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    • CommentTimeNov 23rd 2011 edited

    It seems like I am the only one here who still cares about Nintendo these days. The 1 or 2 good games they have a year beat all or most of the others in my opinion. So yeah Skyward Sword is pretty sweet so far. Controls got some getting used to. The occasional screw up is worth getting to choose the direction of your swing and the whole game being developed around that concept. It started off a bit weird but once it got into things it felt like a real Zelda with all its charm and style. And the musical is the best it’s ever been now that it’s orchestrated.

    But you know what’s really annoying about this Zelda? The fact that a lot of it is so similar to my main story idea that if my book was ever published people would think I copied it when I had the ideas before there was any information on this Zelda. People were talking about that rule of 3 similarities being a rip-off thing in another thread and my book kinda has that by pure coincidence. But I suppose the similarities are reasonably superficial and Skyward Sword’s story is somewhat limited by it being a videogame, not to mention a Zelda game, so I feel my story and characters and everything is way more fleshed out and better.
    Even before Skyward I thought my story had a few similarities to the Zelda series in general but I don’t think they’re that significant and can easily apply to a lot of other things.

    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2011

    I can’t wait to get Skyward Sword! I’d buy it myself if I had that money, but at least I know that I’m getting it for Christmas. The Zelda games have always been my favorites, in fact, Ocarina of Time was the first game that I ever played. As of right now I’m trying to beat Twilight Princess all the way through, which is super annoying because I’m missing one poe and 10 heart pieces. One stinking poe! Oh well.

    I assumed that Skyward Sword would be the best, other than Ocarina of Time because that game is unbeatable. From what I’ve heard the music amazing, and with the new controls, it might even over take it. I’ll have to wait until I get it. So DON’T spoil it for me! Well, you can, I guess. I don’t really care. I’m just hoping that Skyward Sword doesn’t have a Water Temple, or it’s equivalent. It doesn’t matter how many times I play Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, or A Link to the Past, I will get stuck at the water temple. I think I am still stuck there on Link the the Past, since the SNES deleted my game. Again.

    I love all of my games on the computer, but nothing beats Nintendo. Besides, computers don’t have awesome controllers.

    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2011

    Did no one else actually like Phantom Hourglass for the DS? I honestly really enjoyed that one. Sure, the big temple was annoying, but being able to explore something OTHER THAN HYRULE was super sweet, and the boat mechanics were well done. Combat was fun, the graphics were nice, the puzzles were entertaining and occasionally hard enough to challenge, and they added a secondary character, the pirate guy, who is a hilarious more-cowardly Han Solo. The dialogue actually made me laugh once in a while, which is not easy to do, and I loved that guy so much. His backstory was interesting.

    And yet everyone pans the thing. Geez. hugs Phantom Hourglass protectively

    Funny story about Crysis Two.


    Woo Zelda fans. Yeah collecting things like poes kinda sucks a lot of the time. The best way to tackle those kinds of things is to write down where you found a poe so you know where not to waste your time searching. And if you ever use a walkthrough you’ll also know which ones you got. But I think the prize is just that infinite rupee thing which is always stupid because everyone always has full rupees without anything to buy. Money and buying stuff seems WAY better in Skyward Sword so yay.

    And yeah the music is amazing. Once it started to get into the story I realised how much better it is than most Zelda music. Windwaker still has my favourite music though. I got that 25th anniversary CD and some of the music almost made me cry… shuddup. Gerudo Valley, Outset Island, Dragonroost and I think Death Mountain (or maybe it’s just the overworld music) from ALthP are especially awesome. Though it made me realise that Twilight Princess’ music isn’t that great… Even when not in super compressed midi form. I dunno.

    I dunno why the water dungeon always seems to be the hardest. It’s weird. SS most likely has one :( I had A Link to the Past on GBA and my cartridge has somehow screwed up. Maybe I got it wet…

    I liked the DS ones and finished PH but I was playing Spirit Tracks less than legally and so my file screwed up before I could finish it… I haven’t heard bad things about PH. As far as the handheld ones go it was pretty good. But Minish Cap is the best one.

    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2011

    @Inkblot – that is a hilarious interpretation of that game. I love it.


    I love Zelda and I’d love to play Skyward Sword, but I no longer own a Wii and I can’t really justify getting a new one.

    Anyway, Skyrim has managed to hold me attention quite a bit longer than other sandbox games, but who knows how long it will hold. Old Republic beta test opens Saturday morning, though, thanks to a certain incredibly awesome she-bro. I’m excited.

    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2011 edited

    why the water dungeon always seems to be the hardest. It’s weird. SS most likely has one :( I had A Link to the Past on GBA and my cartridge has somehow screwed up. Maybe I got it wet

    This struck me as amusing for some reason. I dunno.

    Also, Minish Cap = definitely the best. There was a certain old-world, classy charm in the artwork and how it was implied that all the stones and everything were really detailed when you got up close. Plus the charm in getting really small, and hunting for those little holes all over the town. Great game.

