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    • CommentTimeSep 6th 2009

    In teh Olden Dayez, they were used more often. Also, poetry.

    • CommentTimeSep 6th 2009

    cerulean 1667, from L. cæruleus “blue, dark blue, blue-green,” probably from cælulum dim. of cælum “heaven, sky,” of uncertain origin (see celestial). The L. word was applied by Roman authors to the sky, the Mediterranean, and occasionally to leaves or fields.

    viridian 1880–85, from L. viridis “green” (cf. Sp., It. verde), related to virere “be green,” of unknown origin.

    So basically, it’s because the English like to “borrow” words from other languages. That’s still no excuse for purple prose, though.


    Aw, come on. Without those words, what would they have named the towns in Pokemon?


    Does anyone know what they were named in Japanese? I know that the professors had different names. If I recall correctly, they don’t have the “tree names.”

    • CommentTimeSep 7th 2009

    That’s a thing that I was thinking, but wasn’t going to say.

    • CommentTimeSep 10th 2009 edited

    I found this on U.S.S. Sue Destroyer.


    Phangirl? Phangirl? Wow. Sad.




    A phangirl is a fangirl who likes the Phantom of the Opera.


    A group of Phantom of the Opera enthusiasts could be called a phannie pack.

    Ba-dum-bum! hits cymbal


    A group of Phantom of the Opera enthusiasts could be called a phannie pack.

    I know I shouldn’t laugh, since I’m a Raoul fangirl, but… phannie pack… teehee.