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    I just finished watching the season 3 finale of The Guild. Hidden for spoilers and squee.

    I am too much of a shipper.


    Eh, season 4 wasn’t that great.

    And here’s something for Sansa.

    • CommentTimeOct 16th 2010 edited

    That’s goddamn amazing, Marquis. McNulty, Bubs/Johnny Weeks, Clay Davis, and Brother Mouzone’s hilariously smug face are the best.

    To people who haven’t watched The Wire yet but are considering it, check out that picture just so you get an idea of how big the cast is.

    That said, it left a few characters out. I don’t see Namond, Sherrod, Randy, Slim Charles(!), Bird, Stinkum, Savino, O-Dogg, Day-Day, Mrs. Bryce, Brianna Barksdale, Spider, Little Kevin, those two “40 degree day” Barksdale mopes, Fruit, Orlando, Nerise Campbell, Sergei, Santangelo, D’angelo’s girlfriend(I forget her name), that academic who does the project with Bunny Colvin, Shardene, Delegate Watkins, Marla Daniels, Theresa D’Agustino, the minister(who, fun fact, is played by the guy they based Avon Barksdale on)... Did I miss anybody who actually affects things?

    [I am leaving out the newspaper characters because they are boring and I don’t care]

    edit The Clay Davis one is now my facebook picture.

    • CommentTimeOct 17th 2010

    Got through Dexter Season 1.

    So intense.

    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2010

    Just finished watching BSG season 1 and… and…


    I am so thoroughly glad I’m watching this after the fact. If I had to wait six months to get that cliffhanger resolved, I don’t know how I could stand it.


    Been watching Babylon 5, and it shows promise despite a few too many episodes with unsubtle messages.

    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2010

    How far in are you?


    Halfway through the first season.

    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2010

    Ah. Keep going. The show only starts to hit its stride around the end of the first season.


    I think I might start watching True Blood soon, since I made a deal with my brother back in the summer that I would, and I still haven’t gone through with it. Not looking forward to it, but I might as well get it over with before another season comes out.

    My brother’s part of the deal was watching The Wire. I clearly got the raw end of the deal.


    I’m sorry, sansa.

    I saw a Rolling Stone cover for True Blood...Google it and you will want to be a deal-breaking renegade.



    At least it’s got boobs.


    No, those are conveniently ‘shielded’ from the viewer. By another man. Who is naked.

    Who comes up with these photo shoots? I really want to know. Also, the thought process that goes behind these things- “Okay, and we’ll sandwich her uncomfortably close next to two other naked people, and just to make things fun, we’ll splatter them with blood. Get it? Because there are vampires!”

    I find it more laugh-worthy than scandalous, honestly, but it’s amusing to think about.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeOct 20th 2010

    ...I kinda like it. These vampires DON’T SPARKLE. Also, the heroine has a spine. A spine, backbone, WILLPOWER! It’s awesome. She even has a personality!

    Sookie kicks ass.


    No, I mean the show has boobs in it. Or so I’ve heard. The cover was just bizarre.


    @ WW: I haven’t actually seen True Blood. I just happened to see the Rolling Stone cover and could not help but snicker at it.

    • CommentTimeOct 21st 2010 edited

    I watched season 1 of True Blood after a friend kept hyping it up. It has some interesting concepts and does vampires pretty well but the intense sex scenes and very very simplistic plot (to me at least) made me not care too much. I did start season 2 but a friend interupted an episode and i lost the momentum and could never get back to it. Whats funny is that Jason is played by an Australian actor who used to be on this horrible soap opera Home and Away.

    I really dont care at all for the vampire craze, even if its vampires done well.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeOct 21st 2010


    Yes. There are lots of very nice boobs. No below the belt nudity (ok, none technically, but it’s a case of strategic camera angles).

    • CommentTimeOct 22nd 2010

    Still watching BSG! I’m now on episode 4 of season 2.

    I never really liked Gaeta all that much, but now I really love the guy. He’s pretty awesome.