    Swenson: I know, right?! For bonus points, if you’ve seen Cowboy Bebop, the episode where he’s hung over in the bar, picture this guy like that. Gray skin, bags under eyes.
    “You spilled my egg. ...I needed that egg.”
    kicks everyone’s ass in five blocks…


    Replaying Half-Life 2. I’d forgotton how creepy ravenholm is o.o


    Dude, yes. I liked the saw blades though.

    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2011

    I just finished it the other day. My policy these days is just run through it as quickly as humanly possible. The problem is, I realized that I had never actually played through all of HL2 on Hard difficulty before, so this is my “Hard” playthrough. And you know what? THINGS ARE HARDER TO KILL AND KILL YOU FASTER. WHAT A SURPRISE.

    Also, fast headcrab zombies can go fall in a pit and DIE. I HATE them.


    The (I call them stage 2) animal sounding ones that climb walls? My favorite kill on one of those was when it was leaping at me and I reflexively turned and shot it out of the air with my trusty saw blade.


    fuck meowkin pirats


    Also, fast headcrab zombies can go fall in a pit and DIE. I HATE them.


    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011

    Especially when I try to kill them with various types of explosives, forgetting that this doesn’t necessary kill them straight off… and then you have ferocious fast headcrab zombies clawing you in the face WHILE ON FIRE.

    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011

    You’re walking along la la la, nothing happening, Combine off in the distance, maybe duck under a train car, and then EEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYAAAAARRRGGGH and this UNHOLY MUSCLE-CLAD ABOMINATION comes flying out at your FACE...

    That’s been the cause of one or two near heart attacks for me. I’ve taken to just carrying the shotgun around everywhere if I can help it, and I’ve gotten really good at midair jerk-reaction blasts. Those freakin’ things.


    I fell in love with sawblades this time around, got pretty good too. Usally, though, the shotgun comes out, and I shoot for the head.

    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011

    That’s precisely the right sound, too. That’s exactly what it is. I can hear it right now. shudder

    But because I’m playing on Hard, I was nearly out of ammo by the end… the fight with Grigori through the cemetery was particularly awful, although I did manage to hang onto a couple of sawblades throughout most of it.

    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011
    So did anyone else play in Old Republic beta? I didn't personally get it, but my brother got it and as I own the awesome desktop that'll run it, I got to play it a bunch as well.

    I definitely like the shift into bioware style dialog options. The storyline feels a lot more compelling than the few mmo's I've played. (I'm an RTS'er at heart.)

    One of my biggest complaints about MMO's is they are still being way too conservative with the combat system. It's an archaic hold-over from WoW and probably before, but the whole press buttons and wait for cooldown needs to go. If they had stolen from Mass Effect 1 and 2's combat system, it would have been substantially better. There are the cool abilities on cooldown, but gunfights like first person shooters like aiming and being able to miss. The old cover system was clunky, but changing the combat system would really revolutionize this genre.

    My biggest disappointment with MMO's all along has been combat. I came in expecting a little more Ocarina of Time type combat, but the standard has remained unimaginative so far. I understand that having thousands of players plus thousands of movable objects on one server makes it difficult to implement real time combat with those kind of calculations. But I would love for some company to revolutionize MMO combat.

    Despite hiding a lot of the fetch quests and kill x animal quests a little better, there were still some really annoying sidequests: Kill 20 Black Sun operatives, which when completed is updated to kill 60 more of the buggers. I don't know, those are the among the least compelling quests. I'd prefer objective based quests where it's just assumed you would kill a few on the way. Or else have to clear a building of enemies (like ME 1/2), but you don't have to kill wandering randoms unless you want to.

    Visually, it's pretty impressive and I like the different fights in buildings. But I think building fights would be much more unique with an updated combat system.

    i played it thanks to swenson

    i can write up some detailed shit once my keyboard is replaced

    should be in a day or two

    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011

    I picked up Europa Universalis 3 in the Steam sale and even though I’m not very good at it yet, it is so much fun.

    For those who haven’t heard of it, it’s like the Total War series on steroids. You can choose any sovereign state that was present between the 14 and 1800’s and do pretty much whatever you want politically with it. The battle system is nowhere near as complex as the one in Total War, but everything else is so deep that I might actually prefer EU3.

    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011

    While you’re waiting for the keyboard (which sadly will take away a great deal of entertainment about your posts will be a wonderful thing for everyone), got any quick impressions? Liked it, hated it, thought it was OK?

    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011

    Anyone get access to the CS:GO beta? I’ve heard mixed reviews about the game.


    pretty cool

    didnt try any melee classes but i liked the cover mechanics well enough as a ranged class

    i didnt see anything exceptional from a gameplay standpoint but there werent any crippling flaws either which is unusual for an mmo this early

    the thing that jumped out most was the single playerish vibe of the convos and cutscenes which is a neat device but im not sure how well it plays in groups

    npc companions are pretty overpowered

    best of all you can make a fat dude

    sadly will take away a great deal of entertainment about your posts


    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011

    Jack and Joel from Achievement Hunter take a look at the friendly Kinectimals!

