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    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2009

    Inspired by the Merits of Eragon thread. What do you think Twilight did right?

    I’ve only read Twilight (getting peer pressured into reading the rest of the series though. D:) but I actually think it got the “crush” idea kind of right. When you feel that way about someone (Bella’s original attraction to Edward), they really seem perfect sometimes. One of my Twifan friends says that she stops obsessing over Edward as much in the later books, so if that’s true SMeyer might have succeeded there.

    • CommentAuthorCodeWizard
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2009

    I think she got teenage taste in books just right,.


    It’s supposedly an easy read, although I can’t stand it.

    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2009

    Bella constantly obsesses about Edward. Constantly.

    However, I was very impressed with the way SMeyer handled Jacob’s point of view in Breaking Dawn. It just felt so much more real than Bella’s.

    *tries to think of any more *

    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2009

    It did get girls interested in reading… although traditionally it’s the male demographic that needs help with reading anyways. The librarians at my library agree that Twilight is bad, but they are grateful that so many people have renewed their interest in reading.

    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2009

    I sometimes get the feeling that SMeyer knew exactly what she was doing when she wrote Twilight, and manipulated her writing in such a way that she knew it would sell. Because seriously, sometimes she’s got some really good writing that shines through.


    Yeah, I agree.

    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009

    Hah, same here, Spanny. She hits so many mushy squishy spots in tweens, and not even the tweens—I’ve seen grown women reading Twilight and yes, loving it for whatever reason.

    Um. It is…a new spin on the vampire myth? Sort of? The sparkling’s new, at any rate.

    And the woman can write. Upon occasion. Her other book, The Host, wasn’t half bad, and was much better than the Twilight books. I still wanted to punch the characters in the face upon occasion, but not all the time like with Twilight.


    “So, Edward. What do you do?”
    “Nothing much. I just hang around and watch Bella sleep. Oh, and I sparkle.”
    “Really? That’s interesting…”


    The chapter titles were dramatic. That’s all I can think of… ;)


    Meyer has a decent enough website.

    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009

    I did like Jacob’s chapter titles in Breaking Dawn.


    Her writing style is better than Paolini’s.

    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009

    Her writing style is better than Paolini’s.

    And that, is the definition of damning with faint praise.


    Well Sly, I couldn’t decide between that or “reading her book is better than showering with a dozen angry badgers”.

    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009

    Nice, Nate.

    Well… on occasion she starts writing really well. Some of her description (when she wasn’t describing statues) was pretty good, actually, and I liked Jacob’s part. Probably because he actually has a personality other than IT’S A VAMPIRE HUG IT! Also because he hates Edward. In characters, I hated Bella and Edward, of course, but didn’t mind Jacob. I also liked Leah… she would make an interesting protagonist. Unlike some people glares at Bella, Leah has real problems and succeeds in being remotely tragic. Also, the whole thing about her being the only female werewolf is pretty cool. It’s decidedly less sexist than Bella/Edwad.

    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009

    And okay, I will admit it, I liked Jasper.


    And Alice was awesome.

    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009

    Alice wasn’t bad. I liked Emmett, though. He was the only character who could be mean to Bella and not end up horribly punished for it.

    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009
    I liked Alice, but then again I have a weird crush on people with mind powers. >.>
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009

    Although then Bella beat him in the arm-wrestling contest, so again, Bella pwns all.



    I liked Jacob’s chapters, too. They were funny, something that Bella fails at. Jacob was, by far, the best character in the series. We are spared long ramblings about his statue-like physique, for one.


    I liked Jacob’s chapters, too. They were funny, something that Bella fails at. Jacob was, by far, the best character in the series. We are spared long ramblings about his statue-like physique, for one.

    It’s like it’s a curse that both twilight and inheritance share. The less the characters are seen, the more likable they are.

    So Galbatorix should be the most popular guy of all. And for twilight it’d be… Bella’s school principle i guess.


    It’s like it’s a curse that both twilight and inheritance share. The less the characters are seen, the more likable they are.

    I think that’s the curse of all bad writing, ever.

    Example: High School Musical. The top two couples have rabid fangirl wars. One of the least known couples involve the hardly-ever seen composer Kelsi and the Minion With An F In Evil (aka the twin brother of the villain). We almost never hear about them, their roles are minor and serve mainly as devices to move or add spice to the plot, and in the case of Kelsi, little to no character development. And yet the majority of fanfics for them are well-written, in contrast to most Troyella fics.

