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    Would you prefer a dictatorship? :P
    • CommentAuthorDrAlligator
    • CommentTimeJul 27th 2009 edited

    The 2012 elections will involve Politics with Explosions.

    And Obama and the Left will have like, solar powered ray guns, and then the Right and their C-C-C-Candidate will have nuclear missile loaded crossbow guns.

    And Right Wing Guy is going to be all “Rar, Oil FTW!!” and blow up Yemen because it’s in the Middle East!

    And then people will make Sarah Palin jokes!

    And then Obama will be all “I am the President, BITCH!” and use some extreme moves that bring Yemen back to life, winning the public’s trust!

    And this will go on throughout 2012!

    And then the Right Wing Guy will be all, “Ho ho ho” and his nuclear missle loaded crossbow gun will expand into a giant mech suit that envelopes Right Wing Guy’s body, and Obama’s all “Dammit, I chose the wrong side to be on!”

    And then people will make Fox News jokes!

    And then Obama will be all “THEME SONG POWER UP” and the American National Anthem will give him a +15 boost to all his stats.

    Then Obama and Right Wing Guy will have an Epic Battle with martial arts and lots of explosions and some slow mo and hell, some tits thrown in just because.

    At the end of the year, the world over will be entirely ravaged, and the People of the World will be left for dead and the sun is blotted out by the Extreme! dust cloud that Obama kicked up when he Self Exploded, taking Right Wing Guy with him to the After Life (turns out the Ancient Egyptions were right). Then we all die, and Humanity’s dying word will be “Huh, guess them Mayans were right after all.”

    And I will leave the world still knowing nothing about American politics.


    Would you prefer a dictatorship? :P

    No, the end of the world. WEREN’T YOU PAYING ATTENTION?

    Or Dr Alligator’s idea.

    Or any of Frank J’s ideas

    Very plausible. I could see it happening.

    They’re making Barbies of Edward and Bella.

    According to Amazon, there are only two Edwards left in stock.

    I’m assuming three-fourths are staring at him in longing and the remaining quarter is using him as a voodoo doll.


    there are only two Edwards left in stock.

    ?! facepalm

    I have better things to do than listen to you, Nate.
    Also, the fact that there are 2 Edwards left is sickening.

    tI’ll be interesting to compare the number of Edwards they sold to the number of Bellas they sold.

    I’m betting that Bellas won’t be that popular; you’re supposed to imagine yourself as one, not own a barbie of one.


    I looked it up. At the moment, they aren’t in danger of being sold out.


    Isn’t it more likely that, rather than predicting the end of the world, they just got bored of making calendar dates that they’d never live to see?

    That’s my theory too. They had to stop writing eventually. Maybe the guy’s hand cramped up. Maybe he looked at the huge calendar and said, “Aw, screw it. I’ll be dead long before then. Who cares if I write more?”

    • CommentTimeJul 29th 2009

    LOL they explain what a dialouge bubble is.

    Apparently the graphic novel isn't enough. A "Female Force" comic book is coming out. It's "a broad examination of strong and influential women who are shaping modern history and culture." A few of these women are Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Princess Diana... and Stephenie Meyer.
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2009

    ...You better be tellin’ us that Rowling is in that list.


    Not as far as I know.
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2009 edited

    I am going to kill myself…

    Anyone have special requests on who I should take with me?

    Bella? Edward? Meyer?
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2009

    Meyer’s already on the list. Maybe I’ll take out whoever is writing that Comic book too, since they are the one causing my early demise. Anyone know who it is?

    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2009



    Bluewater Productions is publishing it.

    @Quietly Curious

    >Apparently the graphic novel isn’t enough. A “Female Force” comic book is coming out. It’s “a broad examination of strong and influential women who are shaping modern history and culture.” A few of these women are Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Princess Diana… and Stephenie Meyer.

    That’s just sad. Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Rosa Parks have to share a comic book with these airheads.


    Well, technically, she’s shaped culture… in a warped, ironic kind of way. Go protest about it!

    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2009

    A few of these women are Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Princess Diana… and Stephenie Meyer.

    What a list. Really now? What about all the influential female scientists, journalists, etc. that would actually make compelling characters?


    Oh, nah. Who cares about them?


    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2009

    Marie Curie, Elizabeth I, Florence Nightingale, Cleopatra, Susan B. Anthony, Edith Wilson… and if we have to do modern-day ones, what about Sandra Day O’Connor, Nancy Pelosi (as much as I dislike her, she is the first female Speaker of the House, and that’s pretty significant…), Mother Teresa, Billie Jean King, Condoleezza Rice, Golda Meir, Amelia Earhart, Margaret Thatcher, Rosa Parks, Jane Goodall… of all the important women in the world, Stephenie Meyer certainly is not on my list.

    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2009

    Dr. Jane Freakin’ Goodall!


