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    • CommentTimeAug 3rd 2009

    How would an Evil Overlord tm work in such a world where he (or she) is Genre Savvy and almost always abides by all the The Evil Overlord Lists? In studying these for my NaNo (in which I plan to have such a character), I have come to the conclusion that such an overlord would not be completely and utterly Evil, but varying from ruthless to likable. How would such a character fit into a preconceived notion of a fantasy world?

    I suppose that in a more realistic setting, this sort of applies, but I’m definitely going for a more comedic villainy…


    Well, it’d be pretty damn hard to overthrow him, for one thing. Hmmm… maybe you could overthrow him by deliberately doing something stupid?

    • CommentTimeAug 3rd 2009

    How would that work?


    Well with a comedic parody you can have the overlord be likable, if not outright goodly/awesome and have the hero be stupid, wickedish, etc.

    Or just go read Watchmen. Genre savvy, intelligent overlord in there.

    • CommentTimeAug 3rd 2009

    I have read Watchmen, the overlord is incredibly genre savvy.

    I suppose I just need to balance that likable aspect with evil.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeAug 3rd 2009 edited

    Make him Neil Patrick Harris!


    Only no Captain Hammer. Nooo. No. Never.

    Aha! The hero is well intentioned but fantastically clumsy/not very bright. For example, big button says DO NOT TOUCH. Genre savvy Overlord makes it booby trapped for a cage to fall on the hero. Hero pushes button, then while the cage is falling he trips and it misses him.

    That would be AWESOME. The Overlord plans for smart/brave heroes, but this guy is such a klutzy moron that he inadvertantly wins. For example, evil overlord list says that the self destruct button (if it exists) is labeled something dull like “Planetarium Lights”. Our idiot hero sees the buttons and starts pressing randomly, hitting that one.


    I never watched it much but WiseWillow’s idea sounds a lot like the episodes I saw of Invader Zim. (except intellect was swapped)

    • CommentTimeAug 3rd 2009

    Make him Neil Patrick Harris!


    See, that’s not the Evil Overlord I’m going for. My Overlord has become immortal, and everyone in his empire has long given up trying to kill him. So he inadvertently becomes bored with ruling, and decides to enact a series of events to allow the hero to come and destroy him.

    But I think I will make the hero clumsy / idiotic. That was my original intention, or something to that effect.

    • CommentAuthorWiseWillow
    • CommentTimeAug 3rd 2009 edited

    Aw, but if he wants to be overthrown, it isn’t as funny when he looks dead at the camera and says “I kill off all the Luke Skywalkers, all the Harry Potters, all those James Bonds- and THIS moron beats me?”

    “Oh well. “

    Dies gracefully

    Ohh… and I’ve never seen Invader Zim, so….


    From what I picked up WW:

    Invader Zim is apparently an Alien sent to earth to take it over. However, he is criminally incompetent. One other kid in school (because Zim enrolled in a school as a cover) realizes the truth and is always trying to stop Zim. He’s also trying to convince everyone else that there’s an alien among them but fails at this too.

    So you have a protagonist and antagonist who are constantly failing at their goals (often because of each other).


    Ha. Sounds fun. But I like this Ultimate Neil Patrick Harris better :)


    Of course, just that situation you described struck me as very much something I’d see in IvZim


    It’s hard to write a klutzy person who messes everything up without them being annoying. ‘Oh, I’m so clumsy and uncoordinated!’

    Or worse, Jar Jar Binks.

    Just pointing it out.

    • CommentTimeAug 4th 2009

    Or worse, Jar Jar Binks.



    I hate “evil” and “good” at this point because so few authors really seem to know how to separate what that means by actual story action. Evil ends up meaning dumb and good means dumb, but likable. Blah.


    Mm yeah I see what you mean. That’s why I’m trying to stay away from a whole ‘dark overlord trying to take over the world’ sort of thing.

    Well, there is a group trying to take over, but they’re not evil. I mean, they’re not any worse than the people they’re trying to conquer.

    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2009

    Moral ambiguity is fun. I mean, when it comes down to it, your standard story almost has to have a “good” side and an “evil” side, but unless you’re doing high fantasy, you can muddy the waters as much as you like to make it more interesting.

    (not to say that in high fantasy, all the characters are either Good or Evil. But there’s a definite Good side and a definite Evil side. Gollum in LotR is an ambiguous character, for example, but you can’t deny that there is Good [elves, Gondor, Rohan, Shire, etc.] and Evil [Sauron, Orcs, Mordor in general, Saruman, etc.].)


    I mean, when it comes down to it, your standard story almost has to have a “good” side and an “evil” side,

    My two leads are on different sides of the conflict right now. XP I have no idea what’s going to happen to them. They’re probably not going to spontaneously combust, but in the case of my magic-user, that might actually be somewhat possible.

