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    I thought it would be helpful to have a thread wherein we could ask general/specific questions about things we’re writing.

    What are the advantages of traveling at night in a fantasy setting? What about in a more realistic setting?

    • CommentTimeNov 6th 2009

    There are fewer people about, and it’s darker, so it’s less likely that you’ll be seen.

    • CommentTimeNov 6th 2009

    But you should really aim to travel near to the full moon, so you have enough light to actually see by.

    It was a common custom for party hosts to plan thier parties on the full moon nights, so the guests had plenty of moonlight to stumble drunkenly home by.


    This might be a stupid question, but how did people light streets in cities before lightbulbs? Just fancy torches, I suppose?


    Thank you, Taku and Moldorm.

    Um… I haven’t a clue, Snow White Queen, but I’d bet someone else here knows.

    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2009
    gaslights, I believe!

    If you’re traveling in multiples, it’s easier to keep watch if your people sleep during the day and travel at night, at least in theory. Seeing in the dark is hard, and seeing in the dark while next to a stationary fire or somesuch is even harder, and draws attention.


    This might be a stupid question, but how did people light streets in cities before lightbulbs? Just fancy torches, I suppose?

    I think they either used torches, or it was just dark, so they stayed at home with candles.


    Also, they used gas lights. One has to light the little pot of gas, and then one turns a knob back and the flame goes out.


    Gas lights. I think that was what I was looking for…

    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2009

    If it’s before like the 1800s, though, they didn’t really have gaslights. A long time ago, there was probably nothing, but flaming torches were used. Some poor sap had to go around and light them all, too. (and then his poor descendants had to light the gaslights, and now their much more fortunate descendant doesn’t have to do anything at all, because most are on timers or use “electric eyes” today)


    This might be a stupid question, but how did people light streets in cities before lightbulbs? Just fancy torches, I suppose?

    I do believe a lot then had glass covered torches with the bottom open to allow air into the fire but to keep it from being put out by the weather.


    Ah, I see. Thanks.

    (Such shoddy research will do for now, but I’ll go back and actually look something up myself when I edit.)