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    Apparently Twilight Preaches Mormonism

    I thought it was interesting how the woman who wrote this pointed this out, and I wanted to share it with you guys. :)

    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2009

    Yeah SMeyer is a super-Mormon. Hence the whole apple on the front of Twilight.

    • CommentAuthorFenix
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2009

    quote: “I will NOT let my children read Harry Potter UNTIL they realize the biblical truth that witchcraft is Satanic…all witchcraft, even “good” witches.”

    It could be me, but I have trouble accepting anything people like this say, although I have to agree the next sentence seems more sensible(at least more people will agree with it):
    “I will not let my daughter read Twilight, UNTIL she can realize how unhealthy Edward and Bella’s relationship is”
    it’s bit weird, how can you understand something you haven’t read yet?

    I also think her conclusion is bit too much overboard on the conspiracy theorist part.


    I don’t get why people are all up in arms about witchcraft in Harry Potter. There are good witches and bad witches, just like there are people. It’s not the magic itself that’s evil, but how people use it.

    But then, I’m not Christian, so that might be why I don’t see it.

    • CommentAuthorFenix
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2009

    Some Christians have an automatic magic=Satan connection, as far as I know, there is no such connection noted anywhere except that people were randomly hanged for being witches in the dark ages. Why people still believe this is a misery to all, my guess would be that everybody needs a scapegoat and that witches somehow evolved into it.

    If they just called female Wizards 'Wizards', the whole thing with Harry Potter would never have arisen. It's terminological bullshit because people fail to read between the lines. I don't recall Hermione ever calling up a Familiar Demon or giving a prophecy to King Saul, for example.
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2009

    It’s a bit overboard, I think. Frankly, were Meyer smart enough to covertly layer her book with mormon teachings, it would have been better written. What is that law called? “Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity.” It makes more sense to look at Twilight as the fantasy of a woman who didn’t think through its implications.

    The whole scandal over witchcraft in Harry Potter is simply ridiculous. There are satanic magical elements in all fantasy stories, many of which resemble real-world paganism far more than what’s taught at Hogwarts. Harry Potter is only targeted because its popular. Meanwhile, people like Phillip Pullman go virtually unnoticed.

    Yeah, it sort of ticked me off when everyone freaked out about Harry Potter when His Dark Materials went unnoticed...

    I want to be a pastor, and I though HDM was incredible from an entertainment standpoint; they were a really good read. They just don't have the moral implications I appreciate.
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2009

    True, true. Though I think the moral implications of HDM have been largely misunderstood. As an atheist, my reaction to the books was something like:

    “Oh great! It’s a fantasy story where the heros rebel against the church and overthrow an impostor god so that they may freely pursue knowledge and wisdom under the direction of an omnipresent, universal conscious that is the source of all… hey, wait a minute!

    While the books certainly aren’t friendly to orthodox christianity, they aren’t exclusively atheistic either, regardless of what their author may claim. I’d like to think most of HDM’s underlying messages can be appreciated by any enlightened person. The same is true with Harry Potter, really. People are up in arms about the trappings of witchcraft, and never look deep enough to see the strong moral principles on which the books are founded. Twilight has the opposite problem; conservatives only see that the books display chastity in a positive light, and don’t see the underlying sexism (or they just don’t care).


    I’m a Christian, and every Christian that I know has the same reasoning regarding the Harry Potter books:

    Premise 1: Witchcraft is bad because it is Satanic.

    Premise 2: Harry Potter’s “witchcraft” resembles the deeds of the Fairy Godmother in Cinderella more than anything else, and only the villains use magic for evil purposes.

    Conclusion 1: Harry Potter’s “witchcraft” is not Satanic.

    Conclusion 2: Therefore, Harry Potter’s “witchcraft” isn’t really witchcraft at all, so why all the fuss?

    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2009

    Most of the fundamentalists making a case against the books take one JK Rowling quote, where she said that she used real traditions in worldbuilding, way out of context. Of course, what she meant was that she did her research (mostly regarding potions and divination), not that actual witchcraft involves waving wands and broken latin.


