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    • CommentTimeFeb 27th 2012




    The Goonies- Sean Astin is so adorable. It warms the cockles of my heart.

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2012 edited

    Book of Eli – It was interesting, I guess, but more than anything I liked how it was shot. I don’t know if it’s a little strange that I was paying more attention to the colours than anything else. Especially in those scenes where it’s him and Solara just walking in the middle of nowhere with this expanse of illuminated grey-green sky all around them. Most of it’s special effects, probably, but it was still beautiful to watch. Special effects are okay when it’s not just whatever pretty false pictures the director wanted to shove at you.


    I really liked The Social Network. It probably deserved to get at least one of the Best Picture/Best Director Oscars.

    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2012

    I just saw Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.

    Anybody want to discuss?

    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2012

    I watched Casablanca.



    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2012
    Went to see _The Phantom Menace_ in 3D. It didn't work 100% of the time, but it was probably the first instance of 3D I actually enjoyed. Instead of sitting back and waiting for things to leap out from the screen, the movie had a tangible depth to it. Really felt like I was looking into it, rather than just looking at it.
    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeMar 15th 2012
    The shiny new "Universal Studios Centennial Logo":

    I'm actually in awe.
    • CommentTimeMar 15th 2012


    I watched Akeelah and the Bee last night. Not only was it a nice feel-good movie, it also contained Laurence Fishburne and was all about a spelling bee (and I did enjoy those spelling bees of my youth).

    I heard it was pretty good.

    Last night I watched _Fun with Dick and Jane,_ kinda old but still really good and Jim Carrey is disturbingly hilarious as always.
    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeMar 17th 2012

    I watched Casablanca.



    I fell asleep within the first half hour. Me and my short attention span.

    • CommentAuthorDeborah
    • CommentTimeMar 17th 2012

    I watched Sherlock Holmes 2: A Game of Shadows last night with a friend. It was pretty good.

    • CommentTimeMar 17th 2012

    Early reviews for the Hunger Games are generally positive.


    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeMar 19th 2012

    I watched Apollo 13. :D

    • CommentAuthorDeborah
    • CommentTimeMar 20th 2012

    I’m going to see the Hunger Games on Friday. I can’t wait!

    • CommentTimeMar 21st 2012

    Me too! Midnight showing! Eeeeeee!!!!

    Saw _Blackhawk Down_ again.
    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeMar 22nd 2012

    ^ I think I almost teared up at some point during that film. Or maybe I’m thinking of another war movie. I probably shouldn’t be doing it, but war movies sometimes get me emotional. Anyway ...

    I watched Ferris Bueller’s Day Off again, and it was only during my third viewing of it that I realized what a douche the guy is. Poor Cameron. He deserves better.

    bq. Or maybe I’m thinking of another war movie.

    It's the one about the Operation in 1993 in Mogadishu.
    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeMar 22nd 2012

    bq. But I do remember liking it.

    I love it, but it is pretty heartbreaking, the actual events even more so.
    • CommentTimeMar 22nd 2012 edited

    Sen: Ever heard the theory where that movie is all in Cameron’s imagination? He imagines Ferris as his cool friend who does everything he’s afraid to.

    On Black Hawk Down. It’s a great story. The novel is actually very good as well and includes a lot of technical details they couldn’t fit in the movie which make the reasons for certain actions or outcomes much clearer to follow.

    Here’s a good example: One of the mistakes the task force commanders made, being unfamiliar with the area and African customs, was mounting the rescue operation in the middle of the day. Turns out that basically every male in Mog chewed khat leaves, a mildly addictive stimulant, and midday was the time the drug was at its most potent. If they had invaded the city at dusk or dawn the results would have been far different.

    I love learning about stuff like that. War is horrible, of course, but it’s also the greatest game ever invented. So much of it hangs on tiny, unimportant, fascinating details.

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeMar 22nd 2012 edited

    Sen: Ever heard the theory where that movie is all in Cameron’s imagination? He imagines Ferris as his cool friend who does everything he’s afraid to.

    I have, actually. I still hate him.

    • CommentTimeMar 22nd 2012

    Well, yeah :P

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeMar 23rd 2012
    "_Prometheus_ International Trailer":

    I'm getting so pumped for this movie. No one does scifi like Scott.
    • CommentTimeMar 23rd 2012

    The Hunger Games. It was surprisingly accurate, which means that I didn’t enjoy it hugely just because I can’t stand Katniss. I took joy in the details though. Also Peeta. Peeta was good.

