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    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2009 edited

    Hey, check this out. Apparently there are people publishing short fiction on Twitter, and will apparently pay a dollar or two for tweet-length horror stories (140 characters or less, I think). My personal favorites:

    “20,000 volts – a gift from the Gods. The cops wouldn’t break up the neighbor’s pool party. I had to be up early for work. Lucky Strike.”


    “It took days for Bo to learn shaving with an old straightedge razor, his excuse for keeping it with him. He washed it after each hitchhiker.”

    Seems to be an interesting medium. It doesn’t leave much room for a story; just a setup and a punchline. But the fact that the magazine pays money for these things I find absolutely hilarious. I may even try submitting a couple just for kicks and giggles.


    People pay for those? How are they published? On fortune cookie paper?


    Lol that is sweet!

    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2009

    Perhaps I should have made myself clearer; you can view their stories for free on their website or if you subscribe to their Twitter feed. They’re published online (on twitter, as it were). But the magazine does pay money for the things they publish. $1 is their opening pay rate per tweet.

    I’m not sure how exactly they make a profit. I assume advertisements, coupled with incredibly low operating costs.