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    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2012

    I saw the Man on the Ledge trailer and figured it worked that way. Pretty exciting, and over quickly. What more could there even be?

    If I’d ever not believed the various movie award ceremonies were entirely political, I might be surprised at the number of nominations Hugo received. Wait, don’t tell me, was it the Oscars? I know not these things.

    Anyway, it wasn’t a bad movie, and it had it’s moments: and the last half had a pretty good story. But the hour-long lead-in didn’t mesh and had some rather unfortunate implications at that. Say, part one was all kid’s fantasy (not wrong, but gaping plot holes without the joyousness of cross-over childhood fantasy successes like HP) and part 2: fairly decent discovery movie for everyone, though with rather odd pacing due to the exposition.

    Don’t get me wrong, it was worth watching, it just wasn’t very good.

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2012 edited
    I'm still miffed that _Tintin_ was snubbed for a nomination, but _King Fu Panda 2_ and _Puss in Boots_ were slapped on the list.

    On another note, I've just read two very positive reviews for _The Grey_, and I'm now intensely curious to see it.
    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2012

    When I saw the nominations for the animated movies I thought they’d just included every one made that year. I’d forgotten all about Tintin (since I haven’t seen in yet—this weekend, yay!)

    Kung Fu Panda 2 was actually pretty good though—did you see it? I thought it ended up being a better movie than the first one, and stood on it’s own pretty well. I mean, it had a good story and liked the family theme. I’m sensitive to the topic of adoption & families, and thought they handled it really well. Puss in Boots though. Well, I didn’t dislike it as much as I thought it would, but still, what’s it doing there?

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2012
    It's really, really rare that I prop up a movie based on its visual pedigree, but _The Adventures of Tintin_ has that, and it most especially has that over _Panda 2_ and _Puss in Boots_. It's not that it has better detail or a more robust color palette or more convincing animation (even though it pretty much _does_), it's more to do with the whole visual language of _Tintin_ that sets it apart from pretty much any other animated/CG movie I've yet to see. Yes, it's filled with camera tricks, but they're not absurd, pointless, or over-the-top just for the sake of it. It has a creative and imaginative style that I haven't seen an animated film director use....ever.
    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2012

    Better than a Pixar movie?

    Wow, I might actually have to cave in and see this.

    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2012

    I’m still miffed that Tintin was snubbed for a nomination, but King Fu Panda 2 and Puss in Boots were slapped on the list.

    Tintin gets left off but Puss in Boots gets on the list? That sound you hear? That’s me alternatively weeping and vomiting. I’m going to need a bigger bucket.


    I have a feeling that the awards people just didn’t like Tintin. I haven’t seen the movie, so I can’t judge, but that’s been my impression.

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2012
    bq. Better than a Pixar movie?

    Better than _Cars 2_, at any rate.

    Better than a Pixar movie?

    Better than Cars 2, at any rate.

    Uh… it says “movie” up there. Not commercial.

    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2012


    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2012
    I'll not be held accountable for Disney's marketing strategies.

    But, touche nonetheless.

    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2012

    What? I’m totally confused now.

    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2012

    Cars 2 was an “eh” movie, and can be said to just be a cash-in since Cars was super popular.


    Cars was super popular.

    Was it really? Maybe this is my bias talking, because I came out of the theater not impressed. But in any case, Disney realized that merch sales from the movie went way up so yeah…Cars 2.


    Yes, Cars made a shitload of money in both ticket and merch sales(because it’s very accessible to children, primarily), and stomps most of Pixar’s other IPs in this department. If they need to release a new installment every few years just to fill the coffers back up for the ART! movies that don’t haul in as much, I’m cool with it.

    I’ve only seen it once, and it mostly just weirded me out. The questions raised by the setting were often troubling. Who made the cars in question, and to what end? Who constructed their technology, since their lack of thumbs makes it impossible to manipulate tools? Since the general skillset of most cars is limited, how do they maintain a functional economy? Is it based entirely around racing?

    Kinda messed up when you think about it.


    The questions raised by the setting were often troubling.

    This. Though I did love the original movie.

    Also, thanks, Rocky, now I have to see Tintin.


    The questions raised by the setting were often troubling.

