
SlyShy is mysterious and powerful, like a cougar. Only with glasses and a sweet tie. It is said that his true name is unknowable, and when he walks, his path turns to gold. You should probably address him as “sir” and speak when he addresses you, unless you like having a durian shoved up your ass. He enjoys math and puns.

cough Thanks, Kitty.

Yeah, honestly, I have no idea how I ended up where I did, but here I am. I’m particularly ill-suited to be running a website about writing, given my background in math and computer science. It’s helped me put up the site, but the content, not so much. For that, I’m really grateful to everyone else here. Really, I have no idea how a guy who can barely spell got into the business of writing critique. There is no way it could have been a carefully and craftily implemented plan all along.


Kitty is an enigma, descended from the third ring of MST Heaven. That she came to settle here is a blessing the peasantry has enshrined in fable, though no two of their stories agree on the details. One thing is agreed upon, Kitty provides a spring of fresh content when all other sources have dried up, and it keeps the site nourished with humor.

[He wouldn’t let me write my own bio so please do not take any of the above seriously.]


Elanor lurks behind the scenes, inserting commas (she has a particular fondness for those—omnomnom) and correcting punctuation as the resident Grammar Nazi.


On an forced LOA from the 10th Circle of Hell for reasons that involve vandalism, excessive freeloading, drunken debauchery, and something to do with some politician’s personal assistant, Legion has taken up residence at II for the time being. Attracted to this site purely due to the word “imp” in the domain name (surely it means distant relation), Legion can be found doing a whole lot of nothing on the forums and occasionally writing provocative and offensive articles on the main site for lulz and profit.

Lord Snow

One day, an idea came to young SlyShy and Lord Snow. This idea was to go through Eragon and point out all of its flaws. Later that year, Lord Snow began the daunting task while Sly was away for the summer. Ahah, I’m such a lazy bastard. This task then morphed into the EWW’s. Since then, Lord Snow has made a dangerous commitment to go through the books of Twilight, and maybe even the rest of Inheritance.

Nate Winchester

The resident cranky old man, he spends his afternoons yelling at everyone about how they’re wrong and barking unsolicited advice at the youngsters. He has a library of incredible size that only a lonely, misanthropic life can produce. Every Tuesday, he rouses himself just awake enough to pass wisdom drawn from this library to the masses. He may be the high ruler of the abyss…or all of geekdom—he’s too lazy to figure it out, which explains the sorry state both of them are in.

Reginald Timbleywick III

Italian-born Mario Tricoci began his career at an early age, advancing within his profession throughout the international beauty industry. Mario participated in numerous national and international competitions where he gained significant notoriety, launching his American hairstyling career in 1960 in the Chicago area. Today, Mario is globally recognized as a visionary of beauty.


Unfortunately, Virgil was killed off in the great fire of dickety-eight. We regret his passing. Before his death he was always known to wear a mask, or wear a bowler hat and levitate a green apple above his face.