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    streaming Dexter

    I thought you watched it on TV. Hmm… anyway:



    Damn you already watching the episode and posting a big heap of text on it. You live in Australia, right? I can only assume because of the platypus thing. So you must have pretty good internet. Damn you again.


    No, I live in the US, and I just watched it perfectly legally on my TV. I randomly selected platypus as part of my username.

    Sorry, you have to wait.

    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2010 edited

    Yeah I just checked your profile. Silly me. Not my fault I have to do it illegally…... So whats with the platypus thing then? Oops you already said that…


    Not my fault I have to do it illegally

    Oh no, I didn’t mean anything about you watching it illegally. Especially if that’s the only way you can watch something. I think it’s kind of ridiculous to punish people for resorting to that when that’s the only way to watch a show where they live. Even if you could watch it legally, I still don’t really care how you choose to watch it. I just fear getting in trouble for it.

    So whats with the platypus thing then?

    I can explain it further, though.

    I couldn’t think of a username, so I used a random screen name generator. I put in some words; one was “neurotic.” It came up with NeuroticePenguin. I liked that, and then I googled it and found out that someone had that for some accounts, so I searched “interesting animals” or something. A list of Australian animals came up, and I liked how platypus sounded with it. Plus, platypuses are interesting. It has no other significance. And Steph also thought I was from Australia shortly after I joined, so apparently I confuse people.

    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2010

    I can’t even find a torrent of it for you. It’s definitely not out anywhere yet.

    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2010 edited

    Yeah I didnt really think you were insinuating anything. To watch it more legally I’d either have to wait aaaaagggggeeeessss or maybe its on very late on a stupid day.

    Oh ok. Platypuses (or platypi?) are awesome, what with the being a beaver with webbed feet that have poisonous glands (well I think only one gender has them), a duck bill and they’re the only mammal to lay eggs. They break all the rules. And my favorite kids cartoon Phineas and Ferb has one in it. The US seemingly tends to be kind of obsessed with Australian animals. They’re always on about kangaroos and koala “bears”.

    Anywayz it is walky time and I’ll just continue to stream it since its probably the fastest way for me. Toodles.

    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2010

    Well at least that means I’m not missing anything while fighting off this Trojan.

    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2010 edited

    fighting off this Trojan.

    Too easy.

    Also, I liked the Community Christmas episode, but it wasn’t a total home run to me. Props to them, though, for actually getting at that holiday melancholy that most shows just ignore. It wasn’t as funny as a typical episode, but it’s the only show I know willing to sail such murky waters right now without any fear.


    The US seemingly tends to be kind of obsessed with Australian animals. They’re always on about kangaroos and koala “bears”.

    Huh, we do do that, don’t we? And I find koala bears to be adorable, so I suppose I’m guilty as well.

    Too easy.


    • CommentAuthorNo One
    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2010


    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2010 edited




    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2010 edited


    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2010 edited

    I am back and I tried a few streaming site links but they didnt seem to work so now I dont trust any of them.

    And I put “bears” in quotation marks because I’m pretty sure they’re not bears and it’s a completely American thing to call them bears when Australians never did and have to point out that they’re not bears.

    nvm I think I found one that works. I am probably speaking too soon. Now to wait for it to load a decent amount…

    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2010 edited

    I watched it on here:

    Link 2 loaded the fastest for me.


    And I put “bears” in quotation marks because I’m pretty sure they’re not bears

    Yeah, I knew why you did that. I think there are other animals that are called things that they aren’t, but I can’t think of them right now.

    What Wikipedia says about Koalas being called “bears”:

    Although the koala is not a bear, English-speaking settlers from the late 18th century first called it koala bear due to its similarity in appearance to bears. Although taxonomically incorrect, the name koala bear is still in use today outside Australia5 — its use is discouraged because of the inaccuracy in the name.[6][7][8][9][10] Other descriptive English names based on “bear” have included monkey bear, native bear, and tree-bear.[3]

    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2010 edited

    Thanks but I may as well stick with the one I got. I kinda glimpsed the beginning of some of you peoples’ thoughts and it sounded like this season, like 3, kind of wraps up too nicely and is a bit of a disappointment or something I dunno I could be way off base so I will just watch the thing… eventually. I think no matter what I will think the Dexter writers are pretty genius and it will be satisfying enough. Hopefully…

    OK seen it.

