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      CommentAuthorthat girl
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2010 edited

    Post the links to your favorite websites!

    (its a series but you don’t have had to have read them)

    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2010

    Folks, I’m going to sink this. Let me explain why.

    The II forum format, you may not like/agree with it, but accordingly it has limited frontpage material. I personally believe these posts should be restricted to the best that we have to offer on subjects like writing, etc. and the popular ones that keep us together as a community.

    This is a topic that can be used in different posts out there (there might even be another one like this, but I’d rather eat breakfast than look for it).

    If you disagree, please feel free to interrupt my breakfast and say something.

    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2010

    Before the ship is fully sunk. ;)