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    • CommentTimeJul 15th 2009 edited

    You can find the trailer at: .

    Supposedly these are the same people who wrote Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

    I can’t wait until these guys do dinosaurs.


    What would the source material be, though?

    • CommentTimeJul 15th 2009


    I meant for the one with dinosaurs.

    • CommentTimeJul 15th 2009

    I dunno. I was leaning towards something by Shakespeare. The Tempest, maybe? It’s set on an island, just like lots of dinosaur movies.


    Yeah, but The Tempest and Dinosaurs just doesn’t have a very good ring to it.

    • CommentTimeJul 15th 2009

    Hurray! I can’t wait to read PPZ.

    As for dinosaurs… maybe Much Ado About Dinosaurs? Or, Troillus and Cresida and Dinosaurs.

    The possibilities are endless :-)


    To keep the Jane Austen theme going, how about Emma and the Dinosaurs?


    Nah, that sounds like a band name. I second Troilus and Cressida and Dinosaurs, although Much Ado About Dinosaurs was pretty funny.

    • CommentTimeJul 16th 2009
    Personally, I like Romeo and Juliet and Sasquatch.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have a winner!

    (just change “Sasquatch” to “Ninjas”)


    Lol, I wasn’t a fan of S&S, so sea monsters should definitely improve it.


    I liked Sense and Sensibility! Admittedly, I’ve only ever watched the movie…


    Personally, I like Romeo and Juliet and Sasquatch.

    (just change “Sasquatch” to “Ninjas”)

    Romeo and Juliet and Ninjas:

    Romeo and Juliet are from two respected ninja assassin households that hate each other. Romeo, their best and most dedicated student, is losing his skill from moping about after Rosaline, so his cousin Benvolio and his friend Mercutio take him to the Capulet’s party to practice assassinating people. However, while about to kill Juliet, he falls madly in love with her. Using his ninja skillz, he sneaks into the Capulet’s garden and is about to go into her room… when she starts talking. And it all goes downhill from there…


    I think it’d be better than the movie. And the fights with Mercutio and Tybalt, and then Romeo and Paris can have MAD NINJA SKILLZ!!!


    The musical is coming to Paris! Yay!


    And the fights with Mercutio and Tybalt, and then Romeo and Paris can have MAD NINJA SKILLZ!!!


    Imagine the opening scene, with the enormous riot… and the Prince is this wise old sensei guy… YES!