    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2010

    I’ve never had a problem with Wisevid… Might be because I’m on Linux and I have adblock and the such installed.

    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2010 edited

    Just got caught up with the end of the Dexter season, and here’s what I think:


    I’m getting hooked to That 70’s Show. So addicting, but I need to watch less TV. Buffy is soaking up enough of my time already. Sad, considering that there’s still at least 3 shows that I want to watch as well.


    ^^Isn’t Winter Break coming soon? Just binge during then so you won’t have to watch that much during school days.


    ^^Isn’t Winter Break coming soon? Just binge during then so you won’t have to watch that much during school days.

    This. Also, reminders to watch The Wire, etc.


    Also, reminders to watch The Wire, etc.

    Yeah, that’s one of the shows I meant when I said that I have many shows I want to watch.


    Also gotta remind myself to go through all of Farscape during the break (and maybe Six Feet Under if I’m lucky).


    Yeah, that’s one of the shows I meant when I said that I have many shows I want to watch.

    I know, but I’m contractually obligated to mention it by name at every opportunity.


    You’ll be happy to know I convinved someone on another site to try it out.


    You’ll be happy to know I convinved someone on another site to try it out.

    You’re real police.


    I know, but I’m contractually obligated to mention it by name at every opportunity.

    You should get a commission for all your hard work, sansa.

    • CommentTimeDec 14th 2010 edited

    I agree. Too bad The Wire didn’t make any money ._.

    Also, I wanted to avoid ranting about Dexter as I notice more stuff that bothered me, but Deb should’ve had to write up that shot she fired. If you discharge your weapon, you have to write it up.


    At least it got 5 whole seasons.


    Yeah, but that’s because HBO is apparently a true bro, not because its ratings justified it. I’m gonna go grumble about mouthbreathers who mistake motion for action now, grumble grumble.

    • CommentTimeDec 14th 2010 edited

    Eh I still think Dexter and its writers are pretty genius. As some guy on ign says, even at its lowest point Dexter is better than most shows, but without even watching it yet The Wire is probably better (or at least smarter) than it and so is Breaking Bad. It should still always make the top 5 drama TV series list. My best to worst seasons of Dexter list probably goes 4, 2, 1, 5, 3. 5’s biggest problem for me was the bullshit Lugeurta and Angel stuff at the start but they seemed to wisen up and keep it very minimal or non-existant for the rest of the season.

    Snow White Queen, That ’70s Show is pretty awesome. Well what with me not having a soul so I dont laugh at much so I dont find it THAT funny, I still really like the stories and characters and setting and themes and stuff. It’s one of the few things I actually bought on DVD, but I am missing season 8 because I think it was really stupid of the show to continue when Topher Grace and Ashton Kutcher left.


    Dexter stuff:

    I think it was really stupid of the show to continue when Topher Grace and Ashton Kutcher left.

    Agreed. I hated the guy they got to replace Eric’s character. They should have ended it when Eric went to Africa of whatever the hell he did.


    I’m just annoyed at how inept the police are. Their brains only seem to work when the plot requires.


    You could say that I’m reading too much into it, but a lot of the payoff in this show has come from Dexter outsmarting people, and when the people he ‘outsmarts’ are just incompetent chuckleheads, it really doesn’t feel very meaningful. All this is a product of lazy, sloppy writing.

    • CommentTimeDec 14th 2010 edited

    You’re being a litte harsh, but ok this is probably the first and only season of Dexter where the writers really screwed up. Maybe theyve made mistakes other seasons but probably not to that extent. Maybe they changed some of the writers I dont know. But I’m sure tons of lesser shows have way worse plot holes and illogicalness. I never watched Heroes but I heard how the writers screwed up big time, then they tried to correct it and still failed. If you’re such incompetent writers that a show really goes downhill and you have to alter the original story idea to try to “fix” it, then maybe you should just give up and end the show. The damage has already been done. Your plot holes and illogicalness and such has already become canon.

