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    I have One story planned to a T. I have a begining and an Ending in mind.
    I'm sure all of you remember me from years ago. Well this idea has evolved from all my other ideas.

    To sum it up. You have the four Endlords who came to Onchara then disappeared gradually over the next 3000 years. They came to prepare Onchara for a coming invasion.

    But one of them, Damien, decided that she wanted to bring the rest of her people here, as only they four escaped. Anwyn who has posession of the portal opening Crystal is against this as she knows or at least fears the invading force will come through it. So a rivalry is born between them that carries out for thenext several 1000 years, with them manipulating the general populace for their own ends.

    My story deals with the consequences of this. You have in the north, a man who has the first sorceress seen in a 1000 years telling him he's the decendent of the man who formed a great Empire. He sets about uniting his country, before getting ready to invade others.

    There is the Resistance in the south, who are tired of the Council of Alexiamdras rules. Expecially as they haven't been seen in decades and rule through puppet kings and queens.

    And the Guardians a kind of Army, who have to keep the peace on all sides and also have to deal with the infighting and political movings of the governments while a religious zealot schemes himself to power to start a holocaust upon all magic weilders.

    All have to deal with behind the scene manipulations.

    I've got various starting points for all. The Characters etc. Though I do have trouble deciding------should the characters be Guardians then mercinary. Guardian who as punishment has to baby sit a rich merchantss daughter as she gets a tour around the continent only to discover she works for the resistance. etc.
    • CommentAuthorLccorp2
    • CommentTimeJul 7th 2009

    Just write. You’ll be amazed at how many details fall into place.

    The first draft of anything is almost always crap anyway.


    ^^ This.

    Perhaps writing a synopsis like a mini-story would help you- without dialogue, just events. I sent an email to my friends detailing what I was going to write about, and just writing it all out helped me a lot more than any of the comments they gave.