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    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2009 edited

    Yeah, I can’t remember what was going on in the old thread like this, so I guess we’re starting over. If it dies, it dies, but hopefully we’ll get some entertainment out of it first.

    The sky was dark and rainy, the clouds hanging in it matching the ones in her sad, broken heart.

    • CommentAuthorAdam
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2009

    No, no, this is good! Now, active threads get bumped!

    A little girl walked down the wet gravel road, just like she did every day. But this one had been different. The girl’s thoughts were involuntarily drawn, once again, to what had happened earlier. She didn’t want to think about it anymore, but she couldn’t help herself.

    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2009

    She glanced nervously up and down the path, furtively looking for an adult who she could run to. No luck.

    • CommentAuthorMrHyde
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2009

    She shivered slightly as the wind blew through her rain soaked clothing. If only she had had time to take a jacket. Or anything, really.

    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2009 edited

    But she couldn’t bear to see her parents fighting for another second, to hear her mom’s shrieks and her father’s hoarse yells, which cut through walls and doors and even the blankets Emma would sometimes pull over her head. She had to get out. Away from them. Maybe then they would stop fighting. Maybe then they could take her back and be happy again.

    But, as always, her wishful thinking was just that: wishful thinking. She found herself, in spite of everything she hated about it, walking back to the house. Emma didn't call it 'home'. She couldn't bear to. She thought longingly of those sharp kitchen knives in the--
    "Hey, Emma!"
    Emma was dragged out of her morbid daydream by the sight of her best friend Wally 'Cupcake' Carron barrelling towards her like a greyhound just out of the starting gate, grinning fit to burst. She sighed. Everything about her life was far too happy.
    But she was determined to change that...
    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2009

    ...starting with those sharp kitchen knives. But unfortunately, they were still hidden in their secret hiding place under her bed, waiting for the revolution. A sharp stick would have to do.

    Luckily, one was not far away. She quickly snatched it up and smiled widely at Cupcake.

    He stopped, looking uneasy. “Umm… Emma?” he said cautiously.

    Emma smiled wider, revealing teeth that looked just a little bit pointy, as if someone had tried to file them intol points but had lost interest halfway through. “Hello, Cupcake,” she said sweetly, her impromptu weapon clutched firmly in her hand.


    “Emma, I’ve been looking for that knitting needle everywhere!”

    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009

    “Have you?” Emma asked. Her grip on the knitting needle had made her knuckles white.

    “Yea, all over the place,” Cupcake said, holding out his hand. Now would be the time. She could do it. His skin was soft, like custard. All she had to do was press with something sharp, and it would splash apart. They called her a monster? She would show them a monster. Soon they would all see just how frightening a girl could be, and know that they all were to blame she had become. Parents, teachers, and the other children had no idea what a true monster looked like. It had blood on its hands. She would show them what their words meant. Even if it meant Cupcake had to die.

    But then Emma heard a door slam on the other side of the street. Her her head snapped about and saw that the sound came from Mr. Mason, one of her neighbors, who was carrying a garbage bag to the can by the street. She hesitated. Then, reluctantly, she relaxed her grip on the needle.

    • CommentAuthorCodeWizard
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009

    Suddenly, rocks fell and everybody died. They all lived happily ever after.

    • CommentAuthorAdam
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009

    That was okay. Emma had never liked rocks fell and everybody anyway, and now that she was out of the way it made things a lot easier.

    • CommentAuthorCodeWizard
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009

    Then a jagged rock from nowhere fell on her head, drilling through her cranium and splitting her brain into three discrete pieces. In an instant she had died, and her body flopped to the ground and stayed there, lifeless, in a flowing pool of red brain fluid The end.

    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009

    Cupcake, on the other hand, seemed surprisingly upset.

    • CommentAuthorCodeWizard
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009

    Cupcake was dead though, so you, reader, are making this up. This world is a world or your own imagination.

    • CommentAuthorAdam
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009

    rocks fell and everybody was already dead, but the jagged rock had only added insult to injury— nobody needed their brain mutilated after their death. It was the end of rocks fell and everybody, indeed, but Emma’s life went on. For the time being, anyway. Emma pushed down her revulsion as best she could.

    • CommentAuthorCodeWizard
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009 edited

    Suddenly a man appeared from nowhere wearing a Jared mask—that guy from Subway, you know. He shot you, reader, even as you read this terrible thread, only you when you died you forgot you did. The last thing you ever saw was Jared, smiling and giving you a thumbs up. Now your unaware spirit lurks this world making up stories. Watch out for Bruce Willis.

    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009
    Then a rock hit him.
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009 edited

    I thought it was her not him?

    And everyone realized that if the afterlife was anything like Greek mythology, it really sucked. Especially for Emma, because she had wanted to massacre everyone with a knitting needle.
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009

    Luckily, however, the zombie apocalypse had just set in and everyone was infected, so they all became zombies instead of dying permanently from the rocks.

    “Haha!” said the grizzled old Vietnam vet, skipping merrily out of his ramshackle house, hand-in-hand with a college school girl, a Harley rider, and a random black guy. “The zombie apocalypse! Let’s shoot everyone!”

    Unfortunately, you can't shoot a zombie. It just doesn't work.
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009 edited
    So he takes a 14-inch knife and starts killing zombies.
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009

    Limbs flew everywhere, and soon he was covered with zombie guts.

