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    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2009

    Here’s a thread where we can post/rant about the Mary Sues we’ve come across, maybe wax nostalgic about the Sues we’ve written in the past, share stories with particularly awful sues, and discuss of what exactly we think the definition of a Mary Sue is.

    In any case, I’ll start. The wise limyaael defines mary sues as:

    Canon Mary Sues I consider those characters whose perceptions are perfectly in accord with objective reality, who are always right, who don’t make mistakes.

    This is a narrow definition, which is probably why limyaael uses the term “author’s darling” for characters who have a lot Sueish marks, but aren’t outright infallible. Neither Bella nor Eragon are Sues by this definition, because they both make mistakes. Eragon uses magic inappropriately on urgals and creates Elva. Bella tends towards perfect judgment, but also makes mistakes when the plot demands it (honestly, a five-year-old could have seen through James’s trick).


    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2009

    But Edward can do no wrong.

    NO!!! WAIT!1!!! HE LEFT HER!!!! He even SAID that was a mistake!

    Wait. I think all the chagrin made up for that. Sort of like a Gary Stu purgatory.

    I read the most horrible Disney crossover fanfiction called Faithful Hearts. Even the villains loved the main character, who always, always did the “right” thing (even if she made a retarded mistake, it worked out all right in the end).


    There should be a definition for sues who get raped and begin to enjoy it mid-way. Rape Sue. Works, I guess.

    Dan, you just reminded me of a Kingdom Hearts fanfic where the Disney Princesses were gang-raped by the Heartless (the mooks of the game). Of course, they couldn’t get enough of the rape! Anyway that happens quite often in fanfiction, and it’s just ridiculous.

    I have a particular rant to make about Mary Sue, but I’m saving that for later.

    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2009 edited

    Someone here linked the Encyclopedia Dramatica article on the author of the Faithful Hearts fic. From the description it is still better than a lot of fanfiction out there.


    I linked to it. You obviously haven’t read the story itself.

    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2009

    Best Stu Ever – John Freeman!

    Anyway, I consider a Canon Sue someone whose actions never have any serious consequences. Sure, bad stuff happens to/around Bella, but nothing of any actual lasting importance happens to her. She never changes- everyone else changes for her. She isn’t permanently injured, she isn’t permanently mentally screwed up, she doesn’t have a long journey of recovery, she just gets a few scrapes and bruises at the end of each book and bingo, they’re all healed up by the next one. Edward fails at being scary because obviously nothing bad can happen to Bella.

    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2009

    She’s permanently vampire’d in Breaking Dawn. XD Sadly, this only serves to turn her into more of a Sue. Just a few of the words used to describe her New Improved Vampire Self, as I recall, are “gorgeous”, “supermodel”, “goddess”, etc. Along with everything else that made the Cullens super sexy and strong.


    She didn’t even have a problem with the blood lust!

    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2009

    Oh yeah, that too. That made her a goddess even among vampires. It just doesn’t get better than that.

    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2009

    Heh. Just wait till she has marriage problems. Then she won’t seem so perfect. xP

    • CommentAuthorCodeWizard
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2009

    I’m a masochistic sue.


    Dan, you just reminded me of a Kingdom Hearts fanfic where the Disney Princesses were gang-raped by the Heartless (the mooks of the game). Of course, they couldn’t get enough of the rape!

    I must now work diligently to prevent this image from ever entering my brain.

    It made me sad in Breaking Dawn when Bella lost whatever sad scraps of personality she had in the first three books. That, and I really wanted to see her go crazy and try and murder poor unsuspecting humans.
    But she won’t have time to have marriage problems because she and Edward will be making sweet vampire love 24/7!

    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2009
    Because vampire sex lasts as long as you want it to. Somehow this concept is very, very disturbing.
    • CommentAuthorGolcondio
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009

    The d&d-based books are frightening in this aspect: the Elminster saga is especially revolting…


    Which aspect? Mary-Sues or vampire sex?


    This is a narrow definition, which is probably why limyaael uses the term “author’s darling” for characters who have a lot Sueish marks, but aren’t outright infallible. Neither Bella nor Eragon are Sues by this definition, because they both make mistakes.

    I have to politely disagree as I think many Sues do make mistakes. They make the “right” mistakes. What’s the difference between a Sue mistake and a real character’s error? (this list isn’t exhaustive)

    • No lasting consequence to the Sue’s mishap.
    • The mistake actually benefits the good guys in the end.
    • Mistakes only occur to forward the plot and almost never as a hindrance to it.

    I can start going into comparisons with another fantasy romance if you want me to…


    Of course, they couldn’t get enough of the rape!