    I’m Catholic, and I love Harry Potter. I didn’t like HDM, but only because they were boring to me. And as for Twilight… I agree with some things, like the marriage and babies part. Every woman in Twilight wants babies – Rosalie wishes she were human so she could have babies, Esme has a fleet of adopted children, Bella is a mother to her mother and has dreams about the babies she will have. The “higher plane” thing… eh, not so much.

    I'm also Catholic and I've never been able to see how Harry Potter is evil. I've never read HDM so I have no comment on that.

    As an agnostic, most of the “Harry Potter is the devil!” outrage just comes off as silly. For HDM, it seemed to be more anti-authority than anti-religion. However, the third book was rather unsubtle about the whole message.

    Most Christians and Catholics have no issue with Harry Potter. It's a very vocal minority.

    Let me think.

    Twilight preaches male dominance and materialism, glorifies abusive boyfriends, teen marriage/pregnancy, serial murder and vampirism. That thing is more moral over Harry Potter?


    Well, that makes everything a bit clearer.

    I do love that one. SUFFER NOT THE WITCH TO LIVE.
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2009

    stoney321 shows how Smeyer could be considered preachy… (and there is funnies to be had too).

    But, hey, I have mormon friends, so I like to stay out of the mud.

    Because I’ve already had my yearly bath.


    but it was a page turner of a yarn with characters… that may be stereotypical…but you instantly care about their fate.

    I don’t care about Bella because she’s a bitch and is passive agressive to everyone but Edward. I don’t really care about any of them actually.

    As for the Harry Potter thing, I love Harry Potter. I am a Christian, and I don’t understand why people can’t see that it’s fictional. In Harry Potter, good triumphs over evil. How is that bad? The good wizards/witches use spells and magic for good. People who misuse magic are looked down upon and punished. It’s not promoted witchcraft and evilness. Harry Potter has good morals and is a lot less sexual than Twilight. The closest they even come to sex is “snogging.”

    So why are ten-year-olds allowed to read Twilight where the whole point is that Bella wants to sleep with Edward, but she can’t, while Harry Potter is considered evil because they have magic? I actually know an eleven-year-old who is not allowed to read Harry Potter, but, after discussing it, her parents let her read Twilight. She is actually censoring herself and not reading the last two because she knows what happens. Harry Potter is much better for kids to read than Twilight. Characters being abstinent doesn’t make it a moral book.

    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2009

    Meh, if I could choose, I wouldn’t have my kids read HDM, HP, or Twilight. Twilight, although pitched to young girls, offers retardedly unrealistic views of the world, love, and relationships. I know many fantasy books have unrealistic portrayals of all that. But Twilight has got to be the worst offender, or at least the worst one that’s popular. HDM just grated on my nerves because it was so blatantly anti-religion. Subtlety is a virtue, Phil. You needn’t stuff it down our throats. And finally, I wouldn’t let them read HP- no, not because of the magic, but because of other concerns about the actions of the heroes and whether or not they are, in fact, modelling good behavior.

    Of course, by the time my children are old enough to slip books past me or download the ebooks, they’re probably mature enough to deal with the problematic themes in these books, so I won’t care any more. This is only in their formative years, where I’m going to try to encourage them to read other, better books. Like Lord of the Rings! And Chronicles of Narnia! And Redwall! And all those other fantasy books where there’s no knotty moral questions. Why bring moral quandaries into it when you don’t have to?!

    About the Mormonism. I can see the parallels, but I don’t think it was on purpose. If you like, you could probably find parallels to pretty much anything, from Islam to Hinduism (rebirth, finally achieving a higher state of being, anyone?) to Buddhism to… I don’t know, Shintoism.