    Agreed. I hated the guy they got to replace Eric’s character. They should have ended it when Eric went to Africa of whatever the hell he did.

    Or Grace shouldn’t have left. I doubt he’s doing that much good in his career so it wouldn’t have hurt him to stay on for that one more year. Though maybe if he did stay he’d be pressured into doing even more seasons. But really how long could they have gone before they should reach 1980. That ’70s Show probably has the least continuity out of any sitcom. They have too many christmases, their birthdays are random, they gave Donna a sister then decided it worked better without her having one, and they had to change Laurie’s actor.

    • CommentTimeDec 14th 2010 edited



    I think I’m gonna go watch some Wire to wash the taste of bad police out of my mouth.

    • CommentTimeDec 14th 2010 edited

    Dexter (EDITED):

    I should really stop over-thinking this. I’m just making myself dislike this season more and more.


    • CommentAuthorMorvius
    • CommentTimeDec 14th 2010
    Not sure if this has been shown yet but...

    Inside a Game of Throne:

    I just watched four straight hours of brainless television. Yay, me.


    Re: The platypus thing.
    It’s the males that have poison in their heel spurs, IIRC. Strong enough to kill a similar-sized animal or incapacitate a stupid enough human for a couple hours. Also, they’re not the only egg-laying mammals. Google “echidna” or “spiny anteater”, or “spiny echidna” for that matter.

    • CommentTimeDec 16th 2010 edited

    Naww I liked the platypus being the only egg-laying (I accidentally typed “leg-laying” first…) mammal. You ruined it for me with all your correct facts. If I didnt know what gender had the poison I would’ve guessed female for some reason.

    I dont got anything to say about TV… Well I watched the first episode of The Wire but I stupidly decided to multitask so I didnt take in toooo much and will probably have to rewatch it to continue. Sorry sansafro… I think I need most of my TV shows to have some sort of unique hook and they have to be reasonably fictiony i.e. it couldn’t really happen in real life. So I’m not sure if The Wire is going to interest me much no matter how smartly written it is. But I’m really judging it on almost nothing.


    Hahahaha…. sorry happycrab.
    Hey, they’re still cool – they eat like twice their bodyweight every day, just for lulz.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeDec 16th 2010

    Most recent episode of How I Met Your Mother is made of win. Especially the end…





    So I’m not sure if The Wire is going to interest me much no matter how smartly written it is. But I’m really judging it on almost nothing.

    It’s not a show that tries to draw you in. Seriously, the primary showrunner’s motto was “Fuck the average viewer.” Nobody I know that has watched it has ever gotten hooked after the first episode. It’s not because the first episode isn’t good or interesting, because it is. We’re just used to TV shows going way out of their way to get our attention with the first episode, and The Wire doesn’t even make an attempt at it, so the natural reaction is to assume that it must’ve tried and failed. I wasn’t really sure I liked it until about 4 or 5 episodes in.

    That said, the first episode is a pretty good sample platter for what’s to come: Stringer and Avon outsmarting the police, McNulty stirring shit up, McNulty’s superiors getting pissed off, D’Angelo dealing with his demotion, Bubbles and Johnny Weeks running scams to get dope, Bodie beating the shit out of people, Bunk and McNulty getting really wasted.


    Me and a bunch of other guys are watching bad anime to review (Yosuga No Sora, Oreimo, PSG, etc.). But before that, I have to watch and review another show called Angel Beats!, and it’s an awful series featuring a bunch of dead high schoolers forced into purgatory. None of the characters have any personality, with either a weird quirk or an implausibly tragic backstory replacing any sort of depth. The closest thing to a plot is that they have to screw up the life of some albino girl named Angel, but then she turns out to be a good guy, so then they have to stop some ambiguously gay school president, but then he turns out to be kind of a good guy, so now they have to fight some shadows that spawn off the bodies of other high school students.

    Yeah, I don’t know why I decided to agree with reviewing it.