    If this video does not make you nearly die laughing, you have no sense of humor whatsoever.

    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2011

    I was in this past weekend’s Old Republic beta and another one a while ago, and most of what sansa said is accurate.

    I didn’t play a ranged class, so I wouldn’t know about the cover system.

    I really enjoyed what I saw from the storyline. It’s nice to feel like it’s my story within the bigger events. I also liked that there were actual characters working against me, not just some vague opposition. Some of the conversation options were also pretty nice.

    Didn’t get much experience with group conversations, but it would probably work better if you know the person/people you’re partnered with. If one person wants to go with the Dark Side choice but another wants to go Light Side, it’s a bit awkward.

    The companions might be a bit overpowered, but then again I was playing a squishy wizard, so having a giant scaly tank as a companion was kinda nice.

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeDec 3rd 2011
    Rant incoming.

    My opinion of MW3's multiplayer is circling the toilet. With marksmanship being my forte in those games, it's taken me this long to realize how they've nerfed sniping almost completely. Only one claymore can be equipped to a class, unlike the original MW, and this time 'round Scavenger doesn't replenish it. All maps are designed with at least three flanking venues to any given point. Stalker adds to the frustration - it's a ridiculously overpowered perk that increases your movement speed when aiming down the sights, while the pro version delays triggered explosives. By virtue of its primary function, it's extremely popular, making it fast to upgrade to pro. In maps with so many alternate avenues and so many players using that perk, claymores and bouncing betties are useless.

    That makes setting up shop impossible. Snipers aren't run-n-gunners. We pick our sight lines, set up equipment to guard our backs, and concentrate on distant opposition. Beyond that, it's possible to fill the role of "assault marksman" - I used an Intervention fitted with an ACOG in MW2. It's not advisable here, since Sleight of Hand and Quickdraw effects have been negated on sniper rifles. So, you can't guard your back for all the flanking opportunities and limited equipment, you can't replenish that equipment for the nerfed perk, and you can't stay on the move for the slowed response time when wielding a sniper rifle.

    And it gets worse.

    This complaint extends beyond just sniping. The maps are HORRIBLE. Not only have they carried over the philosophy that there _must_ be multiple flanking opportunities to every conceivable nook, but they took the time to clutter up *ALL* the sight lines with _junk_. That's not even an exaggeration. Every significant stretch is blocked in some way, shape, or form. The maps have thus been reduced to corridors, choke points, and corners. Any open stretch is littered with structures, vehicles, plants, debris, crates, furniture, walls, and whatever else. This makes any sort of ranged marksmanship a fleeting opportunity. You're more likely to be stabbed in the back by an ADD spray-and-pray moron than you are to securely plant down and put accurate rounds downrange.

    I'm pretty sure none else cares, but I wanted to get that hammered out. Bleh.
    • CommentTimeDec 3rd 2011 edited

    I care. :P

    By far the biggest complaint I’ve heard about MW3 is the maps. I’ve only played the games for a few hours, but I could not stand half of them. My problem with the maps lies with the absolutely terrible spawn system. I’m not exaggerating when I say there have been dozens of times when a guy would literally spawn right in front of my eyes, or right behind me as a turn the corner. And, like you said, every place is just filled with holes and entrances. You’ll kill the entire enemy team and they’ll spawn right outside the building and charge you from all directions at once. The maps and spawn system are just terrible.

    As for the snipers, I’m actually kind of confused. In Black Ops they took “quick scoping” out of the game completely and nerfed snipers so much that they were pretty much useless. One of the main selling points of MW3 was that it would be like MW2 in that you could run around by yourself with a sniper and still get a good score. I can’t really say all that much on the matter since I don’t like sniping in CoD games (more of a CS AWP guy myself), but from what I’ve seen using a sniper in MW3 is just as easy as it was in MW2 (not counting in factors such as the map, other guns, lag, etc.)

    One huge problem I had with MW3 in my short time with it is hit detection. It’s worse than Black Ops, and that’s saying something. I tried turning off Theater Mode, my NAT was open, etc. Nothing helped. I would die around corners, my bullets would go straight through people, the hit detection was just disgraceful. And it wasn’t a connection speed problem, I have a good internet connection, yet 90% of the time I was on a 3 bar. I just don’t understand how with every new CoD game the hit detection just gets worse and worse. Makes it unplayable, in my opinion.

    Edit: Check out this ridiculous spawn.

