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    • CommentAuthorChrysaetos
    • CommentTimeDec 22nd 2009
    All righty.. any other artistic types here?
    I illustrate many of my favorite characters whenever I write something, and I was wondering if anyone else had the same habit.

    It's rather addictive.
    • CommentTimeDec 22nd 2009

    I’d love to be able to draw my characters, but unfortunately my people-sketching abilities are nonexistent…

    • CommentAuthorDanielle
    • CommentTimeDec 22nd 2009

    I’d love to be able to draw my characters, but unfortunately my people-sketching abilities are nonexistent…

    Ditto. My stick figures look anorexic.


    I draw my characters. Sometimes, I redo scenes in comic form. At some point, I tried to do I like making storyboards, but they usually end up in this far too time-consuming little project to nitpick.

    • CommentTimeDec 22nd 2009

    I don’t draw my written characters often. I just… don’t. No particular reason why. I’ll draw one once in a very great while, but currently only one character has had more than one picture of him done, and only one of them has been completed.

    On the other hand, I’ll happily doodle the characters involved in my comic projects.

    Which reminds me: I don't usually do serious drawings of characters. I don't spend four hours drawing, shading, etc. a drawing of a character for a profile picture.

    I’ve been recently dabbling in a bit of Manga-style drawing for the heck of it (all of this studio Ghibli is getting to me, I think). I’m…liking it. It lets you focus on nice detailing of clothing and accessories (WEAPONS! :O) while providing a simple but emotive template for the face. And, all of my realistic drawing attempts quickly slide into the uncanny valley; no threat of that with Manga.

    I look both ways because most of my RL friends share a deep-seated animosity toward all things manga. No offense meant.
    I draw characters mainly for practice of my own.


    I actually became a writer because I had no skill at drawing what I see in my mind.

    heck I would love to get an artist ‘friend” to do concept art etc.

    • CommentAuthorNo One
    • CommentTimeDec 23rd 2009

    There’s plenty here that you can ask to illustrate your story. ^^

    Sometimes I draw characters from books. I haven’t got examples (they always mysteriously disappear after a friend visit my room). One of my favourite is a blood-thirsty wolf. And the Angel of Death is another favourite. ^^

    Oh, I’ve found one. studies my scary drawings of blood and gore

    • CommentTimeDec 30th 2009

    WARNING: Frontal Nudity

    ^ A supporting character from my novel-in-progress. The idea behind her is that she’s a tribal princess who hunts dinosaurs.

    well I am "trying" to at least make a sketch of them, but I can never manage the body to be big enough in comparison to the head. Also the face looks more like Voldemort than a normal person in most cases (can't draw a normal nose). it's a bit of a let down, but I'm sure if I will practice really hard every day for the next 20 years my art will be the "wow, it actually looks like a real human thing" quality.
    • CommentAuthorNo One
    • CommentTimeDec 30th 2009

    I’ve noticed that whenever I sketch someone, they always end up looking older than they really are. An example is I drew a 11 yrs old friend, and the result was a 25-30 year old lady. What the heck?

    • CommentTimeDec 30th 2009

    It’s all a matter of practice, really. I used to have the same problems, but if you study anatomy and learn to look at things so you understand why you perceive them the way you do, you will improve. A lot.


    There’s plenty here that you can ask to illustrate your story. ^^

    Hm, maybe I should put up “help wanted” signs around here.

    • CommentAuthorNo One
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2009

    LOL! What’s the story about anyway?

    @Kyllorac: Thanks for the advice.


    Haha, I sometimes have the same problem. I study anatomy—on my own sort-of—and the body will usually be fine, but the face… agh.

    I enjoy drawing my characters in comics and such. It really helps me develop them further and get ideas for scenes in their stories.


    Drawing? Me? Nice try.

    I try to find pics of what they might look like on the web, however.

      CommentAuthorEmil 1.4021
    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2010 edited

    A minor character that appears every now and then in some of my stories. She always goes by a name starting with ‘G’, for some reasong. Perhaps it fits her?

    And then actually one of my main characters. Her anatomy’s somewhat twisted, but don’t pay too much attention to that. Oh, and the hand you’re not seeing? Sniper rifle. Her favorite hobby is shooting at trucks passing by in a canyon below….

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2010 edited
    Can't draw? Why, that's why the "Hero Machine": was invented. Anyway, here's one of the protags for my work in progress, courtesy of Hero Machine 3.0

    Here he is again, but sketched by a good (and clearly talented) friend of mine.