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    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009 edited

    Hello! I am doing a persuasive speech on the subject of Twilight, and I would like to use this site (and it’s authors) as Sources for it. Asking for permission first, so anyone who doesn’t want me to use them, please speak up*!

    Thanks! :D

    • If you do not speak up, I will assume you do not want me to use what you have written in my project.
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009

    You can cite me!

    ...unfortunately I haven’t written anything for the site. Oh well. What’s your speech about? Persuading people that Twilight sucks?


    I haven’t written anything either, but I’d be interested in reading said speech… :D

    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009

    I think we’re all behind you. Also, I’d love to see a copy of the speech, or even a video of you giving it (or the reaction of the audience).


    I’ll post the powerpoint online if I can figure out how, but I’m mostly going to wing it. Which will probably be bad. Very Bad.


    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009

    As long as you don’t sully our name. >:P


    Wow, sounds cool! Please post some form of it!

    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009

    Awesome, OLD. You’re better than me, asking for permission and stuff. I did one about Twilight back in March, and blatantly stole stuff from the site [citing the info, of course]. I’d love to see the powerpoint and the stuff you bring up.


    I won’t be able to type what I say, as I ramble about and stream of concioussness and all that, but I’ll try and post the notes.

    Now, leave me alone, I need to actually do it now :D

    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009

    Was it for a grade? What did you get (if it was for one), and what was the audience’s reaction?

    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009 edited

    I got an A on it, but I was getting death glares from many of the members of the audience. Oh, and no one clapped for mine, but they clapped for every other speech. People were just stunned.

    Lemme find the speech, since I’m sure I have it somewhere.

    Here it is! This is a rough draft still, without the concluding paragraph, and it’s still missing some other stuff I had included. But this is the latest version I can find that was hidden on my e-mail. The final product was lost with my old computer last week. sheds a single tear

    Sorry for the hijacking of your post, OLD.

    • CommentAuthorCometstorm
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009 edited

    Stunned is a good thing.

    It means you’re stunning!


    Haha, I liked the RD.

    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009 edited

    In my searching, I found this. Most likely more to come.

    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009 edited

    My eyes! Too….Much…..Sparkle…


    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009

    You going to blow that up and use it for visual aid?

    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009 edited


    Even Moar.


    Nice speech, Dia! I would have applauded.


    @ OLD:

    In other headlines, you can use anything you want that I’ve posted in the forums.


    Even Moar.

    Awesome, OLD! Where’d you get that from?

    If you find anything of mine worth noting, feel free to use it. Just cite. Citing is fun! (Not)

    • CommentAuthorAdam
    • CommentTimeJun 26th 2009

    Diamonte…nice going. That’s a ballsy thing to do.

    Dan, what kind of persuasive speech is it? Is a “persuasive speech” the only constraint? (I hate that…)


    Yup. 12-15 min long. I chose Why you shouldn’t read Twilight. Will hopefully be fun :D

    • CommentTimeJun 26th 2009

    Nice! Mine was only 7 minutes long.


    So, anyone know how I can get ahold of Kitty? I want to use one of her pictures, but I need her permission first.

    • CommentTimeJun 26th 2009

    She’s probably hiding in the ceiling right now.

    • CommentTimeJun 26th 2009

    Ceiling Kitteh is in your ceiling, repairing your electricals.

    • CommentTimeJun 26th 2009

    Or screwing them up. :P


    I’m doing the speech tomorrow. Wish me luck :/


    Bonne chance OLD!
