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    • CommentTimeNov 16th 2010

    GASP. How can you say you’re not sure if you like her or not? I’d go gay for Summer.



    Yeah ok she’s pretty hot there. But I dunno sometimes she can look a bit odd. I guess that can go for everyone. I’m crazy ok? She had fudging great legs in that episode of Chuck. Well her whole body was pretty sweat. And that Subway.. Mmmmm…. Hooray for product placement helping a good show survive!


    But I dunno sometimes she can look a bit odd.

    It’s her eyes, I think.


    I don’t think she’s that great, and I don’t really get the fanboy worship you run into when you’re out wandering the greater internet.


    I liked her in The 4400, but that’s probably just because I liked The 4400.

    • CommentTimeNov 16th 2010 edited

    I think it’s oddly her mouth/jawline area. Mostly. Maybe. Didnt know she was in The 4400. I only saw like the first episode a very long time ago.

    • CommentTimeNov 16th 2010

    I sort of see what you mean about the jaw, Crab. But I also think it’s the neck. Regardless, I think she’s awesome. :P


    Didnt know she was in The 4400. I only saw like the first episode a very long time ago.

    I don’t think she comes in until the second or third season, and she’s not a main character, but she’s a prominent secondary character.

    • CommentTimeNov 16th 2010

    I finished Firefly. I’m sad it’s over.


    Ah kay. Wasn’t 4400 first meant to be a mini series first? I am surprised it got at least 3 seasons. A strange friend of mine is/was convinced that LOST was originally a mini series when it started. No way that’s possible.

    I finished Firefly not too long ago and I am saddened, too. I want to find the comics (for free….) but couldn’t be bothered. Though they might be free on this Joss Whedon website that had some comic he wrote about some band.

    Why is it that shows with a bit of comedy mixed into them like Firefly and Chuck make me laugh more than most sitcoms? Well maybe some sitcoms are more consistently funny but when one of those semi-comedy shows actually has a joke its way funnier.


    I finished Firefly. I’m sad it’s over.

    Did you see Serenity yet? If you didn’t, do it and get some closure.


    Wasn’t 4400 first meant to be a mini series first?

    Yes, it was. I didn’t even know there was second season until one of my friends started talking about seeing an episode that I knew by the description was definitely not in the first season. It actually got four seasons. The last season kind of went off the deep end a little, though.

    Apparently, there are even a few books as well.


    It should have be obvious instantly with no doubt.

    Yeah, I feel pretty stupid for not realizing immediately… ;)


    The Shield: Should I or shouldn’t I?

    • CommentTimeNov 18th 2010

    It’s cool that Castle references Firefly. I should watch Castle if not just because of Fillion. I had heard of Castle ages ago but only recently found out it has him in it.

    Nathan makes quite a few references to shows he did in the past. In the Halloween episode Castle dressed as a “space cowboy.” In other words he used Captain Mal’s costume from Firefly. He also made a bunch of Buffy the Vampire Slayer references in that episode.


    I’m liking The Walking Dead so far. It’s interesting and not like most things I’ve seen with zombies.


    The Shield: Should I or shouldn’t I?

    I’ve heard it’s pretty good from reputable sources, even if it’s only the second best police show of all, and you’ve already watched the first.

    It’s 7 or so seasons though, I think.

    • CommentTimeNov 18th 2010

    The premise of Being Human kind of intrigues me, and with the buzz about the Americanized version, I’ve been wondering…

    Should I watch it? I heard it started off less good and got better as it went on, but I also heard it was boring. Any opinions from you guys?


    The first Buffy episode with Spike in it got deleted from my DVR. D:<

    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2010

    Is there an Americanized version of Being Human? I watched it on the BBC America last summer and enjoyed it, mostly, though I basically forgot to watch this season.


    ^^Yeah, Syfy’s remaking it (which should already trigger red flags with that statement).

    Also, I’m watching Trigun for the first time.


    Meh to Being Human. But I hate how America has to do versions of everything. Them Americanizing Kath and Kim completely destroyed the entire point of Kath and Kim so that it wasnt even Kath and Kim anymore so what was the point? Though I think The Office US is better than the UK one until season 4.

