
Rather than having a life, we bring you more site improvements! On the forum side of things:

All contributors with a forum account have been placed into a member group with access to the contributor forums. We prefer that from now on, you post your articles for the benefit of peer review before submission here. It will make the editing process faster and easier for everyone. If you would like to become a contributor or editor, please request access: Profile —> Modify Profile —> Group Membership —> Under “Available Groups” to the left of “Contributor” click “Request Membership” —> Click “Submit” (No need to give a reason). It’s open for all to join.

Also a VB-esque Reputation System hack has been installed in the forum. Please read the FAQ if you’re not familiar with rep systems. Enjoy!


Yup, it’s Friday night, and I’m here summarizing the changes we’ve implemented on the main site.

Obviously, the layout has changed. This is in keeping with my recent forays into minimalism and typography. I’ll spare you the endless pretentiousness, and simply quote:

Perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add but when there is no longer anything to take away, when a body has been stripped down to its nakedness. —Antoine de Saint ExupĂ©ry

The article pages have been changed to make the articles themselves the focal point of the experience.

I finally added a better menu, which should ease navigation around the site.

Comments have been modified slightly so that linking to the article actually displays that article instead of the article below it.

A tagging system has been added to replace the rudimentary category system we were using earlier. This should offer several improvements; among them, finding all articles in a series will be easier. We haven’t finished tagging every article though, so there are some gaps. Hang in there while we do—or you could even help out, if you wished.

A content warning system has also been implement, to make sure people aren’t reading something they would find offensive. The scale goes: Safe -> Scissors -> Fire -> Murder. Safe is safe for everyone. Scissors is safe if you are allowed to use scissors unsupervised. Likewise with fire. Murder is safe if you’ve killed a person.

The slogan by the logo can be changed by the staff via twitter (although we are keeping the feed secret).

A number of new pages have been added, including a staff page, an upcoming page, and a “links page”/links.

You might also be looking forward to some new staff members and content, if recruiting goes well. Of course, you can always volunteer to write as well.


  1. Snow White Queen on 28 February 2009, 17:58 said:

    We prefer that from now on, you post your articles for the benefit of peer review before submission here.

    Wait, I’m very slow at this sort of thing, so let me recap to make sure I got this right. Now, we’re going to submit work HERE instead of the forum? And to do that, will the password and stuff I got last time work?

  2. Legion on 28 February 2009, 19:01 said:

    Not quite. The Submit area information isn’t finished yet but basically, there’s 2 ways to submit:

    1) Using the contributor board on the forum if you’re a regular contributor. If you’re not on the contributor team, you won’t see the board.

    2) Through a submit form on the submit page here if you don’t have a forum account or aren’t on the contributor team.

  3. Snow White Queen on 28 February 2009, 19:26 said:

    Oh, ok, I get it now.


  4. Kitty on 28 February 2009, 23:18 said:

    So what would our My Inner Life spork count as—Murder With Scissors On Fire?