    But the first Cars was kinda cool.
    ....I’ve seen a lot worse.

    @Rocky – I’ll check out Tintin. Just had to make a point of saying that I know nothing about the guy, which is different from hating/disliking him.

    Re: Puss in Boots – remember how we talked about secondary characters? That’s what I thought the moment I first heard of this movie’s existence.
    In short: it should never have been made. Ever.


    Puss In Boots is kinda awesome though.

    I take it it sucked? (I can’t seem to see any conversation about it on here)


    The trailer sucked.
    Age, time constraints and a generally cynical attitude have given me the skill of being rather good at judging movies from trailers and then being right. Except for trailers like tintin, that go out of their way to be as awesome as possible.
    Dinosaur (Disney) also has such a cool trailer, IIRC.

    PiB had a hero that elicited no emotions in me other than “haha, that’s kinda funny, I guess”. It focused too much on the whole “unconventional hero” thing, which was done with the original Shrek, and a whole slew of other movies, so it’s not such a revolutionary thing anymore.
    It also had a love interest who was a) a forced actor allusion, b) one of those characters where the scriptwriters are trying to force you to wonder “is she good or evil?” when you’ve seen all this before and c) she’s better at everything that the male MC is already good at. She’s his “match”. I hate that.


    The questions raised by the setting were often troubling.

    This is one of the things that bothered me about Cars (other than just hating the characters and plot in general). Why are there cars? How do they reproduce? What happens when they break down? Why was there a train in the first one? Why do cars need romantic relationships?

    I’ve seen parts of the second one while babysitting, but I didn’t pay close attention because I really wasn’t interested.

    And I guess I need to see Tintin, though I wasn’t that interested in it, with all the raving, I kinda have to see it (when it comes out on DVD, that is).

    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2012

    I thought way too much about the setting of Cars as well, and I agree that there are a lot of questions there. More than questions about ant colonies and living toys and monsters who live in a parallel universe, and that’s saying a lot. I’m sure a lot of people will go “Quit complaining, it’s a kids’ movie, are they supposed to stop for an hour to explain every facet of the world?” But they managed to address most of the issues with living toys and whatnot (even the more disturbing implications, like what happens when a kid outgrows his or her toys), so why can’t they do that for cars as well? I heard that Cars 2 only raised more weird questions than it settled, though.


    The key thing about those other movies, is they all take place on the underside of the “real” world. Cars… where the hell does Cars take place? Some kind of crazy bizarro world with no people in it, but all the trappings of human civilization.


    Maybe Cars is just a spin-off to Toy Story, and it’s all set in the room of a kid with too much time in his hands.

    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2012

    @sansa – you know, that’s a really good point. Any of the other movies, they could conceivably really happen in our world, just in an alternate universe where there used to be a Woody the Cowboy TV show and some famous explorer had a blimp in South America and some fish escaped from a dentists’ office once.

    Although… the Incredibles pulled off a totally different world. Still sort of based on our own, but… it goes to show it can work, it just didn’t in the second Cars movie. (I thought the first one was OK.)

    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2012 edited

    Maybe Cars is just a spin-off to Toy Story, and it’s all set in the room of a kid with too much time in his hands


    Although… the Incredibles pulled off a totally different world. Still sort of based on our own, but… it goes to show it can work, it just didn’t in the second Cars movie. (I thought the first one was OK.)

    Of course, but it’s still basically “the real world, but if superpowers existed.” I haven’t seen Cars 2 though, so I don’t want it to make any less sense.

    • CommentAuthorMnemone
    • CommentTimeJan 30th 2012
    The clues are there if you're looking for them.
    • CommentAuthorDeborah
    • CommentTimeJan 30th 2012

    My university is doing a trip to see The Hunger Games movie. I can’t wait!

    But anticipation is fun!

    • CommentTimeJan 30th 2012

    I just really hope it lives up to my expectations. With all the hype, I can’t help but think that this is going to be the next Twilight.
    And then I watch the trailer again and think, nah, this is going to be epic.

    • CommentTimeJan 30th 2012

    With all the hype, I can’t help but think that this is going to be the next Twilight.

    Oh, I hope not. :( I’m totally looking forward to the movie and I do a little dance of happiness whenever I watch the trailer.