    (I’m not even going to try to write high fantasy, because my writing would suck even more than it already does. I really don’t want to overdo the ‘high fantasy, olde English’ tone like CP does)


    I think it helps to spread things around. In my story, there’s really not a central villain(yet) but there are a number of nasty people and “evil” factions, one of which is actually protecting the protagonists(who are mostly unaware) because it serves their interests. Most of the “good” guys are still criminals and outlaws, and most of the ruling class(samurai) is corrupt even while being mostly law-abiding.

    There are a few characters who are mostly untarnished good, but for most of them it’s a consequence of being naive or inexperienced. For instance, after the female lead comes to power in the end of the one I’m on, she’s going to become steadily more autocratic in order to make reforms she considers necessary, and it’s my intention to leave judgment of that shift to the reader.

    I read somewhere that Tolkien was himself bothered at how black and white LotR seemed at points, specifically with the orcs. I think he ended up handwaving it by saying that the good orcs were elsewhere, since they wouldn’t have fought for Sauron. There was some ambiguity besides Gollum though, depending on how you read guys like Denethor, and IIRC one of the fellowship(I forget who) felt sorry for the Southrons working for Sauron and wondered how they ended up there, instead of condemning them for being evil assholes.


    Yeah, I also heard that Tolkien was reconsidering the Orcs after LotR was published. I wonder what he would have changed if he hadn’t died. :(

    I think Faramir was the one who didn’t condemn the Southrons. It seems pretty consistent with his character.

    is a Faramir fangirl


    Me too! highfive


    drags out the old ‘Faramir Fangirls Unite!’ banner

    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2009

    Faramir was my favorite character. I was so incredibly pissed when they changed him in the movie. D:<

    So, Evil Overlords. I have several in my current story, and I loves them all, I do. X3 They’re just so much fun. Then again, my two most favorite are extremely genre-savvy, so that makes things even more fun. The thing is, even though there is a clear distinction between Good and Evil, I have an in-universe explanation for it, and one of the plots of my current story is actually about the distinction between the two being slowly broken down. That makes things even more fun.

    But yeah, most of my Evil Overlords are quite likeable, except where they are not very fleshed out because they are not all that important to the plot/if I fleshed them out, the monstrosity that is my book would never cease expanding. A number of them are either not evil for a value of Evil, else unabashedly so (for various reasons). I like variety. XD


    A potentially evil overlord might turn up in mine, but I’m not sure yet.


    I have a young queen who, when placed in power, everybody assumes she’s just a pawn, and there are numerous plots to depose her and have a republic. A rogue militant group called the Queen’s Supporters (imaginative, I know) springs up to protect her and to eliminate every trace of opposition.

    However, in actuality, she’s really very in control of the government and what’s going on, and she’s behind the Queen’s Supporters, because they can work without seeming to be from the government (or, you know, the queen herself, anyway. Everyone thinks they’re set up by the government ministers to keep their pawn in place). She gave the orders to have my MC’s parents killed because they were an active part of the republicans. She’s very cool (cold, not awesome), and Chrestomanci-type-vague. She’s very shrewd, but can sometimes dismiss what she thinks of as ‘the little people’.

    But she’s like Galbatorix in a way. She wants power, and she’s ruthless in getting and maintaining it, including stooping to blackmail people into doing what she wants, but she hasn’t actually done anything like raise taxes or demand impossible things from her nobles. I don’t necessarily have to have her deposed in the end, because that’s not the issue of the book.

    ...what’s my explanation for the way she is? (this is so bad of me) Do I need to give her some evilness like wanting to conquer other countries or something, for no reason other than that she wants more power? I could deal with that in later books… (I’m not currently planning a sequel, but I’m open…)

    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2009

    For motivation, how about just staying alive? If she has complete control over everything and it is clear that everyone who opposes her winds up dead, it’s reasonable for her to believe that no one would dare rebel against her and/or try to kill her out of fear for their lives. Nobility included.

    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2009

    I try not to have the good or evil thing, if you think about it there pretty much is no “Good” or “Evil”. It depends more on the PoV.

    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2009

    I try not to have the good or evil thing, if you think about it there pretty much is no “Good” or “Evil”. It depends more on the PoV.

    I’m going to say Godwin’s Law before I even speak. 8D

    And then say that there is such a thing as “good” and “evil” actions (mass murder’s pretty evil), but whether you think yourself to be good or evil depends on your own view of yourself. That’s when it gets grey.