    You guys totally forgot Paris Hilton.


    Zomg, how could we forget her?

    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2009

    How about freakin’ Helen Thomas, certified badass?

    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2009 edited

    Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Rosa Parks have to share a comic book with these airheads.

    You forget, this is modern culture. None of these women are young or cool enough to shape anything! Some of them are even gasp dead! How is that cool? /sarcasm

    EDIT: Who would not want a comic book with this person in it?

    She could stab out your eyes with her pen. Do you want to have you eyes stabbed out? Didn’t think so.

    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2009

    That’s not even a recent photo.

    But still, Helen Thomas is an absolute national treasure and all around BAMF.


    ^^That’s just horrible. Imagine her cartoonified as a comic book character. Shudders

    Anyway, they should still use people like her, rather than Smeyer and Oprah.


    She’s scary. We could use her as defense against the Beautiful People like Smeyer.

    Now I have to go make a sparkly picture of Smeyer…


    Smeyer’s author picture in the back of the book should be sparkly.

    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2009 edited

    Your wish is my command…

    EDIT: I made two. I couldn’t resist. The first uses something called “Glitterize”, but who can resist the “Sparkles Effect”?


    Dear lord….

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2009

    That is not sparkly, that is….well, whatever it is SHOULD NOT EXIST.

    Hides under a blanket


    Mwahahahaha! rubs hands together devilishly With the power of Lunapic, I will rule you all!


    Second one is better.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2009

    Begone, foul demon!

    Shakes a cross at the sparkly thing


    Can you do both at the same time?


    Let me try…


    I’ll be waited with baited breath. Baits breath.


    If you can see the animation, it’s even scarier, because you’re not really supposed to do both at once, and so you get this weird negative effect where all you see is blackness and Smeyer’s outline in gold.


    Also “baits breath.”

    I may or may not know what that means.

    Come on, if you’re going to choose an influential female writer who has fed the literature-starved masses something they actually loved, why choose her ?


    That picture is made of win. It should be in all of her books from now on.

      CommentAuthorZombie Devin
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2009 edited

    If you can see the animation, it’s even scarier, because you’re not really supposed to do both at once, and so you get this weird negative effect where all you see is blackness and Smeyer’s outline in gold.

    By the gods…


    Why not choose Tamora Pierce? Or J.K. Rowling? They both did exactly that, except they did it better.


    Why not choose Tamora Pierce? Or J.K. Rowling? They both did exactly that, except they did it better.



    That picture is made of win. It should be in all of her books from now on.

    Thank you! Indeed it should. It will give all the fangirls headaches at best and epileptic fits at better worst.

    By the gods…

    You see it, too? I sympathize. I’m getting a headache just looking at it. Everyone, please make lots of posts so I don’t have to see this every time I visit this thread!


    I can see it too, by the way. It’s flashing between creepy outline Smeyer and really sparkly Smeyer. I don’t know how they could have the effect in the book though. It’d have to be a Harry Potter moving pictures sort of thing.


    A post in the hopes that the next page will arrive soon.


    Am I the only one not bothered by the flashing epilepsy-inducing picture? I suppose if I stared at it for a long time, but it just doesn’t bother me.


    I doubt it. I swear that it didn’t affect me much until SmartAlienQT mentioned it.

    There’s psychology for you. I bet I had that headache beforehand.


    Could it be some are immune to our secret anti-fangirl weapon?


    It doesn’t bother me.


    ^^Thank you! I am not alone!

    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2009



    Doesn’t bother me either.

    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2009

    MOAR POSTAGE! 41 left to go!

    Hmm, I made a sparkly moose. I’ll make another sparkly picture to pass the time.


    MAKE AN EDWARD!!!!!!!!1!!

    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2009 edited

    Sparkly Edward or Glittery Edward?

    Or Flashy-Epilepsy Edward?

    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2009

    ALL THREE!!!!

    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2009

    This: is what Edward should look like. :P


    Yes, please!

    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2009 edited

    To any and all epileptics browsing this forum: I am sorry. So very, very sorry.

    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2009



    Thank god I’m not epileptic.

    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2009

    Ah! Get it away, GET IT AWAY!


    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2009

    I feel… unclean. And yet so liberated.



    What’s the difference between Puppet’s version and Swenson’s?

    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2009

    The picture didn’t work. :P

    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2009

    Yeah, I forgot the !‘s.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2009



    At least I could somewhat look at the RPattz pic. Thank you, Marquis, for allowing me to never sleep again. Epic win pic, swenson!


    Was Marquis’s supposed to be scary?


    No, it was his reaction to seeing those sparkly Edward pictures.


    Was Marquis’s supposed to be scary?

    I get freaked out by that pic. I saw the movie as a kid and that was the only part I remembered. That and him trying to touch her with a red-hot sword.

    Hey, if you’re a kid, all you remember are the scary parts.