    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2009

    If Twilight was really Mormon propaganda, Jacob wouldn’t be likeable enough for fangirls to wear “Team Jacob” shirts. The Mormon religion is not exactly the most pro-Native religion out there. COUGH “Lamanites” being responsible for wiping out “Nephites” COUGH

  15. a fundamentalist Christian (not too keen on the Harry Potter books. Not as freaked out about them as some, but I am wary of them for the following: they introduce the idea of witchcraft in a positive, albeit false, light. It ISN'T witchcraft, but it certainly uses the terms and portrays it in a "cool" light. Meaning the kids, unwittingly, can think it is 'cool' even though I believe that witchcraft is evil. I believe that, with discernment, they'd be fine. But I choose not to read them in order to prevent those around me from being frustrated.) and in contact with....tons and tons of Mormons, I'd wager to say that much of the stuff this gal is reading into Twilight is overanalyzed (symbolitis etc.) with the exception of the deification of the family. And the extreme traditional roles.

    I don't think most people are analyzing it that deeply to be attracted.
    LOL at what BrandonP said. true. Oh my....Lamanites.

    Any Christians wondering about the HP series I highly recommend this book. I don’t agree 100% with everything he goes over, more like 90%.

    If anything, I’m sometimes concerned by Christians’ tendency to label anything “magic” as “bad” when there’s nothing inherently bad about it. As Lewis pointed out: Science & Magic are brothers (in our world, one worked out and the other didn’t) – they are both efforts of man to control the world around him. If you have problems with HP’s magic, then logically you should have problems with Star Trek or other sci fi with the “science” because both are used in the same manner (tools – and like the joke goes: can you really tell the difference between Voyager’s technobabble and the spells used at Hogwarts?).

    Remember that the problem isn’t the item: it’s the use. Thus we should worry less about anything labeled ‘magic’ and more concerned about how ANYTHING in a book (magic, science, etc) are used.

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeAug 3rd 2009
    The thing about Christians and magic is actually really simple. Magic is defined as coming from one of two persons: God, or His opposite.

    That book sounds like a really good counter to the “Harry Potter is evil!!!” arguments… and it’s written by someone who expected to be evil. It sounds interesting.

    • CommentTimeAug 3rd 2009

    Anyone who can’t accept a little imagination in entertainment because of their religion really needs to take a breather. I’m a Christian, and I love the Harry Potter books. I see nothing wrong with the idea of ‘magic’ in them, and when I was younger I was always running around with a couple geeky pals pretending to cast spells. I’m sure that someone crazed fanatic is damning me to hell for that right this instant, but Harry Potter advocates good morals – at least in the first few books. [I’d say through all the books, but as the series progresses, the characters do get a lot more gray. Personally, I love that, but when I have kids I’ll be only letting them read the first 3 or so until I think they’re old enough to handle the latter books.]

    @ Nate – C.S. Lewis is awesome. ‘Nuff said. Your quoting him made me squee.


    Anyone who can’t accept a little imagination in entertainment because of their religion really needs to take a breather. I’m a Christian, and I love the Harry Potter books.


    I used to play Harry Potter with all the merchandise and stuff. I have the Hogwarts castle and most of the attatchments. I don’t think that makes me evil. Harry and co. never summon demons. They make stuff fly and disarm people. The unforgivable curses are illegal and looked down upon by wizrading society.

    • CommentTimeAug 3rd 2009

    It seems to me that the most adamant condemners of Harry Potter are the people who haven’t read any of it. I don’t take any issue with the books. The magic in Harry Potter is as harmless and entertaining as the magic in any other book that most Christians approve of – Narnia and LotR come to mind.

    If Stephanie Meyer preaches in her books, she does a pretty bad job of it. I noticed no preaching besides Carlisle’s brief contemplations on the nature of souls. Anything else was drowned out by Meyer’s long descriptions of how sexy Edward is and how much Bella wanted to sleep with him. That, in my opinion, is rather more harmful to children than Harry Potter going to magic school and fighting the bad guys.

    • CommentTimeAug 3rd 2009

    Yeah. I find the Twilight series to be far more dangerous than Harry Potter. My children will not be allowed to read those. However, I hope by the time that I have children, this Twilight craze will have died out and just joined the many other pointless pop culture fads.