    • CommentTimeMar 23rd 2012

    I was pleasantly surprised to find that I liked Peeta. With his silly name, I found myself not liking him so much in the book, but in the movie, he was really cool. And the actor who played him did a very good job.


    because I can’t stand Katniss

    Care to elaborate why? (I haven’t read the books, I’m just curious. Still trying to figure out whether it’s worth my while.)

    • CommentTimeMar 24th 2012

    She’s selfish and stupid and she has this thing where she can’t understand that people think differently to her. In the book it was more pronounced, especially with the way she acted towards Peeta (acting in love with him just to get sponsors and thinking he was acting in love with her when really he was basically a hundred percent genuine all the time). Anyway, I didn’t dislike her as much as I dislike Bella, but she definitely has her moments where I wish she would just go away and we could hear the story from someone who I can actually care about. Also she doesn’t deserve Peeta.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeMar 24th 2012

    I was at the store today and I read the first three chapters of The Hunger Games.

    I wanted to punch Katniss in the face. Her narration is obnoxious, both from her coldness and from the constant “let me tell you about this”. Also, the world makes no sense.


    (I found a solution to the name dilemma. Take of an ‘s’ from Katniss- Katnis doesn’t remind me so much of piss.)

    Also, the world makes no sense.

    I kind of just got a ‘generic dystopia with reality TV’ impression.

    • CommentTimeMar 24th 2012

    Also she doesn’t deserve Peeta.

    I can agree with that. Although, I can give her a bit of a pass since she was in the middle of a battle to the death, being hunted like a wild animal and forced to kill or be killed by other humans. Actually, that’s sort of what made the whole love triangle thing seem ridiculous to me.

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeMar 24th 2012 edited

    (I found a solution to the name dilemma. Take of an ‘s’ from Katniss- Katnis doesn’t remind me so much of piss.)

    I hate the name as much as I hate “Isabella Marie Swan” because you’re supposed to be all like, oooh it’s so pretty and feminine. I know it’s the name of a root or plant or something, but it looks far too much like kiss. Wanting to have a name like that for the female lead is what annoys me.

    And Peeta’s starting to sound a lot more like Peter, so it’s doesn’t seem so bad anymore.


    I haven’t read The Hunger Games yet, but I’ve heard people talk about Katniss. I don’t know why, but it sounded like a legitimate (if unusual) name to me. I think I was associating with Candice or something. Anyway, I don’t like it, but I don’t hate it either.

    Peeta on the other hand… I didn’t know that was a character, but when it was mentioned here, I thought it was the name of the little girl that gets chosen right before Katniss says she’ll compete as tribute (or whatever) in the trailer. As a guy’s name… that’s just even worse.

    I know nothing about the world or how the names fit into it, so maybe it all makes sense.

    • CommentTimeMar 24th 2012

    Most of the names aren’t conventional (Thresh and Cato come to mind, both boy’s names), so I don’t mind that Katniss and Peeta are sort of odd names because it fits with the premise.

    Her narration is obnoxious, both from her coldness and from the constant “let me tell you about this”.

    This. She doesn’t really have a shred of sympathetic emotion in her except when it’s convenient for the author (like protectiveness of her sister Prim and the girl in the games, can’t remember her name).

    Also, the world makes no sense.

    I never understood why all the districts had to be so small and so far apart.

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeMar 24th 2012
    From what I've seen of the worldbuilding itself, it doesn't seem to have much more depth than is convenient. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems most entities are relegated to nicknames.
    • CommentTimeMar 24th 2012

    I just watched it yesterday, and I have to say, I actually like Katniss a lot more in the movies than in the books. She seems more empathetic, somehow. I didn’t really like the books that much, so in my opinion the movies were much better. Jennifer Lawrence is really good.

    • CommentTimeMar 24th 2012

    So you guys that have read it!

    You wanna do our first collaborative article on it? It sounds like there’s some good stuff and some bad stuff and some good comedy material. I just have to read it first, but then we could try it. Any opinions?

    • CommentTimeMar 24th 2012

    Or… *cough* A podcast? >.>

    • CommentTimeMar 24th 2012

    I thought we weren’t doing those anymore, but sure!

    • CommentTimeMar 26th 2012

    I watched it Saturday, and came away with mixed feelings. The shaky cam was way over-used, and the acting was kinda hit and miss. Like with Rue’s death, Jennifer Lawrence did a good job but the little girl just didn’t seem like she was dying from a spear to the gut. This was a much more emotionally moving performance in my opinion (I still get chills watching it). Also, Katniss just didn’t look like she had spent days in the wilderness/arena at the end of the Games; she was too clean. She should have looked like Frodo and Sam at the end of The Return of the King.

