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    ...I might have to watch an episode or two now.

    Or sixty. Seriously though, it’s the great American novel, except it’s a TV show.

    • CommentTimeJan 24th 2011 edited

    In the middle of Merlin Series 3 – Episode 13:


    I stumbled upon US Skins, and there’s a scene where a girl named Tea (who replaced Maxxie from the original series) is having a weird lesbian moment with her grandma.


    • CommentTimeJan 25th 2011


    • CommentTimeJan 25th 2011

    • CommentTimeJan 25th 2011

    You’re right on the first point, Jeni. Woops. :D I was scratching my head trying to think of how he found it, guess I should have been paying better attention.


    My little brother is now begging me to let him watch Game of Thrones when it comes out. I am such a corrupting influence.


    Being Erica starts today!!!!!!!! I didn’t even know. I just looked at the DVR, and the season premiere is recording at 10! :D

    • CommentTimeJan 26th 2011

    D: I’m so jealous. I completely missed S2 because… I have no idea how. Probably dissertation stuff. ;_;


    That’s suckish, Jeni. Too bad you guys don’t get Hulu because they have S1 and S2, and I’m sure they’ll get S3 too.

    Maybe they didn’t air S2 there? The US does stuff like that all the time, but I don’t about the UK.

    I looked at Wiki, and it says that both the UK and the US are going to do remakes of it. Why in the hell do they need remakes of a show that is already good and already in English? For the US, the accents even sound the same. Remakes are unnecessary.

    • CommentTimeJan 26th 2011 edited

    Yeah, they did show it, so it’s my own stupid fault. And what? remake… why… I don’t even… what… I…


    This must be investigated.

    Edit: what?! what?! THIS MAKES NO SENSE. I guess the concept is adaptable enough, but arrrgghhh.

    Edit 2: Ok, so I like the production company behind it. That makes me happier, but, fuu, I still resist against remakes.


    My DVR cut off Breaking Bad halfway through for no apparent reason. Now I’m going to have to rent it or something to see that episode.


    A wild Dwight Schrute somehow appeared in Six Feet Under. And I’m not calling him that just for the sake of it. He’s literally the exact same character that he plays in The Office.

    • CommentTimeJan 28th 2011

    Why can’t CBS show full episodes of Criminal Minds online? They do it for pretty much every other show of theirs that I enjoy.


    I’m going to sign up for Netflix. There are a lot of shows I want to see that aren’t on TV, Hulu, or YouTube. Plus, searching in video rental stores and trying to watch them on time is annoying.

    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2011

    Any opinions on how good US Skins is compared to the UK version? I’ve seen the first two episodes of the American version (and thought they were okay) but haven’t seen any of the original.

    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2011

    @NP: I love Netflix. My brother had it, and when we all got to move back home, at least I got that ;) It’s hard to get dvd’s in this household, but the instant play is great. I can actually find all those recommended tv shows everyone tells me about! And lots of British shows!

    as for Skins, I hadn’t even heard of it, until it was mentioned on the radio this week, and then I saw a clip on some news channel, and now I’ve seen a reference here. As for what that means regarding the quality I have no idea.


    Any opinions on how good US Skins is compared to the UK version? I’ve seen the first two episodes of the American version (and thought they were okay) but haven’t seen any of the original.

    First episode of US version is almost exact same as UK version, except with really bad acting, awkward sounding dialogue, and no Maxxie. It’s like comparing the first episode of the US Office to that of the UK Office. Second episode is an improvement though, aside from the moment where the girl has a weird intimate lesbian moment with her grandma (they’re both in bed and talking about how they like girls).


    I have now watched the pilots of Skins and Futurama.


    US or UK version? And what did you think of it?

    Also, I’m finishing up Six Feet Under. Someone recommend the next show I should waste my life on.


    UK, and I am undecided about what I think about it. I was impressed with the acting, though, and I’ll probably watch the whole first season before I decide if I like it or not.

