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    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeJun 4th 2012 edited
    This is meant to serve as general progress calendar for those of us with works in progress, but who may or may not be keen on uploading chunks of it for online criticism. It's a simple process. Just post the title of your WIP, the date you began your WIP, and your current word count, like so:

    *Title*: (goes here)
    *Started*: (goes here)
    *Word Count*: (goes here)

    • CommentTimeJun 5th 2012

    Oh hey, I haven’t pasted into Word to get a word count for a while, this might be the little bump in motivation I need.


    This should probably be moved to general or writing category since critique wanted is for things you want feedback on.

    Title: untitled scifi/fantasy thing
    Start Date: 2009
    Word Count: 42,308

    Title: senior thesis
    Start Date: 2012 (with parts coming from a different 2011 project)
    Word Count: 6,018

    • CommentAuthorRocky
    • CommentTimeJun 5th 2012 edited
    bq. This should probably be moved to general or writing category since critique wanted is for things you want feedback on.

    Wow. I don't really know how I missed the Writing category.

    No, wait, yes I do. *is stupid*
    • CommentTimeJun 5th 2012

    No harm done, I’ve moved it to “Writing.”

    I’ll be updating (as in spamming) this discussion the next few days as I work on my CampNaNo novel.


    Title: Approaching Autumn
    Started: June 1, 2012
    Word Count: 9,466


    As if Camp NaNo wasn’t enough of a kick in the ass to get me writing regularly again and finish my latest! Now I’ll be motivated to keep going.

    Title: Broken Fangs
    Started: Dec. 1 2011
    Word Count: 35,316 (seriously bolstered by Camp)

    • CommentTimeJun 5th 2012

    Placeholder Title: Kudzu
    Started: 21 August, 2011
    Word Count: 32,900

    I abandoned this project when spring term started because I had too much on my plate school-wise, and I’m just starting to get back into it. Praying for at least another 30k before summer ends.


    Title: Untitled
    Started: Sometime February 2011
    Word Count: 130,015