    The new conspiracy episode of Community was my favorite of this season. The concept of a huge blanket fort community with different districts is one of the reasons why the writers are such geniuses. Well and all the conspiracy stuff was genius, too. Still not sure if its as funny and as season 1 but there was some great laughs. My favorite laugh was when Anne was all WHAT? and Jeff was all I DONT KNOW and then they repeat themselves. It wasnt even a joke it was just funny based purely on delivery. It was weird how there was almost no Pierce and Shirly but I liked how Britta was saying she’s too old for blanket forts then she’s in that weird room.

    Hopefully this episode marks a return to form (well in my opinion it hasnt been to form for most of this season)

    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2010 edited

    Them Americanizing Kath and Kim completely destroyed the entire point of Kath and Kim so that it wasnt even Kath and Kim anymore

    That was one of the dumbest moves ever. You can’t replace Kath & Kim, it’s Kath & Kim!

    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2010

    They’re also Americanizing Torchwood, a move I thoroughly do not comprehend. It’s a spin-off of the most quintessentially British sci-fi show ever. How do you just go “Welp, let’s go move it from Cardiff to the US now!”?

    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2010 edited

    This weeks Community episode was brilliant. That ending was priceless.


    Watching this week’s Community, and it’s pretty awesome so far.

    “Corn you gorben… bluh…”

    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2010

    this week’s Community,

    It. is. amazing.

    My jaw physically dropped during the chase sequence.


    That was one of the dumbest moves ever. You can’t replace Kath & Kim, it’s Kath & Kim!

    I actually don’t like Kath & Kim much. Not my kind of thing and maybe I’m not smart enough to get it. But of course I still think it was idiotic to make a US version.

    Yep the chase scene in Community was awesome. One of my favorite moments of that was Troy saying they should check out their cival rights museum.

    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2010

    Not my kind of thing and maybe I’m not smart enough to get it.

    I think it’s a case of probably being too smart. ;D

    • CommentTimeNov 20th 2010 edited

    waitwaitwait, they Americanised K&K?


    There are no words. The humour is completely lost when you remove the context of “Australian Bogan”.



    See, THIS is comedy!

    “Little baby cheeses?”


    The premise of Being Human kind of intrigues me, and with the buzz about the Americanized version, I’ve been wondering… Should I watch it?

    I would say, yes, watch it. I really like it. The Americanized version will probably suck, though. I think a lot of the first season is on YouTube.

    • CommentTimeNov 20th 2010

    OK, thanks. Sounded like an interesting premise, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good, you know?


    but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good, you know?

    Yes, and those shows that have really great premises but still aren’t very good irritate me because they don’t live up to their potential.

    One note on Being Human: The pilot has different actors for most of the main characters because they recast when the series was actually picked up. I don’t think they showed the pilot on BBCA so as not to confuse us feeble minded Americans or something, but you should still watch it on YouTube because it gives a bit of background, and there are some funny lines in it.


    The IT Crowd.


    Takugifian, yeah it is wtf. The only thing I like about the US version is Molly Shannon playing Kath because I know her from one episode of Scrubs so I’m all “Hey it’s that chick from that one episode of Scrubs”

    Sadly I dont get the IT Crowd reference. I’ve seen seasons 1 and 2 a while ago and i watched a couple of episodes of 3 but might not have been paying the most attention.

    Dexter this week was pretty good. Possibly not the best episode but I liked it a lot.


    IT Crowd reference is from series two, at

    funeral. His son (Matt Berry love!) comes bursting in and does the FATHER thing. What’s even funnier is that it’s the image for the tvtropes Incoming Ham page :)



    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2010

    So I watched the pilot of Being Human, and it looked pretty good. I haven’t started watching the show itself yet, but if the pilot was interesting, the show can’t be any worse, right? Sad the smexy vampire guy got recast, but I’ll probably live.


    Sad the smexy vampire guy got recast

    The new guy is also smexy, so no worries.

    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2010

    Oh, good.


    I tried getting caught up on Dexter yesterday since a friend of mine who’s a big fan has been badgering me about it, but I started it and just couldn’t get myself to care about it. My only real guess is that I’ve seen a bunch of shows that are better/I like more since the S4 of Dexter ended, and it’s not as compelling in comparison.