    I want to watch Six Feet Under too, and I plan to after I’m caught up with Dexter, Breaking Bad, and some other stuff. If you haven’t seen them, you should go waste your life on them. Otherwise Dead Like Me. The premise sounds silly, but it’s actually really good, and it’s only two seasons, so it’s not really wasting your life.

    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2011

    Marquis, got a list of what you’ve watched so far? I keep tripping over programmes, wondering whether you’ve mentioned watching them before.


    Off the top of my head…

    Doctor Who
    Babylon 5
    Freaks & Geeks
    Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    The Wire
    Six Feet Under
    Press Gang

    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2011

    Dollhouse? I haven’t actually watched it yet.

    Uhhh, 24?



    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2011 edited

    BSG? (Original?)

    Space 1999? PUNISHMENT

    Man from UNCLE?


    Dead Like Me
    Breaking Bad
    My So-Called Life
    The 4400
    3rd Rock From the Sun
    Eli Stone
    The Walking Dead
    Being Erica
    any kind of Star Trek

    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2011 edited

    Seriously, there really is no excuse for you to not have seen Breaking Bad yet. It’s arguably the best currently airing show.

    Also you should watch Community. It’s streets ahead.

    And I’m sure you’ve seen Futurama and you just forgot it from your impromptu list.

    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2011

    Black Books?
    Kingdom Hospital?

    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2011 edited

    It’s arguably the best currently airing show.

    The Wire is not going to be happy when I tell it you’re breaking up with it…


    ^^He said best currently airing show.


    He said best currently airing show.

    This. BB’s got nothing on The Wire, even if Cranston is probably a better actor than any single person on it.

    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2011 edited

    Oh, fine then. I retract my teasing. :D

    EDIT: Oh, and I started watching Castle. It has Nathan Fillion in it! Why did I not start watching this earlier?

    • CommentAuthorNo One
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2011

    Castle is awesome. Nathan Fillion is even more awesome. It’s one of my favourite shows to watch. Unfortunately it’s not on at the moment because of cricket, tennis and what-have-you.

    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2011

    The Community D&D episode was AMAZING.


    Agreed. I love every episode pretty much, but I loved that episode extra.

    And I want to know what Annie was saying. Less than three Allison Brea.

    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2011

    Community just keeps getting better and better.


    I watched ‘The Body’ (BtVS) today and cried. It was definitely the best portrayal of grief I’ve seen on television (so far).


    Stringer Bell was wrong. People do got something to say about 40 degree days.

    Wasn’t the first time though, now that I think about it. In the first season he dismissed product potency in favor of real estate, but in the end he was all product over territory. Hmm.


    I started watching Dexter season two today. Netflix has it streaming.

    I also finished season two of Breaking Bad.

    • CommentTimeFeb 6th 2011 edited

    I just watched the finale of 24 season 1. Well, now I’m depressed.

    • CommentTimeFeb 7th 2011

    It’s been a while since I watched it, but: yes. :(


    I still think Community does not match up to season 1’s quality and its lost something I cant quite figure out, but yes the D&D episode made me hopeful that I will begin to love it again.


    Watching Dexter S2:


    I’m officially burnt out on watching TV. Need to get a book into my hands.


    ^^See, school has made me a little burnt out on reading. I hate that because I love reading, but I’m never in the mood to anymore because I’m forced to read boring things so often.


    I’m officially burnt out on watching TV. Need to get a book into my hands.

    But you still haven’t seen Breaking Bad. This won’t do, yo.


    You know, I was never that big a fan of Britta until tonight’s episode. Opinions have been revised.


    Defying Gravity came from Netflix. I can finally find out what Beta is.

    • CommentTimeFeb 11th 2011

    I’ve been watching Roswell on and off lately, and I just finished season 1. It’s not all that spectacular (Liz is a total Bella), but everyone else is adorable and I can’t seem to put it down.

    • CommentTimeFeb 11th 2011

    Oh, wow. I haven’t watched that in forever. I used to love it. Plus, DIDO. YAY.