    • CommentTimeOct 22nd 2010

    Watching Seinfeld consecutively, season 3 is absolutely brilliant.


    I love Seinfeld! I have several seasons on DVD.

    • CommentTimeOct 23rd 2010

    Its pretty awesome (of course I knew that beforehand). I’m almost done with season 4, and I’m going to stop for now. I’ve got other shows waiting for me to devour.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeOct 23rd 2010

    I hate Glee.

    Hate, hate, hate. Especially the drama queen (Rachel?). And the director. And everyone else. Grrrrrrrrrr.

    • CommentTimeOct 23rd 2010

    Watch Community.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeOct 23rd 2010

    No thank you. I saw an episode. Chevy Chase has not improved with age, and no one else was especially funny.

    I like How I Met Your Mother. Neil Patrick Harris=win.


    No thank you. I saw an episode. Chevy Chase has not improved with age, and no one else was especially funny.

    Get out.


    • CommentTimeOct 23rd 2010 edited

    Season 1 of Community was effing brilliant. So far I am disappointed with season 2. The show I loved is kind of almost destroyed already and I dont know why. A friend believes it is because the characters arent acting like themselves anymore and are bickering way too much, and because theyre doing storylines set outside of the community college now. They are also making it a little more silly than it used to be, with one episode calling attention to them making the college more and more like a cartoon.

    But the geniusness is still there sometimes like the space episode and the newest ABED episode. Community should be a writer’s best friend since it constantly expresses how much the writers know about how stories are structured and such. But most jokes are falling flat to me. The actors’ comic timing and delivery of saying simple things that shouldnt be funny used to be funny but now theyre mostly not. Maybe there is something wrong with me since it takes quite a bit to make me laugh. I need to go go rewatch all of season 1 to compare.

    With not finding anyone funny, you have to get used to these characters I think. Though pretty much all the girls except maybe Anne suck but are necessary for jokes to be made about them and affect storylines. I think Chevy Chase has definitely improved with age. Or at the very least is still good.

    Neil Patrick Harris is pretty awesome but I find How I Met Your mother so mildly funny most of the time that its almost not funny at all. Even the audience laughter seems less than other shows but maybe they quieten it down. What I like about HIMYM which keeps me watching is the clever storytelling and sometimes the characters.

    • CommentTimeOct 24th 2010

    I feel the same way about How I Met Your Mother. You pretty much cover the reasons I occasionally watch that show.

    • CommentTimeOct 24th 2010

    No thank you. I saw an episode. Chevy Chase has not improved with age, and no one else was especially funny.

    I’m sorry you feel that way, but I think the show is downright brilliant.

    • CommentTimeOct 24th 2010

    The writing in Community is just great. I didn’t even notice that Abed helped deliver a baby in the background of an episode.


    A friend had to point Abed delivering a baby thing out to me. You see the pregnant lady walking around other places in the background before then I think.

    The writers are still brilliant but is it just me who thinks this season took a considerable step downhill? Out of all the shows that go downhill, I thought it wouldve been the Community writers who would know if theyre doing something wrong. Kind of ironic. Its possible theyre trying to expand their audience to stay alive while theyre competing against Big Bang but I want it to be funnier to a minority i.e. me than less funny to a majority.

    • CommentTimeOct 25th 2010

    I think its just the process of the show expanding out of the first season (which wasn’t all spot-on episodes) and maybe bringing in some season arcs. I still stand by it though.


    My dad and I watched Glee today because they were doing Rocky Horror. The songs were entertaining, but I don’t still don’t like the characters.


    Finished with the second season of B5.

    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2010

    One of the nice things about B5 – it was a slow burn show with a set timetable, so they could pace it just right, rather than having to constantly build the tension until there was no possible way to have a satisfactory end.


    I need to see it again for confirmation, but I’m pretty sure I loved tonight’s episode of Community. At the very least, it had some truly excellent moments.



