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    • CommentTimeSep 22nd 2010

    I finished watching Pillars of the Earth.


    Good guys and Supernatural both start up new this Friday.

    At the same time!!

    What I to do? [sob]


    DVR is your friend, Nate, as it is mine.


    I don’t have DVR. =*(

    Oh wait – the internet! XD


    Go buy DVR...


    Go buy DVR...

    Yes dear…

    • CommentTimeSep 23rd 2010

    That Harley Quinn video was awesome! It’s so HER!

    • CommentTimeSep 23rd 2010 edited

    Ha, Community took a shot at Twilight that didn’t seem out of place. Men are monsters who claim young flesh indeed.


    I am now starting my journey through avatar (the good one).

    Wish me luck (and follow along on my blog if you want)


    And remember that the show doesn’t get really good until season 2 when Toph comes in.

    Also, it’s perfectly okay if you find youself more interested in Zuko and Iroh than the Gaang.

    • CommentTimeSep 23rd 2010 edited

    So I guess no one watches or cares about How I Met Your Mother. Fair enough. I’ve rethought me theory and realised that other pre-existing characters could be having the wedding.

    I cant wait to watch Community. It should only be about an hour but my internet is fair shitty. And there’s also Big Bang and 30 Rock. Why would any shot at Twilight feel out of place? Reminds me of the joke where Jeff is all crying going “she always gets to watch what she wants. I hate Glee. I dont see its appeal at all” It was freaking hilarious the way he said it and it was only till after I read on TVtropes that the actual joke was that Glee airs at the same time as Community that I actually got it properly.

    Yeah agreed avatar season 1 was still pretty good, but season 2 is when it got really good. Toph owns all of the things. All of the time. Possibly my favorite character. I thought Sokka was my favorite because of his great comedic style but no Toph is the best. I know sansafro once said everyone should love Azula the most but nah…. it was freaking hilarious how her story ended. Not sure if it was meant to be….


    Yeah, Community has lots of meta jokes like that. I wish I got all of them :( I saw a rerun of the episode where Abed practices pickup lines on Annie, and his first one is modeled after Don Draper… and the actress who plays Annie is also on Mad Men.

    I watched Outsourced. I don’t know why. I could’ve watched a horrible football game instead. It was just as horrible as it looked from the obnoxious promotion.


    Well its been an hour. Big Bang is done and Community has done almost nothing :( 30 Rock isnt that much better off than Community. Community is the only one I really care about. I’ve never seen Mad Men but they actually told you specifically that that was directly from Mad Man. That and The Wire I am definitely going to see but I’m not really making any headway. I’ll watch them eventually but I dont like that The Wire has 5 seasons to catch up on. And Mad Men 4. Seriously has anyone watched all of Breaking Bad. I assume its sort of in the same vein as at least The Wire and it is awesome.

    Yeah not even the slightest bit interested in Outsourced. But there’s probably a lot of other good shows I never gave a chance or didnt have much of a chance to see. I dont really wanna waste my time with any shows where the writers really screwed up the story like Heroes. And I heard that Prison Break went bad. And 24. I’m probably going to be watching Firefly soon.


    Breaking Bad is next on my list. I’ve got the first season procured, just need to find the time.


    Hooray! Hopefully it will not disappoint. A friend of mine thought it was “alright…” after watching a few episodes I dont know how many but he obviously doesnt know brilliant writing/storytelling/acting/etc when he sees it. Pretty sure it’s won a few emmys.

    Well thats 30 rock downloaded now to wait for Community then I’ll watch all 3 together.


    I liked the first season of Breaking Bad. Then I zoned out during the second one and got all into again when I watched a few episodes of it during a marathon. Then I zoned out last season because I wasn’t caught up on the second season and was slightly confused.

    In conclusion, I am behind by two seasons.


    Well when I watch stuff on TV I can zone out, but if I download stuff so I can watch it any time without adverts I generally pay attention but I might sometimes multitask. Anything I care about now I download because in Australia all the good shows are either not aired or aired at stupid times. And I dont have DVR or tevo or foxtel digital or anything to record shows. So yeah, watch Breaking Bad.

