, but I ended up loving Avon Barksdale, and it seems like this Opie guy has an interesting base.


    But I don’t think you’d really need to shill for Mad Men because nearly everybody knows about it and shills for it anyway. The Wire and Sons of Anarchy are less…I guess the word is ‘mainstream’.

    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2011 edited

    Sons actually has higher ratings than Mad Men by a pretty decent chunk. Mad Men seems more frequently referenced in pop culture, though( 30 Rock, I’m looking at you), and it’s the one that’s getting aped by network shows right now. I still think it’s the hardest of my favorite shows to enjoy because it’s the most airless and cerebral. It’s probably the most stylish, though.

    The Wire will be mainstream someday, though. Someday.

    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2011

    SoA has the guy who played Gary in Remember The Titans (which, as a high school football player in the early 2000s, I watched at least 7 million times) as one of the titular Sons, and The Wire has Julius as a drug kingpin. Neither are roles I’d expected them to end up in, but I ended up loving Avon Barksdale, and it seems like this Opie guy has an interesting base.

    This. The minute I saw Julius as Avon, I was like “NO”, but after a while I got used to it. And Opie’s kind of an jerk sometimes, but he consistently has his good moments.


    Indeed. It was jarring at first, but I usually think of Wood Harris as Avon before I think of him as Julius now. He just seems more relaxed and natural in the role, but that’s true about most of the performances in The Wire, I guess, to the point where it sticks out when actors are being… actorly(Nicky Sobotka is the one that jumps to mind).


    There’s an entire fan-canon based on Inspector Spacetime. This delightfully confuses me.

    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2011

    Does anyone watch Castle? I’m a little annoyed.

    Yeeeeah. My main gripe with Castle is that it started off being a fun, ridiculous (in a good way) and somewhat creative show, compared to all the other “Cop Dramas” on TV, but for the last two seasons they’ve tried to be “super serious” and it just ends up being awkward and overly dramatic.


    There’s an entire fan-canon based on Inspector Spacetime

    Already? The joke just aired less than a week ago. Oh, Internet.


    I’m trying to watch an episode of Family Guy, and it’s the most unfunny 30 minutes I’ve ever seen. The A-plot was just Lois and Joe’s wife (who has the most sedated VA I’ve ever heard) going in France with the latter in search of a guy to fuck, while in the sidelines, Peter tries to teach Chris and Meg with random 80s songs (and not even clips, the actual full music videos). None of the jokes feel like jokes and just resemble vaguely absurd descriptions of situations, with a smattering of even more 80s knockoffs to boot. There was even a point where the show started ripping off American Dad for no reason. Maybe if it was supposed to be a satire of how banal animated sitcoms could get, it’d be funny. But no, all of the above was played straight and expected you to laugh at the tired shot-for-shot John Hughes allusions.

    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2011

    I’m trying to watch an episode of Family Guy, and it’s the most unfunny 30 minutes I’ve ever seen.

    I think every time I try to watch an episode of Family Guy. Even pre-cancellation I can’t understand why people love the show so much.


    It was fun and new, back when it first aired. Some of the love came from cancellation and potential that was never realized.

    SoA: This Chicago sumbitch needs to get got. On the other hand, I love this ATF lady.

    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2011

    My main gripe with Castle is that it started off being a fun, ridiculous (in a good way) and somewhat creative show, compared to all

    True, yet somehow I’ve missed most of those episodes ;) And really, I only keep watching for when they do stick to the team banter and Castle’s relationship with his daughter. <- I really think it’s the best part of the show.

    Criminal Minds, however. Seriously. Why am I watching this? They’ve always been gory-dark, but the ensemble was good and the characters had good chemistry… Does anyone remember the controversy over CBS eliminating one of the female characters the beginning of this year?

    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2011

    On the other hand, I love this ATF lady.

    Are you kidding me? I want to rip her face off every time I see it.


    @Thea: You know a police show that doesn’t do any of those things you said?

    @Spanman: But she’s such a spitfire! She’s not my number one crush on this show(I liked the lady that plays Tara since Mad Men). Jax just took care of that shit though, and now my bloodthirst can rest.