    Yeah still not 100% feeling this new Community season. The whole feel of it and jokes are so off compared to the first season. But this episode was pretty awesome it being one of those special genre spoof episodes, just still not funny enough. But since I thought the paintball episode was effing brilliant yet not that funny, this episode is probably just as good as that one. But I feel I need to judge this special episode harsher than the paintball one since most of this season’s non-special episodes have been subpar to me.

    I need to somehow get over this feeling and accept Community for what its become so I can enjoy it more.

    • CommentTimeOct 29th 2010

    @ Marquis


    Has anyone ever watched Chelsea Lately? It’s hilarious. It’s so ridiculous that it is just absolutely hilarious.


    Lumen is irritating on Dexter. She just is. Plus, Julia Stiles irks me.


    Julia Stiles is awesome.


    Her voice bugs me.

    • CommentTimeNov 1st 2010

    Finished with the second season of B5.

    Just for the record, I hate you, Marquis. Fnnnrrr, I’ve been meaning to get the B5 DVDs for six years now. I almost borrowed them off a friend during undergrad. But she’d lent them to someone else. D:

    I am somewhat jealous.


    I have my Farscape DVDs. Why yes, I think I might conduct a rewatch.


    ^^Then you won’t be happy to know I started the fourth season.

    puts up shield

    • CommentTimeNov 1st 2010





    In case there are any Americans who want to catch up Doctor Who for free and legally, BBC America is starting over replaying all the shows on Wednesday. It’s pretty much every weekday at 4:00 pm central time, though occasional they have more than one episode per day. They also come on the next morning at 9:00 am central time.

    • CommentTimeNov 2nd 2010 edited

    My brothers love Doctor Who, I’ll have to let them know. And then they’ll probably make me watch it :)

    *I can’t believe it took me so long to get rid of an apostrophe.

    • CommentTimeNov 2nd 2010

    The Walking Dead looks promising. :) Anyone else catch the premiere?


    I did. I thought it was cool and well-shot, and it’s based on work by a pretty good writer, and it’s got the AMC pedigree. That said, I’ll wait until I see more plot progression before hitching my watching-wagon to it without reservation.


    Out of nowhere, I have the urge to watch nothing but The Wonder Years. But music rights fucking up DVD releases, not having The Hub, and living in a dorm mean that it’s impossible to properly watch the damn show. D:

    Nostalgia can be such a bitch.


    I love The Wonder Years! Now you’ve made me want to watch it. Thanks a lot.

    And I’m planning on watching The Walking Dead. We have it on the DVR.

    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2010

    I saw The Walking Dead. Looks good so far, and they’ve managed to stay pretty true to the source material.

    The only thing that took me out of it was when the guy was riding the horse along I-85 into Atlanta. I just looked at all the cars on the other side of the divider and went, “Oh, come on. That’s like 5:00 on a weekday in Atlanta.”


    I’m in the mood to watch Scrubs. I’ve spent the last half hour or so on the internet tring to remember when it got so silly that it started to get on my nerves. I can’t remember, but I know I really liked it for at least three seasons. I think more though.


    Scrubs is my favorite sitcom of all time regardless of it going downhill and flanderizing the characters. Season 7 is when it was most silly but luckily that season was cut short because of the writer’s strike and they got a second chance to fix Scrubs with the pretty good season 8. Then abc stupidly gave them a spin-off and they ruined it again. Scrubs was probably getting sillyish on season 6 and maybe as early as 5, but 5 had some fantastic episodes and overarching plots.

    So yeah I think season 7 is what you want to avoid completely and 6 maybe a bit. But 8 while a little weird was mostly good especially the finale. I used to love JD but by season 9 (the spin-off) they made him so homosexual that I began to hate him. Zach Braff apparently even commented on how they made his character too gay.


    From what you’ve said, I think I watched part of season 7 (maybe) and then didn’t watch it anymore because of it being so ridiculous. I know I watched a couple of silly-but-with-some-really-good-episode seasons (so probably 5 and 6). I have no desire to watch the weird intern thing they did with 9.