    I don’t think I’ll make anything “off limits” for my kids to read. Some things might be off limits until they’re old enough to understand certain things.


    (from the article)

    It’s all about the family

    Can someone explain to me when “family” somehow became a mormon value? This is the only baffling part to me when people talk about the mormon propaganda of these books because I thought family was kind of a universal value. Especially among southern Americans where it’s not uncommon to live close to your family and do things with them frequently. We’ve had 30+ people in my grandmother’s small home around Christmas time… does this mean I’m mormon now?

    I dunno, I just find it a little depressing.


    I think it’s because of the multiple wives and constant flow of children… and possibly the little spirit babies in the Mormon afterlife.


    Yeah, that afterlife. Actually, it’s more like constant sex. To quote a book on cults that I once read:

    >And a little further, “The eternal union of the sexes, in and after the ressurection, is mainly for the purpose of renewing and continuing the work of procreation.” Endless, aimless procreation. If that is not the religion of phallicism, what is?

    For the record, the quote is from Parley Pratt, one of the earliest and most revered Mormon missionaries. They even sainted him.

    Well, although the family is a universal tradition, Mormons put an added emphasis on the term. Even though most of your run of the mill mormons do not know about (or will not talk about) the constant sex dealy (same with the whole "becoming a god"), the family is still intrinsic to mormon progression from the pre-existence to salvation. You need to become human to exercise your agency (choose the right) in order to get to the highest level of heaven in the afterlife. BUT they don't have bodies in their pre-existence, so they need to be granted bodies. In other words: Have babies in order to give those little spirits the chance to choose. So that's why they put so very much emphasis on the family (one of many reasons). At least this is my understanding. Sorry for the information overload, I have tons of LDS friends (many of them on the uber devout level), so I know a bit.

    Word on the HP thing: The jury is still out in my brain as I can see excellent reason on both sides of the issue. I think it is mainly the terminology that freaks people out. They use the terms that in the Bible are signs of someone who is being used of the devil.

    Lol’d at “excellent reasoning”. Because if you take the Fairy Godmother and call her a witch, she’s EVIL and BAD. And I don’t see anybody making a fuss over the Good Witch of the North.

    Did I ever say that terminology was an excellent reason? No.

    I see other points that make sense.

    Doesn’t matter the reason. You can not like it for whatever reason you like. I just ask that people understand that say… maybe the reason is over pure terminology. Not everything appeals to everyone after all.

    Thank you. *hugs* I personally have a conviction I can't shake at this moment.
    I definitely find HP much more harmless than Twilight. On that I agree completely, but that just might be due to my personal sensitivities.
    • CommentTimeAug 4th 2009

    Pullman aside, it’s still ridiculous what the fundamentalists don’t seem to notice. In the Bartimaeus trilogy, the protagonist summons actual demons in actual pentagrams, and the demons portrayed sympathetically. Tamora Pierce’s magic systems come straight from wiccan traditions. ASoIaF, so far I’ve only encountered pagans (which is presumably tied into their magic). The Dark is Rising is filthy with pre-christian symbols and traditions from the British Isles. Yet none of these books are ever challenged in libraries. They’re all perfectly accessible, bestselling, on the children’s shelf, making Harry Potter look tame by comparison.


    I think that HP is criticized so much because of its popularity. While other similar things may be popular, they are probably not as popular as HP. Then there’s the movies and the merchandise. It’s just a much bigger thing. That’s why people pick on it. I know that that’s not a good reason, and I don’t support it, but that’s why HP is ragged on, while others are ignored.


    The “cultural osmosis” factor.

    Also on the side, movies of HDM and the Dark is Rising had bad enough movies that their popularity might decline while the HP movies are only increasing book sales.

    • CommentTimeAug 4th 2009

    @Art: well, to be fair, two of those aren’t set in a world that, on the surface, is the real world.


    There’s still Bartimaeus, and Artimaeus’s point still stands.

    • CommentTimeAug 4th 2009

    I’m just saying that there’s a difference (however slight) between reading about magic in a world with knights and castles and reading about magic where the main character could live down the street. I do think that people who get all worked up about HP and want it banned from libraries should try reading them first, but maybe there is something to their argument.