    This season’s sitcoms are all off to a great start, especially Community. sansafro I was hoping the Twilight thing wouldve been better but still made a pretty good point and joke. 30 Rock was going considerably downhill last season I dont know what it was but with my odd sense of humor I just stopped finding it funny. But the season finale redeemed itself somewhat and this season premiere was good again so yay!

    Now to wait for Supernatural, Dexter and South Park. And for Futurama to start up again ages away from now.

    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2010

    The Office Is back. :D

    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2010

    How was it? Worthwhile?

    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2010

    It wasn’t great, but it was good and worth watching. I’m interested to see where this season goes.

    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2010

    Has anyone seen The Event yet? I didn’t watch it even though I intended to, but now I’m getting conflicting reports about whether or not it’s good.


    Swenson, from things I’ve heard…

    Your appreciation of it might depend on
    A) Your politics
    B) how sensitive you are to politics in media (i.e. if a certain phrase or word is used in a show, do you pick up that this is/may be referring to a particular current topic, or does such a reference fly over your head?)


    So Logo’s finally showing the episodes with Tara in it, now giving the show a reason to be on it. And their being unsubtle by calling it the “Willow & Tara Forever! Marathon”

    Why must you taunt us with what can never happen, Logo?


    Castle. Castle, Castle, Castle….

    is walking on air


    Dexter is coming back this weekend! Yay!

    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2010

    Nate- hmm. Maybe I’ll give it a shot.

    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2010

    Steph, when I first heard about that, I thought it was a series based on the movie The Castle. I was honestly disappointed.

    Anyway, we have two new free-to-air channels now! Hurrah! One full of old movies (<1970s), and the other is basically the free version of Fox8.


    There’s a reasonable amount of Aussies here isnt there? I never hang in any of the rooms we have digital TVs in so no new channels for me!

    And yes yay Dexter! I downloaded Supernatural but have yet to watch it. Supernatural got a bit ridiculous with all the coming back to life and angels and god stuff, but this season seems like its going to redeem itself somewhat. Its always been a good show regardless.


    Starting Breaking Bad as I type this.


    Awesome. I can attest to the first season being great, but I really need to rewatch the other two and actually pay attention before having an opinion on them.


    Steph, when I first heard about that, I thought it was a series based on the movie The Castle. I was honestly disappointed.

    That was a great movie. We had an American lady stay with us once, and she told me and mum that she loved it because the guy called his wife ‘darl’ all the time. So later on, Dad was calling Mum ‘darl’, and the lady was in fits of giggles. Dad was like, “What?”
    It was kinda hilarious.

    Anyway, we have two new free-to-air channels now! Hurrah! One full of old movies (<1970s), and the other is basically the free version of Fox8.

    SERIOUSLY?!!? What are they called? Do we get them across Australia or just in your area?

    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2010

    So how do you like Castle?

    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2010

    It’s on “freeview”, so I guess it’s across Australia.

    Also, ‘Gem’ is shaping up to not be as good as I thought. It has a few old movies during the day (like other channels haven’t, but then it’s got things like Secret Millionaire and Highway Patrol in the evening. Urgh. I’m not even sure why it’s a new channel.


    @ Puppet: Loving it. My whole family is addicted, bar a wo-young sibling or two.

    @ Taku: Oh. Great.

    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2010

    After finishing The Great British Bake Off, I now get to indulge my weakness for cookery shows with Masterchef: The Professionals.

    Oooh yeah. Although at some point I have to start watching Merlin and Spooks on iPlayer. Ahh, I love you series catch-up.


    I liked the first season of Breaking Bad quite a bit. On to Season 2.

    Also, new Dexter season starts tonight. Huzzah!


    Dexter was odd today. This season is going to be very problematic for him.

    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2010 edited

    I’m waiting for Dexter to appear on the interwebs what with me living in Australia. Cant wait! EDIT: amazing, that guy who played Muguel in Dexter season 3 is on Ellen Degeneres right now.

    And yay for you sansafro getting through Breaking Bad.