    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2011

    noooooooooo, but pout

    But seriously, this particular show hadn’t been so blatant, so I could put up with watching it. Although, Chaos did pretty well, so naturally it was cancelled after 3 episodes.


    noooooooooo, but pout

    I know one.


    noooooooooo, but pout

    Think about who asked you the question.

    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2011

    Oh, well of course :) But that was regarding shows I might actually catch…unfortunately, sansa, unless it’s on netflix, I’m not likely to watch—actually even then I won’t because I only watch shows haphazardly. It’s why I never see any good ones.


    unless it’s on netflix

    It is, but it isn’t streaming (or it wasn’t the last time I checked). Not that that means you have to watch it. I haven’t watched it yet, but I’m going to when I’m done with Six Feet Under.


    Think about who asked you the question.


    Effing second to last episode of SoA S1, man. It’s like watching The gatdamn Wire.


    • CommentTimeSep 30th 2011

    I know, right? :D


    Don’t smile, jerk. That shit fills me with bloodrage. The motherfucker that did it needs to get got, but I feel like he won’t.

    This does feel seriously Wire-esque though, with the Really Bad Shit dropping in the penultimate episode of the season instead of the finale, but I guess we’ll see if more of that comes in this last one.

    • CommentTimeSep 30th 2011

    The Office was better this week, but still kinda of “meh” if you ask me. I couldn’t stop laughing while I was watching Community though, especially at the Jeff and Annie parts.


    Community was good this week(I hope Martin Starr is in more episodes, he’s a perfect fit for the show). Breaking Bad was nucking futs, and I can’t wait until Sunday.

    Sons of Anarchy finale was good, and I’m interested to see where the show goes in Season 2. I feel like it’ll give me a much better indication of what kind of a show it really is than Season 1. Season 1 was, granted, some really good TV, but whether the narrative momentum keeps rolling or it finds a way back to the status quo will be the difference between good and great.


    How I Met Your Mother was good this week.

    Some awkward pregnancy jokes, but mostly amusing.

    ...random thought. I think we should have a brief review section for TV shows we watch. I’m sure Sansa could do little reviews every week for The Wire and Community, and I know I watch HIMYM every week, and we’ve got some other regular tv watchers.



    Well, I do love talking about TV shows…

    The Wire

    It ended in 2008, actually.


    Doesn’t mean you can’t write about it.


    I bags GoT when it comes back in spring. :D

    • CommentTimeOct 10th 2011

    Everybody is raving about Breaking Bad, so I have started watching it.

    So far, I have lol’d.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeOct 10th 2011

    Lol’d good, or lol’d bad?

    • CommentTimeOct 10th 2011


    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeOct 10th 2011

    Yayyyyy :)

    Can’t wait for a new episode of How I Met Your Mother tonight. Wooo!


    Doesn’t mean you can’t write about it.

    This is true.

    Everybody is raving about Breaking Bad, so I have started watching it.

    Season 1 is downright quaint by the show’s standards, but make sure your seatbelt’s fastened all the same.

    Oh, I finished SoA Season 3. It was probably my favorite of them, since the Irish connection was something that jumped out at me from the get-go, and it was a neat expansion of the mythology behind Sam Crow and all that.

    • CommentTimeOct 10th 2011

    I watched the premier of American Horror Story last week, and it might be spork worthy.

    On the good but finished/canceled shows, I’ve been streaming Twin Peaks. It has a few weird moments, but it’s written by David Lynch, so weird is par for the course.

    • CommentTimeOct 10th 2011 edited

    Yeah Breaking Bad was surprisingly funny in a good way. Good blend of drama and comedy. It hasn’t been very funny lately but the season finale had a couple of laughs.

    And the finale was just wow…. wow… wow…


    How much a decade changes things: Exhibit A and Exhibit B.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeOct 11th 2011

    Sadface. HIMYM last night was iffy. Some good moments, but not many. Really hating Robin’s hair cut, and the Kal Penn character is annoying.

    • CommentTimeOct 11th 2011

    HIMYM is just bland… I’ve pretty much lost all interest in that show.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeOct 11th 2011

    It has ups and downs. Most of this season has been funny so far, but last night was a dud. And Barney/Nora needs to die. Also, no more Kal Penn.


