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    • CommentAuthorCodeWizard
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009

    thanks man


    I’d like to reserve a spot, please!


    Me too!

    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009

    Guess I’ll have to reserve for the third household. Damn, I didn’t realize you were taking reservations already.

    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009

    Thank you for making the thread at a time when I was online. I appreciate my privileged position.

    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009

    He likes us, he really likes us!


    Thank you for making the thread at a time when I was online. I appreciate my privileged position.

    I hate your Sim the most.

    You’ll soon see why.


    I take it back. I don’t know who I hate most. Probably CB.

    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009 edited

    I’m looking forward to it.

    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009

    I want a spot in a household! Is there still room in the second one?


    There’s room in the 3rd, if you want to bunk with Diamonte ‘n Me.

    By this I mean, I AM MOVING IN!!

    Please :D


    I volunteer.


    Household 2:


    Household 3:

    Dan Locke

    Do be aware I don’t plan to make the next household soon – I will make a second and eventually a third, but not so soon. This one hasn’t gotten off its feet yet.


    I’m in! dives into house

    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009

    Lord Snow better hurry if he wants that last spot. :P

    • CommentAuthorLord Snow
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009

    XD Yeah I’ll take the last spot.

    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009 edited

    I’ll be getting Sims 3 (most likely) sometime within the next month. If I do I’ll try to take some of the slack from you, DrAl.

    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009 edited

    I missed it again!?!? D:

    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009

    House 3 still has some room.


    Tiwar and Snow grabbed it.


    Can I describe myself? Yes? OK, here you are: I’m artistic, hot-headed, and a hopeless romantic. I’m a girl (which you should know!), have black hair, dark brown eyes, is a teenager, and wears skinny jeans. There you go! I realize that you won’t be able to create the world very soon, but I just wanted to get that down. ;)

    EDIT: Forgot skin color! Darkish brown please!


    I’ll be getting Sims 3 (most likely) sometime within the next month. If I do I’ll try to take some of the slack from you, DrAl.

    Part of the fun I planned was having a town of forumites interacting with one another, but feel free to do as you wish when you’ve a copy of the game too.

    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009

    I thought you were able to share content. Hmm. That kinda sucks.

    • CommentAuthorDrAlligator
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009 edited

    Second day.

    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009

    Why is a baby living with these weirdos in the first place?


    Because you said, and I quote, “I WANNA BE DE BEBBI PLZZZ MEK ME A BEBBI.”

    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009

    Amazing… I lurv the crazy forumite Sims!


    Darnit, missed all the filler spots!


    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009

    I really thought my character would be my favorite. It seems I was wrong. Puppet, you are awesome.


    Why is a baby living with these weirdos in the first place?

    Yeah, jeez! More interestingly, who are his parents? raises eyebrows The fact that he’s blue makes him more adorable. ;)

    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009

    His awesomeness makes a nice contrast with the others.


    I agree. :D


    Yeah, I have to agree, I love the baby.


    Oh, I forgot to say in the last segment because I was all raging against you irresponsible bastards, but the postwo/man delivered the bill today – 117 simoleans. The household has 252 sims. If no one gets a job soon, they’ll have their furniture reclaimed.

    As I do not hold any hope that any one of you will get off your lazy arse, and as I do not believe any one of you will ever even bother to pay the bills, I am certain lulz are to be had.

    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009

    Hey man, I’m not a douche like them. I’m just a heavy sleeper.


    ...fair enough.

    Seriously, it was so sad. He cried through the entire night and everyone just stood there.

    I thought you were able to share content. Hmm. That kinda sucks.

    Oh, well we could through the Exchange, but I’m not sure if there’s a way to do it privately rather than uploading it for all the Sims 3 players.


    Ok, I’ve just about finished playing Day 3. It’s been a thoroughly boring day and I don’t know if there’s much to update on, except for a few new twists I’ve created to make things a bit more interesting…

    Well, you’ll see tomorrow.


    Does Sims3 have the Motherlode cheat?

    Although I do not want to detract from the lulz, I know that there may in fact be a child welfare person coming towards the Simhouse soon… bye, Puppet!


    Since we can request specific appearances, I’d like to be blue and bald, with gigantic rolling eyes and a very wide grin, like my avatar. Kind of like a cross between Dr. Manhattan and the Crazy Frog.