    I think I’m going to download the premiers of Family Guy and The Simpsons, too, despite not having found either of them funny for quite some time now. I just wanna see Flight of the Conchords in The Simpsons and how they handled their High School Musical parody (I havent seen any of the films). And Family Guy sounds interesting because it’s an hour long And Then There Were None parody. So basically I will only be downloading “big” kind of episodes of the shows.


    Dexter was good this season should be amazing. The Simpsons I regret watching. While the small bits of Bret and Jemaine were kinda good, they were nowhere near good enough to redeem such a crap episode/series nowadays. Family Guy had a pretty interesting plot but wouldve been more impressive if there was some sort of poem or something describing the deaths and then having the people die the way of the poem. It was hardly funny at all but better than The Simpsons, which is sad. Seriously how do the writers and Groening not know theyre crap? ARGH!!


    The Daily Show amuses and depresses me at the same time.

    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2010 edited

    The new Dexter episode made me sad, and the rest of the season preview looks interesting. If there’s one thing that show does right, it does a good job of making it seem like Dexter is screwed, and even though you consciously know he’s gonna get out of it somehow, it sure doesn’t feel that way at the time.


    Yep it does do that very well, and in the case of season 4 sometimes he doesnt exactly get out of everything. I think by the end of this season or next, someone is going to know about how he really is without you know getting killed straight after. Most likely Deb. In the books she apparently finds out but I’m guessing she keeps it a secret and is somewhat ok with it or something. Breaking Bad is also good at the “how the hell is he going to get out of this” thing.


    Yeah, the books had her find out at the end of the first one (so, the end of the first season). I didn’t like that in the book, but I think it would be okay in the show at this point in the story/character development. I’m excited to see what happens because her does look really screwed.


    Finished Season 3

    I can’t help but feel bad for Colvin. The guy obviously had good intentions, but had acted them out in a bad way.

    Didn’t really like the Carcetti plot that much. Still beats Ziggy by miles though.


    Nice. I like Colvin a lot too, since he’s so emblematic of the show’s central theme. He’s trapped in a broken system with no way to win, and even though he comes up with a temporary solution by coloring outside the lines, it’s bound to fail eventually. The system crushes all those who try to fight it. There’s a reason that line Marla Daniels has back in episode 2 or 3 was a featured quote(“You cannot lose if you do not play.”).

    Bunny is featured in S4 in a new sort of role that fits with that season’s theme, though, so don’t count him out yet.

    Carcetti features a lot more prominently in S4 too, but I think it’s more interesting, in large part because his adviser Norman makes me laugh my ass off.

    S3’s ending reminds me of D’Angelo’s Gatsby speech in S2. The shit you get up to always comes back on you, man. Always.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeSep 30th 2010

    Saw about 5-10 minutes of Glee. Resisting urge to insult it in front of my Glee loving roommate. I will grant some of their songs she has are catchy. Gives You Hell is catchy. Characters appear obnoxious.

    • CommentTimeSep 30th 2010 edited

    The chloroform scene in tonight’s Community almost made me throw up from laughter.


    Watching Inbetweeners. Seeing Simon get high was hilarious.

    • CommentTimeOct 1st 2010

    The Office was great this week, Community was pretty good as well.


    There must be something wrong with my because I thought the episode of Community was the worst episode so far that I can remember. I think my friend destroyed my ability to enjoy the episode before I watched it because of his f*ckery of talking about how after only 2 episodes Community isnt what it used to be and is almost a different show and that the characters arent themselves anymore.
    I disagreed for the first episode, thinking it was exactly the same minus the oddness of betty white with her weapon and Chang going gollum-like at the end, but this episode was very different with it being majorally set outside of the college. Yet my friend hated the first episode and liked this one. He’s all backwards.
    But yes the chloroform scene was fantastic.


    After years of people shilling it without convincing me, a friend of mine finally made a compelling case to watch Firefly.

    Christina Hendricks plays a space hooker apparently. Do want.

    • CommentTimeOct 2nd 2010

    Wait, you haven’t watched Firefly?

    ...You’re dead to me, man.

    • CommentTimeOct 2nd 2010

    I’m not even sure if he’s a man anymore.