    • CommentTimeJan 31st 2012

    Anyone heard of “Safe House”?

    The tagline seems to be “The CIA’s greatest weapon just became its greatest threat.”

    Is it as bad/cliche as it seems?


    Well… not to spoil your excitement (though it might), farla on livejournal has a pretty convincing spork of Hunger Games.

    • CommentTimeJan 31st 2012
    I checked out that spork a few days ago--I only got a few chapters in, so I can't say for sure, but it seemed like the biggest complaints the sporker had were general "wait what this isn't quite how things work", which I think is excusable if the book has good enough prose and engaging characters/plot. Which, IMO, the book does.
    • CommentTimeJan 31st 2012

    farla on livejournal has a pretty convincing spork of Hunger Games.

    Oh, I have no illusions about the book – it shouldn’t be considered an epic example of ground-breaking literature, but it was a whole lot of fun to read. I mean, hey, I like me some broccoli, but I always like a slice of chocolate cake now and again. ;)


    I think it’s a decent book, but it’s been blown up way beyond what it actually is. ‘Course, People also think that Twilight is an example of great literature. . .

    bq. I mean, hey, I like me some broccoli, but I always like a slice of chocolate cake now and again. ;)

    Check out Tom Kratman's _Watch on the Rhine_ sometime ; )
    • CommentTimeFeb 1st 2012 edited

    Check out Tom Kratman’s Watch on the Rhine sometime ; )

    It looks like it’s part of a series. Would it make sense if I picked up in the middle?

    Edit: Ok, the book is part of series, but the movie is by itself. It looks rather cool. I’ll have to take a look at it – old movies have so much character to them.

    bq. Ok, the book is part of series, but the movie is by itself. It looks rather cool. I’ll have to take a look at it – old movies have so much character to them.

    Hmmm, we may be thinking of two different things here, Tom Kratman's Watch on the Rhine is a book about Germany getting invaded by Aliens (and yes, you can read out it of order) and some other aliens help the germans out with their technology and so Germany rounds up all the Waffen-SS veterans and makes them young again and sends them into battle in thousand-ton tanks with twelve-inch caliber main guns.

    . . . You would not believe the internet contraversy it stirred up.
    • CommentTimeFeb 1st 2012

    Oh, I have no illusions about the book – it shouldn’t be considered an epic example of ground-breaking literature, but it was a whole lot of fun to read. I mean, hey, I like me some broccoli, but I always like a slice of chocolate cake now and again. ;)

    I seem to remember farla coming to the same conclusion actually. The primary reason for the spork was the over-hype about the quality of the original as ‘great literature’ and she had some issues with Katniss as a icon of empowered female heroines, IIRC.

    I saw Tintin this weekend and really liked how they brought that sort-of kid’s pulp fiction to life, so to speak (sorry, I don’t know what else to call it!) It’d be great if they used the technique to tell other stories like it, and make it a sort of series—Tom Swift, etc. It was fun, though, and positively rollicking. But there were some scenes in there that just went on too long, I thought, showing off the visual effects. Can’t afford to watch movies in 3D and refuse to ever fall the 3D tv fad, so scenes that take advantage of it don’t work for me. Still, nothing has ever been as bad as the 20 min segment in the Christmas Carol movie that came out a couple years ago with Scrooge being chased by death? or something? So boring.

    • CommentTimeFeb 1st 2012

    You would not believe the internet contraversy it stirred up.

    Is the book pro-Nazi? As in, “Yay! The aliens are helping the Nazis!” Or is it, “OMG! The aliens are going to bring back Nazi Germany! Everybody, do something!” Because if it’s the second one, I’ll give it a go. But I can’t even bring myself to spork Nazi sci-fi fanfic (and God help us, it’s out there, oh lord, it’s out there o.O).

    The primary reason for the spork was the over-hype about the quality of the original as ‘great literature’ and she had some issues with Katniss as a icon of empowered female heroines, IIRC.

    I think I’ll take a look at this spork; it sounds intriguing.

    I saw Tintin this weekend and really liked how they brought that sort-of kid’s pulp fiction to life

    I’m glad you liked it. I’m still miffed it got snubbed by the Oscars.

    Still, nothing has ever been as bad as the 20 min segment in the Christmas Carol movie that came out a couple years ago with Scrooge being chased by death?