    I read about the season 8 finale, and it sounds really well-done, so I would like to watch it. I would really like to watch the whole series over again, but maybe skip the sillier episodes.

    And apparently all my dad can remember about Scrubs is the silly seasons, he now insults shows by saying they are “as dumb as Scrubs.” I always tell him that is wasn’t always like that and that he used to like it, and he says that it was always dumb. He did like it though. For at least the first two seasons, he did.


    I watched The Walking Dead today. It was interesting enough for me to keep watching, but I’m not sure if I like it yet. I’m not familiar with the source material, so the story is new to me. It will probably be good just because it’s AMC.

    • CommentTimeNov 8th 2010



    • CommentTimeNov 8th 2010


    I watched the last episode of Sherlock last night. I think I’m in love. And I can’t wait for the next season! :D


    In three and a half hours, there shall be the return of our lord and savior, Conan O’Brien.


    House just made a vampire reference that I’m pretty sure was directed at Let Me In instead of Twilight.

    Amber Tamblyn wouldn’t go into the patient’s house, so Taub said, “Are you a vampire? It’s okay. We’re inviting you in.”


    Vampires needing invitations to enter places they haven’t been before isn’t unique to that book/movie. It’s one of those old vampire limitations that most popular media have discarded because that makes them less scary.


    I know, but I figured it was a pop culture reference, which is why I thought of that book/movie. Because it is recent.


    Yeah, it very well could be. I had a kid on Friday make a secondhand reference to The Exorcist, but he was trying to reference Scary Movie.


    Conan has risen. Praise be the conebone.

    • CommentTimeNov 8th 2010

    I finally started watching Firefly. Hooray.

    • CommentTimeNov 9th 2010 edited

    I really should stop playing games while watching serious things. It made the newest episode of Dexter feel really short and I probably missed a few things.

    I’ve never seen Conan :( The only US talk show thingy that airs in Australia on normal TV that I know of is David Letterman and he’s definitely the worst of all of them.


    Buffy the Vampire Slayer is starting up again on Chiller, so I’m recording the series. :D



    I do that with shows all the time, and my parents are always like, “Why are there so many episodes?!” Is it on everyday on Chiller?


    Amber Tamblyn wouldn’t go into the patient’s house, so Taub said, “Are you a vampire? It’s okay. We’re inviting you in.”

    I saw that too! I was thinking it was just a reference to vampires in general…

    I finally started watching Firefly. Hooray.

    YAYZ! How do you like it so far?

    • CommentTimeNov 9th 2010 edited




    Jeez, they really get up in your shit in Australia, don’t they?

    • CommentTimeNov 9th 2010 edited

    Here’s what I use for my Dexter fix. I’m not sure if it works outside the US, but give it a shot:


    They really do. Apparently the Liberal Party wanted to do some big internet censorship thingy that wouldve screwed everything up but Labor won and I think theyre working towards making our internet faster. I dunno I’m pretty ignorant of politics.

    Thanks Diamonte that website works :) I’ve seen it before for other shows. That site probably has all the shows I want to watch.


    With Coupling, Sherlock, Jekyll, and Doctor Who already watched, I’m getting into really early Moffat stuff by watching Press Gang. It’s everything that my experience with the school newspaper wasn’t.


    @ NP: Yeah, it seems to be on every day…I think? Unless that was just a marathon. Huh. I really don’t know. That’s farsighted of me.


    So, since I searched for “How Twilight Should Have Ended,” I started to look at some of there other ones. They have one for Lost. If you don’t watch it all, then watch from about 2:15-2:36.

    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2010

    Have recently discovered Misfits. Life just got a whole lot funnier and more awesome.


    I may have to temporarily my self-imposed ban on British TV to watch this “Brit Mad Men“ show starring Dominic West I heard about today. The guy needs to be on my TV more.


    self-imposed ban on British TV

    What is this madness?