    @ Dan: Well, you don’t have people dressing up like Nathaniel and drawing pentagrams on the attic floor. However, I distinctly remember me and my friend running around with baseball bats, twigs and books pretending to be students at Hogwarts.


    Nice article. I’d have to disagree about Harry Potter, though. His magic is no blacker than Gandalf’s.


    The point is that HP is treating unfairly just because it is more popular. Less popular works, even if they are much worse morally, are left alone because they haven’t made as big of an impact as HP. My point at least is that if HP were not that big of a deal to people, then the critics wouldn’t care as much.


    @Snow White Queen

    I never said that Bartimaeus was a problem. I think that anyone who takes the scenario in a work of speculative fiction as truth needs to have their head checked, and really has no business reading anything. And I couldn’t tell you how many times I had pretend lightsaber duels with my brothers. The key word is pretend, because we all knew that it was made-up. I’m sure that you and your friends knew that you weren’t really wizards.


    Of course. I mean, we wished it sometimes, only because Hogwarts sounds ten times cooler than the fourth grade. XD

    • CommentTimeAug 8th 2009

    Granted, just about anything is better than fourth grade…


    Unless you live in South Park, Colorado.


    Yeah it takes like… 7 years to graduate.

    Lol @ South Park. At least they're thorough. Got here late because I blocked Twilight and Inheritance categories and then got curious. Should we move this thread to General Reading or Writing?


    My parents happened to be of the magic = bad persuasion. In one way this was bad, as it encouraged me to disobey them and read Tamora Pierce on the sly. They only just allowed me to read HP last month! But the thing is, they've had dealings with the occult and they know it's definitely not what you want to be messing around in, which is why they're so cautious. Plus you also get kids reading HP and then deciding that they want to know more about real witchcraft, which is when it gets dangerous.

    So it's not the fact of what Harry Potter IS, but what it is percieved to be that is more dangerous.

    I admire JKR for doing her research, and I'd love to do the same but for fear of how the kids who read what I write will see the work.


    HDM annoyed me on three counts: it was anti-religion (I felt personally affronted, let me tell you!), it works on the basis that All Christians Are Catholic (an actual trope. Look it up), and the ending was so needlessly sad. But Philip Pullman has a way with words, and he has definitely influenced me as an author.


    SMeyer's Mormon propaganda (aka virgin vamps): look, an author's values will come out in her writing. And I have to say that the vampires are virgins, but they're far too oversexualised to be considered 'clean' in any form, which does make me wonder anyway...

    I personally had no problem with the whole anti-abortion, wait-for-sex thing, being as I am a fundamentalist Christian :P. The problem I have is that because her values are different to *the world's*, people are labelling her books as propaganda. This maketh no sense.

    I, too, think it's horrible that kids are allowed to read Twilight and not Harry Potter. Despite the behavioural problems of these kids, that's far less destructive to their (girls, especially) emerging sexuality and expectations of guys (because you've also got the antis going, no guy is that great, and you're left wondering, is any guy decent in real life or are they all only after one thing?).


    ...well, let's just say that'd be off-limits to my kids until I was sure they were mature enough to handle it in the occult sense. In my case, that was about twelve or thirteen years old. But every child's different. And then, no matter how dorky it would be for them, I'd read it with them. It used to drive me mad when Dad would stop a movie or something and go, "this is why this is not good" but now I realise I'll be doing exactly the same to my kids.

    because you’ve also got the antis going, no guy is that great, and you’re left wondering, is any guy decent in real life or are they all only after one thing?

    My advice: ASSUME any guy is after 1 thing until they prove to you otherwise.
    Even after that, behave yourself.


    *insert joke about you and I here*

    I mean, uh... heh heh.
    • CommentTimeAug 9th 2009

    Yay, fuel for my II Nate/Steph fanfic which will never be written.


    Yay, fuel for my II Nate/Steph fanfic which will never be written.