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeMar 27th 2012
    What's the story's perspective? First or third person?
    • CommentTimeMar 27th 2012

    First person, present tense.

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeMar 27th 2012

    I watched the second half of something called Mars Needs Moms. These little things that were supposed to be alien babies were extremely creepy, but other than that, I just found the whole thing so sweet. When the human boy’s running out of oxygen and his mother places her helmet on him to save his life, then rips off the attachment so he can’t remove it as she slowly runs out of air herself, I was just like – D:

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeMar 27th 2012 edited
    bq. First person, present tense.

    Sans the first person narrative, why am I getting the sense this is sort of the polar opposite of Twilight? Granted, I'm only piecing together what I've read about it, but still.

    Edit: I should clarify; I'm speaking strictly in terms of characters, not setting or timeframe.
    • CommentTimeMar 27th 2012

    why am I getting the sense this is sort of the polar opposite of Twilight?

    It’s got a lot of similarities (the one that comes to mind first is how insufferable the main character is), but it’s true, there is some contrast. For one thing, she ends up with the safe and awesome guy in the end. She’s not helpless at all either, since her fighting and hunting skills make her more than capable of taking care of herself and others.

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2012

    Sci-fi movies: Why are intelligent life-forms always after the Americans?

    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2012 edited
    bq. Sci-fi movies: Why are intelligent life-forms always after the Americans?

    Actually it does make a certain amount of sense, America has the -biggest- one of the most powerful militaries on earth and so represents the biggest threat.

    And if you're watching Doctor Who the aliens almost always attack London.
    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2012

    Yeah, there’s that, but then there’s also those instances where a spaceship crash lands on Earth, and it just happens to land in LA or something. You guys want all the fun to happen over there. :P

    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2012

    Actually it does make a certain amount of sense, America has the biggest military and so represents the biggest threat.

    What does that even mean?

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2012

    Maybe he meant they’d want to first eliminate the strongest before moving onto the rest of the planet, or something. Although, I hardly think his assumption is true. :D


    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2012

    If you were an alien bent on destroying the Earth, you might go after the country with the most guns and nuclear weapons first.

    If you were not an Independence Day alien, but rather an ET alien, then that argument doesn’t apply; it’s more that no one cares enough to film a movie in another country for that reason alone. shrug

    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2012

    @ Sen: You talking about South Africa in particular, or Africa in general? :P Either way, what standard of BETTER are we using?

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2012 edited

    We’re just better, like, in general. :P

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2012
    Annually, the US sells movie tickets in the billions, and I don't think the next highest country pulls in even a third of that. In other words, you build for your market.

    Just about everybody does that with their fiction. Have you never watched anime? The shit is always gonna go down in Tokyo.

    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2012

    Which I’ve always thought is kind of silly. I know what the US looks like. Why would I want to see more of it? Show me aliens invading someplace cool that I’m unfamiliar with!

    Maybe it’s just a cheap way to up the stakes—it’s not just some unfamiliar town, it’s NEW YORK CITY or LOS ANGELES or whatever. My real question is why the aliens never invade Detroit. Maybe they know when they’re beat…


    What possible resource could they hope to acquire from invading Detroit? Automobiles? The soul-crushing despair that accompanies industrial collapse and urban decay? Calvin “Megatron” Johnson for their fantasy football teams?

    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2012

    What possible resource could they hope to acquire from invading Detroit? Automobiles Unions? The soul-crushing despair that accompanies industrial collapse and urban decay? Calvin “Megatron” Johnson for their fantasy football teams?


    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2012 edited

    The shit is always gonna go down in Tokyo.

    I always thought that Asians would end up being the biggest threat to alien life-forms. Maybe it’s just me.


    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2012

    @sansa – that is a fair point, I have to admit.




    bq. What possible resource could they hope to acquire from invading Detroit? Automobiles? The soul-crushing despair that accompanies industrial collapse and urban decay?

    Maybe one of their film companies has hired a mercenry company to take Detroit so they can have a nice setting for a series of post-apocalyptic holo-flicks.
    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2012

    Who, the aliens?

    bq. Who, the aliens?

    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2012

    So, the human film company is making a movie about the alien film company who hired the other company to take over Detroit and make an alien movie.

    That’s so meta my brain’s going to explode.