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeDec 3rd 2011
    I've been having issues with hit detection as well, though it's nothing like what I've seen in EA's recent shooters. It's not conducive to stress management when you slip behind cover only to watch yourself die three feet to the left. Sniping, though, I guess it depends. I'm not a quickscoper and I generally don't like to camp (which is interesting, because I never even thought twice about "camping" in the original MW). The literal act of lining up a shot and producing a kill isn't necessarily nerfed. It might be due to my MO as an aggressive assault marksman, but then I may not be putting enough thought behind it. I just have vivid recollections of being able to make more of an impact for my team and not being killed around a corner every twenty seconds.

    But, yeah, the maps are my biggest complaint. They largely seem devoid of the iconography that you'd find in maps from the earlier games, along with the issues we've thus far pointed out. Whereas the first two games each had only one map I geniunely disliked, this one seems to have only one map I _like_.
    • CommentTimeDec 3rd 2011

    Yeah, I heard they’re actually going to be releasing some CoD4 and MW2 maps for DLC. I don’t mind it as much since the default maps in MW3 are terrible, but at this point they’ve run out of ideas and are just trying to milk as much cash out of the series before everyone realizes it’s the same game every year with a new title and a new skin.


    I like Arma 2 and Red Orchestra: Ostfront. ^never played those.


    this game is over when sansafro187 says its over and no one else

    sansafro187 is the one who kills around here and sansafro187 has killed you

    i killed you meowkin pirates

    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2011

    Grand Theft Auto 2. It’s a horrible game, but still fun.

    • CommentTimeDec 10th 2011

    I’ve been playing Oblivion of late (as opposed to studying for my finals/finishing my final projects) and finally got around to finishing the Thieves’ Guild questline. The final quest was awesome, and then the ending made me d’awww.

    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2011

    Quake Live. Hell yeah.

    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2011

    Starcraft 2 for the Holidays

    That guy probably has insane APM. ;)

    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2011
    Screw KESPA and IEG.

    Blah, I'm kinda mad right now. For years the Korean proleagues have complete ignored foreign fans of Starcraft Brood War. So built up our own community, had our own English commentators starting with mp3 files to be synched and moving to youtube with Klazartsc and many other from SC2GG and at our greatest heights, Tasteless commentating in an actual Korean league streamed live. But things changed, KESPA forced out the only Korean league with English commentator, Starcraft 2 came out and we lost most of our top foreign players and our top casters (Tasteless, Day9, Artosis).

    But the dwindled foreign Brood War community plugged away and new casters rose up to fill in the gap: Sayle, Nukethestars, etc. Then the Korean proleagues finally took notice of the foreign fans. They decide to open a channel specifically for foreigners... good so far. And then proceeded to block any proleague video from the last year without warning, effecting even Team Liquid's database channel.

    So they're not providing any English commentary, but instead are starting to wipe out everything the foreign fans of Brood War have worked to build up over the years. Now we can switch to Twitchtv, but anyone hearing about BW for the first time is going to go to youtube and very few except the old guard will watch Korean commentary on a 12 year old game.

    And all for a paltry amount of ad revenue from a fading foreign community. (I think. They never bothered to talk to any of our commentators.) If anything will kill our community, it's wiping out are archives going back years and years.
    • CommentTimeDec 14th 2011

    Yeah, when it comes to StarCraft, and especially Brood War, the Koreans dominate.


    • CommentTimeDec 14th 2011
    Feeling a little better now, after many of wrote to them in complaint they have released a statement saying English commentaries will not be taken down, so yay! Unfortunately, there is still the issue of youtube automatically identifying video clips and blocking them anyways, so hopefully there's an easy way around that without having to flip video footage backwards.
    • CommentTimeDec 19th 2011

    Finally got to play Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice. I think I might enjoy visual-novel style games a lot, since I did like this considerably. Also, Klavier: man, I hated that guy. How I loved to make him squirm. I think I ended up sympathizing with a bunch of characters way too much, though…like when you think Kristoph is calling a rose his best friend, and his locks are filled with ‘despair’...I was going ‘T_T ohhhh…’ way too much in that game. But it was fun. They better get cracking on that Ace Attorney vs Prof Layton game.

    • CommentTimeDec 20th 2011

    I actually broke down finally and bought a Nintendo Wii for Christmas. My wife and I laughed so hard as we tried coming up with different Mii characters for each other and our extended family members.

    • CommentTimeDec 22nd 2011
    • CommentTimeDec 23rd 2011


    Platformer + RogueLike

    The only thing I dislike about the game is the lack of precision controls. I’ve had numerous game overs because for some reason my character didn’t jump and instead decided to walk straight into a dart or a spike trap.


    Lack of precision in controls is awesome.

    Oh yeah I finally bothered to finish Zelda Skyward Sword. Ending was pretty sweet. I like how it sort of explained why evil just keeps on trying to destroy Hyrule and why Zelda, Link, Ganon are always reborn.

    • CommentTimeDec 24th 2011

    STILL playing Skyrim. Also feeling like replaying Mirror’s Edge sometime soon after watching GiantBomb’s video review. (Also, it wasn’t until their little mashup at the end of the review that I realized just how much ME’s cutscenes look like ESurance commercials.)