    • CommentTimeFeb 13th 2011

    I finally got around to buying Buffy on DVD! It came with a signed letter typed by Joss Whedon, too. Currently halfway through season 2; just watched Ted. The twists surprised me completely. I love this show so much!


    I’m doing a series of articles about Justice League. First seven episodes are bland and have little to talk about.

    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2011

    For here, or elsewhere?


    Being Human starts back on Saturday! Yay!

    ...and out of curiosity, has anyone seen the US version? I haven’t watched it because I really haven’t had the desire to, but I was just wondering how it is. I might watch the pilot on Hulu.


    For here, or elsewhere?



    I’m starting this Firefly show you all slobber over. It better be as good as you nerds claim or I’m going to shove you all in lockers.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2011


    On a related note, a friend of mine got Firefly this weekend- both he and my roommate and a friend have never seen it. We’re doing a marathon sometime this weekend, hopefully :D


    Firefly is on my list of things to watch… even though I didn’t like Serenity or the one non-pilot episode that I saw. I’m hoping it’s just because I didn’t see the whole thing in order. Plus, the circumstances for watching that one episode were crappy, and I couldn’t really pay attention.


    I’m two episodes in now, and it’s reasonably funny and entertaining, but I’m not ready to call it “good” yet. The only characters who really appeal to me so far are Jane(sp?) and Book, since it seems like they actually have some internal conflict. Pretty much everybody else is just kinda there so far.

    Except River. She’s just irritating so far, and most of the time I just want her to get offscreen so the focus can go back to characters who can construct coherent sentences. Maybe she gets less grating and flat later, I dunno.


    Well, Christina Hendrix showed up, and she’s less sexful than I’d hoped(I was told she was a space hooker), but still, CHRISTINA HENDRIX FUCK YEAR

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2011

    Just to check, are you watching them in proper order, or the order they were aired in?

    Also, how can you not like the kickass-ness of Captain Malcolm Reynolds?

    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2011 edited

    Just to check, are you watching them in proper order, or the order they were aired in?

    The proper order, I assume, assuming they’re in the right order on the DVD.

    Also, how can you not like the kickass-ness of Captain Malcolm Reynolds?

    I don’t dislike him, I just don’t find him terribly compelling so far. It just seems like the show makes an effort to paint him in a somewhat ambiguous nature, but there’s really nothing ambiguous about him. He’s not Walter White or something. He’s just kind of a hardass papa bear.

    Also, Christina Hendrix got a whole lot more sexful by the end of the episode. Huzzah! Does she come back later?

    Jayne is running so far ahead of the other characters right now that I’m not sure anybody(except maybe Book) has a chance of catching him in the second half of the series.

    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2011 edited

    Are you charging through the episodes? Hahah, I’m impressed you’re on episode 6 already.

    I don’t dislike him, I just don’t find him terribly compelling so far. It just seems like the show makes an effort to paint him in a somewhat ambiguous nature, but there’s really nothing ambiguous about him.

    You’re right, but it’s more of a character piece about getting to know him and his history — nothing about his moral status exactly. He’s quite a Good Person morally, so, in that sense, there isn’t anything ambiguous about him.

    But, to be fair, it’s hard to draw up any particular character development on that lot, as they didn’t have time to develop. :|

    Jayne is running so far ahead of the other characters right now that I’m not sure anybody(except maybe Book) has a chance of catching him in the second half of the series.

    There’s a lot of Jayne love comin’ your way. :D


    Are you charging through the episodes? Hahah, I’m impressed you’re on episode 6 already.

    Yeah, I’m just a binger. I’m probably gonna be finished sometime tomorrow.

    But, to be fair, it’s hard to draw up any particular character development on that lot, as they didn’t have time to develop. :|

    Yeah, that’s true. I think it could’ve done more with the time it’s had so far(insert more Breaking Bad comparisons here), but it’s probably not fair to judge a show that was angling for a slower burn on the character front and didn’t get the chance.

    There’s a lot of Jayne love comin’ your way. :D

    Yeah, I just finished “Jaynestown.” It’s the first real home run the show’s hit, I think. He just balls-out dominated that episode, both the actor and the character. I just feel like there’s a lot more to him than anybody else so far.