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2012

    So, the human film company is making a movie about the alien film company

    For some reason I was thinking more about aliens actually coming here and wrecking shit just so that they could make a good movie and go back home, leaving us behind in the utter destruction they caused while their population flocks to the cinema to watch the latest blockbuster.

    bq. For some reason I was thinking more about aliens actually coming here and wrecking shit just so that they could make a good movie and go back home, leaving us behind in the utter destruction they caused while their population flocks to the cinema to watch the latest blockbuster.

    . . . That could be a pretty good movie.
    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeMar 29th 2012
    Been thinking about something (which hurt, by the way). This year's salvo of summer flicks is notable on many different levels, so I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in picking one of the movies and reviewing it. We could set up a list of the movies set to release, and someone could claim it and write up a review for it when they see it. And it wouldn't even have to be a review; think of it more as a "Moviegoer's Impression of ____". We could even possibly split the impressions in two parts, one with spoilers and one without.

    I'm currently wanting to catch the midnight opening for _Prometheus_. Here's a tentative list (feel free to add if you're interested in reviewing):

    * The Avengers, 4 May:
    * Dark Shadows, 11 May:
    * The Dictator, 11 May:
    * Battleship, 18 May:
    * What To Expect When You're Expecting, 18 May:
    * Men in Black III, 25 May:
    * Snow White and the Huntsman, 1 June:
    * Madagascar 3, 8 June:
    * *Prometheus, 8 June: Rocky*
    * Rock of Ages, 15 June:
    * Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, 22 June:
    * Brave, 22 June:
    * GI Joe: Retaliation, 29 June:
    * The Amazing Spider-Man, 3 July:
    * Ice Age: Continental Drift, 13 July:
    * The Dark Knight Rises, 20 July:
    * The Bourne Legacy, 3 August:
    * Total Recall, 3 August:
    * Paranorman, 17 August:
    * The Expendables 2, 17 August:
    • CommentTimeMar 29th 2012

    There’s a possibility I might see The Avengers, in which case I’d totally be up for reviewing it. (Actually there are a couple there I might, extra stress on might, see.)


    I have kind of a morbid curiosity to see Snow White and the Huntsman, to be honest.

    • CommentTimeMar 29th 2012 edited

    I have kind of a morbid curiosity to see Snow White and the Huntsman, to be honest.

    Same here. But I also once had a morbid curiosity to eat a Milkbone TM, so mileage may vary. Also, I’m not sure if I can handle Kristen Stewart . . . I’ll expect her to go chasing down anything that sparkles.

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeMar 29th 2012
    I'm curious about several of those, and may well see them. If anyone's interested in seeing something (which doesn't have to be for the midnight premier) and wants to write up impressions, just say so.

    And also, everyone is seeing TDKR, probably.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeMar 29th 2012 edited

    ◦The Avengers, 4 May: SWEET MOTHER OF GOD HELL YES!
    ◦Dark Shadows, 11 May: Wha?
    ◦The Dictator, 11 May: Wha?
    ◦Battleship, 18 May: HELL NO.
    ◦What To Expect When You’re Expecting, 18 May:
    ◦Men in Black III, 25 May: Nah.
    ◦Snow White and the Huntsman, 1 June: F*** no.
    ◦Madagascar 3, 8 June: Bleh.
    ◦Prometheus, 8 June: Rocky
    ◦Rock of Ages, 15 June: Wha?
    ◦Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, 22 June: No. No, no, NO.
    ◦Brave, 22 June: Sigh. Not sure.
    ◦GI Joe: Retaliation, 29 June: No.
    ◦The Amazing Spider-Man, 3 July: Maybe?
    ◦Ice Age: Continental Drift, 13 July: NO.
    ◦The Dark Knight Rises, 20 July: FUCK YES. OPENING WEEKEND.
    ◦The Bourne Legacy, 3 August: No.
    ◦Total Recall, 3 August: No.
    ◦Paranorman, 17 August: No.
    ◦The Expendables 2, 17 August: Probably. My boyfriend thinks it looks awesome.

    HEY. You left The Three Stooges off of the list! Also, The Hobbit should be on there, even if it is in December. IT’S THE MOTHERF***ING HOBBIT!


    Ooh, I want to see Brave as well…don’t know if I’ll actually do it, but I want to.

    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2012

    ◦Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, 22 June: No. No, no, NO.

    We seem to have some seriously different taste in, well, everything, but I am so relieved to find somebody else who thinks this sounds terrible. The number of people I know who think this sounds like the most Bad Ass Movie of Bad-assery makes me fear for the future of civilization. Come on, Universe, bring on the meteor, already – I’ve got my six pack of beer and a lawn chair, so I’m ready for it.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2012

    We seem to have some seriously different taste in, well, everything...