    Of course Sims 3 has the Motherlode cheat!

    I might have to set the lifespans to ‘short’ and age the kid up fast, because he’s got 5 days left until his birthday and I don’t know if he’ll make it.

    Dan Locke, I’m tempted to boot The Sims 3 right now and create you Sim. That’d be awesome.

    • CommentTimeJun 26th 2009

    If we lose Puppet, Dan would make a fantastic substitute.


    Hah, I can see it now.

    The problem with what I’ve done is, I playe dthe game yesterday right before sleeping, so now when I go back my memory is fuzzy. That compounded with the fact that almost nothing happened on Day 3 makes me a bit reluctant to write the next part up, but I’ll try to get it up tomorrow.


    If we’re on the subject of appearances…

    Name: S. Marta (easier to type, no?)
    Age: Teen
    Traits: Bookworm, Good sense of humor, Hopeless romantic, wants to be Illustrious Author
    Appearance: Brown hair, glasses, green eyes that may or may not match with my skin (make my skin green or beige, please)

    Hurry up and post again, Al!

    • CommentTimeJun 26th 2009 edited

    Since I’ll be gone for a while and I don’t want to miss this [although I doubt you’ll have my household already]

    Name: Diamonte
    Age: Teen
    Traits: Bookworm, Insane, Kleptomaniac [I’m really not a klepto, but that should make my character interesting.]]
    Appearance: short Dirty Blonde hair in a bob and bangs, Green Eyes, Beige skin.
    Lifetime Wish: Gold Digger [MUHAHAHA.]

    For Dan Locke’s traits, I totally vote Evil. I want an evil person in my household. Hope you don’t mind, Dan! If you do, someone else can pick.


    Yeah, an evil person always livens things up.


    I second the motion. Hear, hear!


    We already have an evil person. That’s why C-Bastard went and… well, you’ll see.


    I forgot to put in someone else’s trait! SmartAlienQT is a great kisser. This should liven things up a bit… ;P Sorry Alien!

    My lifelong wish! I forgot it! Alright, I’ll just put all the info in one post:

    Name: RomanticVampireLover
    Age: Teen
    Appearance: Long black hair, darkish skin (café au lait would be preferable… Assuming you know what that is! ;P), dark brown eyes, and dressed all in black, if possible.
    Personality: Hot-headed, artistic, and a hopeless romantic
    Lifelong Wish: Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers

    There you go!

    • CommentTimeJun 27th 2009 edited

    Name: Swenson
    Age: Teen or Child (or whatever you need, I don’t really have an opinion. But I don’t want to be taken away by Child Services, noooooo! cries)
    Traits: Inappropriate (because this one always sounds entertaining), Commitment Issues, Flirty (those two sound like they’d combine well, don’t you think?), Absent-Minded, and Perfectionist.
    Lifetime Wish: Perfect Mind, Perfect Body
    Appearance: purple hair, pudgy stomach (if possible; I don’t have Sims 3, so I wouldn’t know), big blue eyes, and orange-tinted skin. If possible, I would like to be dressed entirely in bright blue.

    (with the traits, are we choosing all five of ours, or are we doing the “choose three, someone else chooses the other two” thing? If I can only choose three, I want Commitment Issues, Flirty, and Inappropriate.)

    Diamonte’s other trait can be… Easily Impressed.


    I forgot to put in someone else’s trait! SmartAlienQT is a great kisser. This should liven things up a bit… ;P Sorry Alien!

    Don’t be sorry! This could be fun! chuckles evilly


    Ok, another day gone by and… you know what, how about I just give a brief summary of what happened in Day 3, because it is really so uninspiring that I just can’t feel motivated to write about it indepth.

    As I resumed the game, Elanor, Moldorm and C-Bastard sat around eating waffles. At 7 AM, C-Bastard goes to bed, just as I’m notified his school bus will arrive in an hour. CGilga wakes up on time and just now starts to do his homework. He doesn’t finish it in time for school.

    Now, everyone goes to bed after having been kept up all night by Puppet.

    At some point, Puppet woke up from his crib and started to cry. So everyone got up, except for C-Bastard who slept through his cries. Amusingly, C-Bastard’s actions were listed as follows: sleep until fully rested (5 PM), go to school, react to Puppet’s cries.