    • CommentTimeJan 5th 2012

    StarCraft 2 is fun. :D


    Being a light side Sith Sorceror is confusing sometimes.

    • CommentTimeJan 5th 2012

    ALL OF THE DARK SOULS. Dark Souls is the best, everyone! The best!

    The beeeest!

    (Side note: how do you guys typically name your characters in games? Serious, silly, based on other stuff or completely original, etc. etc.)


    Apparently Star Wars isn’t sold properly in Australia yet. So some friends did this slightly dodgy thing where you download the game files and install it, then buy an actual copy of the game online only the person selling it rings you to confirm the purchase and email then takes a photo of the number on the box of a real copy and sends it to you so you can type it in.

    So the problem is that while it worked for the 3 of them, something went wrong with mine so I can’t play. I accidentally misspelled my email and we never got the call because in the order tracking thing its permanently stuck on “checking” the order. And my friend offered to pay for mine and the paypal purchase went through so he’s down $60 but could get refunded if it finally figures out it didnt work. Then he stupidly tried again and hopefully filled everything out correctly this time but maybe he didn’t because the person never rang again so now he’s down $120…

    We’re smart.

    • CommentTimeJan 5th 2012

    Two things.

    First off, the moral of the story, which I’m sure you know, is ALWAYS QUADRUPLE-CHECK YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION. I can’t tell you how many millions of times I’ve been a complete idiot about this.

    Second, you’ve got a pretty damn good friend there, man. I don’t know if I’d blow that kind of money on anyone I knew. You’d better put chocolates on his pillow for a while. :P


    I know :( I typed @hotmail.cmo I think that was the only mistake. And in the FAQ or somewhere I’m pretty sure it says wrong details are refunded. I’ll try to contact them soon but I should do it with my friend.

    Yeah he’s a good mate. I don’t really like committing to a game I have to keep paying for to play in case I don’t like it, don’t put enough time in or just randomly stop playing. And he really wanted me to play with them. Then I check my bank account and realise i have much more money than I thought so if I had known I would have just paid for it. Although I was skeptical of the website, too. If he isn’t refunded I’ll pay half obviously.

    • CommentTimeJan 6th 2012


    I read a possible Mass Effect 3 spoiler from the beta leak and I really, really, really, really, really wish I could forget it, because if it’s true, it’s awesome and I just wrecked the awesomeness for myself.

    NEVER EVER AGAIN. I am SO mad at myself right now. I’ve got two months to go without any really HUGE spoilers, and then I go and do something retarded like this. HATE.

    • CommentTimeJan 6th 2012

    I hate spoilers. :(

    That said, from what I’ve seen in terms of trailers Mass Effect 3 looks like it’s going to be pretty… meh? I found Mass Effect 2’s story to be almost nonexistent. You just went around the galaxy with a shopping list in hand picking up people here and there for your “mission.” Why? Because everyone in the galaxy will die, that’s why. I guess my point is that ME2 didn’t give you many choices. You didn’t get to play the role of Shepard how you wanted except for in quick time events with Paragon or Renegade options, you were just told what to do and you didn’t have many options as to how you could go about doing it. From what I’ve seen Mass Effect 3 will be much of the same. :/

    • CommentTimeJan 6th 2012

    ME2 really is about filling out your shopping list, isn’t it? Aside from Jacob, Miranda, a certain team member you pick up toward the end of the game, and I guess Mordin, there was never really a reason why you picked the people you did. I feel the shopping list thing could have been disguised a lot more by simply spending more time explaining “well, we should get this person for that… and this person for that…” and so on. Or picking up more squad members in an “organic” sort of way.

    For example, in the rambling ME fanfic I occasionally write parts of (it’s basically for me to explain away all the things that annoy me!), I decided that the way they recruited Archangel was sort of by accident—they went to him because he could help them find Mordin, and when it turned out to be Garrus, Shepard was like “well, why don’t you come along, then?” More like how in ME1, it made sense why you were picking everyone up.

    Anyway, on ME3, I really hope they improve that somewhat. I like ME2 characters and I feel a lot had interesting stories, but it was lost in the laundry list of “pick up this person, go do their loyalty mission; pick up that person, go do their loyalty mission; etc.”


    Yeah as great as these kinds of high end games can be they do have obvious problems and sequels can be very lackluster and screw things up, especially when they’re telling one big story. I legitimately think ME1 was actually a BAD game with a GOOD story, while ME2 was a pretty good game with a less good story. There’s a very high chance ME3 can suck but I have my hopes up. Usually I don’t care about getting spoiled and will sometimes read spoilers for some things but I have no real desire to ruin ME3. Sucks to be you, Swenson.


    Got “The Honorable” as my title in SWTOR today, which is sweet, because that’s what I like to think my Sith Sorceror is. My lone Dark Side act so far is sleeping with Rylee Dray, and I make no apologies for that.


