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    • CommentAuthorAri
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2009
    Figured someone else would like to talk about it, hurhur. Any guesses when it's coming out?
    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2009

    2015. And he’ll still to 15 to the media.

    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2009
    2032, and he'll be 16 to the survivors of a nuclear war.
    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2009

    I don’t think there is any doubt in anyone’s mind that Arya will have a green dragon, so moving on… what else can happen?

    Eragon can confront Galbatorix…. and… and… oh god, this book is going to be full of filler, isn’t it?

    • CommentAuthorAdam
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2009

    That hermit named Tenga will do…something…unless Paolini forgot about him.

    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2009

    Maybe Roran will attempt a military coup of Nasuada. Wait, why am I giving Paolini ideas?

    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2009

    Because they’re better than his own ideas. He needs all the help he can get.

    Almost two hundred soldiers… honestly...

    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2009

    I can see it now.

    Roran VS. The Nighthawks. Who will win?

    You might think the Nighthawks, because they are a highly trained elite military force trained to protect the supreme ruler of the rebellion. There’s just one problem. There are 200 of them.

    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2009 edited

    No, no, the Roran thing makes complete sense- the 200 soldiers were actually ninjas, so the Inverse Ninja Law kicked into play.

    Meh, I figured out the Arya-is-a-Rider thing from the beginning, but there are some very… unusual theories out there, to say the least. Someone thought it’d be that one snotty elf from Eldest- you know, the one who was shaping up to have a mind of his own because he didn’t automatically fall at Eragon’s feet in worship.

    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2009

    Hm. Then I hope they have a fight to the death—Eragon’s death.

    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2009
    Um, Murtagh dies. In Nasuada's/Eragon's arms. And his last choking words will be something to the effect of: "...I had no choice... I'm sorry for everything I did to you... I love you man."
    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2009 edited

    Yeah, Murtagh is slated for death… unless C.P. pulls a classic everyone is happy ending, and the book ends on as big of a down note as Breaking Dawn. :D

    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2009

    (to Arya) “It never would have worked out between us, love.” (to Eragon) “...nice hat.”

    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2009
    If only...
    God, I'd have loved it if Jack Sparrow swaggered in and just shot everyone with that pistol of his to end the misery.
    Yeah, Elizabeth was starting to piss me off. Anyways! Hm.. I have a feeling it's going to be like Breaking Dawn in the respect that it'll end way too happily. Hopefully there'll be a fight/war at the end though... It'd be cool if in killing Galby, Eragon somehow manages to kill himself whilst gazing at the beautiful face of Arya.... But somehow I don' t think that'll happen.
    Accidental suicide...that would be interesting and actually unexpected.

    ERAGON AND GALBY: *intense fight*
    ERAGON: I am Eragon Shadeslayer. You killed my Uncle/father/etc. Prepare to die! *stabs himself by accident*
    GALBY: mwahaha.
    No, CP would find that inconceivable.
    • CommentAuthorAri
    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2009
    Quite honestly, this is what I think will happen:

    - Filler
    - More filler/political crap that no one wants to read about but somehow is still there
    - Switch to Eragon becoming more powerful.
    - Some sort of quest to the countries across the sea (I was laughing/reading Eldest today and I ran over a passage about that....CP's idea of forshadowing?)
    - Gets help from countries (and no, this is NOTHING like Aragorn going to that mountain and getting those ghost guys to help. Why would you even think that?)
    - Prepare for Epic Battle
    - The Epic Battle
    - Eragon wins, Arya realizes her love for him, Murtagh dies, Arya becomes dragon rider dude, Galby dies....Brom becomes alive again? Or at least comes back in ghost form. But NOTHING like in Star Wars.
    - Sail across on silver ship to somewhere....across the seeaaaaaaa