    Oh, man, I remember Angel Beats! For some inexplicable reason, it was rivals with Heroman on /a/ when both were airing, and threads about one or the other would occasionally combust into flame wars between fans of the two shows. Of course, me loving the shit out of Heroman means I hate Angel Beats!, so I feel bad for you, bro.

    None of the characters have any personality, with either a weird quirk or an implausibly tragic backstory replacing any sort of depth.

    This describes an embarrassing amount of anime these days.


    Yeah, anime’s rut is digging deeper now, with the only show in the last six months that I’ve been interesting in watching being Star Driver.


    Fairy nuff sansafro maybe one day I will try The Wire again but I have a serious problem when it comes to starting and sticking with series these days. Even if I really liked them I randomly stop. But this mostly applies to anime/manga. I basically want to watch/read every universally considered good anime/manga ever in existance and I am nowhere near doing that. I have the time and the access, but I just can’t do it. I need help.

    I also hate anime characters with a really weird quirk. One that comes to mind is recently Mest in Fairy Tail. Even my favorite manga One Piece is guilty of this a bit with this mermaid in the latest chapter doing her incredibly sigh-worthy quirk. But I like to think the series hardly has any of that and when it does its usually better than when others do it.

    The backstory thing can also be pretty annoying and with my limited range of series I’ve followed the worst offender I can think of is Naruto. Oh god how I hate Naruto and it’s popularity. Seems to be dying down though.

    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2010

    I started watching Futurama. That show is hilarious!


    I started watching Futurama. That show is hilarious!

    What the hell took you so long?

    Also make sure you watch it from the beginning, in order, so you can get the continuity jokes and callbacks.

    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2010

    I honestly have no idea. I’ve always been like “yeah, I should watch Futurama”, but for some reason never did.

    And yes, I’m watching from the beginning straight through. I saw someone else suggesting that the first episode should be watched, then seasons 2, 3, and 4 before the 1st, but I don’t know why; so far the first season is great!

    • CommentTimeDec 20th 2010

    I finished Dollhouse. Damn.


    You know what’s just ridiculously stupid? AMC is censoring the Breaking Bad reruns. It’s their own original series. Plus, it airs at midnight or later! Let them say “shit”!

    • CommentTimeDec 21st 2010 edited

    Ha. America is screwy like that. In Australia we can say fuck at maybe 9 or 10. The last time I remember hearing a beep on my TV was on Big Brother which thank god ended many years ago. I always dreaded the 3 months of the year devoted to having that show on all the time.

    Also this reminds me of the South Park shit count episode, which I recently happened to watch.


    America is screwy like that. In Australia we can say fuck at maybe 9 or 10.

    I think they should be able to say it here too. They can just have one of those “viewer discretion is advised” screens beforehand.

    They don’t even make the beep noise. They’re just silent during the word. Channels have gotten really lazy with movie editing these days. They used to dub over words, but now they just have silence. The SciFi (it was still spelled that way at the time, I believe) version of Dead Like Me has some of the best dubbing I’ve ever seen. It’s nearly undetectable and they say “fuck” a lot. I prefer dubbing to silence because sometimes the dubbing is really good (Dead Like Me), and sometimes it’s really funny (Fargo).

    In the edited Fargo, they say “fruitful,” “what the frooze,” and “you fruitful chicken head.”


    I just watched my first episode of Glee. It was funny, just not in the good way. Why this is a show of genuine appeal to so many people escapes me, because all I had were constant WTF moments.

    • CommentTimeDec 30th 2010

    It gets worse.


    Oh, I’m not watching another episode if I can help it. I have enough good TV to waste my time with, thank you.


    Just got through all of Farscape. Laughs, manly tears, and lots of rejoicing were had.

    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2010

    Sorry, everyone. If you ever hoped to be the coolest person on the forum, Marquis has beaten you. By miles.



    I caught my dad watching Jersey Shore.



    So, Game of Thrones is dropping in April?

    ...FUCK YEAR !!


