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    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeMar 16th 2011

    Our good friend Rorschach, of Maradonia Sporkings fame, has informed me that Gloria Tesch is now going after people on YouTube who post videos criticizing her with copyright claims. Read more about it here This is unacceptable. Rorschach is working on a post that will expose her marketing tactics, and critique her book trailers.

    When this post is released, I’ll post instructions for how to post links to it, so that we get a higher search result ranking. The ultimate goal of this operation is to get ImpishIdea ranked higher than the official Maradonia website on a Google search for “Maradonia”. It should be jolly good fun.


    Inspektor reporting for duty, sir!

    This sounds like a wonderful plan.

    FLY, MY PRETTIES! FLYYYYYYY [I'm all over this idea <3]
    • CommentTimeMar 16th 2011


    Most excellent! It’s ridiculous for her to do this, but even more ridiculous because reviews and parodies are protected under the Fair Use part of US copyright law, and you are allowed to use portions (even substantial ones) from the original work in these reviews and parodies.

    Did anyone manage to snag a copy of the video before she made it private? If not, what an incredible loss to the world and culture in general… :’(

    • CommentTimeMar 16th 2011 edited

    I thought critiques of Maradonia were already ranked higher in Google searches? Oh, apparently not. That’s new. At any rate, I fully support this noble vision.

    • CommentTimeMar 16th 2011

    Did anyone manage to snag a copy of the video before she made it private? If not, what an incredible loss to the world and culture in general…

    Yes. :)

    • CommentTimeMar 16th 2011

    This is awesome.


    Where is the video?


    Which video did she make private? the movie trailer?

    • CommentTimeMar 17th 2011

    Yeah. Unfortunately.

    I wonder, if I could somehow get her to accept a friend request, would I be able to see it again? If I convinced her I was genuine, anyway?

    Nah, that’d be too mean.


    I can’t see the LJ entry link thingamajig. :(

    Also, Gloria’s website has gotten considerably cooler, in my opinion. The home page has anyway.

    • CommentTimeMar 17th 2011 edited

    I took a look around and tried to sign up for her newsletter thing (under a presumed name, of course), but unfortunately the link was broken—I’m guessing it was supposed to automatically send an e-mail to her e-mail (which appears to be

    if anyone is particularly interested) but it was set up incorrectly. So unfortunately we won’t get to enjoy the brilliance of this supposed newsletter, if it even exists.

    Here’s a nice sample image of the December 2010 newsletter, however: (uploaded to my Imageshack album so we can still see it even if she takes it down!)

    A particularly choice bit, with my comments in bold:

    While I was signing books in a mall (ORLY?), I realized there are two groups of people: “Readers” and “Video Gamers!” (And there are ONLY two groups. No exceptions. No overlaps.) The book readers pick up a book a dive into it. (Not if it’s Seven Bridges, they don’t!) On the contrary, I noticed that “Video Gamers” hold a book, look at the cover and hand it back as if it would be an alien object. The slogan for them is still: Today a Reader, tomorrow a Leader.

    Wasn’t Hoppy the one who said that originally? Or am I confusing it with one of the many other choice words of advice in the book?

    I have to admit, the cover for Maradonia and the Law of Blood doesn’t look half-bad. But the comments about “several talented actors and actresses” they’ve met (and how “the movie will be finished at the end of April 2011”) is just lolworthy.

    EDIT: And now I’m reading through the page on the books, and… I don’t even know what to say. “Maradonia is a Technicolor, vibrant land filled with danger and surprises around every corner.” What does that even mean?! Is Maradonia in full color instead of black and white like the real world? SIGN ME UP!

    EDIT EDIT: “The warrior queen Maya rules the Land of Maradonia with an iron fist”. I knew she was evil!

    • CommentTimeMar 20th 2011

    Just saying, I saw this thread in the morning and I’ve been excited to read the article all day.


    On the contrary, I noticed that “Video Gamers” hold a book, look at the cover and hand it back as if it would be an alien object. The slogan for them is still: Today a Reader, tomorrow a Leader.

    Wow, that’s…really patronizing and insulting. Or it would be if it weren’t Gloria Tesch saying it.

    Or is that ‘especially since it’s Gloria Tesch’...? Hm.

    • CommentAuthorSlyShy
    • CommentTimeMar 23rd 2011 edited

    Okay everyone:

    Put this up on as many websites as you can, but make sure you work into some text too, so it doesn’t look like it is being spammed by Google.

    <a href="">Maradonia</a>


    <a href=“”>Maradonia</a> is a series of really terrible books, against which I harbor a particular dislike, because of the author’s pathetic attempts at marketing the books as original writing.