    Note that school finishes at 3 PM and Puppet cried at around 1 PM.

    When C-Bastard finally wakes up, the first thing he does is steal candy from the nearest baby.


    To make things more interesting, I decided to make you all suffer.

    So I sold away two chairs from the dining table, so there’s not room for everyone to eat.

    I sold the computer.

    And the TV.

    With the 1900 simoleans raised, I bought the most expensive luxury toilet – 1800 simoleans – and placed it where the TV once stood.

    I removed all the windows.

    And the doors seperating the toilet from the study.

    I created gaps in the walls connecting the toilet, kitchen, bedroom and study together. The game now considers all four rooms as one and the same. Everyone lives in complete darkness.

    No one wants to take use the toilet with others in the room. No one is willing to move outside the room and give the other person any privacy.

    It does not take long for Moldorm to lose control over her bladder.


    You are a heartless fiend!

    ...I approve :D

    • CommentTimeJun 27th 2009

    Hee hee hee… this shall prove most interesting. Viva la experimentation!


    Oh, goody!

    Sorry, Moldorm. But you must admit it’s awesome.

    I feel I must use this trope.

    Mwahahaha. I’m waiting for the second house!

    Oh, I forgot to add this: make my Sim a girl, please!


    Not to sound rude or anything, but please stop making requests. It’s difficult to keep track of em when I’m not making any sims right this moment.

    Currently, my first goal in mind is either : a) Elanor or Moldorm get a job or b) the house’s furniture gets repossessed.

    When either of these two things happen, I’ll look back into making a second household. Please be patient until then.


    Take your time, enjoy yourself :D


    OK! perkiness


    Oh, god. This is too funny.

    • CommentAuthorDrAlligator
    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2009 edited

    From the final picture you can see the spaces in the wall that turn the bathroom, kitchen and study into one room, though you can’t tell they’re any different from a door from that shot. The space in the wall that make the bedroom and the toilet one is behind the bed in the final pic.

    You can also see Elanor using the living room toilet in the background. She literally ran, and barely avoided ending up like Moldorm.


    Heh, wonderful Dr. Al. ;P

    Now, everyone goes to bed after having been kept up all night by Puppet.

    Wicked awesome Puppet! ;)

    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2009


    You are a cruel, cruel person, but in such a hilarious way!


    Oh, I forgot to mention: I also removed all the sinks, so they can’t wash their dirty dishes.

    I played through the next day-and-a-bit but my laptop crashed soon after I finished playing. >_> What that means is I’ve lost the unsaved notes I took down on Notepad as the story progressed, so it’s going to be a bit more difficult to write this one.


    A personal goal, however, has been reached.

    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2009

    Who knew that being a heavy sleeper would be such a benefit?

    • CommentAuthorLord Snow
    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2009

    XD I have a feeling it won’t do you much good when the fires start… :P


    I should sell the fire alarm off, shouldn’t I?

    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2009

    And buy the most combustible oven you can find.

    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2009

    And put baby Puppet in it.

    Oh God, I’m sick.

    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2009 edited

    And put baby Puppet in it.

    Oh God, I’m sick.

    We will kill you with our blue penis’s.


    I’m getting impatient for the next update. This is better than fanfic chocolate Impish Idea what is this better than? Ooh, it’s better than Days of Our Lives!


    Update’s after the jump.


    Awwww, he’s so cuuuute! He reminds me of the characters from the Fruity Oaty Bars commercial, though.

    I love Elanor’s chain of thought! If I am correct in reading it from top to bottom, then it goes “Baby crying=bad. How to get rid of baby crying? Get rid of baby. Baby must die!”



    • CommentTimeJun 30th 2009

    Babies ftw.


    Dr. Al, I see you. O.O Update, please! This is exciting!


    Ah, sorry, been busy this week with some homework (because the UK is too cool to not school us), etc, as well as arranging a birthday party…

    Now that my goal (the repoman visits) has been accomplished, it’s time to create Family Number 2!

    Let’s see who’s listed here…


    RVL and Smalieniator, I’mma ask you to repost your character sheets again, just so I don’t have to keep scrolling up and down and up and fuckin’ down again. :P

    Remember, you can only choose three traits, another household member chooses the fourth and I choose the fifth!