    Yet again, I am watching the first episodes of bad anime for an article. So far, I’ve gotten through the premieres of one incest show and one “fanservice pretending to be a space drama” show…

    ...I’m like a masochist, aren’t I?


    So, Game of Thrones is dropping in April?


    Now to convince my parents to let me watch it…that will be trickier, methinks.


    So, Game of Thrones is dropping in April?

    So, I have until April to read A Game of Thrones.


    Don’t worry, it seems like a giant book but I remember I got so wrapped up in it that I devoured the entire book in about a weekend. :D

    • CommentTimeJan 9th 2011 edited

    Currently watching Bones. I’m not usually into episodic shows, but I enjoy the premise and the main cast has nice chemistry. The pilot was lame though.


    The pilot was lame though.

    I thought it was kinda all right.
    But let’s not fight each other over that.:)

    Spanman, what would you say makes a very good pilot?

    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2011

    Being played by Alan Tudyk.

    Wait, wrong kind of pilot.

    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2011 edited

    I haven’t really thought about it. It totally depends on the genre. In the case of Bones, I’d rather they didn’t just jump right into it. I think I’d want a little background, maybe something about how and why Brennan became an anthropologist. As it was, it took me a really long time to actually care about her as a character.

    Other than that, I don’t really have a set of rules for what makes a good pilot. The Lost pilot comes to mind as a really good one, though.

    And Alan Tudyk is good, too. Can’t go wrong with him. :D


    Being played by Alan Tudyk.

    Then what would we call the show? Would we call it This Show?

    @Spanman – yeah, and they totally morphed her into a different person within like 3 episodes. I definitely agree with you about Lost, though.

    It totally depends on the genre.

    Urban fantasy/sci-fi… would that need a lot of background/info-dumping/flashbacks?

    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2011

    This Show would be an excellent name.

    All pilots, just to throw my two cents into the matter, should be like Battlestar Galactica’s pilot. I started watching that and… about ten minutes in I already knew I was hooked to the show. I’m not actually certain why it drew me in so much. I guess because it carefully and skillfully explained the backstory and introduced the characters quickly, but also made me care about them. And the writing was really good, unlike a lot of pilots which suffer from awkward writing because the writers haven’t hit their stride yet.


    ^^Your mileage may vary by season 3, though.

    During the week before going back to college, I found myself doing some article about this season’s anime. And you know what? Some of them make Twilight look like The Brothers Karamazov.


    This Show would be an excellent name.

    Mine is a self-satisfied laugh.

    The reason I asked was because I’m wondering whether or not to do my next novel series in an almost “episodic” format, slowly letting the story break into a run while letting the characters grow and develop… and finally letting the main arc take over.

    Now I realise that this can be done sh*ttily, if one is not careful.
    But do you think it can be done well?

    • CommentTimeJan 15th 2011

    Caprica is very excellent and well worth getting into.

    Doesn’t stop me from giggling when they say ‘frack’ though.


    Doesn’t stop me from giggling when they say ‘frack’ though.

    That’s why I can’t watch those shows. When someone says “frak” in a completely serious voice, I can’t take them seriously. Plus, the word gets on my nerves.

    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2011

    Yeah, pretty much. I’m sure it’d be a fine word if we were all used to it, but a good hearty ‘fuck’ just sounds better.

    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2011 edited

    Can’t say I’ve ever enjoyed gratuitous swearing when it has no place. Contextually, having them swear like sailors would be just as bad.

    Get in the zoooone, guys.


    On a different topic. MERLIN SERIES 3. omgomgomgomgomg.

    The final.


    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2011

    I watched all the Fruits Basket on instant play netflix, in like 3 days. I feel rather disoriented.

    • CommentTimeJan 19th 2011
    I'm getting the first and second season for Futurama (finally!) and the first season of Star Trek. I'm so excite.
    • CommentTimeJan 19th 2011

    Star Trek original series? You know there’s an animated series which is pretty funny. (got it cheap)



    Yes, finally.

    • CommentTimeJan 20th 2011
    Yeah, the original (and I'm trying to find Deep Space Nine for my namesake). >3>
    Is it supposed to be funny?