    Let the shipping wars commence!

    I don't think there's anything wrong with the abstinence aesop in and of itself, but it's my understanding that the books justify it primarily by saying that Eddy would rip her in half if they got down before she was vamped, which really undermines the moral, such as it is. Of course, the logical justification is busted to pieces in order to produce the hellchild at the end, so I just think Meyer's incompetent.

    I did get in an argument with a friend from high school a few months ago on fb about the morality of Twilight. I think where the disconnect arises is when less sophisticated readers read it, they immediately identify the obvious message, and then assume that since they agree with that, they agree with everything else and the characters are clearly moral paragons. Obviously that isn't the case when you apply any amount of analysis, since beneath the chastity the characters don't seem like very good people at all.

    The question you've got to ask is why an invincible, super-fast, super-strong telepath that never needs to sleep is going to high school over and over, living in luxury thanks to his precog sister cheating other people out of their money in the stock market, when he could be out saving people. If we are really supposed to believe he is the height of morality and virtue the way Meyer wants you to, he should be doing the latter. Otherwise, hell, Peter Parker is a far better person than ol' Eddy.

    On a vaguely related note, I feel pretty embarrassed when Christians raise a stink about HP, if only because it suggests that nobody read the books thoroughly. I would argue that HP is far more explicitly Christian than Twilight is. Deathly Hallows pretty much beats you over the head with it towards the end, so I don't get how people are missing it.

    Yay, fuel for my II Nate/Steph fanfic which will never be written.

    I am going to kill you guys.

    I agree with sansa, by the way.

    (Hey, sansafro187, if you don’t have an afro, can we nickname you “Sans Fro”?)


    (Hey, sansafro187, if you don’t have an afro, can we nickname you “Sans Fro”?)

    A guy I used to play Halo with was convinced I was a segregationist since he read it as “Sans Afro.” Clearly I should have been cleverer at encoding my racist messages.


    I would argue that HP is far more explicitly Christian than Twilight is. Deathly Hallows pretty much beats you over the head with it towards the end, so I don’t get how people are missing it.

    I read a well written article on this subject. It’s a pity that poor JKR was never even given a chance.


    Do you have a link to it?


    I will try and find it and post it here.


    UPDATE: Cannot find it with a simple google search. Will post it later if I do find it.

    • CommentTimeAug 10th 2009

    @ Steph

    Real witchcraft is an oxymoron. But if it’s wiccanism you’re talking about, I really doubt the point-and-shoot functional magic of Harry Potter is going to make kids suddenly want to don hoods, toss knucklebones, and pray to mother gaia, even if they call both practices witchcraft. And, if you’ll forgive me for suggesting, I think the dangers of wiccanism are greatly overstated among christian fundamentalists. I recognize that paying tribute to nature gods isn’t exactly in line with orthodox teachings, but it’s not as if they’re channeling malevolent spirits and sacrificing babies. A bit daft, perhaps, but not dangerous, at least not in the physical or mental sense. I’ll leave the spiritual ramifications to the theologians.

    Regarding twilight, though, I agree with you, mostly. Mrs Meyer wasn’t trying to preach a conservative message (though, that said, I’m sure Breaking Dawn has convinced a generation of teenage girls that, if they have sex, a demon monster baby will eat them from the inside). Many of the tropes that we’re calling right-wing propaganda seem merely to be genre conventions- the stuff that you will find in most female wish-fulfillment stories. In a way, I think us antis are making the same mistakes as the Potter protesters. Here we are raising a stink about one popular series, ignoring the rest of a genre that swims in equally offensive, anti-feminist tropes.


    @ Artimaeus: Amen to the Twilight remarks. Lol, anyway…

    Real witchcraft is an oxymoron. But if it’s wiccanism you’re talking about,

    Which it was. Whoops.

    I really doubt the point-and-shoot functional magic of Harry Potter is going to make kids suddenly want to don hoods, toss knucklebones, and pray to mother gaia, even if they call both practices witchcraft.

    It never happens suddenly. It happens by degrees. And then suddenly, they’re doing all that and more.