    • CommentAuthorUn-Dante'd
    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2009

    Y’know, if I was an evil overlord, I would be the nice kind.
    “But master, I cannot possibly torture those souls on Monday, I have my nephew’s birthday!”
    “Oh alright, Beelzebub. I’ll take over for you on that day… but let it never happen again.”



    >I try not to have the good or evil thing, if you think about it there pretty much is no “Good” or “Evil”. It depends more on the PoV.

    And why is that?

    Uh oh....this is getting perilously close to discussion of Religion! *covers ears*
    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2009

    There are some cases where you could call a person “Good” or “Evil”.

    What I mean is like if country A attacked country B, both sides would probably think of themselves as “Good”, and the other “Evil”.

    Uh oh….this is getting perilously close to discussion of Religion! covers ears

    Yeah… I’ll stop now.


    What I mean is like if country A attacked country B, both sides would probably think of themselves as “Good”, and the other “Evil”.

    Well… yeah, everyone thinks of themselves as “good”. (hmmm… didn’t we go over this before?) but that doesn’t mean there isn’t an objective standard or third party that can stand back and say: ‘this side is doing good, this side isn’t. Or both sides are wrong.

    I read somewhere that Tolkien was himself bothered at how black and white LotR seemed at points, specifically with the orcs. I think he ended up handwaving it by saying that the good orcs were elsewhere, since they wouldn’t have fought for Sauron.

    Well the orcs were corrupted elves. In fact, throughout LotR, every “evil” race was in fact the corrupted version of an original “good” race.

    IIRC one of the fellowship(I forget who) felt sorry for the Southrons working for Sauron and wondered how they ended up there, instead of condemning them for being evil assholes.

    That was Sam.


    That was Sam.

    Yeah, that’s what I was thinking.

    Well the orcs were corrupted elves. In fact, throughout LotR, every “evil” race was in fact the corrupted version of an original “good” race.

    Yeah, but Tolkien himself couldn’t buy the “inherently evil” thing even if they were corrupted, if only because of his own worldview.


    This was useful. It was also interesting to note that my female evil person is somewhat genre-savvy.

    I’m beginning to nut out her character. I’m not sure the ‘simply staying alive’ thing will work, sorry, K. It could render her sympathetic to the reader.

    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2009

    I’m not sure the ‘simply staying alive’ thing will work, sorry, K. It could render her sympathetic to the reader.

    That was kind of the point. XD


    I’m slightly worried about my female evil person. Her start of darkness was really tragic (and ironic), and I don’t want to fall into either extreme. Extreme 1: She is a completely flat evil person, like Galbatorix. She is evil for the sake of being evil. Extreme 2: She turns into an Ensemble Darkhorse/Draco in Leather Pants, because she is a more sympathetic character than the heroes.

    Oh, the trials of making a perfect villain…

    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2009

    @Steph – Maybe she just wants power. There’s a lot of Evil Overlords in Real World History that were basically in it just to get anything they wanted- they hated being denied anything. It’s like Napoleon- he more or less wanted to rule the world just so he could. Or Alexander the Great, who, granted, the jury is still out on his megalomania, but most people agree that at some point he went from “relatively nice guy who wanted to explore a lot of stuff” to “I WANT EVERYTHING”.


    @ Kyllorac:

    That was kind of the point. XD

    Lol, she can’t be sympathetic to the reader. She’s not sympathetic to anybody else.

    I think maybe the main reason she’s not heavy-handedly evil to her populace is that she doesn’t want to sow extreme discord. She’s genre-savvy. I take pride in that.

    @ swennie: Yeah, I think she does desire power as her goal. But she’s not mad.

    • CommentAuthorsimian
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2009
    Why do they always want to rule the world? That's so much work. Whatever happened to evil manifesting as laziness? Well, I guess a villain so evil all he or she wants to do is relax really won't give much of a reason for the protagonist to protagonize.
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2009 edited

    Well, you don’t have to be crazy to take over the world. Opinions differ on whether Hitler was crazy or not, but I’ve never thought he was- just extremely, extremely twisted. And remember that no evil person thinks of themselves as evil. They think of themselves as “working for the greater good” or “protecting a group” or “making the world a better place”, even if their underlying motive is that they just want power. So maybe make her think everyone else is incompetent and she’s the only option for protecting the people, etc.

    Like Hitler- he came to power because everyone in Germany felt like they were under attack from everyone else, so they “needed” a strong leader to rescue them. Your villainess may feel the same way- that she’s the strong leader the people need, etc. etc. Does the populace like her or not, by the way? Not just other political figures, but the actual common person.


    She’s not a ‘take over the world’ person. Just the country. And she had a right to the throne anyway.