    I found the Ewok thing funny just because it’s a family joke. But yeah, Nora doesn’t interest me much.

    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2011

    I dunno, I think it would be a lot more funner if they actually focused on writing good jokes instead of using the “audience” laugh tracks to say “THIS JOKE IS FUNNY. YOU SHOULD LAUGH HAHAHAH.”


    If tonight’s Community had been done in any other show(except Futurama, probably) I’d have called it that show’s best episode ever. As it is, it still probably makes my top 5 in Community.



    Yeah I really liked that concept/story telling in Community and the darkest timeline was freaking awesome when everything came together to bring hell, and the ending thing with the goatees was funny. It is really true that the most simple differences could affect how a night turns out but if every game of chance or decision made alternate timelines there’d be way too many. Billions. Jillions. An infinite amount. And these 7 timelines branched out from just 1 of the infinite ones. I am looking into this too much…

    The real timeline was heartwarming and I am glad none of the others was the real one because for a group of close friends they really do fight way too much. A lot of the time it doesn’t seem possible for them to function together properly. But the ending of this episode showed they can have fun together with no drama as long as Abed catches a die. Though none of the other timelines should have even happened because Abed should have caught the die right at the start, which I don’t think should count as one of the possibilities of the die. Looking into it too much…

    For the last few episodes I thought Britta was acting strange… like the moment when she was trying to give someone the finger in a clever way and failed. Lately she actually became the funniest character to me because of the weird way she was acting. Then she did that weird dance to the pizza in this episode and I was all “Errrrrr okay?”. I am glad to know there’s a reason for her weirdness this season so far.

    Still not as funny as it used to be and it’s lost something that made it what it used to be but I don’t know what. They’re trying to develop the characters more and branch out the story and take it to places outside of the college and it just feels weird… But still a pretty good episode.

    • CommentTimeOct 14th 2011 edited

    I think the serious difference between the “real” timeline and the other ones was that Jeff wasn’t there to put the brakes on what became an enjoyable experience for the rest of the group. At least the way I read it, Jeff’s return at the end was actually a, well not sad, but at least a melancholy moment where he’s on the outside looking in. I think it was at least a suggestion that maybe the group might be better off without Jeff in it.

    I mean, Abed basically stole the Winger Speech moment there when he caught the die and nobody even missed a beat.

    I dunno, I might be reading too much into it, but this season is supposed to be a lot more serialized, so I feel like this could be part of Jeff’s arc going forward.

    With regards to Britta, I think a lot of her transformation since the beginning of the show is just Gillian Jacobs getting more comfortable with comedy(especially of the physical variety) and the writers taking that into account when writing jokes. I was pretty sure she was blazing even before the did the dance(I want a gif of it RIGHT NOW), and the dance only confirmed it.


    Yeah Jeff does seem to be the problem. I liked how he had to cope with being the outsider in the first episode back. I thought Pierce leaving the group was going to be much larger but they resolved everything pretty quickly. I really hope things get better for Shirley. I don’t understand why they made her baking such a big deal. Well it would have been awkward having her baking there since 3pm but eh. Britta is also kind of an unfavorable person which is maybe why she’s starting doing dope. And Pierce well he’s just Pierce now that he’s not an antagonist anymore.

    • CommentTimeOct 14th 2011

    I don’t have the skill to articulate like you guys do, but I will say that I thought this week’s episode of Community was pretty good, and a nice change of pace from the usual setting.

    Also, The Office was pretty good as well. I was glad to see Jim almost go back to “his old self” in this episode. And in terms of Andy’s character development the last two episodes have been really good.


    Rugrats. :)


    I gave up on The Office US ages ago when it got oddly dramatic and lost the funny like with Michael’s dinner party with his boss who was psycho and wanted him despite hating him. I’ve heard about Pam and Jim becoming sucky once they married and had a kid. Parks and Recreation to me is like the new Office and way better but it’s not always terribly funny. Watching the apathetic and monotoned April totally crushing on Andy was so cute. So far this season they’ve kinda gotten boring just like Jim and Pam… but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt. The stories aren’t really focusing on them so far.