    Plus a lot of filler that no one wants to know about.
    - Eragon briefly loses his power, but then regains it, becoming more powerful than ever.
    - No epic battle, because CP's (impossibly) had too much to write before the battle. The battle will take up book five.
    - Book four itself will be divided into two, three, four, or seven 'books'.
    - Arya DOESN"T get a dragon. Instead she finds out that she gets something that trumps dragons, hands down.
    - Eragon gets one of these, too.
    - Eragon finds a way to restore all the dragon souls or whatever they're called. Nobody dies!
    - Arya does fall in love with Eragon, but he spurns her at first. Then they get together.
    - Murtagh and Eragon fight for Arya's love. Elva kills them both because they're causing Arya suffering. Failing that, Nasuada and Murtagh get together.
    - If she hasn't already (it's been a long time since I read book 3
    - Katrina has a baby. Roran goes all gooey-eyed.
    - it turns out that Galbatorix doesn't really exist at all, and Alegaesia has been under the rule of NOTHING.
    - Breaking Dawn-type move: Galbatorix, if he DOES exist, is overthrown in a weird twist, by his own army.
    - Garrow appears as a ghost some time during the book. Or Eragon travels to some immortal gods realm thing.
    - Shego decides that Dr Drakken should take over Alegaesi--whoops! heh heh...

    In the tradition of my Eldest Abridged, here’s my “book 4” abridged.

    Eragon: Behold I’m teh awesome!
    Arya: Eragon I love you!
    All the people: Eragon we love you!
    Galbatorix: Argh, I hate you because I love you so much but can never have you.
    Murtagah: Hey you stole my line!

    Stay tuned for book 5 for the exciting conclusion…

    • CommentAuthorAri
    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2009
    Oh, I want more. This looks good.
    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2009

    Heh, that was awesome.

    “Galbatrox! I have come to make you pa… Oh. Hurray for the Varden!”

    ...I hope it doesn’t end that way :{

    • CommentAuthorAri
    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2009 edited
    *goes to read*

    Lol, that was pretty epic.

    I find it funny at all the naivete that it’s going to end on book four. The left behind series is going on for 12+ books so surely PaoPao can do it for 36.

    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2009
    And when he does finally finish, he'll start spin-off sequels based on Eragon's further adventures over the sea and prequels about Eragon's namesake and the dawn of the Riders, then later prequels set at the time of Galbatorix's rebellion, all of which will provide background on a new ridiculously evil and unstoppable antagonist, kept in check only through Galbatorix's efforts, who will be faced by the main characters' children in a second series of sequels.

    Honestly, I hope it goes like this;

    Eragon: “Galbitrox! Your reign of poorly-defined Evil ends today!”

    Galby: “Fool! Do you not know of my most powerfull technique?!?!”

    Kicks Eragon in the fork of the legs

    Eragon: O.o

    Me: ☺

    • CommentAuthorAri
    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2009

    I’d ROFLOL if that actually happened.

    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2009

    - Eragon will gain more power, find some way to harness dragon hearts without killing the dragons, fulfill the numerous prophecies written about him, go on some long and pointless side-quests, combat Galbatorix, and save the word as everybody knew he would.

    - Arya will get the green dragon, and will then begin to swoon for Eragon’s gorgeous, perfect, dazzling, statuesque figure.

    - Murtagh will fight the designated hero bitterly until he has a change of heart and decides to sacrifice himself to kill the emperor. He thereby changes his true name, and can live his last few moments a free man. His last words will be “You were right about me…”

    - Roaran singlehandedly defeats a combined force of Urgals and Galby’s soldiers. Shortly after Nasuada makes him the Varden’s chief general, he begins to wear a helm all the time and insists that he be called “Master Chief.”

    - Saphira will breathe fire and sprout platitudes, while shuttling her master around so he can fulfill his destiny. She might also fall into a contrived and purple love with Arya’s dragon.

    - Nasuada will be forced into another round of cutting. She will then begin to wear eyeliner and write awful poetry about how her one true love was transformed into a monster, and how the loss perforated her heart with a red-dragon’s talons. If Paolini is still single at the time of publication, she may even recite them. God help us all.


    Artemaeus’ Nasuada prediction ftw.

    • CommentAuthorAri
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009

    And the sad thing is…most of that will probably happen. If not all.

    Do they have eyeliner in Alagaesia? If it serves the plot, yes!
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009

    I’m sure they have mud… that’d work in a pinch, right?

    On that note, I look goth right now because the liquid eyeliner I had to wear in the musical refuses to wash off. Damn it. Nasuada dying of lead poisoning... That would be interesting... Now, if Elva killed her by slipping lead into her drink... That would be wicked.
    YEAH! And then, her chief adviser could go off and kill Eragon. Then, if an urgal killed Galby, Murtagh would be free to rule the world! Alright, this is a little far-fetched, but it would be epic if it actually happened.
    Can we have Arya killed off by a Dwarf priest too?
    Totally. And then Murtagh goes on a rampage and kills everyone in sight until there's no one left. In the world. I should write a fanfic about this...
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009
    Just as long as Murtagh finishes the series in a better position than Eragon.
    • CommentAuthorCodeWizard
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009

    [4chanmeme here]

    We should seriously write this.