    Oh, I know. It was horrible. I swear I could hear Dickens generating electricity, he was spinning in his grave so quickly.

    bq. Is the book pro-Nazi? As in, “Yay! The aliens are helping the Nazis!” Or is it, “OMG! The aliens are going to bring back Nazi Germany! Everybody, do something!”

    Neither one really. They're not allowed to bring any of the baggage from the first they time they were young and the only real nazi in the book is killed by one of the characters (The impression I got was that the re-juved SS veterans didn't care about that anymore and know as well as anyone that the days of the Nazis are long gone). There is a scene where the re-juved SS veterans and the young germans who've joined the reformed Waffen-SS go and put down a riot and arrest some conspirators.

    Also, I forgot to tell you this, Tom Kratman _hates_ liberals. I personally don't give a damn either way about politics so I didn't care about that. But it is very much chocolate cake as you put it.
    • CommentTimeFeb 1st 2012 edited

    Hmm . . . I think I’ll see if the library has a copy and put it on my “to read” list.

    And, because this is a movie thread, I just watched Ip Man. It was very good; I’d recommend it, although I don’t know how historically accurate it is.


    Opinions on Black Swan? I’ve recorded it because I’ve been wanting to see it for a while.

    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2012 edited

    71: Into the Fire was like 300 in that it was about a small number of soldiers fighting off an army, but about 100% more tragic. I feel incredibly brutalized now.

    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2012

    Yes, this is a double post, but today I went to see Chronicle on a whim, completely forgetting that it was the film I’d wanted to see since I saw a couple of months ago that it had Wallace in it.

    Well, I saw it, and it was pretty cool. Even though the main kid was sort of unbelievably screwed up, I really enjoyed it considering it was another one of those “found footage” movies. Also, Wallace was a pretty cool guy.


    I saw the trailer for that movie today, and even though it was incredibly uninformative, the visuals looked interesting.


    it had Wallace in it.



    Seriously though, I want to see that movie. I love me some Michael B. Jordan.

    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2012 edited

    Yeah, there was a part where they had some of his childhood photos showing, and I lol’d because they all looked like stills from The Wire.

    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2012

    it had Wallace in it.

    Woah. I thought he looked familiar, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on who exactly he was.

    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2012 edited

    New trailer for the Hunger Games, if anyone’s interested (BlueMask): click!

    Not as good as the first, but I like the shots of the Capitol and I must admit that Lenny Kravitz seems pretty good.

    • CommentAuthorDeborah
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2012

    I watched that. There’s a third trailer now, but it’s not that different. I think there’ll be a commercial for it during the Super Bowl tomorrow night . . .
    On another tangent, I just finished watching Deathly Hallows, part 1. AWESOME! Everyone was great! Unfortunately, the library doesn’t have Part 2 yet, and I can hardly wait.

    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2012

    Can you link me to all three trailers? I want to see them all, just to make sure.

    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2012

    I have to say, re the Hunger Games, the actress that plays Katniss is a really good choice. Her accent and appearance and everything is just how I imagined.
    And Rue’s melody at the end!

    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2012

    Yeah, all the casting (except for Lenny Kravitz, who seems like he’ll be good but is NOT CINNA) seems really good. Elizabeth Banks makes an amazing Effie Trinket even though I would never have thought of it.


    the actress that plays Katniss is a really good choice

    Initially I think there was an internet shit-storm, but I always thought that she was perfect (despite not reading the books, hur hur hur).

    • CommentAuthorDeborah
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2012 edited

    Yeah, there was a big fuss because some people thought she wasn’t meant to be white. But she looks perfect. So do Rue, Peeta and Gale, for that matter. And I agree about Effie. Her voice was exactly right. And Snow looks appropriately creepy.
    I was a bit put off by Cinna being black, but its not that big a deal.
    The weird thing is that I have a classmate that looks almost exactly like Peeta.
    I loved Rue’s melody too.

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeFeb 8th 2012

    I actually got round to watching Van Helsing aaannd ….. I don’t see why people made such a big deal of it.

    • CommentTimeFeb 8th 2012

    Is that the anime with the guy with the preposterously huge .454 who hunts vampires or something?

