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    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009

    Fo’ shizzle, blood.
    Pretty good, but not enough profanity or misogeny. Except you’re female, so it would be radical feminism or something.


    Yo, I’m OC Craig
    And I’m here today
    To say All Guys Stink
    Like in mud they wade
    Cause I’m radical
    In reverse mi-so-gen-y
    And I’m female
    Oops can’t tell you that cause then I won’t sell as much
    And I’ll tell you
    That no-one’s as great as me!

    There you are. Egocentricity added in for more verisimilitude. But I won’t swear.

    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009

    Bravo, bravo, bravissimo…


    Christine, Christine…

    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009

    Where in the world have you been hiding? Really, you were perfect. I only wish I knew your teacher. Who is this new tutor?

    From memory, so may not be exact.


    Where in the world have you been hiding? Really, you were perfect. I only wish I knew your teacher. Who is this new tutor?

    three things:

    1. Love that movie. Just watched it again today.
    2. it’s “I only wish I knew your secret. Who is your great tutor?”
    3. The image of a seventeen-year-old guy singing this in Meg Giry’s voice is just too funny…

    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009

    As funny as the image of a sixteen-year-old girl rapping in a stereotypical rapper’s voice? I think not.


    I disagree with you.

    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009

    Well, of course you would. You enjoy being difficult.


    hold on a sec; I’ve got something to show you but it’s taking a while.


    here we go. I spent the last ten or so minutes doing this on paint.

    Guess who?

    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009

    Well done. I envy your mad Paint skillz.
    ...I should probably point out that I don’t actually look like that. You know, just in case it wasn’t already obvious.


    Wait, WHAT? I thought you always wore that style of clothing. And that isn’t me, either.

    Buh? I came in at a.....weird time. *slowly backs away*

    Lol. I take it you think I have no future in writing rap.

    No. You're future is fine.....just seeing....yeah. Freaky good paint job. Nightmare Fuel!

    And I will never be able to look at Nicholas Hoult again without snickering....

    grammar nazi will h8r u if you don’t fix up that you’re

    You know who that is?

    Sozzy. That is seriously the first time in months I have made that mistake. *fixes you're to your*
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009

    So, who are those faces?


    I have no idea. I just went google imaging and chose the first people who came up.

    you and me, duh.

    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009

    Oh, of course. How silly of me, not recognising myself like that.

    I *think* the guy is Nicholas Hoult. (The only reason I know this is that, as an avid Artemis Fowl fan, originally Eoin Colfer wanted Nicholas to play Artemis. But production stalled and the kid oldified.)

    The girl is........Steph. Yeah.

    But yeah, they're Steph and Moldorm totally.
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009
    So, pen names.

    As a person who has the unfortunate distinction of having an obviously created name as their first name, a nom de plume is something I'll be employing. I'm sick and tired of getting comments like "You've got such a neat pen name!" whenever I submit writing under my given name. -_-

    So I'm considering a couple of pen names for the different genres I write in. Fantasy and sci-fi I'm thinking of using Lexis K. Lavernne. Lexis means law, Laverne was the Roman goddess of petty thieves (I adore irony), and the K is a reference to my online writing pseudonym.

    What do you all think?
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009

    Whats your name Kyllorac? Or your first name..

    Otherwise, cool pen name.

    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009
    Not telling. >.> You can literally track me down with it with a simple Google search.
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009

    Well, I show up on Google too if you knew my whole name, but you couldn’t find me. That’s scary I suppose.

    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009
    Yeah, well, with just my first name, you'd find out my last name and which village I live in. Way too close for comfort.
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009

    Yes, I agree.

    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009
    Anyway, even though I like my last name (Pickell), everyone mispronounces it as the food item. So it's obviously created first name + food item = a snarky pen name which isn't a pen name.
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009 edited

    Hahaha. So is it pronoucned Pick- éll ?

    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009 edited
    Yup. :D

    I suppose it doesn't help that I write primarily parodic/ironic stuff... XD
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009

    I have an awfully common name. For a few months, I remember that when you googled my name, you got a stripper.

    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009

    He was okay on SNL..

    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009

    *hides in shame*
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009 edited

    For a few months, I remember that when you googled my name, you got a stripper.