    I am so curious as to what that means. Explique, por favor? And yeah… Abraham Lincoln was pretty awesome normally, why must they go for this insanity?


    I’m looking forward to The Hobbit, of course.

    And the Les Mis movie, despite all my misgivings.


    Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

    It exists…I thought that was a joke!

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2012 edited
    No, Wulf, you're not alone. Long before I saw the trailer, I thought that was one of the most idiotic ideas for a _story_, let alone a book/film.

    Edit: Willow, some of the entries on the list are there because they're wide releases.
    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2012

    Wha? Meant I hadn’t heard of it :)

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2012
    Yeah, I figured. I had to look up some of them myself.
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2012 edited

    The idea of Abraham Lincoln fighting vampires is one of those ideas that just sounds so incredibly awesome… for about ten seconds, during which you fantasize about Honest Abe staking Edward, and then you realize it’s a idiotic and forget about it. Or maybe it’d be funny for a short sketch or a silly short story, but a full movie? I don’t get it.

    I dunno, I wanna see it. Then again I liked Rambo IV and Bruce and Lloyd's Get Smart.
    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2012

    Abraham Lincoln fighting vampires


    If such a potentially amazing idea is not done any justice, I might just jump off a bridge.

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2012 edited
    Frankly, the trailer they released was exactly what I expected it to be: action shots, mood shots. No dialogue, no expressions, no details, no narrative hints, nothing. I can understand a curiosity or mild amusement toward it, but it just strikes me as a "lowest common denominator" product.

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2012

    I can understand a curiosity or mild amusement toward it, but it just strikes me as a “lowest common denominator” product.

    But it could be so epic!


    I read somewhere that Daniel Day-Lewis is going to be starring in a biopic of Abraham Lincoln as a historical figure.

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2012
    Daniel Day-Lewis and Sally Field will be starring in said biopic, which will be directed by Spielberg. I'm much looking forward to that one.

    To elaborate on _Vampire Hunter_: I can see that sort of thing being handled with class, like keeping the fantastical turmoil behind the scenes and within the shadows and making it a more atmospheric, cerebral thriller almost, but I had an overwhelming feeling it'd be handled like some historical fiction action-heavy shaky cam flick. The trailer only reinforced my suspicions.
    • CommentTimeMar 31st 2012 edited


    In this, the year of our Lord 2012, I dismiss pretty much everything described this way out of hand.

    For whatever reason, it’s not acceptable to the public at large for movies to be great anymore. They have to be ZOMG SO AWESOME

    I’m not saying that I think it’s bound to suck based on concept, but it’s not going to be good or even entertaining based on concept either. Premise is the most overrated component of fiction, as far as I’m concerned.

    action-heavy shaky cam

    Shaky cam can get fucked. If, by some wildly improbably stroke of luck, I’m ever in a position to sell the movie rights to something I’ve written, I won’t budge unless there’s a “no shaky cam” provision included in the agreement. Ideally it’ll have a sub-clause that says “shoot this shit like it’s Sword of Doom” as well, but I’ll settle for just no shaky cam.

    edit Also neat, but reportedly Marvel’s going to have the Russo brothers of Arrested Development and Community direct the next Captain America movie. That could actually be pretty cool, as they directed Advanced D&D and Fistful of Paintballs so they can do action-y stuff, and Cooperative Calligraphy, so they can do stuff with no action at all. Neat. Then they and Justin Lin will be able to create a three-man back-patting triangle for guys who have directed Community episodes and major motion pictures.

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeMar 31st 2012

    If for some reason anybody else chooses to take my comment about epic! absolutely seriously, I WAS NOT BEING DEAD SERIOUS. It’s just one of those ideas that, like swenson said, just sounds so incredibly awesome for the first ten seconds. It also didn’t help that I was picturing more of an animation (or in a comic strip or something) in which you can get away with a lot of things, but translated into a film with real actors, it’s just not the same. Either way, though, I’d hardly take it seriously.





    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeMar 31st 2012




    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeMar 31st 2012


    Rewarding? You got issues going on over there that you’re trying to take out on me or something? :P

    • CommentTimeMar 31st 2012

    Don’t worry, Bunk. I got your back here.

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeMar 31st 2012

    You people are seriously confusing me. And Puppet no longer looks … like a puppet. ;_;

    I know who it was, but the character still reminded me of a little toy…




    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeMar 31st 2012

    Now you’re rhyming. Ffs, go to bed.