    I seem to recall that it wasn’t all that amazing.

    • CommentTimeFeb 8th 2012

    Also, I was casting back through this thread and found a discussion about Nazis and Watch on the Rhine.

    Anyone ever hear of this movie called Iron Sky? It was this Atom Punk alt-history thing where Nazis reached the moon first and set up a colony there, and then twenty years later they came back and there were explosions and cool dogfights and irreverent humor. Made by this Finnish independent group, but I can’t remember if it ever saw a release. I just saw the trailer a few years ago.


    Is that the anime with the guy with the preposterously huge .454 who hunts vampires or something?

    You’re thinking of Hellsing, I think, which is about a vampire killing Nazis and so forth and is really overrated. Sen is presumably talking about the Hugh Jackman vehicle where he plays the Dracula character hunting werewolves and Frankensteins and whatnot.


    I thought Van Helsing was so famous because it was hilariously awful.

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeFeb 8th 2012
    _Van Helsing_ did indeed star Hugh Jackman as a monster hunter for the Vatican. The movie has him fighting against Dracula, who subjugates werewolves and is trying to find Frankenstein's monster to recreate the prometheus-like achievement and give life to his vampire babies (which were born dead).

    It's an amusing flick, but *boy* is it cheesy.
    • CommentTimeFeb 8th 2012

    Van Helsing is fun if you’re in the mood for something a bit hammy. But not if you want a serious action movie.

    @sansa: Please explain to me how something involving a vampire fighting Nazis ( undead Nazis at that) is in any way overrated.

    @Inkblot: Yeah, I’ve heard about Iron Sky, and it hasn’t been released yet. The movie has a youtube channel, and they just released a new trailer here. And it looks pretty awesome.


    Please explain to me how something involving a vampire fighting Nazis ( undead Nazis at that) is in any way overrated.

    I don’t hate it by any stretch, and it’s got a lot of cool shit in it. I just don’t think it has enough substance to make it into the heavyweight class people often try to put it in.

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeFeb 8th 2012 edited

    I just don’t think it has enough substance to make it into the heavyweight class people often try to put it in.

    This. I did like Hellsing a little, but it wasn’t that great.

    And as for Van Helsing, I know people can be pretty stupid sometimes, but that movie was really awful and the way they carried on about that thing was just wrong. Sometimes you can enjoy silly stuff if you turn off your brain, but that’s what I was doing. Late afternoon, feeling all warm inside the house as it poured outside (YAY!! FINALLY!!), I decided to just lay back and watch the thing. I wasn’t all that alert, but that movie still made me go: What the hell, constantly.

    • CommentAuthorDeborah
    • CommentTimeFeb 9th 2012

    I watched Deathly Hallows part 2 a couple nights ago.

    • CommentTimeFeb 9th 2012

    @ sansa: Gotcha, thanks.

    @ Apep: I’ll have to check it out.

    • CommentTimeFeb 9th 2012 edited

    I just re-watched The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. I love that movie. Even though there are not any sword fights or explosions, it’s still one of my favorite movies. I think because, for its time, it was rather unconventional. And, if a person thinks about it, it’s delightfully twisted. ;)

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2012

    Watched The Green Hornet. It was pretty dumb, but Kato was awesome. And now I dislike Rogan even more than I did before.


    I watched about half of Black Swan today. I like it so far- I can really relate to Natalie Portman’s character, and she does a great job of portraying that anxiety (the poor girl doesn’t even smile properly- it’s more like a wince).

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeFeb 11th 2012

    First, yeah I know people are very tired by now of hearing everyone’s interpretations on Inception, but this is the first time I’ve heard what’s below. Was Cobb the one inception was being used on? This kind of made sense and I wondered why no one brought it up before. I found it interesting. And a bit irritated that I never considered it myself before.

    There’s probably plenty of holes in this guy’s theory, but I’m too tired to find them right now.

    • CommentTimeFeb 11th 2012

    Hm. Interesting.

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2012

    I watched True Grit. As much as it’s usual to be disappointed with something that people praise a lot, I wasn’t.

    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2012

    New or old True Grit?

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2012

    I still need to watch the old one.