    We should get a list going…


    Somebody’s bound to do another Artemis Fowl crack pairing…

    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009

    I find that Star Trek fics tend to be able to reproduce their characters’ speech patterns than, say, Doctor Who. In most of the ST fics I’ve read, Spock actually sounds like Spock, and Bones actually sounds like Bones, whereas I have encountered maybe two fics that can believably do Ten’s pattern of speech, or even Nine’s.

    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009

    How do you transcribe North-ness, though? And I still wish they let Ten keep his Scottish accent… I watch Tooth and Claw purely to listen to it!

    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009

    XD That clip was hilarious. A Scots pretending to be an Englishman pretending to be a Scots. “Och, aye—” “No, don’t do that. Really don’t.”

    I guess it’s a bit unfair, because Ten’s speech is so completely off the wall and hyper that it’s really not supposed to be written down.

    But Bones is naggy and snarky and heeheehee.

    "I've been chasing this wee nekkid childe over hill and over dell..."
    Ten pwns all. I'm desperately sad he's leaving. *sob*
    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009

    It is pleasantly flammable.

    It gives me a superiority complex and makes me feel unique. Sad, isn't it?
    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009

    “Isn’t that right…you timorous beastie?”

    I don’t want him to leave. ;_; WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH ::wails::

    It’s going to be so weird, new Doctor and a new companion. At least with Nine to Ten, Rose was there to cling to.

    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009

    cries bitterly It will be so sad! This is the first time I’ve ever had to watch a Doctor change… I mean, technically I was alive when Nine turned to Ten, but I didn’t watch the show back then. It is going to be very, very weird to watch him… cringe die. I wonder how he will? It had better be spectacular, though!

    And honestly, I never really liked Rose. I always liked Martha more, until Donna came along.

    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009
    Oh, yeah, same. I -knew- Ten was coming when Nine died, and I already somewhat liked Ten (although I held a grudge against him for not being Nine for about...three episodes).



    *Doctor/Rose shipper*


    Eh, I was too hung up over Rose to like Martha much. I like her a lot better now that she's in UNIT--well, next year, she's just going to be on honeymoon with Tom. But sometimes I wanted to--yes--punch in the face. Not that I never wanted to punch Rose in the face upon occasion, but...differently.

    Gah! I loved Donna. Her husband! She had better find her husband. At least we know that she'll be in the specials. The Master is, too, I'm so excited. ^^
    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009

    That was so sad! When she couldn’t find her husband… I felt bad for both of them. I hope they meet up again, like Martha and Tom did. (I always thought he was a pretty cool guy, and I’m glad they ended up together!)

    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009
    Tom was lovely ^^

    I keep telling myself that they wouldn't've put that final shot of Donna's husband trying to stammer hr name for nothing. *clings to hope*

    And there are so many loopholes in what happened at the end of Journey's End, one of them is bound to be exploited.
    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009

    They could have included that shot just to increase the emotional impact on the audience.

    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009

    I prefer to believe that they did it because SOMEHOW, past all the wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey, Donna gets to be her self that she was with the Doctor, not the brash, rude, awful self that everyone hated in Runaway Bride.


    *protects bubble*
    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009

    Awwwww… I love Donna so much! Honestly, I liked her a lot when she decided not to go with the Doctor after the Christmas special. It made her much more interesting than some other companions, because she didn’t just meet up with the Doctor and then go “Let’s go on adventures with a strange man I met today yay!” She actually questioned it and doubted it, and then obviously regretted it later because the Doctor is awesome. But it still set her apart from Martha and Rose… I loved how she argued with him. Both Rose and Martha were too infatuated and young to actually stand up to him, but Donna told him exactly how she felt, what she thought, and what he was going to do about it.

    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009

    Oh, yeah. Donna was a good break from Martha mooning over him approximately all the time.

    Rose and the Doctor were too cute, to me, at least, to resist. “Now just do some jiggery-pokery…” “What is, that a technical term?” “Yeah, I took a class in it. What about you?” “Nah, I failed hullabaloo.”