    What is this madness?

    I don’t have anything against the shows themselves, I’ve just known too many Brit TV fanboys/girls who were insufferably smug about it. I’ve still got plenty of American stuff I haven’t watched yet, so it’s very easy to avoid watching British shows.

    I’m willing to make an exception for ol’ D-West, because he’s a true bro, whether he’s raping Spartan queens or doing wiretaps on drug dealers/sabotaging his personal relationships or playing a villain in that Punisher movie I didn’t watch.


    Finished Freaks & Geeks. It fucking stung to watch the finale, knowing nothing further will happen. At least Firefly got closure with Serenity, F&G got nothing to wrap things up. Instead, there’s just that car driving off to elsewhere.


    I saw about half of it, I think, but lost interest because Lindsey was kind of annoying.


    I just found out one of my high school coaches whom I still exchange jokes with via facebook is a huge fan of Breaking Bad, and that is awesome.

    Also, just watched this week’s Community. Complete fucking home run. On par with Modern Warfare without even needing the level of spectacle.

    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2010 edited

    Yes, that Community episode was pretty freaking great.

    If only Abed hadn’t stopped Annie…


    If only. On an interesting note, you can see the pen get stolen in the first minute or so of the episode(while Troy is delivering the line about wanting to lick a puppy). There are a bunch of other little hints in it, including some that are so elaborately camouflaged that I’m amazed anybody noticed, but throwing the smoking gun itself in there was pretty ballsy.

    I love this show.

    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2010 edited

    Oh cool thats awesome that they showed the pen being taken. I think this episode was brilliant in terms of Community’s usual meta and tropey cleverness, but I still feel the jokes arent there and its just the cast getting angry with each other… Learning about bottle episodes with how shows are planned was pretty interesting.




    I just watched the first two episodes of Archer, and it’s awesome so far. Recaptures the Frisky Dingo feel without just copying it.


    Is that the animated show? I had a bad experience with that show… at least, I think it was that show. I was babysitting, and the kids were already in bed, so I was watching whatever channel that show comes on, and then their parents got home, and I stayed a little longer to talk to their mom (who was my teacher for two years). Anyway, that show came on, and I wasn’t paying attention, and then there was this random sex scene that popped up. So basically, I watched about ten seconds of cartoon sex with my former teacher before the channel could be changed. Not fun.


    It almost certainly was. The show’s pretty raunchy. Finished the first season, and it’s pretty great, although it doesn’t really have much in the way of throughplot like Frisky Dingo did. Maybe next season.

    • CommentTimeNov 16th 2010

    Summer Glau in Chuck. Hell yes.


    It was her! I thought so. :D She was pretty kickass…

    • CommentTimeNov 16th 2010

    Ehh, I was kinda disappointed how small of a role she played in the actual episode. :/

    • CommentTimeNov 16th 2010

    All the Firefly references Nathan Fillion makes in Castle makes me sad.

    Castle: Speaks Chinese

    Beckett: Semester abroad?

    Castle: Nah, a TV show I used to love.

    • CommentTimeNov 16th 2010 edited

    RomanticVampireLover, what do you mean “It was her!”? It should have be obvious instantly with no doubt.

    Yeah it was pretty awesome having Summer Glau there. There’s really no need to be superficial, but I just gotta say that I cant decide if I find her hot or not. She’s got a pretty unique look.

    I wasnt disappointed by the small role because all the gretas have been small. I was pleasantly surprised that the greta thing came into the actual story instead of being some fun running gag. Though I wonder if theyre going to give some legit reason for why greta keeps changing when it would be incredibly obvious when theyre meant to be hiding the spyness. Eh I dont really care if its illogical because Chuck has always been fun and not very realistic.

    I didnt realise the nods to Firefly in Chuck, and it only occured to me now that Bladwin and Glau were working together again. It’s cool that Castle references Firefly. I should watch Castle if not just because of Fillion. I had heard of Castle ages ago but only recently found out it has him in it.