    I will gleefully quote this out of context. Thank you for the opportunity :D


    You’re welcome. :)

    I must now work diligently to prevent this image from ever entering my brain.

    Want me to find it for you? I’m sure I could dig it up with some diligent work, though it has been two years since I read it.


    No, that’s fine. I prefer to keep images of my childhood as innocent as possible, and that includes not reading stories about Disney princesses being raped by creatures that, as far as I know, lack genitalia.

    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009

    We do not discuss XXX Kingdom Hearts fanfic here. That is simply not discussed ANYWHERE. Just stop. Don't talk anymore.
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009

    Mistakes only occur to forward the plot and almost never as a hindrance to it.

    That could be said for anything though, couldn’t it? How often is an author going to include something that doesn’t advance the plot? But I see what you’re getting at. Ergon creating Elva was a “mistake” that turned out to be beneficial. Bella running off to fight James was clearly plot induced stupidity that had no serious consequences.

    Personally, I think the most telling sign of a mary sue is the behavior of those around her. Everyone either lover her or hates her, none of the characters that oppose her will have a sympathetic portrayal, people who she’s just met bend over backwards for her, and so on. The point is that they stop acting like real people in order to reinforce the author’s view of the sue.


    Personally, I think the most telling sign of a mary sue is the behavior of those around her. Everyone either lover her or hates her, none of the characters that oppose her will have a sympathetic portrayal, people who she’s just met bend over backwards for her, and so on. The point is that they stop acting like real people in order to reinforce the author’s view of the sue.

    Too true there. Well that and the Sue’s opinion is always objectively right in the story’s world.

    That could be said for anything though, couldn’t it? How often is an author going to include something that doesn’t advance the plot? But I see what you’re getting at. Ergon creating Elva was a “mistake” that turned out to be beneficial. Bella running off to fight James was clearly plot induced stupidity that had no serious consequences.

    Exactly. While a non-sue mistake might still serve a purpose in a story (if for no reason but to give us an action sequence) there are many instances where the mistakes of true non-sues end up hindering the end goal. Boromir’s betrayal is probably one of my favorite examples.

    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009
    I remember a particularly memorable Legolas fanfic I read several years ago.
    I think it was called "Two Souls, One Heart." Some gal with an "A" name meets Legolas and beats him at archery. And then they fall in love with much gooey stilted dialogue. Then he has to go off to war; she weeps and gives him a "green stone on a leather thong." *snerk* He fights in the war; his friend dies. The stone glows for no apparent reason and calls out to him "danger, danger, nearby, nearby." He survives due to said talkative stone, and returns to his luv. She thinks he's dead until he appears at a dance. They go off into the forest and start snogging. Then orcs attack and shoot Legolas such that he passes out, I think. She defends him and gets mortally wounded. He wakes up and finds her allllmost dead. Much sobbing. She dies and is buried in a glass casket.
    It was epic. -.-
    Oh, and in the battle at the end, Legolas's green stone is hit by an arrow and shattered into the shape of a green leaf. Hence why he is called "Legolas Greenleaf." geddit? GEDDIT? IT'S DEEP, OKAY?!?!
    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009


    I weep for Legolas and the pain he must endure. LotR fanfics should be illegal. Except for parodies, like that one with the Valar playing football. Now that one was funny!


    Yeah, I can’t deal with fanfics of LotR or any other book which I think is written extraordinarily well. Excluding Harry Potter of course… ;)

    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009

    Please, don’t give me My Immortal flashbacks.



    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009

    Most amusing typo ever?


    Stan. Best typo ever.

    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009

    Melanie from Gone with the Wind is a bit of a Mary Sue. There are some parts of the book where Margaret Mitchell writes from her thoughts, only in third person, of course, and they are pretty limited. Like, she makes her thoughts really simplistic. Sure, it’s very pure and goodly and whatnot but it’s not very realistic. (But how realistic is Scarlett, in that case?) Also, the point of Melanie would have been that she = Mary Sue in order to be a key component of the plot/story but I have a problem with unrealistic characters.

    And while we discuss unrealistic characters, how about Atticus? (I’ve developed an allergy to him every since my english teacher’s crush on him). He is perfect to the point of, well, perfection. Why is he so aloof from his family? Why is it that he is the same on the streets as he is at home? Because wouldn’t a nice father just loosen up at home whereas ‘on the streets’ he’d be a stricter dad? And there are a lot of things; I will write more later, ok?