    (We need to think of a really, really awful death for Eragon)
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009
    Makes a stupid linguistic mistake in the Ancient Language and uses all of his energy trying to do something impossible.
    Appropriately grand, indeed.

    especially if he slips on a banana peel and dies to a laugh track

    I want to see Saphira get tired of his *&#$ and eat him.

    How about if she crispifies him first?

    Both. At the same time . In all of its purple discriptive glory :D

    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009 edited

    Everything at the same time! Eragon dies from slipping on a banana peel on Galbatorix’s well-polished throne room floor while Saphira is crispifiying and eating him and some local peasantry point and laugh.

    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009 edited

    Which people? If it was Arya, he’d probably kill Saphira and die of grief.

    • CommentAuthorAri
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2009

    I think he should have some soldier pwn him, and Eragon’s like “You’re all monsters!” and they’re like “Yeah, but we pwn you with our skills.” And they kill him. is reminded and horrified by brisingr scene

    Ah, the irony.

    “The Brutal, Hamfisted irony!”


    • CommentAuthorAri
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009

    Poetic justice, that’s what it is.

    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009

    My very favorite kind of justice. More Supreme Court Justices should be poets. :P

    • CommentAuthorAri
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009

    I wonder how long the fourth book will be….I’m personally betting on over one thousand pages.

    • CommentAuthorAdam
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2009

    I’m betting on 800, with the first 600 being filler. And Tenga will make his appearance near the very end.


    1005. The average length of the last three, plus 50% additional length because CP will try to be really epic with his finale.


    And the sad thing is…most of that will probably happen. If not all.

    No… the sad thing is that all that will happen over a score of books. Like Adam said:

    I’m betting on 800, with the first 600 being filler. And Tenga will make his appearance near the very end.

    Can we have Arya killed off by a Dwarf priest too?

    Please, only if that priest is specced shadow might he have a chance. Otherwise he’s going to go down to mage Arya.
    Heh, that’s how it will end. It’s all been an MMO. And Eragon is ganked and then camped by the opposite faction who is tired of his ^%&@#.

    Then Eragon’s own faction joins in to help camp him as well.

    The player that is Eragon in real life tries to leave, but finds himself too self absorbed and tied into the world to believe that everyone’s turned on him and he isn’t winning. He wastes away for decades trying to continue the game while people come and go, and legends grow up around the epic, eternal quest to keep the most vicious raid boss in the game dead.

    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2009
    How likely is it that we find out that Galbatorix is not actually evil and everybody just blew him out of proportion and he's actually the good guy?
    I mean, that Christopher Paolini writes it that way.
    And then what would happen?

    And then what would happen?

    ImpishIdea self-destructs as we are all forced to eat our words.

    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2009
    I now am envisioning a Wizard of Oz type-moment: "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!" [or however it goes].

    I like the conspiracy theory, Puppet!

    Maybe it’s like Big Brother, and he once existed, but then he died, but people still act like he exists, because nobody knows about his death, because the authoritarian government wants to deify him in order to justify its excessive power, because the people love Big Brother.



    It was the Varden all along.


    It’s a time paradox!

    Saphira dies and Eragon goes insane and releases a burst of power that sends him back in time… where he takes a new dragon egg, followed by slaughtering the rest of the dragon riders as well as ensuring his father and mother get together so that he… exists.


    Rocks fall. Everyone dies.


    Wrong trope.


    I dont care. That is what should happen:P

    what trope is the rocks falling thing?

    A really cheap way to kill everyone and end the story. For example, if the Rebel ships were caught in the Death Star’s explosion, and a chunk of it had hit the Rebel base, killing everyone there, it would have been that trope. Overlaps with diabolus ex machina, but more specific.

    I meant the name of the trope

    Speaking of which, I went onto TV tropes the other day and only stayed on for twenty minutes! I was really proud of myself!
    • CommentAuthorAri
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2009
    I'd love it if that happened. :D
    Thanks, Dan. NOw I feel useless.

    @ Ari: NOOO! THen Murtagh would be killed!

    Murtagh pushes the rocks.


    I love that idea.

    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009

    YES. That idea wins.


    Thank you.