    On a good note, though, one of my cousins just finished the first season of The Wire and loved it, although I don’t know how much he’ll enjoy season two, since he sent me a text complaining about them changing the theme song. If that bothers him, I don’t know how he’ll stand Ziggy Sobotka.


    How dare you. I dont care if other shows are apparently better, I dont get why that makes you care less about other shows. I did download season 1 of The Wire but still havent gotten around to watching… I bet I’ll still prefer Dexter, but I think Breaking Bad is at least a bit better than that even. They both have similar premises and feels.

    Platypus, yeah I dont want them to do that and it probably wouldnt make sense in the context of the show version. It was just an idea. I am reading the books now btw.


    I am reading the books now btw.

    I’ve read the first two, but I haven’t gotten around to reading the others yet. The show is definitely better.


    It’s just hard to care much about anybody on that show who isn’t Dexter himself. That, and I don’t see how they can possibly top Lithgow from last season. He was just completely lights-out from his first scene to his last scene.


    It’s just hard to care much about anybody on that show who isn’t Dexter himself.

    Come to think of it, I’m not sure I really care about any of them except Dexter either. Most of them are either annoying or painfully unobservant, or they just aren’t developed enough (or they might be; I haven’t seen seasons 2 and 3).


    I think Doakes was a good secondary character, and I miss him.


    “The only real question I have is why in a building full of cops, all supposedly with a keen insight to the human soul, is Doakes the only one who gets the creeps from me?”


    I guess I see your point. As brilliant as I think the writing and plotting and everything is, maybe Dexter is the only good character. Meh it’s still better than most shows and I care about seeing the awesome plot tied together than really anything about the characters. I felt the same for LOST.

    I’m only just starting to read book 3 but haven’t been making much effort. The tv show IS way better because it fleshes out the characters way more, makes the plot less sloppy at the end of season1 by stretching out the events adding all this extra stuff the ice truck killer did and makes the ending better, and the storyline doesnt go to the shits after the first few books or so I’ve heard. The one thing the books do better is Dexter’s first person narrative. He is much funnier in the book. Mmm…. imaginary sandwich…


    He is much funnier in the book.

    He is pretty funny in the books.

    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2010 edited

    I’m soldiering through while I crit SWQ’s stuff that I’m way behind on. Midway through episode five. It’s alright once I got back into the rhythm. Doesn’t really have the narrative momentum in the central plot that 1/2/4 had yet. Batista’s subplot went from grating to interesting once it stopped being about Micky Mouse junior high bullshit, so we’ll see if it stays that way. Nope, pretty sure it’s about to backslide now that it’s all one big misunderstanding. Ugh.

    Lumen is an incurably stupid name, though.


    Lumen is an incurably stupid name, though.

    “Lumen—stupid fuckin’ name.”



    @ sansa: If you’re way behind, I don’t even want to know where I am.


    Supernatural. I have finally started watching it. Series one, episodes one through four today. And it was nine kinds of awesome.

    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2010

    Ooh, I just started watching Supernatural with fezqueen. It is indeed awesome.


    I should get around to watching Supernatural once I get through with Deadwood, Mad Men, Six Feet Under, Gankutsuou, Veronica Mars, Weeds, Dexter, Farscape, My So-Called Life, Flight of the Conchords, and everything else in my godforsaken mountain of a backlog.


    godforsaken mountain of a backlog.

    I have one of those… and one for books too.


    ^^ Don’t we all. I have upwards of forty to sixty books on my bedroom floor (I’m too scared to count for real) waiting to be read.

    Watched episodes five through nine just now, and I’m starting to get a little wary—it’s awesome, but also seeming kinda demonic…

    (Spoilers for episode 9)

    • CommentTimeNov 29th 2010





    Am I the only one who still thinks of Dexter as a kid who’s a mad scientist instead of serial killer who kills serial killers?


    Am I the only one who still thinks of Dexter as a kid who’s a mad scientist instead of serial killer who kills serial killers?