    Martha…with Martha, I think the Doctor deliberately picked her to be his companion because he thought she’d be capable and he wouldn’t have to emotionally boost her or whatever. Sometimes I felt sorry for Martha—she threw herself at his head so much and he never noticed, upon which I cackled vindictively for Rose’s sake.

    I have to admit, I didn’t like Lady Christina. At all.

    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009 edited

    WHAT? I liked her! Sort of. I mean, she isn’t exactly companion material, but…

    Although I never felt she actually needed the Doctor. Which sucks, because everyone needs the Doctor.

    And I still hold that the Doctor knew perfectly well Martha liked him. Come on, you can’t reach the ripe old age of 900-something without figuring out when someone’s in love with you! (although if anyone would do that, it would be him) Besides: “Oh, I know what it’s like. It’s like when you fancy someone, and they don’t even know you exist.” cheery grin Martha: sad face

    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009
    Isn't this a thread about Twilight? Anyways I think one thing SMeyer did well was Jacob, I kept feeling sorry for him because Bella and Edward were being such douches. Plus, he was the only character with emotion and the only character who didn't make me barf.

    We can also add “it gets people talking about Dr Who” to the tally.

    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009

    (Shush. What are you talking about?)

    ...okay, I have to admit, I totally laughed at that line.

    Well, yes, obviously the Doctor knew. What I meant by oblivious was that the Doctor completely ignored it and as far as I could tell refused to even acknowledge it.

    She was just too…cocky. On her own, sure. But as a companion, that would’ve never ever worked, imo. I think that a lot of the point of the Doctor having companions is to—not “fix” them per se, but to better them. Like Rose with her completely dead-end job, and Donna being so awful. Christina was managing perfectly well on her own. The Doctor would’ve been just a bonus—she didn’t need him the way the other companions did.

    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009

    Yeah, I guess so. Davros was sort of right, about the Doctor turning his companions into weapons. Maybe not right about the “weapons” part, but he certainly changes their lives forever. They’re never normal again, and I think they’re better for it, which is why it’s so tragic about Donna.

    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009

    Biggest merit considering I’ve never read Twilight: pretty, dramatic covers.

    We can also add “it gets people talking about Dr Who” to the tally.

    That is one of the best compliments you can give to something.

    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009

    Oh, yes. Precisely. The Doctor had broadened Donna’s horizons so much. I nearly cried when she was talking on the phone to her friend at the end.

    Hrm. I suppose it depends on how you interpret weapon. They certainly support him and will do anything for him, but that’s more like they’re very close friends, instead of just being used by him. It’s mutual.

    That is one of the best compliments you can give to something.

    Yes, yes it is. :D

    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009

    I nearly cried when she was talking on the phone to her friend at the end.

    I did cry. So much. ;_;

    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009

    Was pretty much a Star Wars-style NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO right there. Except not so lame.


    Biggest merit considering I’ve never read Twilight: pretty, dramatic covers.

    You know, I said once that I was envious of Twilight’s covers and everybody thought I was crazy. (or crazier)

    Thanks for the support Jeni!

    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2009

    Why are you talking about Twilight? This is a Doctor Who thread now!
    You will become like us.

    Christina didn’t seem too bad, but I hated her story. It made even less sense than the Cyberman Christmas episode! And none of the TV magazines noticed!


    Lol, the whole reason I began reading Twilight after the first book was cause of the pretty covers. Literally. If they hadn’t been so totally awesome, I wouldn’t have given them a second thought.


    I’d also like to say… [brace yourselves]

    Now before you all burn me at the stake, let me explain.

    Ok so there’s no real explanation save that the idea of extraordinary beings using their abilities to do mundane tasks amuses me. (one of the reasons the Incredibles is one of my most favorite films) If vampires play baseball, just imagine all the other roads that opens up…
    Frankenstein’s monster on the football team.
    Werewolves in a hockey rink.
    The mummy plays tennis.
    Godzilla dunking!

    My mind is afire with possibilities…
    (plus, all those would be more interesting than the Disney “dog plays a sport” movies)


    My fave scene was the one in the dance studio when Ed was about to suck the blood from Bella. The whole time, I was thinking: Kill her, kill her, kill her!

    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2009

    Right in front of everyone? Hell yeah!


    It would actually be interesting if he did kill her and then he would have to deal with the guilt… Ooh, that’s a good idea for a fanfic… ;)


    For inspiration RVL.