    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2012

    Then the new one. Yeah, I thought it was really good, too, especially the ending. It felt so… realistic.

    bq. Yeah, I thought it was really good, too, especially the ending. It felt so… realistic.

    I loved the how the colors were kind of muted but really rich. It reminded me a little of the Sherlock Holmes movies.
    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2012

    Come to think of it, there was a nice color pallet to the movie.


    I finally watched The Social Network last night. It was good. Poor Eduardo.

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2012

    Thank God for subtitles, is all I can say for that film.


    Phantom of the Opera at Albert Hall.

    I watched it three times this weekend because I am lameass and have no life.

    • CommentTimeFeb 13th 2012

    I watched it three times this weekend because I am lameass and have no life that is a kickass way to spend a weekend.

    There, fixed it for you. ;)

    • CommentAuthorDeborah
    • CommentTimeFeb 13th 2012

    A friend of mine and I are going to see The Help this Friday.

    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2012

    Fight Club

    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2012

    @Puppet – I haven’t seen the movie, but that’s pretty much sums up what I thought of the book. It was entertaining, but towards the end, I had to suspend w-a-a-a-y too much disbelief.

    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2012

    Re: Fight Club: I love that movie thoroughly, but I do have to agree with you. The end of the movie is… really strange, yes. But I think it fits in retrospect. Things get weird because, well, they are getting weird for Jack/the Narrator.

    Mostly I like that movie for the same reason everyone else does, I have to admit: it’s just so quotable.

    I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise.

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2012

    Liked Fight Club. Just not a great chunk of the beginning.

    I watched Snatch. That’s definitely a movie I needed to watch with subtitles. All those accents. >.<
    I didn’t think the film was at all bad. It was very entertaining at least.

    And I rewatched Babe during the past weekend. Adorable. <3

    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2012

    Hey, I saw Snatch a long time ago. That was pretty good.

    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2012

    Saw The Secret World of Arrietty in theaters.

    The art and animation were beautiful. The soundtrack was breathtaking (save for that horrible pop song Disney made for the end). The story wrapped up a bit too neatly and felt thin at points, but was still fun.

    Why did this movie only get 8 million in its opening weekend.

    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2012

    That’s based on The Borrowers, right? I loved those books. Still do. The live action BBC film wasn’t too bad either.

    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2012

    Yep, based on the Borrowers and, from my recollection of the books combined with Wikipedia’s synopsis, a pretty faithful adaptation at that.

    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2012

    I love the Borrowers, so I’m very excited to see that. There’s no theaters showing it near me, though (and I rarely go to a movie theater anyway). I’ll wait until it comes out on DVD.

    • CommentAuthorCrunchy
    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2012 edited
    Oh my God, I want to see Arrietty. The Borrowers were my favorite when I was little.

    As for movies I've seen, I watched Chronicle last week. T'wasn't too bad, lots of throwing stuff around with telekinesis.

    (Also I'm posting this while trying to watch Thor. It doesn't seem to be working. Damn you, piracy, I thought we were friends.)


    Xmen First Class and Rise of the Planet of the Apes have, between them, shown that it is in fact possible to make a good prequel in an established verse.

    Take note, George Lucas.

    RotPotA was even better than X5, IMO.
    I’d go so far as to say “best prequel ever”, but statements like those are highly subjective and dangerous.

    • CommentTimeFeb 26th 2012 edited

    Finally got my big brother to watch Star Wars Episode One (The new 3D version)

    His reaction? “%$#!@ Jar-Jar! Who ever thought that would be a good idea?!”

    He’s not even a fan, I’m not sure he’s even seen the originals. :D

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeFeb 26th 2012

    Just watched The King’s Speech. :) Wonderful.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeFeb 26th 2012 edited

    Definitely, though I was very, very bored for the first half hour. Hidden for bad language.

    The very end is my favorite :D


    I think the entire theater burst out laughing at that scene. Indeed, it was the best.

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeFeb 26th 2012

    Ahaha. I watched the film at home and since I had just rebooted the decoder, the language options had gone back to the default setting ‘Family’. At that scene it took me a while to realize why the sound was cut off so suddenly and stayed like that for a while. XD

    • CommentAuthorDeborah
    • CommentTimeFeb 26th 2012

    I watched Inception last night.
    It blew my mind.