    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2011

    You don’t love Wash with all your heart and soul yet? You soulless monster. :D

    Well, War Stories is still coming up for you, so that’s good.

    (the right order, by the way, is the two-hour pilot, The Train Job, Bushwhacked, Shindig, Safe, etc. I’m pretty sure you’re going in the right order, though)


    You don’t love Wash with all your heart and soul yet? You soulless monster. :D

    He’s just kinda there so far. He flies the ship and loves his wife, and makes jokes. It seems like he might actually be doing something in this episode, since Zoey’s out and he’s bucking under Mal’s authority a bit.


    Finished “War Stories,” and that’s where I’m gonna call it quits for the night. It was nice to see something from Wash. It added some good shading to him. It was filtered through one of the two traits that define him against the rest of the crew, but it’s interesting seeing what I’d think would be a natural feeling of insecurity among the noncombatant crew members(which they kinda underline there at the end with Simon and Kaylee and them trying to get in on the rescue and being totally useless, as expected) seep its way into his marriage. I mean, I still don’t think he’s anywhere near Jayne’s depth, but it’s a start.

    Also, gotta roll my eyes at River having superpowers or whatever. I should’ve remembered this was a Joss Whedon joint.


    I have the sudden urge to rewatch Season 3 of The Wire (which next to S4, was my favorite part of the show), but the DVDs are at home. D:

    • CommentTimeFeb 17th 2011

    They made a spin-off of Criminal Minds. So far…I’m not impressed.


    I have the sudden urge to rewatch Season 3 of The Wire (which next to S4, was my favorite part of the show), but the DVDs are at home. D:

    Weirdly, any Wire urges I have are typically related to rewatching S3, although I also like S4 better. I think it’s just more propulsive plot-wise, since it’s the conclusion to a bunch of previous plotlines.

    • CommentTimeFeb 18th 2011

    The latest The Office episode was amazazazazing.

    • CommentTimeFeb 18th 2011

    Why did I ever start watching 24? It’s not good for my homework ethic.


    On CSI, this happened.

    • CommentTimeFeb 19th 2011

    I lol’d.


    For purely nostalgic purposes, I’m watching Power Rangers Samurai. The acting is shit, the villains’ plan is to make people feel sad in order to fill up their river, the monsters of the week spout out crappy puns, the Bulk and Skull Spike segments are so obviously edited in at the last moment, and the Megazord looks so bloody boxy. Overall, it feels just like the Power Rangers I watched back as a kid.

    But yeah, it’s a bad sign when even my own subconscious is telling me “You’re too old for this shit!” every 2 seconds.


    ^^ I watched part of that the other day. I used to watch Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy.


    I’m currently watching an anime based on The Count of Monte Cristo. It’s great so far, but it takes certain liberties with the source material.

    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2011

    I’m going to take guess and say that season 4 of 24 is going to be a horrible disappointment. Mostly because Tony, Michelle, Adam, Kim, and Chase are absent, and all the new people look like they just stepped out of a lamer crime show.


    I can’t wait for this show.


    My dad and I are watching a show called Fatal Attraction on Animal Planet. It’s about people who keep wild animals as pets, and it usually doesn’t go well. Right now it’s tigers. People shouldn’t be able to have these as pets, and if they must have them, they need a psych evaluation or something first.


    @ Marquis: Um, wow? That sounds nothing like the Count of Monte Cristo…is he at least a cool vampire?

    • CommentTimeFeb 23rd 2011

    @SWQ: Very cool. I can’t wait for that show either. I just have one problem – Lady looks a bit small for a dire wolf. I thought dire wolves were supposed to be bigger than normal wolves, but they might have changed that so they could use real animals.


    I just have one problem – Lady looks a bit small for a dire wolf. I thought dire wolves were supposed to be bigger than normal wolves, but they might have changed that so they could use real animals.

    I’d actually rather they used real wolves than some lame CG.