    Oh yeah I did end up getting the SWTOR code and have been playing a bit. Dunno if I would wanna play for more than a month. I guess for an MMO I haven’t been putting enough time in it so I really should play more to make it worth it. I am a smuggler close to finishing Corascant whatever it’s called. My friend hasn’t gotten his refund for the second time he bought the game but I’m pretty sure he will.


    I have to ask, are you on The Swiftsure? Because apparently it’s the “unofficial Aussie server” and there’s a bunch of pissy idiots who start complaining about the “yanks” on “their” server whenever the clock strikes 11pm here.

    But yeah, I imagine I’m gonna stop playing soon too, just because I feel like the sorceror story is just kinda spinning its wheels right now and it doesn’t make me want to play that much further.


    I think some of my friends have evil characters on swiftsure but i’m not sure (see what I did thar). I’ve only been on The Maw so far. I wouldn’t care who is on a server…

    Why not try all the different storylines? I think it’s cool that there’s more story to this MMO and its different for lots of classes.

    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2012

    That is the downside of MMOs – if you don’t play it regularly enough, you’re probably wasting money.

    Also, sansa, what is wrong with you? Playing a Light Side Sith Sorceror? Really? What’s the point of being able to shoot lightning from your finger tips if you’re not going to blast people for annoying you?


    I’d like to say something cool like “ultimate power means having power over yourself as well as others” but I dunno, Light Side choices are usually more logical in the long run anyway. There’s more benefit to sparing a captured Republic leader than killing him if the Empire can use him for intel or propaganda or what have you.

    Also that one ghost in the Dark Temple(not my force granddad, but the other one) said a lot of things that made sense as far as pure reliance on the Dark Side making you weaker than you would be otherwise.

    So I know it's not a video game per se. . . but has anyone played Last Stand: Union City?
    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2012

    No, but I heard you mention it before and I’m curious.

    It's a side-scrolling zombie game which kind of combined some of the RP/Survival elements from Fallout 3 and Left 4 Dead and made it in to its own original thing. They did kind of cut-and-paste the plot from some Romero flicks but it's still pretty good in that regard and I loved the artwork and how they went to great lengths to make the zombies original. There's also the danger that if you stay in one place too long you'll get Zerg rushed and since they'll just follow you, you have to stand and fight the ones in the rush until they're all dead (Just don't try that at the end because they're infinite)

    You can find it on ArmorGames.
    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2012

    Cool. I’ll take a look.

    Hey, while we’re derailing the thread, anyone play Shadowrun around here?

    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2012

    It’s official, Mass Effect 3 will require Origin. X(

    I’m trying to grudgingly come to grips with this. To help me (or to make me want to just download a crack all the more), has anyone else actually used Origin? Even better would be if you’d used both Steam and Origin and therefore could compare their services. Is Origin really as bad as everyone makes it out to be? Also, and honestly more importantly to me, can I run the Steam overlay in an Origin game?

    Also, I exceedingly rarely buy videogames new (by which I mean the only other full-priced game I’ve ever bought was Portal 2), so I’m still twitching at the thought of shelling out 80 bucks for the Collector’s Edition. But I really really want it! sigh Vidyagames, y u make my life so complicated?

    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2012

    Yeah, I just read about that. I don’t know too much about Origins, but I’m not sure I want it on my good computer, so I might just skip it altogether for the time being. I’m sure EA will eventually cave and put it on Steam. I don’t particularly like some parts of Steam for that matter, but it’s at least tolerable compared to some DRM attempts (limited installs or constant internet connection.)

    I really don’t like how games are pushing towards a glorified rental system rather than an actual purchase- (no LAN in Starcraft 2)

    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2012

    Yeah, Steam is very unobtrusive as far as DRM goes. The one thing that annoys a lot of people is that you have to have Steam running to play Steam games, but you don’t have to have an Internet connection, and quite frankly I run even non-Steam games with the Steam overlay, so having Steam running is hardly a problem. But I doubt I’m going to love the Origin overlay as much as the Steam one, particularly considering that none of my friends use Origin much, as far as I know.

    • CommentTimeJan 17th 2012

    The annoying thing with running Steam in the background is having to switch often. I own the good computer and have certain games on Steam and my brother owns some games that won’t run on his laptop. So when I want to play some of his games, I can’t just throw in a cd, but we both need to be at home at the same time to login. (He owns all the Mass Effects- I own every single RTS I could get my hands on)

    • CommentTimeJan 19th 2012

    What bugs me with Steam is that you have to go online to play in offline mode… which means when the power blinks out, then comes back on, but without the internet, I can no longer play all of my Steam games. And out here, internet can be down for a very, very, long time.

    ...Yes, that includes Portal.

    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2012

    ALL OF THE DARK SOULS. Dark Souls is the best, everyone! The best!

    Hyes! +1 respect for awesome taste!