    I should so rewatch all of Rugrats! A baby’s gotta do what a baby’s gotta do.

    In the universe of Supernatural they’ve pretty much stated that Christianity is the correct religion, but I like that they balance it by making gods from other religions exist as demigods. This week had an Egyptian god in a pretty interesting episode. Last episode kind of sucked. Sometimes the monster of the week stories can have almost nothing happen and yet they somehow make it go for a whole episode, but this one was nice. I was hoping the hot Jewel Staite from Firefly would come back this episode since they hinted on it but it didn’t happen :(
    I can’t remember if Supernatural has explained the existence of other gods or not. I don’t know if creating the world and people was a joint effort, or god created them all and they each created their own people, or they only exist because people believe in them or what. Supernatural is very interesting the way it’s built all this up for this many seasons. And to think it wasn’t originally going to get into the angel stuff.
    Though it keeps getting sillier as the seasons go by so I didn’t really like the existence of phoenixes. Since Eve supposedly created all monsters then she must have created it and yet Phoenix ashes were her weakness so why create something that is your own weakness? Unless it was a mistake. And if she didn’t create it what did? And dragons existing was stupid too especially since all supernatural beings just end up being humanoids. Though I think they implied that the dragons were only recently made by Eve because she was looking for new things to make and looked at mythical beasts for inspiration so that makes it more okay.
    /end rant…


    This is a show written for little girls.

    • CommentTimeOct 16th 2011

    And here is a scaredy-cat pony staring down a cockatrice that already turned her incredibly powerful magic-using friend into stone and is halfway turning her into stone as well.

    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2011

    Yeeeeeeeeeah, I’m done with How I Met Your Mother... It’s just terrible.

    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2011 edited

    Thanks for reminding me it’s out today. I follow some shows just for the sake of it. To see where the stories go. And even shows that have gone bad can have some good in them. I like a lot of HIMYM’s storytelling techniques. And I wanna know how they handle the reveal of the mother eventually. If you see Ted meet someone we’ve never seen before and the show just ends then I don’t understand the point, even with us having slowly learnt stuff about her through Ted.

    There’s also a new Bored to Death today wooooo. I dunno if I wanna continue watching 2 and a half men purely out of curiosity or stop now. I think since they’ve put into place how Allen got back into the house to stay and how Burda is still there and such I can be done with it.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2011

    Sorry Puppet, not the best episode tonight. I refuse to give up hope, though.


    Just spent the afternoon watching the Colbert Report instead of doing homework.

    • CommentTimeOct 20th 2011

    Merlin, season 3. Yes. Just yes. And Colin Morgan.

    • CommentTimeOct 22nd 2011

    What’s up with all the ‘fairytale’ type/inspired shows coming out? I’ve seen at least 3 from three different networks. Kind of interested, but also kind of horrified by what primetime would try to do with what sounds like pretty neat concepts. Anyone seen any?


    It’s because studios and networks and such will rip each other off shamelessly, even before something has proven to be a success. It’s gotten really silly lately.

    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2011

    Community is just so freaking good.


    Community is just so freaking good.

    Agreed. I love that they just never take episodes off when it comes to doing character work. It might not be everybody every week, but somebody is always getting developed(although this week it was everybody). Annie’s story in particular I thought was pretty genius.

    That, and it’s just funny as hell. Britta reading a book written by “Warren Piece” in her fantasy probably makes my top 10 list of sight gags in any show ever.

    • CommentTimeOct 29th 2011

    I love that they just never take episodes off when it comes to doing character work.

    They’re just so good at character development. Community isn’t like most TV shows out there that just dump all this emotional crap into one episode in a pathetic attempt to make you feel some kind of connection with the characters. It sounds kind of obvious, but one thing I really like about Community is how all the characters are important and how together they make the show so great. While Pierce and Shirley are often picked on and made fun of, they’re still just as fleshed out as everyone else and you know that if it was just Jeff, Britta, Annie, Troy and Abed (in the mooooooooooooorning) that the show would be pretty dull.