    “Mmmm, tasty,” he said, licking his hands. “Well, at least I won’t starve to death.”

    But since the zombie blood was infected, the Vietnam vet started to lose control of himself as he fought the zombies.
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009
    And became a HYBRID, neither living or dead, the perfect mix of both.
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009

    Suddenly, however, the purblood zombies began to grow still as the call of the Zombie Empress, Catherine the Great, resonated in their minds.

    This story has so many plotholes and rushed endings, it's unbelievable! And you call yourselves writers! This shames so many truly GREAT writers, like Christopher Paolini and Stephenie Meyer!
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009
    Then, Key-Gon entered and saved the day.
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009
    Before hundreds of zombie children ate him.
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009
    After hundreds of zombie children ate him, there was nothing left but a small, barely noticeable blood stain on the carpet.
    • CommentAuthorAdam
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009

    The Writer erased his work.

    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009

    “God this story is a f*** up,” he said as he vigorously scrubbed at the paper. Then his eraser broke.

    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009

    “Curses! I’ll never meet my deadline at this rate!”

    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009
    Suddenly, a zombie child emerged from the pages of his own Creation and commenced to slaughter him.
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009

    Thankfully, his bodyguard had not forgotten what to do in such a situation, and had had his flamethrower-shotgun hybrid ready for some time.

    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009
    He fired and killed both the writer and the zombie, though at the same time he burned the book. THE END.
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009

    Excellent story! Go directly to international success. Please remember to pick up your millions and hordes of fans.

    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009
    That was fun, now we should do a Twilight fan fic.
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009

    To the Random Pairing(or more…) Generator!

    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009

    I’d like to see the pairing Bella/Bella clone.

    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009

    The sick pervert inside of me wants some Bella/Nessie action. XP


    okay, eww. Let’s see….
    wait. I have the best idea for a crackfic.

    Jasper/Emmet. I actually read a fic like this... *shudder*
    I stay away from anything even remotely involving the word 'slash'
    Normally I do, but I couldn't resist... Jane/Edward would be interesting...
    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009

    Smeyer would never write Jasper/Emmet because of her religion.


    I would never write Jasper/Emmet because gay erotica is unspeakably gross.

    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2009
    It's likely because you're 1) heterosexual and 2) male.

    Now, if you were 1) heterosexual and 2) female, it would likely be an entirely different matter.
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2009

    If we have to have a slash pairing, how about Alice/Rosalie?


    Please tell me we don’t have to have a slash pairing. I liked Jane/Edward.


    Heh, me too. ;) Ooh, Tanya /Edward would be funny; Bella could get all jealous!

    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2009


    Oh. My. God. YES!! That'd be so funny!!!
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2009

    Edward/Bella’s Truck

    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2009

    Ooh, I foresee a lot of pain for Ed with RT3’s.

    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2009
    Edward/Bella's Mom
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2009

    Bella’s Mom/Bella’s Dad would make all the fangirls puke because its, like, so not cool of the older generation to show love for each other.

    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2009

    It also is, like, so not cool for people who are actually together to end up together. I mean, hellloooo, they used to be married! But somehow fanpeoples don’t like that or something.

    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2009

    Bella’s mother’s boyfriend (forgot his name)/Charlie

    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2009

    Bella’s mother’s boyfriend (forgot his name)/Charlie

    Okay, I laughed.

    • CommentAuthorLord Snow
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2009

    Bella’s mother’s boyfriend (forgot his name)/Charlie



    Edward gets together with the school receptionist he dazzled back in book one. Or the waitress in the diner who eyed him up.

    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2009

    The school receptionist and waitress meet each other when Edward takes the receptionist to dinner, and acts like a dick as usual. The receptionist and waitress fall in love, finding shelter in each other from a cruel and sadistic man—Edward.

    • CommentAuthorMorvius
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2009 edited
    However, it was not to last. Edward appeared before them and the receptionist screamed, "I must kill the vampires!".

    "No. You are the vampire," said Edward, his sparkly topaz eyes smouldered.

    “No, I’m not!” said the receptionist, bewildered.

    “You are now,” said Edward.


    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2009

    As Edward’s ivory incisors penetrated deeply into soft, supple neck of the receptionist, he grunted, the rumblings from his throat like thunder reverberating in a courtyard full of statues of Adonis.


    In this moment of weakness, the receptionist pulled away. Edward stumbled back, then lunged in for the kill. But it was too late. The receptionist’s skin had already hardened beyond all penetration.

    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2009

    Edward/Joseph Stalin. The man of steel with the man of stone. It could have happened…


    Edward Cuulren was laying in his was laying meadowed.
    Fellow vampire girlf-riend Bbella said “Edward Cullent what are you working on”
    “UI have discovered new vapmire clan but it is so vollatile that it does not have a blood-lust but organ-lust so we must getaway with hasty”
    Juts then a vampire went on Bbellas neck OH NO WHERE DID VAMPIRE COME FROM! EDward wents to get his sparklesb ut it was missing so hhad to borrow a dazzle. He hits teh vampire and Bbella was okay but her neck was bleed
    “Watch where you dazzles me just kidding thanks”
    “ HAha” They laughed
    “Whait oh no where id vapmire?”
    “UIt is been runned!”

    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2009

