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    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2016

    The Maradonia movie, starring Gloria Tesch, is now out and has been posted in full on YouTube.

    Naturally, I’ll begin working on a detailed sporking for this hour and 48 minutes of madness.

    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2016

    OMG, really? What happened to their Hollywood deals?


    Sketch uploader. :P

    • CommentTimeOct 10th 2016 edited

    But to fulfill this command a lot of blood was spilled across the Earth.

    Right, already drunk without having actually consumed any alcohol.

    Child with doll: “Where are you.” “I love you Mommy. Get up, get up. I love you.”

    Right, I cannot do this tonight. First thing in the morning, of course.

    Oh no, I watched a few minutes more, saw Joey eat an apple, and now I cannot restrain myself. I shall regret this, probably.

    Right, it’s over. Very much worth every moment. It is so delightfully incompetently done. And Joey is such a delightful dumb shit that it’s hilarious.

    • CommentTimeOct 11th 2016

    All my dreams have come true.


    Video has been removed by user. Ha.

    • CommentTimeOct 22nd 2016