    • CommentTimeOct 2nd 2010

    You didn’t know about the space hooker?! Fellow Firefly fans, we have failed in our duty to indoctrinate everyone here!


    I didn’t know that it was Christina Hendricks.

    And I’d have watched it before if somebody had actually sold it well beyond using stock phrases of admiration that don’t really communicate anything.

    Watching episode 9 of Breaking Bad S2. This is a very good show.


    Christina Hendricks is not the space hooker! She is a recurring character, however. The space hooker is played by Morena Baccarin.



    Oh. Well, I’m less interested now. That girl in the picture is no Christina Hendricks.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeOct 2nd 2010 edited

    Interested again?

    How about now?

    This is the ship’s mechanic, Kaylee. Isn’t she nice?


    Well, I’m less interested now.

    And starting season 4. Fucking hell, Prez’s class is violent. Stuff like that happened at my middle school, but not on the first week.

    • CommentTimeOct 2nd 2010

    You mean this Christina Hendricks?


    This Christina Hendricks:

    And starting season 4. Fucking hell, Prez’s class is violent. Stuff like that happened at my middle school, but not on the first week.

    Yeah, the school at large really isn’t quite that violent, but he has no control over his class so things just escalate like crazy. It was pretty excruciating for me to watch the first time, since I was still in the middle of learning how to control classrooms myself. Sympathy pains and all that.

    I sure as shit wouldn’t want to teach in Baltimore, though.

    • CommentTimeOct 2nd 2010

    Oh, Christina Hendricks was YoSaffBridge? I never knew who her actress was before.

    And I’d have watched it before if somebody had actually sold it well beyond using stock phrases of admiration that don’t really communicate anything.

    :D Fair point. You shouldn’t watch it because it’s the most amazing sci-fi show ever, you should watch it because it’s clever, funny, and quite nice to look at. It also has an interesting plot, good acting, top-notch writing, and is surprisingly original for a show about some smugglers living under the rule of an evil Alliance. The science is also relatively accurate, if you’re nitpicky about that.


    ^^And if you’re complaining that it doesn’t have a decent ending, watch Serenity.


    I just recently finished Firefly. And the DVD extras which made me even sadder it was cancelled. I saw Serenity before seeing the series so I’m going to rewatch it and pay a lot of attention. The show is very good. Damn you, fox! Since Buffy and Angel apparently got their last season as a comic, one for Firefly would be nice. Or if they just started the tv show again and either put the story between season 1 and the film, somehow worked it into after the film…. or completely disregard the film, say it isnt canon anymore and start from scratch retreading some of the same things in the movie as if they were new.

    And yay for sansafro being around the end of S2 and thinking its a very good show.

    • CommentTimeOct 3rd 2010 edited

    one for Firefly would be nice.

    Serenity comics)

    “Despite requests from fans, Joss Whedon has stated that Serenity is unlikely to be released as a regular publication series. He believes that the pacing and storyarc structure he created for Firefly would work poorly as a regular series, and unlike the monthly-issued Buffy Season 8, Serenity does not have the wealth of background material generated by seven seasons of television to draw from.”

    • CommentTimeOct 3rd 2010 edited

    Oh cool thats good to know. (btw your link is very slightly broken, taking me to a “did you mean Serenity (comics)?” page) So they definitely count as canon? It says Whedon cowrote them. So hopefully theyll keep making more and reveal all the facts they were unable to, like the next comic theyre working on about the shepherd’s past which I am most interested about. Now to find these comics… too bad some were badly recieved. I dont like it when writers mess up the story and cant fix it cos its stuck as canon forever.


    Now through episode 5, I hate the Stanfield organization. The Barksdales were nowhere near as cruel as those guys.


    It starts at the top, really. Avon is ruthless, but he has his own standards of behavior. They acted with cause.

    Marlo, on the other hand, is pretty much every inhuman element of the game rolled up into one man. Some of his crew are pretty decent people(for dealers and murderers, anyway), but a monster calls the shots.

    • CommentTimeOct 4th 2010

    I’m pretty sure the comics count as canon.