    Um, wow? That sounds nothing like the Count of Monte Cristo…is he at least a cool vampire?

    Actually, I’ve heard that it’s simultaneously the most and least faithful adaptation of the book.

    And yes, he’s a cool vampire.

    • CommentTimeFeb 23rd 2011

    ^^I just saw that on Facebook (one of my “friends” liked it). I thought about posting it here for you guys.


    Oh, Community. My nerdcrush on Alison Brie continues to grow.

    @Dia: I hate to be a parade-rainer, but I wouldn’t get your hopes up. Even if they’re not doing anything with it, the rights to the show are still valuable to FOX. As I understand, inactive IPs get used as collateral in loans and financing and such, and moreover, the properties they put up are overvalued, so selling one could reduce the value of the rest of their stockpile, if that makes sense.

    Speaking of Firefly, I finished it last weekend and have been too lazy to post my final impression. As it happens, I’m still too lazy.

    • CommentTimeFeb 24th 2011

    Oh yes, I doubt it will actually happen. But the collective power of the internet is pretty persuasive – I mean, look, Detroit’s going to get a Robocop statue. (Obviously this is on a bigger scale, but still…) And with some of the actors and writers pledging their support, it will be interesting to see what comes out of this fuss.


    The difference is that you can build an awesome Robocop statue for about 2% of the cash it’d take to purchase the Firefly.

    • CommentTimeFeb 24th 2011 edited

    I see your point, especially when Nathan, Summer, and Morena are all committed to other shows. But if any show could come back from the dead, I think it could be Firefly.

    Another thing about the show: If it would come back, I fear the high expectations that are riding on it. Most of the hype for the show is based upon its potential rather than actual quality. (Basically, what could have been… because as it was, it was good, but nothing spectacular). And I’d hate to see it screwed up.

    • CommentTimeFeb 24th 2011 edited

    Well, Family Guy and Futurama both already came back from the dead, but the former stayed on the same network and the latter got bought by a different network after doing gangbusters in syndication on a third network, so… yeah.

    Another thing about the show: If it would come back, I fear the high expectations that are riding on it. Most of the hype for the show is based upon its potential rather than actual quality. (Basically, what could have been… because as it was, it was good, but nothing spectacular). And I’d hate to see it screwed up.

    Agreed. Serenity pretty much shot the proverbial plot wad for what would’ve been the rest of the series, as I understand it.

    • CommentTimeFeb 25th 2011

    Agreed. Serenity pretty much shot the proverbial plot wad for what would’ve been the rest of the series, as I understand it.

    Or at least a couple of seasons worth – even then, dealing with the inconsistencies that the film created between the TV and film… it’s a nice idea, but no. Just leave it, guys.


    My opinion is that after after one or two years, TV shows (at least live action ones) should not be brought back for additional seasons. It would most likely be disappointing and have a different feel to it. It’s better to have fond memories of a show that got cut short than have it brought back and ruined. It probably won’t happen anyway.

    I still need to watch Firefly.


    Speaking of Whedon, the musical episode of Buffy was awesome!

    • CommentTimeFeb 25th 2011 edited

    It’s pretty much the only musical I adore. Not just because it has the BEST reason for everyone bursting into song, unlike normal musicals which hurt my head.

    I haven’t watched it for a while, but Walk Through The Fire used to be my favourite song (I can only assume it still is, as I say, it’s been a while since I’ve seen it in its entirety, so my taste might have changed).

    Edit: Ok, I’ll admit it. In high school we used to spontaneously burst into song. If someone started singing one of the songs, the rest of us would join in. It’s like with Disney, but awesomer.

    • CommentTimeFeb 25th 2011

    I’m watching the latest episode of Merlin to be aired stateside, and something keeps bothering me – how is it that almost no one has figured out that Morgana is now evil? Come on! She’s giving everybody the stink eye behind their backs. I get it. You’re evil. Can we move on, please?


    It seems like most of the stuff on the History Channel is about aliens, with the occasional Nazi/Hitler show thrown in there.