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    • CommentTimeOct 24th 2010

    Say you have an idea.

    It’s a good idea, something you’re interested in that has potential. You have the setting and plot down decently enough, and maybe some characters thought out. Maybe you have a couple of intriguing characters, each who could easily carry a story through.

    So how do you go about choosing the protagonist/viewpoint character? (Yes, they’re not mutually inclusive, but this applies to both).

    (Sorry if the second person annoys anyone. :/)

    • CommentTimeOct 24th 2010

    That depends a lot on how you want to tell the story. Most of the time the primary protagonist is the viewpoint character, because that’s right in the thick of things and is much more exciting. However, taking a side-neutral character’s perspective can be interesting. That’s the squire (Pagan’s Crusade, etc.), the unrelated third party (Imagine Harry Potter told exclusively from Neville Longbottom’s POV) or even the Wise Mentor’s perspective (Imagine The Hobbit told from Gandalf’s POV).

    Really, choosing the protagonist and viewpoint character is dependant on the story and plot. Whose POV will be more intriguing or enjoyable to read? Whose ‘voice’ will readers attach to best? And more importantly, which protagonist will move the story along best? It’s very much a different process for each individual story, depending on plot, setting, available characters to choose from, the writer’s mood and even cultural norms/ expectations of the reading public.


    Everything Taku my lord and saviour said.

    Also, when considering a first person narrator, you need to make sure that they actually have a good narrative voice. Some characters are interesting to read about, but it’d be as annoying as hell to be inside their head.