    South Park!

    Dances With Wolves+ Avatar+ Glenn Beck+ Cartman+ Smurfs= weirdness


    Felt weird to actually watch Avatar after seeing South Park so accurately make fun of it months before the film got released.

    • CommentTimeOct 5th 2010 edited

    btw your link is very slightly broken, taking me to a “did you mean Serenity (comics)?” page

    Yeah, I know. It refused to recognise the last bracket, and I was faaarrrr too lazy to put in the symbols instead.


    too bad some were badly recieved

    I was way more shallow than that, I haven’t bothered to buy them yet because I was irked that the characters weren’t drawn particularly accurately.


    Finished season 4. Feels weird to like Prez after thinking he was a dumbass for the first 3 seasons. Cutty and Colvin have pretty much cemented themselves as my favorite characters on the show. And I found Namond to have one of the most interesting examples of character development I’ve seen in the series.

    • CommentTimeOct 5th 2010 edited

    Yeah, Nay really surprised me. I couldn’t stand him for most of the season, especially since I really like Michael, and Namond is his polar opposite.

    Unfortunately, Colvin and Cutty don’t get much play in Season 5, which is a shame. Their arcs are completed though.

    Starting Season 3 of Breaking Bad. I heard this is where it goes completely off-the-cliff awesome, so I’m excited, since I thought the first two seasons were great(although the end of S2 felt kinda weak after the buildup to the final scene in previous episode openings).


    I’m starting to watch other stuff by the actors from The Wire, and it just feels weird to see them playing completely opposite roles.
    For example, I can never take Stringer Bell seriously again.


    I knew Idris Elba wasn’t very discriminating in his role selection, but… :| They could’ve at least let him keep his voice.

    It’s always weird to see Wire alums elsewhere. I only realized a little while ago that the traitor guy in 300 who rapes the queen is McNulty.

    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2010

    So I started watching Battlestar Galactica. I got about halfway through the 2003 miniseries last night (before I realized I had to get up shortly after 7 AM and therefore should probably go to bed before 2 AM) and really, really liked it! We’ll see how the other half goes.


    I couldn’t watch it because I couldn’t take them seriously when they said, “fracking.”

    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2010 edited

    There’s a new channel around here, which has somehow got hold of Growing Pains and a bunch of other early-80s sitcoms.

    One of the main characters in Growing Pains has multiple popped collars. And it is still COOL

    There again, Kirk Cameron can rock whatever he wants to.

    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2010

    Spooks is still really good! The main theme makes me happy.


    I feel like watching Mad About You. I don’t think it’s on any channels currently, though.

    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2010

    The new Office episode was great, nice change from the usual setting.

    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2010

    Why can nothing good ever happen on BSG? Everything just keeps getting worse! It’s like they set out to write the most depressing script ever, and then were like “Hey! Let’s also throw in the imminent extinction of the human race! And knotty moral dilemmas! Involving the fate of small, adorable children!”

    :D It’s really, really good, though. I love it so far. I finished the miniseries, and now I’m moving on to the series proper—well, the new one, anyway. I know there was one before, but I haven’t watched any of it.


    The old one was a putrid Star Wars rip-off. How they were able to remake that tripe into such a good series is beyond me. And yeah, the seasons get bleaker and bleaker as the show goes on.

    Now I’m going through season 5. And holy shit, Gordon from Sesame Street! I know I should be focusing on other parts like what the hell McNulty’s doing and the Co-Op’s problems, but it’s just so weird seeing Gordon there. A bit like realizing George Carlin narrated Thomas the Tank Engine.


    Yeah :/ I’m pretty sure S5 has the highest body count of named characters by a wide margin. That one’s not even the worst of it.

    Weirdly, I think that’s the scene where I really came around to Chris Partlow.

    I am now officially caught up with Breaking Bad. I won’t mince words. It’s excellent, and I’d probably put it right behind The Wire and Futurama.

    • CommentTimeOct 10th 2010 edited


    ABC3 is showing reruns of The Genie From Downunder

    drowns in nostalgic glee

    I’m the genie, you are the master
    That’s right, I’m the master, you are my genie
    You belong to me, Yes!

