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    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2009

    Advanced Placement is AP.. I dunno what AB is, probably something similar. Just an advanced version of the course.

    And choir is singing.


    AP- Advanced Placement. They’re practically the same as college classes, and therefore, look very good to colleges.

    AB- that’s just the level that they call it. You might be more familiar with Calculus 1 or something along those lines. It’s the first calc class they offer, that’s all.

    And choir- well, it’s a class where you sing choral music and perform.

    Ahh, Virgil beat me to it. Ah well.

    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2009 edited

    AP is advanced placement, AB is… I don’t know, and choir is a bunch of dorks who sing.

    Not fast enough ;_;


    And choir is a bunch of dorks who sing.

    Ha ha. I believe the term is ‘choir nerd’. Come on, Sansafro, it’s tons of fun to be a choir nerd!

    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2009

    “A bunch of dorks who sing”?

    If I didn’t know better, I’d swear you were trying to annoy a significant proportion of the female userbase…



    brandishes pitchfork


    All the kids in choir at my school are snobs. Not saying you’re like that, of course.

    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2009 edited

    Come on, Sansafro, it’s tons of fun to be a choir nerd!

    Nevar. I was one of the latchkey hooligans in the General Music class in junior high, not one of those Choir or Band elitists. We did get to go to the Choir kids’ party though, and we ruined it.

    Good times.

    If I didn’t know better, I’d swear you were trying to annoy a significant proportion of the female userbase…



    The advanced choirs get to be a pretty tightly knit group, but for the most part they’re friendly enough. Our teacher is great, but she’s forever emphasizing that being a good person is better than being a good singer, and I don’t think she’d ever put up with real snobbery.

    Of course, my friend in MA said that the choir in her school was really snobby and that’s why she didn’t join, so maybe my school’s just cool. :D

    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2009

    Why are choirs snobby?

    I’ve never known a snobby choir, and I’ve been in a few…


    I don’t know, I’ve never been in a snobby choir either. Then again, I’ve only been in my school choir, so yeah…

    I think people just think that since they’re a group of people who are passionate about the same things, they exclude people who aren’t. Same thing applies to cheerleaders, football players, etc. It’s not true of everyone involved.


    Why are choirs snobby?

    Any clique can be snobby, and choir is a relatively highbrow activity as far as high school fare goes, so it’d be pretty easy for people to descend into condescension.


    We don’t really get that much respect, actually. Not in comparison to the dance troupe…

    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2009

    Wow, cliques are weird.
    It’s a great word, though.

    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2009

    Clique is a great word.

    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2009 edited

    I’d also qualify it by saying that the more insular a given group is, the more likely they are to behave snobbishly. At my HS at least it was a pretty diverse bunch, and at least three guys in it were also my football teammates. One of them was my little brother, though, so I was required by state law to give him crap about it.

    Edit: I’m talking about the choir there, if it wasn’t clear.

    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2009

    It has a ‘q’ in it.
    Any word with a ‘q’, a silent ‘y’ or a ‘ph’ in it is inherently better than most others.


    No footballers in my choir, because we’re a women’s group. ;D

    But last year, when I was in a mixed choir, there was a guy on the football team in choir. Another was into mixed martial arts, so it we were pretty diverse. Of course, there are those really hardcore people who just sing in billions of plays, already have a resume, and all that. I’m not that good, though.

    • CommentAuthorFenix
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2009 edited

    Thanks for the explanation.
    Our education system is completely different, I don’t exactly know how it works right know because they change some details around every five years, but I’ll try to explain the basics just for fun.

    never mind, I’ve tried and failed, my short explanation got rather long.


    Do you live in the US, Fenix?

    • CommentAuthorFenix
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2009 edited

    erm no, I thought that much was obvious, not understanding a lot of references/not being a native spear and all.(and of course doing my best to write British English, though I’d understand if nobody noticed that, the differences aren’t that obvious)

    • CommentAuthorLord Snow
    • CommentTimeAug 23rd 2009

    I wanted to take AP European History also, but with choir I didn’t have space. But I can tell that regular history is going to be a bit of a snore even though the teacher is good- there were kids who couldn’t locate the Nile or the Amazon rivers. o.O

    AP Euro was one of my favorite classes. I had a similar problem with normal social studies classes. The general stupidity depressed me.


    Ah well. I love choir, so I don’t really regret it. It does suck that I won’t have room for Brit Lit or AP World Lit either, because of it. I’m planning on getting the reading lists so I can read the material on my own. All the books, but no essays!


    Ah well. I love choir, so I don’t really regret it. It does suck that I won’t have room for Brit Lit or AP World Lit either, because of it. I’m planning on getting the reading lists so I can read the material on my own. All the books, but no essays!

    You work too hard o_O


    Well, I’ll skip the boring books.

    I'm doing The Importance of Being Earnest for Lit right now.

    • CommentTimeAug 31st 2009

    I love that play.



    Indeed. Oscar Wilde for school? Awesome.


    I love that play!