    Haha. XD

    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009

    At one point, his name was bandied around as a possible casting choice for Light in the planned American-made Death Note film. I will never forget this, nor forgive the executive who thought it might be a good idea.

    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009

    I remember being extreeemely startled by Zac Efron popping up in Firefly, of all places, and then laughing at the ridiculously-obviously-dubbed voice.

    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009

    Where was that?


    At one point, his name was bandied around as a possible casting choice for Light in the planned American-made Death Note film. I will never forget this, nor forgive the executive who thought it might be a good idea.

    To be fair, in the pictures I’ve seen he does look quite a bit like Light, and if his detractors have the right of it, he is certainly evil enough for the part.

    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009 edited

    Where was that?

    In the episode “Safe”, the one with the Big Damn Heroes line. He played a young!Simon.

    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009

    But it would bring the project to the attention of his fangirls! And that might be bad, maybe!


    But it would bring the project to the attention of his fangirls! And that might be bad, maybe!

    Good point. Light doesn’t need anymore fangirls.

    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009

    In the episode “Safe”, the one with the Big Damn Heroes line. He played a young!Simon.

    Omg!!! [goes back and watches that episode, then spends the weekend watching the rest]

    You’re right!


    This is way late, but whatever. The guy body was some black rapper (with rather light skin) and the girl body was Meg Giry. The guy head was a haircut model, and the girl head was some BBC picture.


    It does sound just a little too impossibly dashing, like “Perdita X. Dream”, although it does roll off the tongue nicely.


    That can be a problem.

    • CommentAuthorUn-Dante'd
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2009

    I think I would use a pen name- Tyler Kinghorn makes me sound like a Scottish cowboy/tile layer/roofer, and Un-Dante’d goes against rule #36 in the Fantasy Novelist’s Exam.


    Yeah, Kinghorn has to go, especially if you write fantasy. :P

    I don’t have anything against ‘Tyler’ though.

    • CommentAuthorUn-Dante'd
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2009

    I was thinking Reginald Baxter, and have a mock-history of being like that man from the Dos Equis commercial.


    Lol. Do the whole Lemony Snicket thing.


    Maybe I’ll use an azn one so people don’t think I’m just some white guy ripping off another culture wholesale. I am that, but I don’t want people to know.






    • CommentAuthorUn-Dante'd
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2009

    Azn= Asian.
    The Lemony Snicket seems like a good idea, what with the whole dedication and all.
    I think, though, that with interracial breeding names take a second to how well one executes the facts of a culture in the story. Take a look at Brent Weeks- he’s a white boy, but his use of Japanese weapons and the martial arts is quite accurate. For example- a tanto for a stealth kill, wakizashi for close-quarters, crossbows… He researches well.


    To Beatrice: Darling, Dearest, Dead.

    • CommentAuthorUn-Dante'd
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2009

    Si, senorita.


    To Beatrice: Darling, Dearest, Dead.

    “For Beatrice-I cherished, you perished, The world’s been nightmarished.”

    On topic: I do want a more Asian sounding pen name. I mean, in this case, I am Asian, so it’s different.

    • CommentAuthorUn-Dante'd
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2009

    @ hmyd.windmere
    So if you’re John Smith, you’d rather have a more cultural name like Jon Wu?


    I suppose. But it’s kind of because my surname is very mainstream and isn’t usually associated with the right country. And nearly no one outside of my family knows my extremely “exotic” third name.

    ...Is my name Mary Sue-ish? It just occurred to me that my full name could very well be considered so.

    • CommentAuthorUn-Dante'd
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2009

    Back at you, hmyd.windmere
    So you’d rather have an Asian name that’s not very common? Like the Reginald Furlong among south Detroit’s denizens?


    Hua Yei Jong…quil…


    Hua Yei Jong…quil…

    I thought that was a reference to something, so I Googled it, but there were no satisfactory results.


    A jonquil is a kind of flower, but if that was the pun’s whole meaning, it was pretty lame.


    Wow, I’m lame. Thanks.


    Was the jongquil thing intentional?




    If I could’ve understood it, I would have thought it was mildly perplexing, then amusing.

    But I’m not fluent in Chinese.


    I don’t know a scrap of it.

    • CommentTimeAug 16th 2009

    I’m conversationally fluent in Mandarin.