    I love Dexter’s Lab. I don’t think it comes on anymore. Maybe Dexter the kid mad scientist went nuts after Dee Dee destroyed his lab and turned into Dexter the serial killer. Dexter the serial killer’s background could all be a lie. I mean, they both have red hair.

    • CommentTimeNov 29th 2010 edited

    I’m waiting for a website to upload a vid of the new Dexter. A site/vid that I trust. Why is it taking so long? I dont know the time difference and when it airs.

    I never watched that cartoon. Just saw glimpses of it.


    It airs at 8 central time in the US. So, that’s like 9 eastern US time, I think. I don’t know if that helps you or not.


    Yeah I couldve easily checked the time and timezone difference but I couldnt be bothered. Its not that important just thought i’d complain anyway.

    • CommentTimeNov 29th 2010 edited

    OK finally finished Dexter. I watched half of it before having to go somewhere then I slept then I watched the rest.

    I’ll just edit this so I dont have 3 posts in a row. I’m kind of getting sick of the product placement in Chuck but I guess if it helps it survive then its fine. But I wonder if theyre forced to have the characters describe how good it is, or they choose to do that when they only need to have it on screen. Those CGI machine gun turrets looked hell dodge. But Chuck is still an awesome show and this episode was good. Second best thanksgiving episodes of any show ever after the one in Dexter season 4.

    • CommentTimeNov 30th 2010

    I’m at least 2 seasons behind on Chuck, and that’s the sort of think that drives me nuts so I’m glad to hear the rest of it is going well—I fully intend to catch up eventually.

    And I haven’t gotten a chance to watch disks 2 & 3 of Supernatural season 5. And I bought season 4 on blu-ray (because it was cheap) but I haven’t unpackaged it yet. Supernatural effects me oddly—I fangirl all over it, but then avoid watching the actual show. And yet, it’s the only show where I’ve found the actual episodes so much better than the spoiler. To the point where I really didn’t think I could watch it, even during the show, but the overall arc just redeemed (heh) it for me. :)


    Less than three Community.

    Watched it with my brother, who went to college in Corpus Christi, and was quite amused that Annie’s bizarre Texan alter ego got his school’s zip code right.


    The Walking Dead has a really short season. The finale is on Sunday, and it’s only been on like six times.


    Breaking Bad also had a pretty short first season.

    Speaking of first seasons, finished Deadwood’s yesterday. Swearengen is a badass that you utterly love to hate.


    I should probably stop bothering complaining about Community and just leave it be. It must somehow be me. Maybe I want to believe it’s nowhere near as good as season 1 so I’ve put a mental block on my funny bone. But I dunno the conversations and chemistry between the cast seems boring now. BUT with that said there was a decent amount of small laughs and smiles, just nothing big. And I did think the last episode was brilliant.

    The Walking Dead has been pretty good. The writers have all been fired for some random reason so season 2 might end up very different. Breaking Bad is awesome and I never gave Deadwood a chance. No idea what it’s about.


    The writers have all been fired for some random reason

    Why the hell would they do that? They were doing a good job. goes to look-up


    Starting up Summer Heights High. God, I knew people exactly like Jonah and Ja’mie. It’s scary how accurate this is.


    Chis Lilley is a genius. Have you seen Ja’mie in We Can Be Heroes? She and the disabled housewife were the highlights of that thing.

    No love for Mr G and Tsunamarama?


    Anyway, before I got distracted by the funny, I saw the pilot of Stargate SG-1 the other day. It was… really, really weird.



    • CommentTimeDec 6th 2010 edited


    • CommentTimeDec 6th 2010 edited

    Argh sick of streaming websites taking forever to get the episode. Well I can’t find any I think are trustworthy. Sometimes the bastards name it the new episode then you waste the time and download watching it until finally the title appears and its an old episode. I am glad Dexter is one of the few shows to have the title at the start or at least have it very obvious. If I were to go back to downloading torrents I’d likely still be waiting ages because my internets is pretty bad.

    Must…resist…temptation…to…read…people’s opinions…which…contain…spoilers. Well no I dont really have to struggle to resist because why would I want it ruined?