    And, if you’ll forgive me for suggesting, I think the dangers of wiccanism are greatly overstated among christian fundamentalists.

    They’re not. I’m not going to go into any more depth, because that will go into religion stuff and that’s not allowed here.


    Anyway, just had to stick my five cents in. Back on topic


    I read a well written article on this subject. It’s a pity that poor JKR was never even given a chance.

    Was it any of these?


    Was it any of these?

    Wow, those are great links. I was discussing this with a friend last week and got frustrated when I couldn’t really elaborate well beyond saying “Come on, King’s Cross? “ and just telling her to look harder. I’ll have to show those to her :x


    Ah-ha! Thanks Nate!

    (Ahem…hmyd, see Nate’s links above.)


    Ah, thank you, Nate and Juniper.


    It was all Nate.


    Okay. Thanks, Mr. Winchester.


    Another article that might help some people.



    • CommentTimeAug 11th 2009

    Nate has all the links.



    Nate’s due to show up any minute and give a knowing smile, a wink, a nod, and then disappear into thin air.


    Actually I’m going to link to this and say “ah ha”!

    Now I understand better the “mormon propaganda” of Twilight. It’s not the family that’s Mormonish, it’s the idea of salvation through marriage (and NOT the metaphorical marriage of Christ to His Church).

    I think HogPro is still giving the books too much credit, but still gotta think him for his efforts.


    Real witchcraft is an oxymoron.

    I’d like to take this moment to say that witchcraft isn’t real. I agree with SWQ when she said that though she wished that she could go to Hogwarts, she knew that there was no Hogwarts, and so it was just pretend (emphasis on “pretend”). It’s the same with my friends and I dueling with sticks. But even if we were drawing pentacles or summoning spirits from the Great Abyss, it still doesn’t change the fact that witchcraft isn’t real.

    OK, I’m not the most devout of Catholics, so maybe I’m missing something here. Am I missing something here?


    I used to stare at objects and will them to move, wishing that witchcraft/magic was real.


    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2009

    I did that all the time.
    And it never worked.

    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2009

    So did I. =(


    Yay, I feel less alone in my pathetic failure witchness.



    Does this mean Roald Dahl is a member of the occult, too? For shame! Break out the torches, pitchforks, and stakes!

    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2009

    No, because Matilda uses psychicness rather than witchcraft. There’s a subtle difference.


    @ SMARTALIENQT: Huh? Who is that? Are you being sarcastic? because it flew over my head…lol

    @Moldorm: I was never allowed to watch Matilda, but I liked her just because of her awesome skillz.


    Oh, I wikipedia’d Roald Dahl. So he created Matilda. But I still don’t get your comment…?

    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2009

    She was probably talking about one of his other books. The Witches, for example.


    The Witches and Matilda. Also, George’s Marvelous Medicine, James and the Giant Peach, The Magic Finger, The BFG... yeah, most of his kid’s stories involve magic.


    Hmm, I never knew about those as a child. Darnit.


    Go read. NOW.

    Dahl is one of those… well his books have what I call “old magic”. The kind that sparks something within and – if only for a moment – make you see everything different.


    Yes, I agree with you Nate. Dahl’s magic was amazing and very eye opening for me when I was small. Still is today. ;)


    My second-grade teacher read The Twits to us, and my third-grade teacher taught us how to spell “does”, because a “dose” is what George would give his grandma.

    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2009 edited

    I used to stare at objects and will them to move

    I did that until a play of Alan Ayckbourn’s scared me peeless.


    I have almost all of Dahl’s books. Even Boy (but not Flying Solo).


    I used to love Roald Dahl! Matilda, The Witches, The Twits, Fantastic Mr. Fox…oh, the memories. Naphtali, you have been seriously deprived.


    Lol, no the witchcraft you read about isn’t real, but the occult’s around.

    I love Roald Dahl. The Twits, Boy, Charlie, and Danny the Champion of the World were my faves.

    EDIT: And, Nate, that last article was very interesting.