    I’ve served a lot of masters throughout history
    Now I want to go back home where I can be free
    Then you come along with the opal in your hand
    Now your every wish is my command
    That’s right

    Genie, Genie from Down Under
    Make my wish come true
    Dream on
    Genie, Genie from Down Under
    I wish you’d do what I want you to
    Oh, yeah, all right then.
    Genie from Down Under


    Arrested Development!


    And it’s the end…

    While this season wasn’t as good, like 3 or 4, the finale still wrapped everything up pretty well.

    Now somebody give me a new show to waste my time on.


    The Game never changes :(

    Anyway, congrats, Marquis. You are now officially down.

    I’d recommend Breaking Bad and Mad Men next, in that order.

    Neither are as great as The Wire, but I don’t think any show is.


    ^^I’ll probably watch those shows once they end. It sucks to binge on a arc-heavy series through DVD, then get to that point where you have to wait like everybody else to get an episode every week. And really, I haven’t had that much interest in going for either.

    For now, I’m juggling between Veronica Mars, Babylon 5, or Deadwood as the show I’ll watch next. I also have a bunch of other DVDs I should definitely get through.


    Yeah, that’s a fair point.

    As for interest, I can’t remember if you are one of the people who like Dexter or not, but Breaking Bad is a lot like it, except the supporting cast in BB actually behave intelligently, where as most of Dexter’s people tend to act pretty stupid/oblivious a lot of the time.

    I’d certainly recommend Veronica Mars, though(and the show that bears her name, dohoho). I haven’t seen the other two. VM’s biggest problem, IMO, is that the first season is the best season. That, and that godawful Piz character they introduce in S3. More like PISS if you ask me.

    • CommentTimeOct 11th 2010 edited

    I thought that too, that BB was a lot like Dexter. Never really thought about the supporting cast but…

    As for season 5 episode 3, I thought it was pretty good but the experience was sullied by me playing a game while watching. I really didnt know how this season would evolve and get to the thrills so I like the way this is turning out.

    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2010 edited

    Fezqueen has me watching Haven, which I can’t seem to form an opinion on.

    I like Fringe for the sheer weirdness of it.

    • CommentTimeOct 13th 2010

    Just watched the first episode of Dexter.

    Basically my thought process the whole way through:

    I’m hooked. And I will never forget to lock a door again.


    Dexter is just all kinds of awesome, Dia. I still need to watch the second and third seasons. The first and fourth were awesome, and the fifth has started out pretty good too.


    I get what you’re saying, Crab, and I don’t necessarily disagree. To an extent, the supporting cast in Dexter might be excused by people seeing what they want to see. It’s still frustrating, though, seeing BB handle it so well in comparison. It’s just, sometimes, the Dexter characters feel like living obstacles instead of free, independent agents, if that makes sense.

    When it comes down to it, though, I feel like Dexter is only very good TV, as compared to The Wire or Breaking Bad, which are great TV. Dexter himself might be a better than any single character in either show, but goddammit I am sick of Batista whining over stupid shit. I used to like him, but they’ve given him nothing worthwhile to do since he hooked up with Laguerta.

    That said, there’s something about Dexter that just compels you to watch more. I’ve never seen it in any other show.

    @Marquis: My cousin is watching S5 of The Wire right now, which reminded me of something I forgot to tell you. If you want to have your mind blown, rewatch the scene in Episode 3 of S3(about 27 minutes in) where Bunk investigates the scene of that shootout between the Barksdale stash-house and Omar’s merry band. Pay close attention to any character who speaks.


    ^^You mean that scene with the kids pretending that they were Omar’s gang? What’s the big deal about—*realizes who one of those kids was* O.O


    Yes. Yes indeed.


    Yeah you have a good point sansafro. And I will start downloading The Wire, godammit. Or streaming it. Shouldve started when I first said I would. I think most of my internet goes to waste now when it replenishes each month because I’ve run out of things to download. So while all those seasons felt a bit daunting to download it probably wont end up being that much, especially if I span it over some months.