    Name: RomanticVampireLover
    Age: Teen
    Appearance: Long black hair, darkish skin (café au lait would be preferable…), dark brown eyes, skinny jeans, and dressed all in black, if possible.
    Personality: Hot-headed, artistic, and a hopeless romantic
    Lifelong Wish: Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers

    I choose great kisser for SmartAlienQT.

    There you are Dr. ;)


    I wonder, are you going to keep doing this here or start up a 2nd thread? (II house 2 or something)

    • CommentTimeJul 1st 2009

    Name: Jeni
    Age: Adult
    Appearance: shoulder length brown hair, and your choice of clothing. :D Anything appropriate for impromptu mountain climbing.
    Personality: Daredevil, Loves the Outdoors and Party Animal

    For RVL, I chooooooose… Frugal!


    Why ever would we start a new thread? Here is perfectly fine.


    Sorry, I was out rehearsing. Dress rehearsal tonight!

    Name: S. Marta (easier to type, no?)
    Age: Teen
    Traits: Bookworm, Good sense of humor, Hopeless romantic, wants to be Illustrious Author
    Appearance: Brown hair, glasses, green eyes that may or may not match with my skin (make my skin green or beige, please)


    Um, I’ve never played the Sims before, so let me try:

    Name: Ani (just for Nate Winchester)
    Age: teen.
    Traits: Hot-headed, Evil, Grumpy
    Appearance: make me look as much like Daria as possible. But make sure I’m dressed all in black. With very pale skin and a prominent tattoo. ON MY FACE.

    And can I have a pet of some sort with destructive potential that I will constantly get annoyed with and will crawl into people’s beds and freak them out, etc.

    For S.Marta, I choose… mooch

    Sheesh, looking over this, I think you can tell that my JulNo’s not going too well right now. SOrry, SQT- I tried not to be too mean to you, but I wanted something interesting.


    Smalieniator, don’t choose Steph’s. Choose Nate’s (even if he’s not here yet) and Nate, choose Steph’s.

    And for God’s sake, there are way too many teens in this household. :P


    but I want to be a moody teenager who hates everybody and has a pet of some sort with destructive potential.

    Oh great. Nate’s choosing mine. Oh joy.


    But teenagers have to go to school and that’s meh!

    Jeni, do you want to be an Adult or a Young Adult? The difference being you’ll live longer if you with the latter choice.


    OKAY! Gosh! I’ll be an adult then.


    Name: NateW
    Age: adult or senior
    Traits: Bookworm, Evil, Mean Spirited
    Appearance: I don’t care, just as long as I have a cool hat. And a cool jacket. I like coats.

    Hmm…. steph is…
    Hopeless romantic

    Just because I want to see that trait interact with the others she selected.

    DrA, you almost need to put this on a blog for easier digestion. especially as we’re all going to absorb ourselves into JulNoWriMo.


    Not to be picky (I’m about to be picky) but Smalienator is already a hopeless romantic, so could you choose another trait?

    Wait. Idea buzz.

    No one’s allowed to share the same traits from here-on out. So, since they got there before you Nate, please choose a replacement for Bookworm and Evil in your character.


    np DrA, any other traits I need to avoid for both me and Steph?


    Smalienator will have to change her Hopeless Romanticness and Steph’ll have to change her Hot Headedness, looking over. Then we can get going!


    Absent-minded, then. And I think my peer-chosen trait was already chosen – Good kisser.


    Ok… let’s try this again.
    Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Mean Spirited, Charismatic

    Hmm…. steph is…
    Over-Emotional (is that one taken?)


    Loves the Outdoors is taken, so is, I believe, Mean Spirited.

    Quickly ctrl+f’ing your chosen trait through page 2 should give you an answer as to whether or not it’s been taken.


    are we counting the traits on page 1 or just 2?


    nah, ignore the first household.




    Loves the Outdoors is taken, so is, I believe, Mean Spirited.

    Why didn’t you tell me that the first time?

    Charismatic, Loner, Unlucky (especially feeling that today)

    For steph… still Over-Emotional.

    • CommentTimeJul 2nd 2009

    Young adult, please, Doctor!


    I’m a loner bitch. Leave my trait alone.


    You’re the only loner in Househould 1. There can be other loners about in different households.


    Does everyone have five traits now, Al?