    Gabriella from HSM is what I call a Genius!Sue (yes, I watch HSM. It’s a guilty pleasure thing). All the plotlines are devoted to her, as is the entire cast excluding Sharpay. She is smarter than the smartest girl in school, more beautiful than the blonde, more shy even than the mousy composer, more powerful than a locomotive… ARGH, SHE GETS ON MY NERVES! mad rampage with flamethrower

    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2009
    Here, have the Frying Pan of Doom for a bit. She'll make a delicious omelette.

    Be carefull! She can use the deadly Mary-Suplex!



    You know you love it! :D


    Has anyone ever seen this site?

    Hilarious, despite the anti-feminism.

    • CommentAuthorCodeWizard
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2009

    Anti-feminism = sanity…

    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2009

    @ Elanor Sarralyn,
    Holy Fuck. That Twilight fic is the best thing I’ve ever read.

    And while we discuss unrealistic characters, how about Atticus? (I’ve developed an allergy to him every since my english teacher’s crush on him). He is perfect to the point of, well, perfection. Why is he so aloof from his family? Why is it that he is the same on the streets as he is at home? Because wouldn’t a nice father just loosen up at home whereas ‘on the streets’ he’d be a stricter dad? And there are a lot of things; I will write more later, ok?

    The story would be different if Atticus were a sue. Mayella Ewell wouldn’t have gotten nearly as sympathetic a portrayal, and Atticus would have predicted and prevented the attack on Jem and Scout. Unrealistically aloof and reasonable, maybe, but not infallible and not a sue (I’d call Jesus a sue, but that’d probably get this forum shut down faster than you can say Lazarus). Not to mention, the story is told from the POV of the character’s daughter, who clearly looks up to him.

    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2009 edited

    @ Elanor Sarralyn,
    Holy Fuck. That Twilight fic is the best thing I’ve ever read.

    Isn’t it? * much love * I read her Kirk/Spock fics first, and when I first started reading that, I was disappointed because I thought she’d have better taste than that.

    And then I plowed through to the end and nearly fell off my chair laughing.


    (I’d call Jesus a sue, but that’d probably get this forum shut down faster than you can say Lazarus).

    You know, I once had the same thought but have never really bothered putting it down anywhere less people misunderstand my point. Like, what does it say when a Stu shows up in real life and He gets horribly executed?


    Theodore Roosevelt was a Mary Sue.

    • CommentAuthorCodeWizard
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2009

    Well, if the stu is seen as a hero for getting executed, he is still a stu.


    (Ok, putting a stop to this before the thread is locked.)

    Chuck Norris is a Gary Stu.

    • CommentAuthorCodeWizard
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2009

    Hey, I just answered the question. If you do not desire a true answer do not ask it.


    CB, as always your answer wasn’t remotely relevant nor insightful.

    Now everyone, go about discussing about the stuness of Norris and Mr T and who would win if their forces conflicted.

    • CommentAuthorCodeWizard
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2009

    Nate, as usual you aren’t in the least bit funny.

    In any story, when a popular stu an heros and every other character calls him a hero, that would still make him a stu. Is this true or false? If it is false, then we have different idea about what makes a stu. If it is true, why the hell are you asking that question since you already know the answer to this one?

    Oh I get it it’s only a good answer if it’s a fake answer. Fail.


    CB, as usual, you aren’t insightful or the purveyor of anything.

    Ok, so unlike most people, you are unable to recognize a rhetorical question. Fine, let’s take it seriously.

    the question was: “what does it say [about life].”
    Your answer: “He is still a stu.”


    What’s next? I’ll ask to “find X” and you’ll reply: “water is wet.”
    To paraphrase Mike: “Well that was neither relevant nor interesting but at least it gave us no new information.”

    • CommentAuthorCodeWizard
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2009

    O ok

    Now let’s say I took your bait and really did speak my mind as to how I felt about Jesus. You would accuse me of stirring up shit. But you’re the one who began posting about it. So in fact you are the one who shat, I am just the one stirring the shit you already shat. Without you there is no me.

    So what kind of a topic is this? It’s a topic where we can only say the things that people want to hear. Say anything else and you’re trolling amirite? So I can only stay at the baseline, stating the obvious, not anything insightful or new, because these thoughts would make others bawwww and cause the thread to close.

    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2009

    I think the point, CB, was that the original question was rhetorical, and thus the appropriate response would be to not answer it.

    • CommentAuthorCodeWizard
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2009

    I don’t give appropriate responses.

    If he can’t handle responses to what he posts he shouldn’t post them. Since I can read and think, I can post back what I think I should post. To me it seems an apt response.

    The funny thing is, he brought the topic up, but when it didn’t go the way he planned it, he turned it away, as though it’s my fault he can’t stand a real answer to his rhetorical questions.

    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2009

    Cut it out.