    EDIT: ok seen it

    • CommentTimeDec 6th 2010 edited


    Crap… check this screenshot from the trailer out, guys:

    On the right side…. >.<

    • CommentTimeDec 6th 2010 edited

    There’s a trailer for the season finale? I dont think I want to watch that. Sometimes they ruin things. I dunno how that screenshot made you think any of that. You couldve thought of that without the screenshot. But those are interesting thoughts.

    I posted this on another site but thought I may as well vomit my thoughts here if anyone’s interested:


    There’s a ~10 minute Game of Thrones insider feature thinger you can watch on the youtube now, and I recommend doing so.

    • CommentTimeDec 6th 2010



    I’m gonna read A Game of Thrones over break, so I can watch the show without it ruining what happens in the book. I’ll have to read the others too, probably this summer.


    Man, I’ve been planning to read the rest of ASOAIF for ages.. I should probably think about doing it. Despite the way he treats women, GRRM is so addictive…


    Breaking Bad is going to re-air on Wednesdays on AMC ( I think it’s two episodes a week). I’m going to get caught up, so I can enjoy the new season.


    Despite the way he treats women

    The men don’t turn out much better, honestly. I didn’t really find ASOIAF that insulting to our gender, personally.


    The men don’t turn out much better, honestly. I didn’t really find ASOIAF that insulting to our gender, personally.

    Agreed. I don’t get Steph’s comment at all. Everybody gets screwed in ASOIAF.

    Breaking Bad is going to re-air on Wednesdays on AMC ( I think it’s two episodes a week). I’m going to get caught up, so I can enjoy the new season.

    Wise idea, this.


    Wise idea, this.

    Yeah, I remember really liking the first season, and now I don’t remember really what happened, and I zoned out during the second season, which caused me to be confused during the third and zone out again.


    Yeah, it seems like a hard show to get into if you aren’t paying attention, since part of the fun is how it rewards further analysis(IMO).

    • CommentTimeDec 7th 2010

    Finally on Season 3 of Arrested Development. Pure brilliance.


    I watched The Walking Dead finale today. I am pleased with how much I am liking this show.

    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2010

    Has anyone seen the Hawaii Five-0 remake? I really enjoy it, and it has great banter between Danny and Steve. Great episode last night.

    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2010

    ^^ Um, ew… And why?

    (I suppose there isn’t really anything wrong with it, but it seems so bland in comparison.)


    It seemed overly angsty. Or maybe I’m just thinking that they are probably going to try to cash in on the “vampires are teh kewlest!!1” thing right now. Who knows. As long as BBCA keeps showing the original Siffy can do whatever they want.


    @ Diamonte: I love Arrested Development! We watched it all the time in AP Calc after the AP exam…good times. :)

    • CommentTimeDec 10th 2010

    The latest Community episode… Words fail me.


    I hope that means it was good. Well I still dont think its funny enough but it was still really awesome. They must’ve been working on that episode for ages. Though Community wasn’t the first to do this; That ’70s Show did a small stop motion thing with Kelso and Rudolf the Red-Nose Reindeer. But the Community one was of course way longer, impressive, cooler and had heart.

    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2010

    My computer’s filthier than a corner prostitute from all my attempts to find a suitable website for streaming Dexter. I suppose I should just be patient and realize anything up this fast is probably a scam.


    Yeah I think they are scams. I use sidereel which lists lots of links to streaming sites and the early links are fake. Argh need to see finale. Need to have vague idea about what next season could be about and that all depends on whether Lumen lives, dies, runs away, or goes to jail.

    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2010

    I use Sidereel too, and Wisevid screwed me over. I’ve never had problems with that one in the past.


    I try to use megavideo links but I dont like that it has a limit to how much you can watch without paying. Suddenly a video stops and I have to wait 54 minutes then instead of the video kindly continuing from that spot I have to redownload the rest of it.

    Maybe since this is a special occaison I should download a torrent and risk being tracked again (it so wouldn’t happen but you never know…) and watch it on a tv since sitting at a computer for that kind of stuff kinda sucks. Only my internet is shit so the torrent will likely take way longer than streaming.

    Eh sitting around waiting sucks I think I’ll go on a walk soon and it better be here when I come back.