    TBH I don’t play it that often; I mostly just see my brother play. I’m like level 60 and he’s like… 300ish. But man, that is a well-crafted game.

    Especially the ending style, though I won’t spoil anything if you’re not there yet.

    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2012

    Wuh, level 300? Whoa! I’m only about level 110 or so, but I’m gonna be starting a new character because this one fails completely at higher levels (fun fact: playing as a thief and never really changing your weapon and not getting into magic tends to ruin a character).

    I thought the endings were a bit too barebones, but it is a cool game.

    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2012

    I found that classes didn’t really influence too much in the long term, unless you over leveled a useless stat (i.e. resistance). Stick with melee, though! It’s what all the cool kids are doing!

    If Dusk of Oolacile didn’t die, maybe you could buy the Chameleon spell from her, get one attunement slot and invade someone in the Forest. Disguise yourself as a tree while they PvP other phantoms —> profit (I think you get soul if the host kills Blue Phantoms if you’re a Red Phantom) :D

    I thought the endings were a bit too barebones, but it is a cool game.

    The barebones ending was actually one of the reasons I liked the game.

    I developed a liking for the game; it had amazing gameplay value, and the minimalist story could be interpreted however you wanted. And then just like that the game was over. It didn’t try to wrap everything up at all. I wanted there to be more to the end, so what happened? I thought on it more, mused on it in my spare time. When a game gets you to think about it beyond what it has shown you explicitly, it has succeeded in being a good game. And then that`s where you get fanfiction.

    Plus, Gwyn’s music was amazing.

    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2012

    My problem is that I’ve got high dexterity for my knife, which makes most other weapons useless, plus I have put stuff into resistance, and I’m in NG+ and still pre-Darkroot Garden. (Well, I should be in Darkroot Garden right now but eh.) I started a new character, though, a bandit, and I’m having a blast with him.

    ...I don’t like to think. XD

    The game’s music in general is great. There’s a playlist for it floating around on Youtube, which is awesome.

    • CommentTimeFeb 1st 2012

    I participated in the Global Game Jam at my college, and made a boardgame in 48 hours. It was wacky fun, and you can see it here.

    • CommentTimeFeb 1st 2012 edited

    I read the description, and that sounds like a really interesting concept for a game.

    I never heard about that competition before, either. That also sounds pretty cool! And like a lot of fun to participate in.

    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2012

    So I just watched Yahtzee’s review of SW: TOR, and it got me thinking. Why is it that WoW is such a successful mmo, compared to other mmos? It wasn’t the first mmo, so it wasn’t a unique concept. And, while WarCraft and Blizzard did have a decent built-in fanbase, I don’t think it was any larger than any of the mmos that have come out since. So, what is it about WoW that’s made it such a successful mmo, almost to the point of being the only mmo being played? Any thoughts?

    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2012
    I believe it's 'cause it's a very base MMO. It's got all the basic elements people might want, and it thus attracts the most people.
    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2012


    I have been waiting for Meet the Pyro for SO LONG! I’ve been waiting since before I ever even played TF2!


    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2012

    I expect Meet the Pyro will come out shortly after Episode 3 is released.


    Well, I think that if they say they will do it this year, it means that they will actually do it. On the other hand, if they say “soon,” then there’s no telling how “soon” it will be.

    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2012

    Eh, they’ve missed “this year” dates before… Portal 2 was pushed back from Holiday 2010 to spring 2011, for example.

    In other news, as a Mass Effect fan, I feel like I need to comment on the horribly awful horrible awfulness of the latest Mass Effect novel, Deception, which has been a great source of much angst and moaning and general gnashing of teeth among fans. In my opinion, it’s all a bit overblown and ridiculous to hate on Bioware for this (and honestly, if you don’t like it, you can just ignore it like I do for the Evolution comic). But I did read through the Google doc with all of the issues in it, and… wow. Yeah. It’s a terrible book. Completely misses the point of so many things in so many ways. And even if you think we’re just being whiny about our precious canon not being strictly adhered to, one of the major issues with it is writing off a main character’s autism as her being “an unstable twelve-year-old” and having a “temper”. Yeah.


    Quitting SWTOR. It’s a fine game, but I’m at the level cap now and I’m done with my class story and I just don’t feel like grinding dailies just so I can grind more dailies. I’d rather just play some single player RPGs that are out right now.

    So, what is it about WoW that’s made it such a successful mmo, almost to the point of being the only mmo being played? Any thoughts?

    It’s been a few years since I last played WoW, but what initially drew me to the game is how tactile it felt, for lack of a better word. Feeling you have even slightly more control over your character makes a huge difference in playability in the long run, especially if you’re going to log hours and hours into an MMO. I’m good enough at SWTOR now to make my guy do whatever I need him to do, but it still felt pretty clumsy at the outset. WoW was smooth from the jump.

    I know it's not a video game but I have a question.