    Ooh, thanks! :D

    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2009

    It would be so much cooler if he killed her. xD

    Of course, I’ve always wanted to see Meyerpyres be in charge of the world, with the Volturi ruling everything. [since… what would stop them? They’re pretty much all powerful] The Volturi then could receive sacrifices/fresh blood to them, provided by humans each day, because of their ability to continue advancing research and technology without dying off. Then the Cullens are a resistance to that, for whatever reason, and are trying to win recruits over to their side, so Edward tries to make Bella fall in love with him so she’ll agree to turn into a vampire and work for them. Oh, and no ‘vegetarian’ Vamps here.

    haha. That’s the idea floating around in my head, although I don’t think I’ll ever get to writing it. Right now I’m working to continue writing my own story and figuring out what’s wrong with it so I’m ready to plunge into editing when I finish the first draft in a few weeks.

    • CommentAuthorAri
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2009
    I think it would be awesome if Bella was a hemophiliac or something, you know? It could be like "Oh noes I got a papercut!" *dies from internal bleeding*
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2009

    Christina didn’t seem too bad, but I hated her story. It made even less sense than the Cyberman Christmas episode! And none of the TV magazines noticed!

    She was…too cocky. Also, no one bosses the Doctor around. Ever. I suppose it really boils down to the fact that she didn’t need him like the other companions did. She wanted to travel with him because it’d be fun, and that was it.


    Oh, god, yeah. XDD With the Christmas episode, I read that RTD had said there’d be a huge twist at the end, and it was ten minutes from the end and I was waiting for it…until I realised that the other Doctor’s identity was supposed to be the twist. facepalm

    I think it would be awesome if Bella was a hemophiliac or something, you know? It could be like “Oh noes I got a papercut!” dies from internal bleeding

    Bahahaha. And then she could drip her blood all over the floor and Edward could just lap it up.

    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2009

    I’ll have you know that I valiantly skipped reading every single Doctor Who post in the this thread (haven’t yet finished S4 here, people).

    Anyway ._. I liked the covers, too, especially the one with the ribbon-y bits (New Moon?)

    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2009


    I liked the vampire baseball.


    Me too. It was a cool scene (in the movie). Plus, Muse on the big screen? heeheeheee. I really ought to go to a gig.


    @ Span: Eclipse.

    @ Jeni: Well, I happened to love every single bit of Twilight, and anyone who hates Twilight is just a stupid bunch of stupid Twilight haters.

    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2009
    Awww, even me, Steph?

    I don't hate every single bit of it, just large swathes of it. Vampire baseball wasn't bad, because I hate it when people with superpowers just act normal. YOU HAVE SUPERPOWERS. YOU AREN'T GOING TO ACT NORMAL.

    Right on swenson!

    Just once I’d like to see the Justice League and Legion of Doom settle their disputes with like a baseball tournament or bowling league.

    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2009

    So they should decide the fate of the world with something silly, like, say, a children’s card game?



    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2009

    What a great idea!
    Maybe we can expand it into a full story. Then we can sell the actual cards, and all the people will give us their moneys!

    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2009

    Oh, pshhhh, who would be silly enough to do that? It’d never fly.


    Nah, there’s no way that would work. We would have to, like, learn the rules or something.

    Twilight got my little sister to read. Unfortunetly, it got her to read Twilight D:

    • CommentAuthorMorvius
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2009
    What would make Twilight more epic? Edward gets more wives.
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2009

    Twilight got my little sister to read. Unfortunetly, it got her to read Twilight D:

    Quoteabubble! :D


    Nah, there’s no way that would work. We would have to, like, learn the rules or something.

    Screw the rules, we have money!




    Normal? What do you know about normal?! WHAT DOES ANYONE IN THIS FAMILY KNOW ABOUT NORMAL?!?


    The only normal one is JackJack, and he’s not even toilet-trained!


    But didn’t you get it yet? They’re Sues soul-mates. They’re complete idiots unique and special, and so perfect that it’s sickening for each other that they don’t care what the other does, because they’re so obsessive in love! There is no such thing as three soulmates!

    I’d love to see a fanfic like that, though. Or, even better, Edward gets a mistress.

    • CommentAuthorMorvius
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2009
    Well if Meyer is a Mormon Fundamentalist it is possible.

