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    • CommentTimeMar 7th 2011 edited

    With some amazing new people joining our forum (yay!), I thought I would clarify the difference between Impish Writing and Critique Wanted. As I’ve seen it come up a couple of times in the last few days.

    Impish Writing is a subgroup of forum members organised by Puppet (official thread here). The goal is to regularly post some writing, but to also critique others’ writing. In order to achieve this, you need a partner – someone who will review your work (but others are welcome to). The idea is that you can post something knowing you will get a reply. To participate in Impish Writing, you need to find a partner, as it started, usually the newer members helped out each other.

    Critique Wanted is a “throw it out there and see if people have time to critique”. I used to try to regularly, but my commitment waned during the summer, and I haven’t really been back to it. Others are finding themselves in similar situations, I think. But I will endeavour to get back to it.

    I know this is probably a bit confusing due to the melding of all topics on the front page (which is why I have Impish Writing blocked – I’m not actually a part of it), so I hope this clears up any confusion. :)

    Edit: if you want to find a partner – feel free to use this thread to let people know about your interest.