    Is downloading LOTR Online worth it?
    • CommentTimeFeb 11th 2012 edited

    Sure that’s a video game, it’s just an online one. A Mumorpuger (MMORPG), specifically. Unfortunately, I can’t give you advice on it, never having played it. But I tend to figure, if it’s free, you’re at least mildly interested, and you have some free time, why not try it?

    Oh, and I forgot to mention this earlier, but about MMOs, the real question is why EVE is still around. People tend to forget about it when they talk about MMOs, but it’s probably the second-biggest, and certainly the one through which the most money flows. And I think I may have just answered my own question right there.


    Not my FemShep, mind you, but hey, it still counts. Jennifer Hale is an awesome, awesome VA. Also, the trailer had Kaidan in it.

    • CommentTimeFeb 11th 2012

    I tried LOTRO for a few levels, didn’t care for it; it’s essentially WoW in Middle Earth with more in-depth and mostly better storytelling.

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2012

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2012

    No clue, Sen, sorry.

    Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is FRICKING AWESOME. That is all.

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2012

    No clue, Sen, sorry.

    No, it’s fine. I was just curious, is all and I like scary stuff. It’s just that they’re not so scary when you read them on a site where everyone’s trying to come up with the best and you don’t know whether it’s true or not, so that kind of takes the fun out of being creeped out. If someone here actually did experience it though, I’d find that interesting.

    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2012

    I’m pretty positive that’s just stories, Sen. I’ve certainly never noticed anything like it, and I think I’d remember it if I did.

    • CommentAuthorSen
    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2012

    Buuuuuuuuuuuut I like hearing them aaaaanyyywaaaaayy whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.

    Yeah, I guess they’re just stories. Life’s so dull right now. I must seek cheap entertainment elsewhere.

    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2012

    I finished KotOR a few days ago and I’m playing more Mass Effect 2 again (Vanguard Insanity run. Things have been… interesting thus far.), and I can’t help but compare the two games. Not in the “THIS ONE IS SO MUCH BETTER” sort of way, but comparing the characters. And I can’t help but see some mild parallels between the two. In particular, how both begin on a space station/spaceship that’s under attack and you have to fight your way to the escape pods/evacuation shuttles. (also there is a Red Shirt who dies along the way, although what’s-his-face from KotOR isn’t secretly evil) But there’s one very big difference.

    The point is that I like Carth more than Miranda, in case you missed it. :razz

    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2012 edited

    Vanguard Charge + Geth Plasma Shotgun = Death and destruction.

    • CommentTimeFeb 13th 2012

    I just finished the Collector Ship (which was not nearly as impossible as everyone made it out to be, although that may well be because I did my research first and took other people’s advice), so I’ve been playing around with the Claymore. I like it for its total destruction of everything within about two feet, but the low clip size just doesn’t work for me. So I think I’m going to switch back to the Eviscerator for now. But yes, Vanguard Charge is pretty much the best thing ever. I’m finally getting the hang of how and when to charge, and it’s just so much fun. And everyone dies really quickly. My biggest problem now is that I keep running into glitches if I charge into an area I’m not supposed to or if I kill people too quickly… >_<

    I don’t have the Firepower pack, so I’ve never actually tried out the GPS. People do seem to like it, though.

    • CommentTimeFeb 13th 2012

    IIRC correctly Shepard is invincible during the charge, so if you ever need to dodge some big attack just charge the nearest enemy and you won’t take any damage.

    • CommentTimeFeb 13th 2012

    At the very least, you can charge straight through attacks (missiles and Harby’s biotics), which has come in handy.

    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2012

    And double-posting because I just played the Mass Effect 3 demo, and it deserves a post of its own. I think it goes without saying that SUPER MEGA ULTRA DELUXE spoilers follow. (If you’ve watched most of the trailers and other videos that have been put out, though, then you pretty much had spoiled everything already that’s in the demo.)

    First, my complaints. Thankfully, there’s not that many.

    Now for the fangirl squeeing and gushing.

    Anyway, I think I’m going to replay with some different classes and see how things change. Maybe try some different difficulty levels/“story” levels. The story level thing is interesting, by the way, although I doubt a lot of people will really make use of it (or at least I fervently hope so). You can set the game to “Action”, where all dialogue plays as straight cutscenes, “story”, where combat is easier but dialogue is normal (so you have full control), and “roleplaying”, where both combat and dialogue are normal. I played as “roleplaying”, of course, and I can’t imagine playing on any other setting (easy combat settings are for sissies and people new to vidyagames, in my opinion :razz), but I may try one of the others, just to see how it goes. I’m particularly interested in whether such a Shepard is paragon or renegade.

    • CommentAuthorCodeWizard
    • CommentTimeFeb 17th 2012

    The funny thing is even though the PS3 has a lot of games, I still had more quality time with Nintendo, however few games they make a year.

    • CommentTimeFeb 19th 2012

    We could do a L4D/L4D2 runthrough. I think most of us with steam have it. Though it might be a colossal pain to get a time.