    I don't understand. wat wat wat, finally.
    • CommentTimeJan 20th 2011

    Just finished watching the first episode of Young Justice, and I have to say, I really, really enjoyed it! They brought in a lot of stuff from the original series (not the story or even the characters, but definitely influences, like Red Tornado mentoring them and their base being in an old Justice League cave) and what was new was also good. I was very iffy about Miss Martian being added, but M’gann just looks and sounds so adorable (as always) that of course I have to love her. I also like Robin, although I’m going to continue calling him Tim until I get some solid proof he’s actually Dick. He looks vaguely like Dick (I think it’s the mask, it looks Nightwing-ish) and snarks like Dick, but the techie skills and costume were definitely Tim.

    Also! Green Arrow is voiced by Alan Tudyk!

    • CommentTimeJan 21st 2011

    Yeah, I’m also liking Young Justice. I really like the fact that it’s definitely not trying to be Teen Titans Unlimited or something like that. It’s a different show, with different characters, on a different earth (Earth-16)

    Also, re: Robin’s secret identity, according to this, they’re going with Dick Grayson as Robin, and Wally West as Kid Flash.

    • CommentTimeJan 21st 2011 edited

    Hmm. Guess that settles it, then. He’s clearly influenced by Tim, but I don’t really mind if it’s actually supposed to be Dick Grayson. Both are pretty awesome characters, and the mishmash version looks OK too.

    I never actually watched Teen Titans… I couldn’t get past the first episode, even though I heard it got better in the second season. Just seemed overly kiddish, even for, well, a kid’s show.

    • CommentTimeJan 21st 2011
    I really like Roseanne, don't know why. It's just... Cute. I like it. <3

    Also, yeah, I liked it when I was younger but it seems kind of stupid to me now. (Teen Titans) I like how in one of the Batman animated series (the one with Terry, I think) Terry asks where Robin is and Batman says he's with the Teen Titans. It made me lulz.

    Teen Titans is one of those shows that I really liked as a kid, but just hasn’t held up when looking at it now. Ron Perlman’s still a great Slade though.

    • CommentTimeJan 21st 2011

    Eh, I still like Teen Titans. Nostalgia filter and all that, and it did (if I remember correctly) get better as time went on.


    I actually saw a promo for Game of Thrones on HBO! I screamed, literally.

    • CommentTimeJan 22nd 2011

    ^^I’ve done that (not for that, but for other things)

    Ohh, Teen Titans. I liked that show a lot for a while, but haven’t seen even a clip in years.

    My brother has been watching Doc Martin. Have only seen what he’s watched while I’ve been in the room, but it’s pretty good.

    • CommentTimeJan 22nd 2011

    I’ve been watching Blackadder on Netflix. My only complaint is that each series is only six episodes.

    re: Teen Titans – I enjoyed the show, and I think I lucked out by being in my mid-teens when the show started, so my tastes haven’t changed as much.


    • CommentTimeJan 22nd 2011

    Grey’s Anatomy is a sickening mire of selfishness and inanity.


    I’ve noticed something about Sean Bean (Ned Stark) – he either plays bad guys, or good guys who end up dead. Wonder why that is…

    Whoa, I never noticed that…has there been any movie where he’s actually the hero?


    Grey’s Anatomy is a sickening mire of selfishness and inanity

    Pretty much. It wasn’t nearly that bad when it first started. Now it’s just whiny, selfish people who have sex in closets. It was like that to begin with, but it was less extreme.

    Medium finale was lame. The show was rather silly a lot of the time anyway, but it was still entertaining in a “whodunit” sense, but the finale was just stupid.

    • CommentTimeJan 24th 2011

    Sansa will be happy about this. We’re discussing Fahrenheit 451 in my English class on dystopian literature, and my teacher brought up the point that Faber mentions how deepness/“texture” can be found in other media than books. My teacher was sort of going on about this, asking whether we thought such “texture” could be found in things like video games, online, and TV… so of course the first thing that popped into my head was The Wire.

    ...I might have to watch an episode or two now.