    Considering how she’s going on about ‘vomitous upchuck one true love’ in her writing, I don’t think so.


    double post

    Not that I’m opposed to true love. But if I had to choose, I’d rather the Lizzy/Darcy version than the Bedward version.



    Mormonism formally abdandoned polygamy a looong time ago.


    So I’ve been reading a bit of New Moon for research purposes (I swear!) and it at least starts better.

    Bella almost gets killed via paper cut. (all jokes aside, the scene was pretty good)
    We get more focus on Carlise, the only interesting character in the whole series. (unfortunately it’s spoiled by the talk turning to Edward’s origins)
    A new dimension of vampirism is added by the discussion of ‘do they have souls’. (anyone who’s read H.C. Anderson’s original Little Mermaid will get flashbacks)

    But there’s still faults…
    1) There’s no consequence to “soul lost”, it’s more philosophical. The Whedonverse answered the question by tying a soul with morality. Even the Simpsons had a half hour episode examining the soul when Bart sold his. Yet we see no indication there’s any downside. If Meyer had taken a page from the Simpsons’ book and had vampires lose the ability to… write music, laugh, savor colors, art, whatever, then maybe this talk about them losing it would carry more weight.
    2) The more I read/see of Carlise, the more I dream about “Grey’s Anatomy: Blood Loss.” Every year it seems we get 2 new hospital shows and 12 new lawyer/law enforcement shows… is it too much to ask that just one of them be about vampires? Or werewolves? Or ninjas? Or ninja werewolves?


    About the souls… What really bothered me about that was the fact that it was barely mentioned after New Moon… And yes, your point about “soul loss” is true; there’s no consequence. As far as I can see, Edward has a conscious. If he didn’t, what would’ve stopped him from eating Bella in the first place?


    “Grey’s Anatomy: Blood Loss.”

    Two words: Epic. WIn.

    • CommentAuthorTourniquet
    • CommentTimeJul 14th 2009

    Edward has a conscious. If he didn’t, what would’ve stopped him from eating Bella in the first place?

    Well lets see…

    1. Doll Edward
    2. Cardboard Edward,
    3. Evil Mirror Edward

    They could have stopped him. Or just could have him committed so THAT would save Bella

    sarcasmIt all makes sense!

    /end non-funny rant

    • CommentTimeJul 15th 2009
    I'm inclined to think that Edward is an evil motherfucker in the vein of Angelus. I've been watching a lot of Buffy recently, and I just recall a scene after he goes all Psycho Evil Bastard where he's outside Buffy's window, watching her sleep.

    He also does some seriously creepy shit with drawings. He beats Edward there.

    But what if all of Twilight is an elaborate orchestration by Edward to drive Bella nuts? Make her into a little Drusilla, only with less bizarre dialog?

    That’ll keep my mind occupied for a while… ;)


    I thought this was sad; manga Edward is hotter than Robert Pattinson…


    Doesn’t Bella have dark hair? She looks blonde in the manga…


    SAQT, it looks like that’s just some rough sketching, that the book itself hasn’t been fully inked in. Watch her hair grow a bit darker when it’s done (though you could see it as being a bit of light brown color).


    Oh. Now you see how manga-illiterate I am.

    • CommentTimeJul 15th 2009

    How dare they darken the hallowed grounds of manga with this- this- travesty! I must protest. This manga is problematic!

    (Don’t mind me, everything is problematic today. But, interestingly enough, not the food. I had quite good food today.)

    Oh well, at least they have the decency to call it a “graphic novel”, so I don’t have to see it in the manga section of the bookstore. (at least not in the bookstores I frequent. While some may mush the two together, the ones ‘round these parts keep them nice and separate.)


    I tend to hate manga anyway, so I don’t really see the problem.


    1. Doll Edward
    2. Cardboard Edward,
    3. Evil Mirror Edward

    Have they posted when the next part will be done?

    • CommentTimeJul 16th 2009 edited

    How dare they darken the hallowed grounds of manga with this- this- travesty!

    They already dared. It’s called Vampire Kisses: Blood Relatives.

    It even has its own TV Tropes page.

    EDIT: I found a Vampire Kisses manga bookmark at a library I went to. The slogan? “Sink your teeth into a good book.”