    Can’t read or write for my life, though.



    Another random pen-name that’s in my head…

    Cody Langworth?



    I’ll tell you what I reckon:

    Hannah Montana David. My David. lol.



    I cannot speak.



    And that is why you need to be very careful with letter combinations.


    In the case that it wasn’t as obvious to you as it was to me, I was trying to emulate her.


    Emulate who? Hannah Montana? How?


    I cannot reference things well.

    I would like to say, though, that I could srsly imagine her saying that.


    Oh, I thought you were talking about the moustache thing. Totally missed the ‘ya think’.





    Ah. That has happened to me.

    Guests reading this thread, I pity you. Make an account. Plz.

    I promise ( erm ) that it will be simple and easy. You don’t even need to post!


    tru, dat.

    It’s a bit annoying because the lurkers are most often the people who have the best stuff to say.


    It’s a bit annoying because the lurkers are most often the people who have the best stuff to say.

    Indeed. If it isn’t the best stuff, then it’s some interesting stuff.

    We need moar posters. I’ll let you in on a secret image: picture me at my laptop clicking F5 (refresh) over and over, switching tabs, and then returning to refresh.

    Very true.

    A pen name might be good for me. My first name isn’t very authorish, and it’s quite common now.

    • CommentAuthorDeborah
    • CommentTimeOct 26th 2010
    I quite like my full name, which I won't mention on here for security reasons. So I probably wouldn't use a pen name, unless it was for a different genre, like my poetry or something.
    • CommentTimeOct 31st 2010

    man, my full name is a dog’s dong. Not like getting published is gonna happen though.


    What does ‘Pottle’ mean, anyway?

    • CommentTimeNov 2nd 2010

    If I ever did get published, I’d definitely keep my last name. Why? Because it starts with an N, which means I’d be right in my favorite part of the library—for some reason, all my favorite authors are between J and P! (except for Tolkien and a few others) There’s Jacques, Levine, Lewis, Pratchett, Korman, McKinley… As a kid, that was how I found all my favorite authors, because I was always over in the J-K-L corner of the middle school library, and I always dreamed that someday, when I was a Famous Author TM, my books would be there too, and some day there’d be some kid poking around in that same corner and would find my books there!

    • CommentAuthorNo One
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2010

    My name is one of its kind, so if you type my full name in Google, you’ll come up with a kid’s drawing for a famous author, some websites for fund-raising and bits and pieces.

    I would most definitely use my pen-name. I’d keep my last name and use my assumed pen-name I use around my school if I ever get published. Which will be quite a while.

    Don’t you just hate it when your name is mispronounced?

    I even mispronounce it myself. shame

    That’s why I tend to use either the English version of my name or my pen-name.

    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2010

    If I’m ever published, I’d think I’d use a pen name. Mostly because I’m paranoid about stalkers >.< I’d pick something plausible and generic like Mary Smith (but not that generic, because that’s too obvious). I’d also probably invent a sort of true, but very vague biography to put in the author blurb so that even people who know me couldn’t figure out that I was the author.


    I’d also probably invent a sort of true, but very vague biography to put in the author blurb so that even people who know me couldn’t figure out that I was the author.

    Heh. I’ve thought that if I use a pen name (I’m still undecided about whether I would or not), I might make up a biography thing.

    I too am paranoid (and I’ve seen/read Misery). Plus, if I totally fail, it would be nice to be able to distance myself from the name.

    However, really the only reason I would want to use my real name is because I think it would be cool to see it on the cover of a book. That’s the only reason. I don’t think I’d like actual fame and attention. I just would like to look at my name on the cover.

    • CommentTimeMar 21st 2011

    Sorry for resurrecting this thread, but I finally thought of a pen name I like, which is important because, though I like my name, it’s not a very good author name.

    Anyway, what do you think about Althea Wolf? (Which has the benefit of honoring both sets of late grandparents, but not directly in case they wouldn’t like what I write.)

    • CommentAuthorDeborah
    • CommentTimeMar 22nd 2011

    That sounds cool.
    I want to use my real name, and since I don’t write anything that my family would be embarrassed to read, I think it would be safe.
    I’ve done the same thing with character naming. . . I gave the last name McKinney to a family in one story, in honor of a family member. Its not the same, but its sort of related.