    Basically, the populace don’t hate her. They don’t really know her, because nobody knows her (she’s supposedly the pawn, after all), and so anything slightly suss that comes out of the government policy (I actually have no idea what this might be), is blamed on the ministers, not her. She lets them do a lot of what they like when it doesn’t threaten her. Otherwise she plays the members of her court off each other for fun.

    So she doesn’t really care about her people. She cares about the land being in order and running well, but not the people themselves. I think what she cares about is the thrill of the game, rather than winning it once and for all. Money, land, etc, doesn’t attract her for itself. But with the money she can create power bases, etc, and set up new rivals so that they’re all fighting among themselves for favour rather than her position. And conquering more land gives her more resources and more people to have power over.

    So she’s basically playing a country for thrills. It’s like a giant game of Age of Empires for her. But one with real-life stakes and consequences, and that’s why she likes it so much.

    But the people don’t know that, and so they just view her pretty neutrally. After all, to them she’s just a pawn and not really worrying about. They don’t care that their freedoms are slightly limited or whatever—to them its just how they live. Kinda like how my parents are stricter than other peoples’ parents but I don’t really care.

    That answer your question or was I just rambling?


    Do Physical Gods count in any of this, or just the stock cartoony overlords?

    i mean, Sauron was a badass Evil Overlord who ruled for several thousand years. And all the icky evil stuff wasn’t really his design, wasn’t it? It was the Enemy that came before him that created it….
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2009
    Technically, since she has a right to the throne, is generally running the country well and isn't REALLY opressing people, is she truly an "evil" character? After all, that's probably the most you can ask out of most governments...
    • CommentAuthorWitrin
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2009

    Have you read any of the Discworld series? Your character reminds me of The Patrician/Havelock Vetinari – and nobody could say that he’s just a basic evil overlord.

    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2009
    After all, he has that hideous dog.

    Sauron never ruled the world, he was an evil presence who didn’t let his intentions show until he invaded the neighboring nations, so wouldn’t have “ruled” for several thousand years.


    Technically, since she has a right to the throne, is generally running the country well and isn’t REALLY opressing people, is she truly an “evil” character? After all, that’s probably the most you can ask out of most governments…

    I know, but she has to be evil because… because…

    Hold that thought. headdesk.

    No, seriously, she HAS to be evil. Maybe I’ll raise taxes or something. No, wait. They want a revolution, but it doesn’t follow that she has to be evil. She did order a lot of people’s deaths though. But they were planning to revolt against her, so…

    Grr. I’ll figure something out. I’m good at that.

    @ Witrin: shockingly, no I have not. I’ll have to.

    Lol at AdamPottle.


    No, seriously, she HAS to be evil. Maybe I’ll raise taxes or something. No, wait. They want a revolution, but it doesn’t follow that she has to be evil. She did order a lot of people’s deaths though. But they were planning to revolt against her, so…

    It could just be competing interests.

    I’d say also look at culture destruction. That was usually the biggest complaint about invaders was that they outlawed the natives’ “way of doing things” as a measure to break the captive population’s will. (an example would be in Braveheart when they talk about bagpipes being banned – or for real life example, Jews wearing the yellow star before the holocaust)

    Oppression is usually not so much about being unable to do something, but about being unable to do it my way.


    That would also work with a large country with many minority groups, but the government attempts to ‘unify’ everyone. Ex: Russia before WWI, if I remember correctly.

    • CommentTimeOct 21st 2009
    Is an bureaucracy evil by virtue of sheer size possible? In a country with an official population of more than six hundred million and close to a billion with protectorates etc. factored in entire groups of people could slip through the cracks.

    For anybody who’s dealt extensively with any entrenched bureaucracy, an evil bureaucracy will probably seem like a given.


    Lol. The thing is, my protag has to start opposing the queen for motives of personal revenge, but giving it out that she’s doing it because. Then she has to get over the revenge thing and truly mean the right things.

    Of course, the whole point becomes moot anyway when she finds out that the queen WAS an usurper after all and she’s the rightful heir to the throne, but we must keep up appearances, musn’t we?

    (anybody know how to spell ‘mustn’t’?)

    I only just discovered that last night, coughcough.



    hmmmm heres some nice evil lord laughter (maniac style) to sink your teeth into

    And I have to admit thats some beautifully freaky laughter
    As to why i watched the video

    • CommentAuthorlawzard
    • CommentTimeOct 24th 2009

    For anybody who’s dealt extensively with any entrenched bureaucracy, an evil bureaucracy will probably seem like a given.

    The same goes for anyone who’s dealt extensively with the DMV. :p


    I see lawzard works at the repetitive redundancy department of organization.


    I see lawzard works at the repetitive redundancy department of redundant organization department.

    Fixed, heh heh.